#and i might occasionally decide to challenge myself by writing in an unfamiliar pov. i had an idea for exactly this kind of fic recently
the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
Purple and pink for the Fanfic ask game 😊
Oooh, these are fun!! Thanks for the questions!
💜 Purple: Name one song you're listening to while writing your next/current fanfic. How or why does it help the writing process?
This is not easy to answer because all I've been listening to lately is Beyonce's latest album, Cowboy Carter, lmao. I do usually listen to specific music when writing though! If I can associate a song (or a playlist) to a certain WIP, it's easier to get into the right mood and flow to write it (and it also makes the whole writing process even more enjoyable!)
Before Beyoncé dropped Cowboy Carter, for my most complete WIP I'd been listening to a lot of Nat King Cole, especially Impossible (I found it by chance while listening to his discography and fell in love -- it's so dreamy!). I'll be sure to go back to it soon enough!
🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?
Oh yes, definitely, I find some easier to write than others! Sometimes a character is easier to write because they're similar to me in some ways (this is what happens with Dorothy, for example, and Crowley from Good Omens!), other times I just (feel like I) have a good handle on what compels them, what their internal dialogue might be like, and how they approach the world (like with Blanche).
I don't think I avoid writing either easier or harder characters, though. I might naturally gravitate towards certain POVs, but whenever I'm working on a scene, I take a moment to consider which POV might be best and whose thoughts would be fun to explore during that scene. Most of the time, the answer is immediate -- i hope you do believe me [...], for example, was always going to be told from Blanche's POV; it made no sense otherwise. Sometimes I do have to think about it a bit harder, and I've rewritten entire scenes from different characters' POVs in the past, just to see what fit best. It's always a fun experiment! No matter the situation, though, I try not to think in terms of ease, but in terms of what would be most effective.
Thanks again for the questions, these were a lot of fun to answer!
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