#and it especially isn't okay to be abuse when someone gets upset you lied for them for 15 years. i shouldn't even have to say that.
saintedbythestorm · 2 years
Reminder to self:
You don't need to know if they've gotten better or worse, they were bad enough that you had to cut them out and that is all you need to know.
#hello we are self doubting today..#i know i did the right thing to tell my toxic family that it was enough and I'm done with it#but sometimes that damn doubt creeps in.#they wouldn't even bother saying sorry to you for fucks sake. they were willing to call you useless before they said sorry.#like that is all you need to know. you didn't lose anything of value if they thought that was ok.#you do deserve to have your feelings respected and lying for 15 years isn't ok actually.#and it especially isn't okay to be abuse when someone gets upset you lied for them for 15 years. i shouldn't even have to say that.#wait this is working. hm... well maybe I'll leave it here anyway#maybe one of you need one of those tags too. 🤷‍♀️#you're worthy of love and respect and to be treated with kindness. you're allowed to feel what you feel.#yes despite what some bitch said - idgaf what they said. they were wrong ok.#and extra points for it being a damn parent. they bloody chose to have a kid so step tf up#it is NOT fucking selfish to want to speak with a parent alone for 10 minutes omfg.#it is also perfectly normal for a kid... well anyone really but extra for kid.. to not always be able to control their emotions#remember that it was YOU who called to try to resolve the fight - and all you had done was be upset cause they lied#and told you gruesome details about an animals death while laughing. yes that was extra fucked.#so no don't you damn doubt yourself. there ain't no openings for interpretation on this#and remember... you were a kid throughout like 90% of this shit. You shouldn't be the adult.#ok done spitting facts imma play stray bye#rant#ryder speaking
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pyropsychiccollector · 9 months
yo its been a bit but im back again with the nagi harem question. so i was on tumblr and saw ur post on hiromi and it got me thinkin on how theyd react to her. like in canon everything kinda just, blew over. Like everything she did and even trying to burn the school building down and just the talk at the end of the festival thing and that was it (i dont remember too much, i dont like her and its been a bit since ive watched AC). In canon im guessing everyone didnt wanna interfere too much, cause its his family stuff. But if he's got a protective harem then it might take a bit of effort to get them to not do anything to her, especially the ones also coming from terrible parents.
Its nagisa so he would still care about her like
Nagi: "ik she can be... reactive, but shes still my mom. I cant just leave her..."
Koro "He's right, while its understanable you would be upset with her, the issue lies between her and nagisa. Trying to force anything may set her off.
But if you still plan on anything remember that making a good first impression on your parnters parents is a big step for a relationship :)"
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Kaede-chan is, frankly, terrified of Hiromi. ^^;;; Once you get past her arc with the tentacles, there's nothing protecting her from that crazy woman. ... Even if Hiromi does mellow out and isn't prone to... screaming as much anymore. Kaede-chan doesn't wanna poke that slumbering bear, and prefers keeping Nagisa from "home" as long as possible~... She tries being open-minded for Yukiko-chan and Nagisa's sake, but she's very leery. After all, she left her sister to someone like Yanagisawa, and that ended up badly... ^^;;;
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Yukiko is one of the ones with most experience in working with difficult parents. She understands Nagisa's feelings the most about wanting to stay with Hiromi, even if his mom has hurt him over the years.
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Rio-chan's at the forefront of those not okay with Hiromi, even after she mellows down. Kinda hard to "forgive and forget" when the mom goes and dresses Nagisa up like a girl for years, making him grow his hair out and act like he's the "girl" Hiromi always wanted... Rio might be guilty with regards to crossdressing Nagisa, too... But that was never serious for her or a jab at Nagisa's manhood or anything like that. She might tolerate Hiromi because Nagisa wants them to try getting along with her, but Rio's always on the watch for any relapsing.
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Rinka's kinda like Rio in that regard. ^^;;; She's used to strict parents, too, but what Hiromi did was... very extreme. She'll grudgingly give Hiromi a chance cuz Nagisa wants them to, but Rinka is definitely keeping a watchful eye out...
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Yuzuki-chan... Probably closest to a neutral party you'll get. She doesn't like that Hiromi's been abusive for years, so she understands where Kaede, Rio, and Rinka are coming from with their distrust. But she can also understand Yukiko and Nagisa wanting to give second chances. Yuzuki tries going with what everyone agrees with, as much as possible.
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Touka-chan... She's in Kaede, Rio, and Rinka's camp. Doesn't forgive easily. And like Rio and Rinka, Touka isn't above speaking her mind when Hiromi gets frustrated with Nagisa about something. Doesn't want any relapses to happen here; no more crossdressing, accept Nagisa for who he is. :3
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aixelasage · 1 year
A poem I wrote when I was feeling the most unheard in my life. Please speak up for yourself, you’re the only one that truly can.
This poem is titled “Is She Okay?’
"Are you okay?"
I lied. I'm lying to you. WARNING! CAUTION! STAY AWAY FROM HER SHE"S... toxic. My smile is as manipulative as the ones who have claimed to love me. My fake laugh perfected to the point of being contagious to others. I deserve a Grammy for how well I act as though I have everything together.
"Hey, look she's being an idiot"
"She's hilarious."
"I swear she never stops smiling"
"Do you even get sad?"
More than you would ever know. My chest is tight with the anxiety of seeing other people pity me. I can't handle the stares. The look in their eyes when they see how truly broken I am. The change in demeanor when they realize that my laughs are a form of muffled sobs that scream for someone to fix ME.
"Oh I didn't mean to offend you!"
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it that way."
"Does this bother you?"
YES it FUCKING BOTHERS ME! But you wouldn't know because I don't want to tell you. For fear of being labeled "soft" or "fragile" or watching people censor themselves around me because "she can't take a joke.". But things that trigger me are NOT a joke. Things that UPSET me are not a JOKE. Words like "faggot" and "abomination" that make you laugh, jokes about rape and abuse and depression and suicide and anxiety are NOT A FUCKING JOKE. But I laugh... because that's the community that I live in. Because it's easier to feel the pain inside than argue back and forth with a narcissistic, inconsiderate, ignorant only to waste your breath because they were never listening to your side of the argument in the first place.
"I'm sorry"
DO NOT. TELL ME. YOU'RE SORRY. Specifically if you're not going to change the actions that upset me in the first place. I hear your apology. Loud and clear. But hearing and feeling that apology... that's the difference that people don't understand when they say "I'm sorry." If you're going to utter those words AT LEAST respect me enough to mean what you say rather than just saying them because you think that's going to make me feel better. NEWS FLASH: NOTHING is going to make me feel better, especially not your half-assed, hollow apology... that was a little harsh... I'm sorry.
"But you have to tell me why you're upset."
Why? What do you want me to say? Because the only straightforward answer I have to give you is "I. Don't. Know." You're only asking me why I'm upset because me being anything but bubbly makes you uncomfortable. You don't want me to tell you what's really bothering me, what goes bump in the endless nights in my room. You want the easy answer. The "I'm just having relationship problems" or the "I'm just stressed out with school and not getting enough sleep." The easy answer with the easy fix. Sorry to crush your impeccable citizenship with my self hatred and suicidal tendencies. Whoops.
"Trust me."
"I've got you"
You've definitely got me. Got me in my room micro analyzing the last conversation we had because when you speak to me it's as if every word is begging me to question it's existence. Begging me to ask you "What do you really want to say?" because this isn't it. How about you try trusting me. Trust that I can handle bad news. Put your trust in me because that would be way more effective than me continuing to place mine in you. Because contrary to your belief, what you have to say to me isn't half as bad as what I have made up in my head. Or even said to myself for that matter...
"Are you okay?"
"Ye-... No."
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like-wuatafauq · 1 year
Hey! Hope u are having a wonderful day!
For me valentine is just another day, I never have somebody to celebrate with. So just another boring day.
Some ask to pass the time!
1. do you like being the center of attention or do you prefer to go unnoticed?
2. are you a talkative person?
3. what do you consider red flags in a relationship?
Hello! Thank you ahhh I like the cat cuz funny enough I actually just had my cats outside in the balcony area so that was nice for all of us:) got some sun in! And I would say "sorry to hear that" but some people are not into romance so I'm not gonna assume you want a partner or like romance so maybe it's nice for you🤔
1. I like it if it has to do with performing. I took an acting class for college and I really liked it and since the little bit of theatre I did in highschool I've gotten more confidence and had fun doing performances. So I like performing but I don't have to be like the complete center I could be part of a group and enjoy it just as much.
2. Yes if it's something I'm interested in
3. Oooof 🚩🚩🚩
talking to exes or anybody they were interested in
not communicating
trying to win an argument rather than stating your side and working it out
not putting the same care or effort
making you feel dramatic for just showing emotions
keeping secrets or big lies
lying about past sexual encounters or any previous stds
judging your partner for their interests,culture or sexual preference in bed, judging or pressuring partner for sex or during sex
making fun of appearances (teasing isn't included I'm talking about like backhanded comments about weight or things they can't or wouldn't want to change)
Being rude towards my or their pets, not caring about my things (for example ive had someone kick to the side one of my art[small might i add] boxes with my materials like I'm always very careful when i touch other ppls things cuz idk what it could mean to them)
not giving reassurance or guilt tripping for reassurance
immediately wanting to break up when obstacles appear
yelling and throwing things at partner there's a difference in for example: if I ever upset my partner and they need to yell it out [because anger is an emotion that usually needs to be physically let out] I would probably take them somewhere where it's just me and them and let them scream out what they need to scream which is completely different than automatically yelling and blaming,throwing things at me,and abusing me
wanting the relationship to look a certain way to please people there's a big big difference in having a private relationship and completely changing the relationship dynamic just to please someone like family,friends, coworkers especially if your partner is not ok with it
not getting to know your partner or not continuing to take them out on dates!!!
Having different political views Ik this seems like a "oh that's not so bad" but I'm talking about when it's fucking drastic like the political views they have could hinder their partners life
trying to change your partner or hinder their growth
giving them ultimatums about their passions and career like I feel there should be an agreement where it meets in the middle
purposefully trying to hurt them mentally, physically or emotionally etc (kinks don't count lol it has to be consensual of course)
if you were talking to someone else during the talking phase and then got into a relationship with me I'd be like??? Wtf if you wanna keep your options open that's a you thing but I wouldn't want to have someone be like okay ama settle here especially without the partner knowing they were talking to someone else
doing romantic gestures for someone who isn't your partner you may think it's no big deal to give your friend flowers etc. But if your partner states it makes them uncomfortable or they see it as cheating then listen to them, this goes hand in hand with not communicating or following through with what your partner would see as cheating
Trying to completely dismiss a past argument that wasn't talked about (there's a difference in clinging onto the past to guilt trip someone and bring back up a disagreement that your partner didn't feel they had closure in and need closure in order to move forward)
addictions especially if they cause you to harm your partner
outing your partner about something embarrassing if its an accident and you were just teasing its one thing but if they told you not to mention it and you do it again and again that's fucked up (this one kinda goes with the next one)
not owning up to toxic behaviors sometimes you may not know you were coming off a certain way but if they bring it up to you don't just be like "how was I manipulative etc" and completely dismiss how it made them feel
completely switching things up on a partner about future plans for example if you're unsure about kids don't stay with someone for a long time telling them you want kids then switch it up just be honest (so basically be honest about future plans so you can work through it)
[Sorry that was a lot but just be honest, and clear about the things you want and are comfortable with and don't try to make your partner feel bad ik you could eventually hurt your partners feelings cuz what may not affect you could affect them but like don't go seeking it especially if they let you know]
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booyoubatch · 3 years
The days leading up to the incident weren't good ones. You had hit the peak of your heartbreak, slugging around the house eating icecream and avoiding everyone to your best ability. John b had had enough of seeing you this way.
"Y/n we need to talk" he came into the loungeroom of the chateau, eyes on you on the couch with your feet up on the coffee table. You wore an oversized black band muscle-tee and some denim shorts.
"What is it?" You barely whispered, digging back into your chocolate mint icecream that was sadly almost empty.
"You love JJ" He simply said coming to sit next to you. You immediately froze, placing the empty carton of icecream on the table Infront of you.
"I see it in the way you look at him, we all do. " He tried again, trying to get some sort of verbal confirmation out of you. He played with the end of his Hawaiian themed shirt, a nervous habit he had picked up.
"No, no I don't" you lied through your teeth, looking past John b, out the window to the lake outside watching the sunrise. You could never look someone in the eye when you lied. It's how everyone knew you were lying, your telltale.
“ why can't you just be honest with me? with yourself? “ John b questioned you, sitting beside you and grabbing your hands. He was hurting watching you fall apart and not knowing how to help you. He had discussed it with Sarah and Sarah had told him that you needed some time but he couldn't just sit there and do nothing.
"Because I just can't. Have you seen the way he looks at kie" you accidently let slipped, sighing to yourself, your ring on your hands suddenly becoming the most interesting things in the world. The one on your right hand ring finger JJ had brought you for your 16th birthday. It was silver, fake silver but still. It was your most prized possession. He had told you it was a promise ring, to be best friends forever.
John b couldn't believe his ears, he wanted to shout at you 'have you seen the way he looks at you' but he knew it wasn't his place. He had spent the last few days hearing JJ go on and on about how he missed you and wished you would just talk to him. About how he really cared about you but could never let you know for he felt he wasn't good enough, that he was just some abused broken boy with anger issues.
“ look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love him, then and only then will I drop this" John b crossed his arms tapping his foot waiting for your answer, two of the most important people in his life loved each other but wouldn't admit it and he was tired of it.
Your head fell down further looking at the cold floorboards as if they were the most interesting thing ever not giving him an answer, slightly angering him.
“ you can't lie to me, you know. you can try but, your eyes will always tell the truth. I know you inside and out" he shook his head, lifting your head to look him in the eyes as if he was searching for all the answers in them. You loved your brother so much, you two had been through everything together. Through thick and thin you used to say, but how thick of a situation could you honestly put him through cause this was a big one.
"you can't keep doing this. you can't keep lying to yourself and pushing your feelings away, you need to tell him" was the last thing John b groaned as he got up and stalked angrily outside leaving you to your thoughts.
"He's not wrong" kie startled you, coming into the house through the front door. You loved kie, she was your best friend but right now you just couldn't look at her. You would question why you couldn't be her, why you couldn't be as pretty or as funny or as kind or as skinny or.. or... Well you could go on and on. Without looking up from the floor you made you way to your bedroom locking the door behind you. You slid down the door, knees to your chest. Your eyes met the small frame on your bedside table. The photo was of you And JJ in a hammock laughing at something that he said as he was smiling down at you. What you couldn't see though was the admiration in his eyes. You remember that day as if it was yesterday.
You do love JJ, always have always will. But you just couldn't. Why did John b always have to try to push you when you knew what was right. Your forehead fell onto your knees as a sob escaped your mouth. Tears began rolling down your face as your tried to be silent. You couldn't. No matter how hard you tried. Your loud sobs echoed throughout the house to the backyard where John b was sitting on the couch. He sighed, throwing his head back against the wall. Pope looked sympatheticly at John b, knowing it would be tough for him to be sitting here listening to his sister cry knowing she needed space instead of being in there with her,
"she will come around, they both will" he had said encouragingly while also hoping. He wanted his best friend, you, to be okay and to come hang out with them again. He missed your random facts and sharing nerdy jokes. Kie came out, placing her hand on his shoulder. She herself had been very upset with how you were acting, she didn't understand why you couldn't utter a single word to any of them but especially avoided her and JJ.
"They need to tell each other" she thought out loud. The boys nodding in agreement.
about an hour later your sobs had stopped and John b had headed off to his fishing trip with ward. You were supposed to go too but John b made up an excuse saying you were sick. Kie , pope and sarah began working on the system to get the gold, JJ having been at work during this whole incident suddenly arrived at the chateau.
"Hello? Anyone home?" His voiced echoed throughout the house. Your ears picked up his voice and quickly raised from the floor, checking that you locked your door. You couldn't look him in his eyes and you know that this is the first place he would look for you or your brother.
You were right, JJ knocked on your door. A sad look upon his face. He missed you, he didn't know why you were avoiding him and was willing to fix whatever he had done.
"Y/n, please talk to me" he pressed his forehead against the door, looking down at his shoes. You stayed silent, forehead placed against the door on your side. If the door wasn't there you two would be standing forehead to forehead in a romantic embrace.
"You've been avoiding us for a while now, please just come out and talk to me. I promise to listen like I always do. I promise please baby, just come out" tears slowly leaked from his eyes making their way down his bruised cheek. He placed his hand against the door, just wanting to be near you or to touch you.
"I.. I can't" you whispered back hoping he didn't hear you but he did. His head sprang off the door, a sad smile on his face from just hearing your voice.
"Hey baby, there's that pretty voice I love so much. Please let me in so I can hear more of it. We don't have to talk about what's wrong, we can talk about anything" he begged. "Anything" he whispered under his breath, hoping. You were considering opening the door when JJs confused voice said
"John b what are you doing?" Your eyebrows raised in confusion. Not hearing a reply back from John b you slowly opened the door. What you saw shocked you, John b had a gun walking out of the house ignoring everyone. You chased after him
"John b!" You called, he turned to you after sitting on JJ's bike, starting it.
"Ward killed dad" was all he said as he sped off.
Everyone's head turned to you, you avoided their eyes running to the Twinkie. JJ quickly got in the van as you drive off. You groaned just wanting to be alone.
"Y/n, we need to stop him. As much as I want ward dead we need to stop him." He made his way up to the front, climbing into the passenger seat. His eyes searching your face he hadn't seen it in awhile and he missed it. He could see your red swollen eyes and he felt sick to the stomach knowing that you had been crying and he couldn't be there for you.
You kept your eyes on the road, praying that John b was okay and that JJ would just leave you alone.
"Y/n, please talk to me" JJ grabbed your hand that wasn't on the wheel, playing with your fingers. He loved holding your hand, he felt safe and secure, little did he know you felt the same way too.
It felt nice holding his hand for a second before you quickly pulled away. His eyebrows shot up in confusion, since the day you met you two have always held hands to comfort the other or simply just to be touching each other.
"Okay that's it, what have I done? Why are you avoiding me?" What you hadent realised was JJ was suffocating inside too. Not knowing why his crush was hating him. He was starting to get angry, wanting you to just do anything. Yell at him for all he cared as long as you were okay with him after. You had never gone this long without talking to him, infact even when you were mad at him you would just tell him off straight away and usually he would correct himself.
"I don't want to talk, just let me be" you let out angrily, angry at yourself for feeling this way when you knew it wasn't his fault. You wished you could vent to him about boy trouble if only he wasn't the boy. You wish you could cuddle up to him and just cry everything away.
JJs shoulders fell as he stared out the window thinking of the good times you used to have together, wishing you could continue to have more
The wind blew heavy as the waves became more vicious. But yet you and JJ sat on your surfboards attempting to ride some waves. After a while you both gave up and decided to sit on the sand.
"You killed it out there" JJ laughed as he plopped his board on the sand
"I know I know I'm just the best" you giggled plopping yours down next to his
"Yeah you are" JJ whispered under his breath, watching you take a seat on your board pulling his shirt over your head. He thought you looked absolutely breathtaking in his clothes and he loved when you stole them from him.
"Isn't that my shirt?" He joked sitting next to you and slinking his arm around your shoulders. You layed your head on his shoulder laughing slightly
"hmm nah it's mine now"
You both watched as the sun began its descent into the ocean
"One day, I'll become full kook and we can have our own place out there" JJ dreamt,
"We will surf all day and eat seafood all night" you added in, picturing you and JJ on an island free from any worries.
"One day" he agreed looking down at you, the oranges from the sunset dancing upon your face with a smile on your lips.
You and JJ looked arrived at the Cameron residence a few seconds before Kiara and pope arrived on the boat.
You rushed over to pope who was looking through binoculars
"I see ward" he informed
"Let me see" you took the binoculars off him and peaked through sure enough he was there and that's all you needed to know. You rushed back to the Twinkie and sped off. This Time without JJ.
You found John b instantly, sitting on the warf holding a tiny boat made of twine that had a picture of your dad in it.
"John b" you yelled rushing over to him. You collapsed down beside him and he pulled you into his arms, crying.
You both sat there embracing each other, crying and looking at the picture of your dad. The picture had been taken by you, you loved photography. Your dad hated having his picture taken but for you he would have done anything. He loved to make his little princess happy as she was the one that would invest into his work with him.
"Goodbye dad" John b whispered as you kissed your two fingers, pointer and ring finger, placing it on the picture as If giving him a kiss.
You both watched as John b placed it on the water letting it float away into the darkness.
"Promise me" John b started not taking his eyes off the tiny flame in the distance, you hmm'd as a response still trying to take everything in. In less than a year you have lost a lot. You lost your father, then you lost JJ and now you know that your father is dead for real. Everything just came crashing down and it felt like you couldn't breathe.
"Promise me you'll never leave me" his eyes finally met yours and you nodded
"I promise"
Little did you know, that promise would have to be broken.
And that ladies and gentleman is part 2! Part 3 will be coming shortly
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