#and it did contribute to me stopping binding altogether during 2020 and 2021
mueritos · 1 year
Gc2b owner and founder put out a statement but I’m kinda iffy on buying from them again. Like the whole trans community kept trying to get gc2b attention on the matter but they would delete or remove any bad reviews? Like how can it take this long for anything to be done? Only when other older trans masc and trans men were showing other options to younger trans youth so they don’t resort to unsafer binding options did they start caring. Idk what to think tbh. Binding is already risking but not listening to the community when the only popular option has become unsafe? I know you had top already but what are your thoughts?
Mmm, I am quite upset by how their quality has gone down. I stopped binding around the time people said they noticed the quality starting to go down, and the times I used their binders were from when they didn't destroy people's ribs. Still, they were the only binders I binded with, and using them up until the pandemic did eventually lead me to stop binding for my health. I was experiencing rib and back pain from the years of binding for many hours, and I was using a new binder at the time I stopped.
I honestly did not keep up with the binding community (if thats what we call it) once I stopped binding, so I really had no idea how shit their binders became. I feel bad because I used to buy some folks binders from Gc2b, so I hope no one who got one from me hasn't been harmed. My twin tho has been binding with gc2b for only a few months and the pain is evident, so it aligns with everyone's recent experiences with gc2b.
I read their statement but yea, unfortunately the damage is already done. I have no idea of people are just binding unsafely or if the binders are genuinely made badly, but im leaning more on their quality just dipping. People have become seriously hurt from their binders so it's concerning to me that they didn't address that further or earlier. My last binder from them was bought before I stopped binding in 2020, and I remember spending a lot of time stretching it and the fibers just not budging, so I doubt that from the statement that quality control or materials have not changed.
it's weird. there are obviously better binders out there and im glad people are hopping onto those brands, but it is sad. Gc2b was crucial for a lot of people, so it's sad to see it start harming people like this. I'll keep an eye out on it if I can, I deleted tiktok and I saw most of the conversation about their quality there.
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