#and my declining interest largely due to fandom bs
toxicrecs · 2 months
I'm on a break from reading and writing (aside from my boyd-a-thon event! Keep'em coming) but don't want that to keep me from sharing fics you may like. I used to tag anything I hadn't read "tbr" , but I don't want to give false expectations. I'm a slow reader and picky - easily deterred by length, amount of plot, tags that aren't rly my thing (ex: structured explicitly negotiated kinks with rules), or things on the heavier / more serious side. I don't read many pedro fics these days unless something specific hooks me, like a kink. (ex: object insertion, dvp). Also, I appreciate the sentiment when people think of me when they see dark fics, but I hope people don't feel slighted by me not reading every dark thing. I enjoy writing dark and I like many dark fics, but i'm often more into super horny or "shouldn't be doing this" stuff. There are some things I enjoy writing but not always reading, for example I'm often more comfortable being in control of angst and fluff. Btw I also don't see everything. You're welcome to tag me in whatever - gifs, edits, fics, etc, or just to say hi 🖤. I love that (although it doesn't always get to me due to Tumblr bugs). but plz don't count on me stumbling across something. I follow a shit ton of accts in various fandoms and have unfollowed Pedro tags for my peace. It isn't fun seeing the dash taken over by discourse for like a week at a time. And it's disappointing how many people will not only believe but repeat anything they hear.
You're welcome for the detailed update on my sexual appetite and miscellaneous anxiety. Love you 🖤
p.s. none of this should make you question your boyd-a-thon plans, I promise will gobble up whatever you write and love it.
other text post: Raider fic rec history
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