#and neungdiao himself being more lonely than arrogant
dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Palm is not to be underestimated
This might be a common understanding but I haven't been able to stop thinking about how Palm is being shown as shy, tentative, a fish out of water (pun intended)...and yet there have been quite a few hints as to something deeper to his character.
At the end of ep 1, Neungdiao challenges Palm on the rooftop, getting him to admit he's been sent there to protect Neungdiao and then asking if he's capable of the task:
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Palm may have looked unsure when he answered, "It's my job, I'll find a way to do it well," but my guess is that Palm is more than well-equipped for the role. In fact, despite his appearances as a 'humble fisherman', I think he's been well trained and prepared for this kind of role - whether that's specifically for Neungdiao or just in general - and if his fear and submission in the face or mere mention of his father is anything to go by, I think the training may have been dealt with a hard hand either from/by his father or by others close to him.
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First, Palm knows his way around a gun (and we'll see him able to shoot exceptionally well in ep 3):
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He also has very good fighting and defence training, and has the mindset to expect the unexpected in all environments:
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His instinct in the car is to protect his charge and look towards the danger, just as his father does in the front seat, instead of cower and protect himself as might be natural for someone if they were 'just' a fisherman:
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And his automatic body language in front of his actual boss, Tanya, is exactly like his father - a kind of formal stance.
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Which is very different to when it's just them:
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So far, Palm doesn't adopt this position around Neungdiao when away from his father and Tanya even though Palm says Neungdiao is his boss...but I would watch out for it in the future as a possible indicator of a change in their relationship. Maybe he genuinely wants to be Neungdiao's friend and this is his only way of showing it...or maybe he doesn't think it's necessary to do it in front of Neungdiao because he's really there under Tanya (and his father's) authority...or perhaps it's something else entirely (I hope not to lull Neungdiao into a false sense of security before double crossing him if Palm's father did have anything to do with Pipop's death and Palm is under the influence of his father...)
Anyway, all this, in a way, is to say that Palm must have also learnt how to identify untrustworthy or suspicious people as part of his training...and so I'm absolutely going to side with him in his wariness of Ben (whether this is born out of jealousy because he like-likes Neungdiao or just from his duties to protect him).
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I've already mentioned how I've started to not trust Ben - the show tried to press the message a few too many times that he's a good guy - and I think it's very interesting that Ben was looking on when the guys on the motorcycle stopped in front of Neungdiao's car. Perhaps there to witness something he helped set in motion? @absolutebl expressed that they're "not entirely sure about Chimon’s casting in this role" and I'd like to posit that maybe 'Ben' is acting this way for a reason and we'll see this role change as the truth comes to light, therefore meaning the casting of Chimon here will feel better (I hope I'm not wrong!).
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Anyway, back to Palm and I think his character is fascinating. He's obviously highly trained and yet his demeanour is shy and humble - is it an act and if so to what end?
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