#and like. nah. i dont deal well with being creatively stifled
orcelito · 1 year
Sometimes it feels like my skill with writing was just happenstance. Like I just kinda did it and I'm pretty good at it. A lucky break, maybe
Then I remember that the first "book" I was trying to write was in 5th grade. Then another in 7th grade. And another in 8th grade. Then several fanfics (never to see the light of day) in 9th grade. Then I got into text-based rp, which persisted from 10th grade (2012) up through like 2018. And then there was dnd, which is a whole other activity of story making & which I started in 2017 and got back into in 2019. And then in 2020 me finally getting back into solo writing via backstory tales for my dnd character. And ONLY AFTER ALL THAT did I end up starting writing discordant accord in late 2020.
It was not a spontaneous skill. I very definitely built it up beforehand. And even then, the process of writing discacc in and of itself has helped developed my writing skill a shit ton.
Never Lose Hope. If u r a prospective writer, just keep up with it. Maybe it'll take u some 15 years of experience, but you'll get there
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