#and let me tell you its not the moments when hes pretending to be uninvested and separate from everything its when he Reacts
lullabyforyouu · 2 years
i think people Really overestimate joshua's "cool, unflappable, composed (ha), non human, above-it-all" demeanor when they portray him because to be honest with you hes gotta be the least cool most flappable least composed most human FAKE above-it-all dude ever. he wants to be above it all so bad. he wants to badly to not be just a guy but he is. hes just a guy and he really thought becoming god would make him not just a guy and then he became god and still had like depression and was just lonelier but now with updated excuses (such as the oh-so-very wide gap between him and other people, which he already believed was there in life, but now even more believed in death, when he is not truly so different) to justify himself in his fresh new coat of misery, until some catboy startlingly similar to himself got character development in front of his eyes and it knocked some sense into him. (a fellow teenage dirtbag™, exactly like himself, learning to reach out and be happier, even reaching out to joshua himself, putting him as a person and a friend before shibuya when no one else had done so. suddenly he had no excuses to continue as he was.) and like. he gets pissed off. not in a godly, scary, intimidating Wrath way, but in a very normal, petty and human way. not scary at all, like when he wanted to go somewhere and neku wanted to go somewhere else and he was all, hm.... I suppose. fine. (crossed arms sprite). he makes little jokes, the ratty mc ratterson line. the spicy tuna roll line. Oh Well I Just Hate Negative People, Don't You?. he is not stoic. he has his fake, above it all sense of finding everything "amusing" which I 100% see as part of his facade, but at his most honest moments he laughs at the small, genuinely funny things. he is also not impossible to read, or impossible to upset. in several instances when talking about his backstory he falls into a visibly Different and cold state. he does the same when he offhandedly mentions that regardless of the brutality, his life in the UG (which, is referring to far more then we and neku know at the time of this line) "beats staying in the RG." He also uses that sprite upon seeing Sota and Nao erased, and becomes serious in the next few moments. He has ISSUES. He emotes. a LOT. so much that I really don't get at all why everyone seems to think hes just like, perpetual unending indifference. like....... respect to everyones interpretations but hes a thinly veiled fireball of a little dude. not only smug but like, typical youthful mischeif. he wanted to be what everyone thinks he is and he just isn't. hes not that divine concept of judgement. he's just joshua okay?
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