#and my bitchy vegeta stuff
flannelepicurean · 5 months
Day Flipping Brightened
Okay, I genuinely adore the fact that:
I got to explain something fanfic related to my mom today.
She was legit excited to hear about it.
It's easiest for me to refer to Vegeta as "that guy who can't crack eggs" when I talk to her about DB universe stuff.
My mom's about to read a good excerpt from one of my WIPs, about that guy who can't crack eggs being an absolute BITCH in a slay-ass outfit, that I sent her a picture of, that I drew.
We're probably gonna geek out about all the Art Deco aesthetic research I put into it, because we're fancy.
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sevenstarsinning · 3 years
Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6 - Ch. 7 - Ch. 8 - Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11
Chapter 12
The faint sound of birds chirping pulled you from a heavy sleep, forcing you to shy away from the brightness of the sun and turn directly into a broad chest. Your eyes flitted open, curious when Vegeta had returned home and how exactly you got home, but it wasn't Vegeta and you weren't at home.
"Goku?! Fuck." You sat up instantly, recognizing precisely where you were.
"What's wrong?" He sat up with you, immediately on alert.
"What's wrong?! I'm here, that's what's wrong. Why am I in your bed?!" You started to panic.
"You passed out and Kyla said to make sure you got to bed after I dropped her off." He explained.
"She probably meant my bed, Goku. Not yours." You scrambled out of the bed, in full panic at the fact that you'd spent the night with Goku.
"I didn't think Vegeta would like me showing up in your bedroom with you in my arms. Plus, I-I missed having you here." He admitted.
"Goku, I know this hasn't been easy on you, but you can't just-"
"I slept last night. I don't sleep when you're not here." Goku climbed off the bed and stopped you from putting your shoes on, "I don't want you to go."
"Goku, I'm with Vegeta."
"But he doesn't need you like I do. He doesn't want to spend every second with you."
You let out a soft sigh, feeling even more conflicted by the second.
"Goku, I-" Before you could finish your sentence he cupped your face and kissed you.
You pulled back instantly, staring up at him in disbelief, but you couldn't stop yourself. You threw your arms around him and pressed your lips to his again. He pushed you back against the wall, hands gripping your hips as his tongue slipped between your lips. Everything about him was so soft, so sweet and perfect, it was hard not to get wrapped up in him.
"Stay with me. Please?" He begged softly against your lips between kisses.
"I- I can't." You said, feeling like you were breaking his heart all over again.
He stopped kissing you and pressed his forehead to yours, "I know. I just wanted to ask again."
"This was a bad idea. All of it." You admitted.
"I can take you home now if you want?" He stepped back from you.
"That's also a bad idea. We need more time, Goku. I think at least for a while, we should stay apart." As you said the words they almost tore your heart out completely and you could only guess how it felt for him.
"Okay. If that's what you want." He said, barely audible with his head hung low.
The ride home in the cab was heavy, every ounce of your being telling you to go back, to leap into his arms and never leave, but it wasn't that simple. You took a deep breath before you pushed the front door open, almost running straight into the wall of muscle and anger known as Vegeta.
He squeezed past you with nothing but a glare on his face and headed outside.
"Wait, can we talk? I... I'm sorry about not coming home. I started drinking and I ended up passing out," you explained, hopeful he wouldn't ask where you stayed. At least, that's what you thought you wanted until you realized he didn't care enough to ask.
"I'll be home later, we can talk then if you're even here."
"Can't you skip training so we can figure out whatever is going on between us?" You tried to keep calm and not start crying, but the entire fucked up situation was too much to process.
"I'm not training, that ridiculous Bulma woman is making me clean up the mess I made of the gravity chamber last night," he grumbled.
"Wait, what? You're skipping training to help Bulma?" You asked, brow furrowed at how ridiculous the idea was.
"Only so it'll shut her up," he added. The surly prince crossed his arms and let out a heavy sigh.
You knew there was absolutely no reason you should be jealous, or that you even had a right to be, but you couldn't shake the feeling.
"Can I come with you? We can talk on the way."
"No. You'll only slow me down." He shot you down quickly.
"I really want you to stay so we can talk about this stuff." You pushed, needing him to stay.
"Talking got us nowhere last time. I see no point in continuing the process over and over again."
"What other choice do we have, Vegeta? If we don't figure this out... " you trailed off. Neither of you needed to say what you knew was true. Something had to change or the relationship was going to be over before you ever got to fully enjoy it.
"I'll be home later," he said again.
He left without another word. You stood there, feeling empty and alone. You wanted to force him to stay, to hash things out, but honestly, what else was there to say? Your relationship began with him cheating on Kyla and with you fucking his friend.
"How dire is my situation if I'm considering day drinking?" You asked when Kyla answered her phone. Somehow, you had already adjusted to having her in your life as a friend rather than an enemy. Kyla without Vegeta was a drastically different person. Or perhaps you just never saw her as anything more than Vegeta's bitchy girlfriend.
"Well, that depends. If you're drinking right now, I'd say it's pretty fucking dire. At 5pm? Not so much," she answered without missing a beat.
"Damn. That's what I thought." You sighed.
"Dickhead do something?" She asked.
"Kind of, but not really. I spent the night with Goku and-"
"Hold the fuck up. You spent the night where?" She interrupted.
"He didn't take me home last night. We just slept, but we kissed this morning." You wanted to go back to that moment.
"And now Vegeta doesn't want to talk and he's over at Bulma's helping her with something. All of this makes me want to drink." You sighed.
"Fuck, it makes me want to drink." She said.
"I really don't know what to do anymore. I thought I could ignore the feelings for Goku, but they just keep getting stronger."
"If you want to really figure out how you're feeling and what you want, alcohol isn't the best option." Kyla said.
"When did you become the voice of reason here?" You knew she was right.
"When I started letting Yamcha hit it and found out he really is just empty space." She said with full seriousness.
"Apparently we both need a break from the bullshit."
"We've tried that two nights in a row. Both nights we ended up getting trashed with Goku and I'm pretty sure the three of us would've fucked last night on the baseball field if you two weren't hopelessly in love with each other," she said in one breath.
"We're not hopelessly in love." You argued.
"Oh, do you have evidence that you're not?" She shot back.
"Yes, I'm with Vegeta." You said simply.
"You do know that's not really helping your case, right? You can be with someone but still love someone else."
"Okay, well, we aren't hopelessly in love because Goku doesn't understand the concept." You felt like you were grasping at any defense.
"He may not understand the concept, but he understands what he feels, which is complete devotion to you." Kyla said.
"Goddamn it." You sighed.
"We can do this all day but you haven't given me a vaild reason against it. You also haven't mentioned actually being in love with Vegeta either."
"You're relentless, Kyla, goddamn." Your chest heaved and you let out a long, slow breath.
"Yeah, at some point I actually started to care about this shitstorm. Seeing Goku like this really tugs at those annoying heartstrings."
"What if you're right about me and Vegeta? The whole sexual attraction mistaken for feelings thing." You cringed at the mere thought.
"Then you have a choice to make. Stay with him despite knowing there are no real feelings there, or end things as they are before it gets any more complicated."
Everything she was saying was spot on, but you couldn't sift through the feelings without worrying you were wrong or making a mistake.
After your conversation with Kyla you tried to find something else to focus on. You cleaned the house from top to bottom, showered, cooked lunch, and even organized your bookshelf. By the time you finished you'd actively spent your time avoiding the topic of your love life, but the second you sat down, it all came flooding back.
You frantically searched for something else to keep your mind busy, but you came up empty. After collapsing on the couch, you began flipping through the channels on the tv, settling on one of your favorite movies that you'd seen a million times before but still loved. You focused on the movie and the insane chemistry between the two actors, finding yourself getting drawn in to the sex scene as it unfolded. Your fingers dipped beneath the waistband of your panties as you felt yourself getting more turned on by the second.
You closed your eyes and thought about the last time you had sex, how rough Vegeta was with you, how he bit you. Soft moans escaped your lips as your fingers circled your clit. Images of Vegeta crawling up your body, eyes hungrily gazing up at you. You rolled your hips against your hand, Vegeta faded and Goku replaced him. His sweet smile never failed to leave you weak. The way he could  be rough with you and gentle right after was a balance no else could achieve, at least not in your experience. You were already getting close to coming just from the mental image of Goku on top of you, thrusting into you with the perfect amount of force. It wasn't any special saiyan form, just him. That was all you needed.
You bit your lip to hold back the moan, knowing which name you were close to screaming. It was all so confusing and complex. You focused more on how perfectly Goku fucked you, how quickly he'd learned how to work your body to give you the best orgasms. Your fingers moved faster as you neared your release, short breathy moans escaping your lips along with broken remnants of a name.
"Fuck... Goku..." you whimpered as you finally let go.
"Why did you even bother coming back?" Vegeta asked, ripping you away from the very private moment you were having.
Before your brain could process just how bad your next words were going to sound, you blurted them out. "I don't know."
"Foolish human. You don't know what you want- "
"Fuck off, Vegeta. This isn't one sided and you know it," you snapped.
"Don't assume you know what's going on in my head, woman. I was fine with whatever this is, you've been the one ruining it," he shouted back.
"Whatever this is? It's called a fucking relationship, Vegeta. Or maybe it was just sex for you and I was stupid enough to believe it was something more!"
It hurt to watch your relationship with him deteriorate so quickly, but you didn't cry like you expected. You did start to think it was mostly a physical attraction, but that wasn't something you were ready to admit.
"It is something more, you frustrating woman! I want you around more than anyone else on this pathetic planet," he roared, revealing more of his feelings than you expected.
"Then why weren't you here? Why have I spent the majority of our relationship either alone or with your ex?" You stared back at him, waiting for some explosion of anger.
"You chose to strike up that friendship with Kyla, not me. And you were well aware of how I spent my time but you couldn't be satisfied with that." He said.
You stood up and approached him, "I wasn't satisfied with seeing my boyfriend every now and then and having to beg him to stay home. I need more than that, Vegeta." You hated to admit how much you needed reassurance, affection, but it was the truth.
"I'm not going to be the weak, clingy boyfriend you want. You'd think your new friend would've caught you up on that little detail." He said.
"I don't want clingy, Vegeta, I just want  you to be here, at least half the time." You felt like you were begging for basic attention.
"You're the one who pursued me, you wanted this."
"I didn't fucking want this. And I remember you being the one to kiss me first and then fuck me to prove whatever power, dominance thing to Goku."
He made two easy strides towards you, "don't act like you're innocent in any of this. You were jealous of Kyla from the second we started dating and I was no longer looking in your direction."
"Oh I'm far from fucking innocent, I know that." You had been carrying the guilt with you since day one.
"What do you want, woman? Just tell me what you want." He asked.
"I-I don't know anymore. I thought I wanted this, you, but now it just all seems so fucking... fucked. What about you? What do you want?"
"I'm not answering the question for you. You either want to be with me or you don't. It's that simple." He crossed his arms.
"It's not simple though." You shook your head, everything seeming more complex by the second.
"Then I'll make it simple."
In one swift movement, he had your body pressed against his and kissed you like he never did before. You could feel his need, and it threw you off. For a second, you thought it was an accident. But you knew the mighty prince of all Saiyans, if he let that little trace of emotion through, it was because he wanted you to know.
You kissed him back, feeling the ache in your chest growing. You wanted Vegeta, or at least you wanted to want him. Seeing him vulnerable like this was almost too much to take, especially when all it did was make you even more confused. But you continued to kiss him, hoping things would suddenly become clear, that you'd know the answer instantly.
You pulled yourself away abruptly, "I-I don't know. I- this isn't helping. I just need some time to think."
Vegeta's expression quickly turned from a rare softness back into stoic and brooding.
"When you figure out what the hell it is that you want, let me know." He stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.
His words echoed through the night, circling your mind as you fixated on them. What did you want? Who did you want? It was a simple question, but there were no simple answers.
You tossed and turned, finally giving up on sleep. You resorted to standing in the living room having fake break up conversations with both of them. That only complicated the process of sorting through your feelings and you were left feeling more confused than you were before. Part of you wanted to work it out with Vegeta. He was willing to show a softer side, something you were desperate for.
Meanwhile, Goku was amazing, affectionate, and he wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable in front of you. There was a third option, your last resort if there was no clear decision. You could distance yourself from both of them. The question was, could you handle the pain of not having either of them?
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exsqueeze-me · 4 years
how would the saiyans be w a affectionate s/o who boops their nose, pats their head when they do smth for her, kiss their cheeks a lot, strokes their hair and cute shit like that!!♡
(This.. does put a smile on my face. I live for the soft, affectionate stuff!)
Goku: Your affection confuses him a bit at first, but once he gets used to it, hes constantly pestering you to run your fingers through his hair. He also has a habit of leaning down with a goofy smile on his face when he wants you to kiss his cheek. Hes a big goofball tbh.
Vegeta: He feels belittled by the affections sometimes, but overall enjoys it. He probably complains while you pat his head or something, but the moment you stop before hes ready, hes complaining about you ignoring him. Hes basically a really big cat. Please boop his nose. His face will flush instantly.
Raditz: Once he sees how affectionate you are towards him, he brings the love back 10x stronger. It's almost a challenge to him at this point. If you boop his nose, hes smothering your face in kisses. You kiss his cheek, hes already wrapped his tail around you and is basically worshipping you with words. When you run your fingers through his hair however, he just turns into a big pile of mush.
Bardock: Doesn't really comment on your affection, but he expects it. He will stubbornly follow you around the house until hes received his daily hugs, kisses, and head pats. If you deprive him of these affections for too long, he starts to get bitchy and complains a bunch. It gets to the point where he'll pull you on his lap and refuse to let you go until you love him.
Gine: Just as affectionate as you. She loves when you run your fingers through her hair and vice versa. Nose boots are also an extremely common thing. Her tail always swishes happily when you kiss her on the cheek or forehead. She is a sucker for affection and never fails to return it.
Broly: Very confused. He loves the sentiment, but doesn't understand how tapping his nose is affection. He will always pull you in a big bear hug when he sees you being affectionate to him in any way, shape, or form.
Turles: He turns into a whole bitch when you give him any form of affection. His cheeks tinge red and he fucking goes off. He might not kill you if he likes you enough, but dont do it again unless he initiates.. which, he probably won't, but still.
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crmsndragonwngss · 3 years
Freeza or Cooler?
I’ll do Frieza because I haven’t watched the stuff that Cooler was in, so I don’t know anything about him. He has a really cool design though
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them
This is gonna read different than the other ones I’ve done because I measure villains on a different scale. A good villain should make you hate him, and so my feelings about Frieza are sorta inverted. I hate Frieza. Every time he’s on screen, I literally say, “god, he sucks.” And that’s a GOOD thing!! Frieza is SUCH a good villain because there are literally no redeeming qualities, and I love that about him. He’s so unapologetically evil, so merciless and savage behind this refined veneer, and that’s why I think he’s the best villain in Z period. I love how softly he speaks, how confident he is in himself and his power, and I love how unconcerned he is with the plight of those beneath him. I even like how he devolves into this squalling brat when he doesn’t get his way. He’s just a really good villain lol
Why I don’t
Hmmmmm... like I said, he’s a great character and a great villain, so it’s difficult to hold him against what I like and dislike in a character. All the things I LIKE about Frieza are things that I also DISLIKE about him. But I guess if I had to nitpick, I don’t like that he keeps coming back. I get why, and I enjoyed the Golden Frieza saga, and I’m sure I’ll appreciate his involvement in the Universe Survival saga because I do like Frieza, but I’m not really a fan of villains coming back over and over again
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
The episode where he tortures Vegeta in the Frieza saga. There is so much to love about this episode. We see his cruelty, how truly fucking evil he is, and in that moment, we see exactly why Vegeta is the way that he is. And Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin are fucking horrified. Gohan can’t even watch it, he turns away. He doesn’t like Vegeta at this point, their alliance is one of necessity, but it’s so horrible and violent and cruel that he can’t stand to watch it. It just underscores how BAD Frieza is, and everything seems so hopeless, and only Frieza can make you feel that way
Favorite season/movie
Honestly? The Future Trunks sub saga of the Cell saga, because he gets his comeuppance lmao. But seriously, the latter part of the Frieza saga in Z
Favorite line
Where he’s explaining that he wants to use the dragon balls to wish himself 5cm taller so it looks like he’s still growing in DBS Broly. I laughed so much and I think about it a lot
Favorite outfit
I’ll do form since he doesn’t really wear clothes lol. His final form (not golden)
Also none, though I’m sure he and Cell hung out in Hell lol
Head Canon
I have lots of headcanons about how he abused Vegeta, but I won’t get into the more intense ones. I do like the head canon that he tried to starve the Saiyans out so that he could keep Vegeta too weak to challenge him
Unpopular opinion
That he should stop coming back probably. I love Frieza, but we need to move on lol
A wish
That Vegeta will get to kill him at least once. That’s the only reason I would want him to come back, is so Vegeta can finally get direct revenge
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Don’t really have one
5 words to best describe them
And I mean this in the most endearing way possible, “punk ass bitchy lil motherfucker”
My nickname for them
Freezy pop (because of a certain newgrounds animation lol)
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ibitchytimemachine · 6 years
Real Men Don’t Make Sandwiches
How a well-constructed sandwich brings together two unlucky and unlikely souls: first Vegeta, the prince of a dead race who has bound himself to Earth for honor; the other Krillin, a lowly monk who just can't catch a break. A comedy. Sorta.
Read on Ao3 or on fanfiction.net.
As always, my thoughts below the cut, Spoilers!
Ok so I had just finished my submission for Smutfest, and I needed something refreshing to read. So I was looking through some recs (I can’t recall where I found this one) and I came across the idea of a VegetaXKrillin Buddy Cop-esque comedy. I honestly hadn't ever thought about this pairing, but it works. Krillin’s cautious and twitchy characterization works really well with Vegeta’s tsundere. I must say that this is in no way a romance. Ok so maybe a bromance, the true Bromance we need in fact. 
The prologue did not pull me in. From the tags, I had this idea about the story being this ridiculous amalgam of situations and after reading the prologue I have to admit I almost stopped reading. But just like with anime, I had to give it the three episode swing and I pushed through. I have to admit after the prologue it gets much better. 
So I just mentioned the tags. The Ao3 tags are a work of art
Tumblr media
This really gives a sense of the dry humor that you will find in the story. It is simply hilarious. You have to have a dry wit with a touch of slapstick to really appreciate the beauty of the humor, which I must admit describes my humor perfectly. If you read the tags and think “WTF?!” and giggle a little, you will probably like this story. 
This story really does revolve around sandwiches. Krillin just falls into the job of making tens of sandwiches a day for Vegeta. Krillin is living at CC, we find out later why, and one day Vegeta is hunting down a chef to create food and there is Krillin making a sandwich. So thats how it starts. Vegeta gets lots of sandwiches and Krillin tricks him into answering questions in exchange for said meals. 
Vegeta wants to kill Krillin, because of course he does. When he thinks about Killing him though he remembers the delicious sandwiches and falters, thinking that if he does kill cueball, he won't get the delicious sandwichy goodness. SO this of course leads Vegeta to believe that pig, one of the meats on the sandwiches is some sort of poison that is supposed to calm him down. 
Theres no action (until the end of the story but we will get there in a minute). Really the story takes place in the kitchen, Vegeta eating sandwiches, trying not to kill Krillin and then taking a bite and realizing how he doesn't want the sandwiches to stop so he decides to spare him. This internal monologue happens several times. Each time is funny because it sounds so much like Vegeta. This writer has pegged the characterizations of both of these characters. Krillin is timid, until he's not, he is even tempered, rational, kind. Vegeta is an asshole. Bulma makes a few appearances and her characterization is also spot on. She's demanding and overbearing, but not in a bitchy way (until she is a bitch, but that is also on point for the character), and she pegs issues the characters are having with little real input from them. 
A few of my favorite jokes. 
1. Vegeta starts to believe that Goku has adopted all of earth as pets. He then comes to the conclusion that since Vegeta doesn't want to kill Krillin that he has adopted Krillin as his own pet. (this leads to a fantastic moment in the second to last chapter if you wanna know about it, READ THIS STORY)
2. Theres this moment that Krillin is telling him about his fight with Bacterian. Krillin is talking up how bad this dude smells and is leading up to the no nose punchline, the best part of this whole interaction is when Krillin is talking about Some people who have some of their senses crosswired, (certain sounds you see colors etc) and Vegeta just blasts out “oh yeah synesthesia” Ok so I am not a great story teller, but trust me, in context this is gold. 
3. Vegeta grants Krillin a favor and Krillin hugs Vegeta. This goes about as well as you can imagine. 
Vegeta is suffering from major culture shock. Realistically he knows nothing about Earth except people are crazy. At one point he tries to teach Krillin to eat. There is a goldmine of this long build up of slightly ridiculous that ends with this burst of crazy that is leads to these one liners that are hilarious. I went back to find a few that would be funny to put in here for the favorite jokes parts, but without the build of the context they are super flat. 
The driving force of the story lay in the sandwiches and the questions Krillin asks. Krillin asks a question and the Vegeta has this inner monologue that lasts an enormous amount of the chapter. Vegeta argues with himself in these monologues. He fills in some of the gaps about the PTO, and his life. The world building in this story is beautiful. I read a comment on FF that this reader considers the background canon, but honestly, its really good. My favorite bit of lore concerns the creation of the Saiyans. The creation myth is told in one of Vegeta’s inner monologues, and really it is fantastic. I could get behind this as a creation myth for the Sayians. I don't wanna spoil this because it is really phenomenal. 
So the three things this author has done well is characterization, world building and humor. 
I will say the last few chapters were not my favorite. There was this wonderful build to the end and with the revelation of why Krillin is around CC so much. This is a heavy moment. Krillin is not eating, he has withdrawn, he has been resurrected twice, which means he has died twice, he's a pity party of one. He's suffering from depression. Throughout the story you get the sense that something serious is wrong with Krillin, and it all comes to a head when he tells Vegeta to just get it over with and kill him. Of course Krillin doesn’t want to die but wow this was an emotionally charged moment of the chapter, and really for me the turning point of a chapter that up until then I thought was meh. This was a beautifully written moment because this writer really paints the perfect picture of someone who is depressed but is being forced to put on the airs of normalcy.  Anyone who has ever felt with soul crushing depression, and has had to force themselves through it knows that eventually it all just blows up. You either end up in bed not moving, not eating, not sleeping (or sleeping too much) doing nothing, or you loose your shit and yell and scream and make an ass out of yourself. It was a slow burn to this point, but worth it. Event hough I said the first part of the chapter was not my favorite, I don't think you could really change it. You see this is the climax of the story (duh) and there is a mood shift. Krillins depression is coming to a head and he can't really handle the situation anymore. So the once odd couple, slightly light hearted banter is replaced by Krillin having an emotional meltdown. It is really wonderful writing. 
The last update was a year ago on October 31, 2017. The story could very well be finished at this point, however the writer has set it up to have another two parts. The story on FF is complete (except for the continuations) and it is being moved over chapter by chapter to Ao3. As the chapters get moved over, they are being edited. The edits are for spelling and grammar only (as far as I can tell). The unedited chapters on FF.net are not bad, but there are some errors. None of these errors are bad enough to break the immersion of the story so if that is something you are worried about, don't, unless you are one of those people, then all I have to say is you shouldn't be reading MY reviews because I know how bad of a writer I am. There are 23 chapters on FF and I think as of this posting 13 on Ao3. The last chapter was uploaded to Ao3 about a month ago, so hopefully the writer is gonna begin writing again once they are all moved over.  
Either way. I 100 percent recommend this story. Its funny if you have a certain kind of humor. It is smart. The world building is fantastic. Characters are on point. The build is fantastic, not only to the emotional climax, but also the build to the punchlines (and they just keep on giving). No really go read this story... Plus sandwiches. 
If you liked this review, after you check out this fic, head over to my A03 and check my stuff out too!
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statueofsirens · 7 years
Tagged by: @misterfuckingcompassion
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better Nicknames: Elizabitch, Snatch, Slim, Shakes Time right now: 3:29 AM Last thing I googled: Carl’s Jr drive-thru hours Fave music artist: The Flaming Lips, Fleet Foxes, The Stills Song stuck in my head: 40 Day Dream by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros Last movie i watched: October Gale Last tv show i watched: Futurama What i’m wearing right now: Kermit shorts and a black cami When i created this blog: Early 2016? I can’t remember The kind of stuff i post: Actor spams, RP stuff, rando interesting pictures Do i have other blogs: Just the one Do I get asks regularly?: Never Why did i choose my url: Statue of Sirens is a song by The Stills and one of my faves of all time  Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Slytherin Pokémon team: I don’t even know Fave colors: Turquoise, magenta, peach Average hours of sleep: 3 or 16 and nothing in between Lucky number: 9 Fav Characters: Freddy Newandyke, Carson Phillips, Alexander ‘Stretch’ Rawland, Vegeta, Hiei Jaganshi, Illya Kuryakin (David McCallum version) Dream job: A rich spouse so I can sit at home as a bitchy trophy wife How many blankets do i sleep with: 3
I only follow a few people so I tag: @thetidebreaks, @winged, @thetinydemon, @deensey, @strongpieces, @leici, @frogmajick,  and anyone else who feels like it????
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