#and like okay ayn rand but choice does not occur in a vacuum
everyone is so libertarian it makes me sick lol. abortion is not about the right to do whatever you want with your body. that’s not the point. for starters, making that argument portrays abortion as some kind of arbitrary choice among many, as though it’s merely optional for women who want to terminate pregnancies. it portrays abortion as something frivolous, the same way alito and ACB have. abortion is the only option women have to treat an unwanted or unviable pregnancy. without access to safe and legal abortion, they could die, either from the pregnancy or an unsafe abortion. furthermore, women fundamentally must be free from bodily coercion and control and from reproductive violence. and women’s lives matter; banning abortion privileges the life of a fetus over the life of the living breathing woman. abortion is about women’s liberation and banning abortion is a form of state violence. forced pregnancy is violence. it’s not about a right to do whatever to your body. we’re not talking about body mods and plastic surgery for goodness sake
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