#and i make a point of not being friends with obviously queerphobic assholes that's why i do have so little friends
raininyourblackeyes · 9 months
I just found out that my best friend doesn't think trans people should be allowed to compete in sports in their respective disciplinnes with cis people and I-
I've been on case of changing her mind for past half an hour it's not going well omg I hate this
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wavebiders · 3 years
F(h)atewatch Part 2:
How Is Not One of These Girls Likable?
The only thing I will give this show points for is glowy eyes when magic. The cartoon should have had more of that
Oh hey, starting with a sleeping Bloom. Should have done that in the pilot tho. Now that would have been a nice nod to the og
Plus this is only driving home how freaking boring this Bloom is. Where is my girl freaking out trying to get dressed as fast as possible?
Ok but seriously why is the only bit of backstory for Aisha we do have that she was on the swim team, when that just goes against the most vital point of Aisha's story in the cartoon? Are they actively trying to butcher these girls?
Wait, if Stella couldn't afford to lose that ring why did she give it to Bloom? This isn't even about her potentially losing it. She meant for Bloom to just not come back. How exactly was she planning on collecting it before?
Also this is still a bad plot! I know it all sucks but that moment where Bloom gives up that ring to save Stella's life is one of my favorites in the cartoon
It just sucks that instead of a storyline that shows how much they've come to care for each other, they're just using the ring for more catiness between them
If they had to center Terra's storyline around her insecurities couldn't they have at least found a way to do it without making it seem like she's never dressed herself before?
Man, fuck this knock-off Avatar stuff. Where's my cool hair color changing classes?
You know Bloom feeling betrayed by not-Faragonda would hit a lot harder if they had had more scenes together and it was established that she was someone Bloom trusted deeply
...I will never complain about the specialist scenes in the cartoon being boring ever again
Jesus, I knew I was gonna hate Stella. I knew I wasn't gonna vibe with white Musa and Flora. But for all I knew I would not care for this Bloom, I was not expecting to hate her this much
he is so fucking rude to and about everyone. It's a little hard to feel for her being an outcast when she clearly doesn't like anybody anyway. I miss the girl who was so happy to finally have friends she made them a group logo after one (1) hang-out
At this point I have to believe they're trying to make these people as unlikable as possible
Stella and Bloom are still sorta gay? The wrong kind. I don't care for the whole "she's mean to her bc she secretly likes her" trope even with good writing, and this ain't that. But it's good to know their gay energy is strong enough to transer even to the shittiest most ooc adaptation imaginable
Plus this show is 200% gonna pretend they're friends next season, so it's good the actresses have some amount of chemistry to make thsir scenes enjoyable without context if nothing else
This scene is still awful tho. Literally just let girls support each other jesus christ it's not that hard. Also Stella would be all about otters holding hands. Stella and Bloom basically are a couple of otters holding hands smh
White Musa has a point. Why is Aisha so commited to being friends with asshole Bloom?
I've never seen a piece of "lgbt rep" so obviously written by queerphobic people
The concept of white Musa and Sam(who the FUCK is Sam)'s dynamic is actually kinda interesting. Too bad every scene with this girl pisses me off on principle
I can see now why even my mother picked up on how bad the black best friend trope in this show is, when she normally doesn't notice that stuff as much as I do(not that she doesn't care, she's very vocal about it for a middle aged mostly white woman. But with online fandom I just have more oppurtunities to learn). Like this is just excessive
Actually since I mentioned my mom. She's as Asian as I've heard people say Elisha is and she straight up laughed at the implication that that would somehow qualify her to play a character like Musa. So that sums up how I feel about that defense
Is that a voice calling Bloom? No fucking way did they keep Daphne. She's one of best, most emotional parts of the cartoon. She's so vital to Bloom's story. There's no way they wouldn't get rid of her
"Thank you" Come on asshole Bloom say it with me. This girl just saved your life, you can handle a simple "thank you"
Good to see this version of Sky is also the type to get emotionally invested in a new girl while still dating someone else. I mean don't get me wrong I despise mean girl Stella, but he is being a fucking tool about this
I mean he wasn't flirting with Bloom in front of Stella earlier but that shit was not innocent. And you can't have a guy seeing his distressed girlfriend, ask about her dormmate that he likes before asking how she is, and expect me to see him as a good guy
And of course that's exactly what they're going to do. Sky is the swell guy caught dating the bitch, but is secretely in love with the girl next door(who is also a jerk but whatever)
Lane markings do tell you what to do tho? Isn't that kinda the point?
Ooooh scary blank eyes Im shaking in my boots
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nightcoremoon · 7 years
now that I've driven home and had a few minutes to cool off and collect my thoughts, I feel I should explain myself to the people who have been following me and know who i am so I don't damage my relationship or reputation more than I probably already have. there was a post that an autistic person I follow made, where he vented about bigotry against autistic people, and ended with a passive aggressive "...janice". there was another post that a nonbinary person I follow made where they vented about bigotry against gender nonconforming people, and ended with a passive aggressive "...denise". I'm not 100% sure which was which but I DEFINITELY remember the posts, as well as the profile pictures of the people who posted them. I don't remember the urls though, and even if I did remember them I wouldn't list them in case the people who are now harassing and spamming me in my inbox and activity feeds decided to also hop on their [proverbial] dicks as well as mine because they apparently culturally appropriated those post templates, of ending extended rants about various bigots and ending them with names befitting of middle aged suburban soccermoms, karen. now, when listing people of this demographic, I used to include white among those adjectives. however, there are black middle aged suburban soccermoms, hispanic middle aged suburban soccermoms, and asian middle aged suburban soccermoms, and pretty much people of every race who have the potential to be this type of person the practice strawmans. obviously not every single middle aged suburban parent of children who participate heavily in after school activities is going to be the type of person to scream at retail workers or starbucks baristas or people who cut off their minivans when they're driving 15 under the speed limit in the left lane. not every single middle aged suburban person is an undeducated bible thumping bigot with their head shoved up their ass. not every one of them is a problematic piece of shit that stands by the #alllivesmatter crew or trump or whatever the republicans are rallying around this week. not even all of the white ones, and there are some people who fit the trope who are not white. I've dealt with many of them during my days at target, but I always stood by including white. until recently. when I learned it made black people uncomfortable when white people made white jokes, I was of course initially hesitant. "that's fucking stupid!" I though. "I'm not assuaging white guilt by doing this, I'm just finding it in me to laugh at myself". and then I read a bit more about the subject and figured it isn't worth the potential heartache if I fought it because in all honesty it kind of makes sense. my mom's boyfriend's son is black (and hispanic), and I had once made a white girl joke to my sister in front of him and mom told me later that both he and her boyfriend were uncomfortable with me saying that. after seeing the post that talked about it, and my... slight breakdown where I may have dramatically overreacted... I decided to try and stop with the white people jokes because I want to unlearn all of the racist shit that my dad, stepmom, aunts, uncles, grandparents, former friends, former acquaintances, and society in general that I possibly could, because racism as a concept digs into my skin and fucks me up. it used to make me absolutely seethe with rage, and I still get a little steamed by it. in fact I once got in a LOT of trouble with my high school sociology student teacher because I got really shitty with her when she- an anthropology student no less- kept calling one kid in our class by his initial because apparently kudsai is just Too Hard™ to pronounce. one day, an off day where I forgot to take my medicine, she called him that and I yelled at her "he has a name, so use it". granted I didn't like the kid. I thought he was annoying; loud, obnoxious, constantly making sex jokes while we were studying freud (and even the fucking holocaust), in the choir and the football team... basically like any other cishet teenage boy. but being annoying is no excuse for a teacher to not take five fucking seconds of her day to learn how to say his name right just because it wasn't franklin or gregory, two of the other black kids who I went to school with. anyone following me as far back as when annie got remade with quvenzhane wallis as the titular role might have read my thoughts on the matter of pronouncing people's names right. i'm not saying this to pat myself on the back for not being racist, because WOW was I a rough mess of things back then, but I was never like my dad's side of the family about race. back when michael brown's death and ferguson were still talked about, I found myself agreeing with rush limbaugh about some of the things he said, so clearly I haven't been a perfect angel my whole life. anyway, back to white people jokes making black people feel uncomfortable. I've been trying to make myself agree with that, which as anyone who has the syndrome formerly known as aspergers can probably attest to, is hard as shit to do. possible but hard. like, I'm even now still unlearning some acephobia, transphobia, queerphobia, islamophobia, and even though I know the occasional fleeting thoughts that I think are wrong and bad, they still happen very frequently. same goes with various forms of racism and xenophobia. my dad (and former stepdad's) influences are probably so deep because of various issues with abandonment and abuse that I'm not gonna discuss here, and they're both absolutely reeking with white supremacist microaggressions. so I'm definitely trying my hardest. part of that is why I reacted so negatively when people misinterpreted what I said, put words in my mouth, and straight up told me to kill myself in all of these messages that are still flooding in. another part is because I truly do stand by the things that I meant to say, rather than the things that it appears I've said. I really do think that it's unreasonable to say that it's racist for people who aren't black to make posts where we vent about various injustices we face from people who are misinformed and ignorant and straight up smarmy condescending assholes and then end it with a passive aggressive name of some baby boomer fuckwit, peggy. because these baby boomer fuckwits come in many colors (black people are still capable of being racist [against hispanic/asian/etc people, not whites, I need to make that abundantly clear], classist, misogynist, queerphobic, ableist, otherwise bigoted prejudiced assholes), and these names that are heralded as "typically white", like henry or franklin or gregory or harold or penelope or alice or etc, are not exclusively white names. I've seen or met black people with names like this and while it's definitely not the majority (not even close), and it's definitely partially due to cultural erasure perpetuated by gentrification, it still exists. so it doesn't make sense to me why the person who wrote the post that started me on this whole sequence of posts about this topic insisted that it was a 'white people names' thing. especially when white people names are more like khaeylieghhe or miakkaylia or annedeeye or some other ridiculous bastardisation of english language in order to make your child feel special and unique and end up growing to be a cookie cutter member of the conservative party that tries to take down affirmative action because they feel like it's reverse discriminatory or some shit. if it was something like that, making fun of those names that are actually like making jokes at the expense of white people [I think I should apologize in advance because technically this counts as a white people joke even if it's just an example] would make perfect sense. however I have not only seen posts in this template of ending with baby boomer names being used as tools to express their distaste in queerphobia, ableism, classism, xenophobia, and intolerance of other sorts, but I've made them before, and it has had not a god damn bit of racial connotation to it at all unless it's been specifically a black millennial on tumblr venting specifically about a white people-ism, and to make a post that shits on everybody who uses this template to cope if they're not black, and causes those kids who use it to cope to ask why not, and then get immediately shit on by assholes who treat them just like people are treating me, who tell them that it doesn't matter if they're neurodivergent or gay or trans or whatever because they're being Big Bad Evil Racists™ by ending their rant posts with names like becky, allison. I don't care if you're black. if you treat queer or disabled kids like shit and call them racist when they're not being racist, no matter what color your skin is, you're an asshole. and to act like fucking salem massachusetts when confronted with legitimate criticism of your ill-informed unbridled assault of an angry mama bear to queer and disabled kids, is just DISGUSTING. WEAK. and PATHETIC. and only serves to strengthen my points. so you know what, go ahead. keep sending me your hate anons. keep sending me the smarmy condescension. I can take it. just stop being fucking assholes to my family. your race isn't something I have any authority over but I won't let you use it as a weapon to beat people over the head with just because you get high off of the power you get from the veil of anonymity. false accusations of being a tier 6 skinhead is more palatable than telling us to kill ourselves.
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