#and maybe we'll run into each other elsewhere in this great wide world
fgrobichiko · 2 years
Case 2022S - There Might Be Giants
[Subject: the hallucinations of witness [Redacted]]
"Have you never seen them? The titans?"
"No, I can't say I have."
"I'll never forget them. They don't give me a chance. The first one I thought was a mountain or a cloud maybe. It was barely there, the blue sky was hiding most of it like how the moon looks paler in the day. Then I saw it moving. It wasn't going anywhere. It was just breathing. Just on such a huge scale I couldn't help but see the expansion of the... torso, I guess, the subtle shifting of its weight. It was leant back, and I didn't understand why at first. Then I realised. It was past the horizon. It was so huge, so... impossible, that to its perspective I'm sure it was sitting straight up. But to me, it was leant back as the earth curved away under it."
"That seems... significant, yes."
"Significant?? I'm not a geologist, or whatever, but the thing must have been out of the atmosphere."
"I see. And the others?"
"All kinds... some of them were moving. Nobody else could see them... one day I was at the beach and I saw, I don't know how to describe it, It was like a crab and a spider and a centipede all at once. It was running its claws through the water, every now and then it pulled something up. It wasn't making any sound... it was far away enough the waves it made just about died down before they reached the shore, but I was terrified it would suddenly spot me, or the people thronging into the water. Then a tentacle reared up behind it and pulled it under. the water drew in and blew up in a great spout. Nobody reacted. The wave hit, though. A "Freak Wave." That's what they called it. Forty people were hospitalised, two dozen died. Probably more after the first headline."
"We'll have to check the dates. You were present to witness it though? Weren't you caught up in it?"
"Are you kidding? I ran. I ran as fast as I could. If the others had seen it... well. That was the first time there was more than one. The next time, two of them stood at opposite sides of the horizon. They were looking at each other... I couldn't make them out properly. I think one was like a lizard. the other was like... an angel, maybe a fairy. big gossamer wings, tips trailing in the wind, and a humanoid body, but too... I don't know. It was too alien to describe."
"And these two, did they do anything?"
"They started approaching each other. They got closer and closer, but their footsteps were silent. They didn't leave any marks or cause any disturbances. I can't explain that. My horror was increasing as they started reaching out for each other, their mouths wide, their hands indistinct, I couldn't tell if they were going to strike eachother or embrace, and when they almost overlapped in my vision, that must have been when I passed out."
"Did you seek medical attention?"
"My girlfriend called the ambulance. They said it was a siezure. I couldn't say if it was or not, I just felt vertigo and... well, I felt like the world was ending."
"Thank you. I am sure that was very stressful."
"Of course it fucking was."
"Yes, I'm sorry."
"I've seen more... I don't know the dates but I saw them. Insects were common. sometimes great big flying things, they'd dip below the clouds and suddenly the weather would be different. The last one though... yeah, that's why I came to you."
"I'd never heard of you before, see. I don't even know your address."
"...Go on?"
"It's here. It's... perched over you, like... what's that sculpture? The thinking man? It just looks... human. Mostly. And it's looking down on you. On both of us now I guess. And I finally worked up the courage to really find out what's what. I guess that worked out alright."
"Indeed. Sorry, excuse me for a moment."
[[REDACTED] calls for an assistant. Their brief conversation is clipped and quiet, inaudible to the recording.]
"Seems like a problem, right?"
"Yes. Yes, I daresay it does."
[Recording ends. The facility [REDACTED], suggesting personnel involved must be reassigned elsewhere.]
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