#and im also not discounting regular ol misogyny for her being young and hot compared to eamons crusty 46 yo ass
couslande · 10 months
i think isolde is a really good example of origins adding elements of the darker side of thedosian society as a mostly unintended consequence, or in service of, its darker tone and interest in horror elements. like i don't think the player is meant to look at isolde an think about the ways in which women's lives are impacted by marriage in feudal societies, but i do think the situation in redcliffe is meant to be incredibly messed up, horrifying and complicated and this complexity is furthered by highlighting isolde's desperation. so she's modelled as appearing much younger than eamon, she audibly sounds different to everyone else, and its clear that no one really trusts her that much. the primary purpose of this is to make the player, subconsciously, recognise and empathise with her desire to protect and keep connor. but these things are still part of her character outside of the arl of redcliffe quest which means they can be used to comment on the society presented to us in the games, even if that wasn't the initial purpose.
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