#and my acting prof was a theatre major with an English minor like
brechtian · 3 months
hi!! sorry to bother u. im applying to university rn, and i was wondering what your opinions were on doing a double major in theatre + english? ik it differs wildly between universities, but im curious to hear general opinions 😭 many people are recommending me against doing it
Hi! I’m a theatre/English double major, and I had a great time :) it’s not too difficult to double major at my school (I also had a French minor) so I’m graduating in four years easily. There’s a lot of overlap in English and Theatre (they pair nicely), and I feel like doing both gave me a better understanding of the other. They’re two different artforms that are moving on a somewhat similar timeline, so it has personally been very fun for me to learn about things like why Beckett is usually considered a modernist fiction writer but a postmodern playwright. Being an English major let me go into theatre classes with a textual analysis skillset that applies in even more ways than one would expect (I’m just like, way ahead of most of my peers at script analysis which has rly had an impact on my performance, design, dramaturgical, and directing capabilities), and I bring my theatre knowledge into my English classrooms alll the time (an interaction from my 21st cent American lit class last week went: Me: I might just be an insane theatre freak— My Prof: You are definitely an insane theatre freak), and like part of my final English capstone paper spoke about how The Waves by Virginia Woolf is playing into and subverting the stageplay format. Genuinely, if you are passionate about it and double majoring at your school isn’t impossible, I really strongly recommend it. I’ve had such an insanely positive experience and it has made me both a better theatre artist and literary scholar ❤️
edit: also you being my tumblr mutual and sending this ask lets me very enthusiastically support you double majoring in theatre/English like that’s all I need to know to firmly believe you have the drive & skill & taste to do it 😌
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