#and norse culture really cared about beards so like. yeah
sn0wbat · 1 year
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some lore for my vampire thing. vampire hair is strange indeed
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peachy-rambles · 3 years
Right. So, bear Techno.
Listen...Techno is fucking massive, there is no other way to put it. Standing at almost 9 ft tall, he's broad shouldered, heavily muscled and fat. With long braided hair and a thick beard, he truly looks like a terrifying viking warrior of ages past. (Especially since, he actually was one and spent a good portion of his life among norse people and their culture. It's part of the reason why in the present day, he has such a strong affinity for snow biomes. It reminds him of the one place that ever felt somewhat like home to him.)
His body is similar to that of a weight lifter's/strongman's since when he trains, it's for strength and endurance. At first glance, yes he is fat, but there is definitely lots of hidden muscle and strength hiding underneath it. And boy is he strong, able to lift up and carry around one of his polar bears if they won't move where he needs them to, or he could even carry the entire Syndicate on his shoulders if they need to make a quick escape or take on several average sized people in a fight and not be fazed. He's just an enormous powerhouse and he knows it, is proud of his strength and body.
Despite him being a big powerhouse, Techno is fully aware of how strong he is and knows how to control it, can be incredibly gentle when he's not fighting or is just hanging out. It's particularly noticeable when he's around children or animals, often holding himself back and doing his best to handle them carefully so he won't hurt them. (When he was much younger, Techno absolutely did not know how to control his strength and it took a lot of trial and error, and lots of broken tools and weapons)
Techno also has a bunch of body hair, it doesn't just end at his beard, and has hair covering his chest, stomach, legs, arms and even part of the back of his hands. When he was younger, he did make an effort to shave his beard at least, but now he's just embraced it and let it grow out (and it might also have something to do with any razors or things he could shave with mysteriously disappearing...it's always when Phil is around, too).
Has Techno ever felt self-conscious of his body? Nah, not really. He's literally never cared what other people think about his appearance since he knows they're just going to judge him anyway for being a hybrid (which, he isn't even that, but he'll just let people assume since it's easier than explaining "No, actually, I'm an ancient god that got exiled by my brethren and am now stuck in my more humanoid form, which just looks like a hybrid"). Plus, he knows that while he isn't the healthiest person with his messed up sleep schedules and many other issues, it has nothing to do with his weight. It also certainly helps that literally no one would make fun of him for being fat or too hairy, simply because he's so terrifying and people prefer to avoid him in general.
He is fully aware that people wouldn't find him attractive, because he's so terrifying and monstrous looking. What he doesn't know is that there are many people who find him attractive, they're just too scared to approach him, and the one person who has flirted with him in the past (Phil), unfortunately Techno didn't understand flirting back then and didn't know he was being flirted with (Phil got shot down hard RIP).
He doesn't even know what a bear is or that he is one.
So when his occasional acquaintance/friend, Skeppy, starts casually calling him a bear, Techno thinks he's just comparing him to the animal and it's like a nickname or something.
This changes when he meets Quackity, who calls him a bear once and Techno's like, "Skeppy calls me that all the time."
"Techno do you ever know what it means?"
"Yeah, the animal. What else would it mean??"
Quackity explains and Techno's like. Oh. Some things make a lot more sense now.
But just to make sure Quackity isn't messing with him or lying, Techno approaches Phil about it.
"Phil, what's a bear?" he asks and he expects Phil to give him a straight answer.
He definitely doesn't expect Phil to say, "Something I'm very attracted to."
"...You find me attractive?"
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