#and i looove how much fun the players are having too!! pulling all these cool ass moves!!
danerom · 2 months
the last stand looks so fun— all the players prepping their spells and prepared actions and pulling out all their magic items and planning out strats!! its giving me starstruck odyssey battle of the brands episode and im hoping therell be another clever slippery puppet type shenanigan!!
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meimei-song · 5 years
high hopes
sam & mei august 10th
Mei is on the bleachers with Sam, talking to him about how the guys are excluding her from tourney practice and coming up with a plan to make them see that she's just as good at tourney as them. After rambling a bit to Sam about how she likes him and not just because he's a good tourney player, he says he likes her back and she teases him, "Aside from being an amazing tourney player too?” She grins widely before gently knocking her shoulder into his so he knows for sure that she's just playing around.
Sam laughs and nods his head, “Well, that’s implied.” He pulls his backpack around, “I was gonna go study at Lucky Cat Cafe, did you wanna come?”
Mei nods and smiles, "Sure." She pulls her backpack back on and stands up.
Sam slides his backpack over one shoulder and stands up, starting to leave the field, “What’s your major?”
Mei walks beside him and she smiles, "Women Studies, you?"
Sam nods his head with a hum, “Computer science. It’s nerdy, I know.”
Mei shakes her head and smiles, "It's not nerdy. You must be really smart."
Sam smiles with a shrug, “Yeah, I guess so. I do like computers and honestly I like knowing things. I feel like I have a lot of surprising trivia in my head.” He taps his temple with a laugh.
Mei grins widely at him, "Okay, hit me with some interesting facts."
Sam laughs and feels his cheeks heat up slightly, “What about?”
Mei smiles as she thinks, "Auradon."
Sam hums and rubs his chin, “Well you may know this one but Auradon means Hills of Light. Aura is the word for light and don is used to describe places with hills. If you looked at a map of this place, a lot of the different kingdoms are either on or separated by hills.”
Mei grins up at him, "I've noticed about the hills but I didn't connect the name so that's cool to know!"
Sam smiles with a shrug as he kicks a rock, “Yeah I think I read about it right before I moved here.”
Mei smiles at him, “Any other cool facts you wanna share?”
Sam chuckles and wrinkles his nose, “Anything you wanna know?”
Mei thinks for a moment, “Tell me about your favorite place in the whole world.”
Sam hums softly and shrugs his shoulders, “I haven’t been any places besides the Isle and Auradon if I’m honest. I can’t stay I’ve experienced even much of here since I got here actually. Is it bad to say the tourney field?” His cheeks heated up slightly with a laugh.
Mei smiles thoughtfully and shakes her head, “Of course not. Nothing has to be extravagant to me your favorite.”
Sam smiles back at her as he rubs back the of his neck, “But if you know of any where cool here I should see, do tell.”
Mei raises her brows and smiles, "Oh, everything here is cool."
Sam laughs and raises his eyebrows, “Oh yeah? What’s your favorite?”
Mei taps her chin as she thinks, "Hmm.. I think the harbor."
Sam smiles as they approach the cafe, “I’ve never been. Why’s that?”
Mei grins at him, "It goes from being quiet and peaceful in the mornings to busy and bustling in the afternoons and evenings and then calm again."
Sam holds open the door of the cafe for for her with a nod, “That sounds pretty nice. Especially the mornings.”
Mei goes inside and smiles at him, "It's good for when you need time to think to yourself and then want to people watch."
Sam smiles as he follows her inside, “I’ll have to check it out.”
Mei smiles at him, "You can always go with me before class one day if you want."
Sam grins back at her, “Yeah, I'd like that! Do you want a coffee or anything?”
Mei grins widely, "Okay, cool. Hm, I think I'll get a decaf tea."
Sam nods with a smile as he looks at the menu, “I usually just do black coffee. It’s the best I’ve had in Auradon here..not that I’ve had it many places actually.” He chuckles and steps up to the counter.
Mei nods a little, "You need some more adventure in your life, Sam Westgate."
Sam laughs and wrinkles his nose a bit, “I know that. I tend to just hyper focus on things. Like school work and tourney. Clearly since I didn’t even notice those guys being dicks to you.” He ordered his coffee and nodded to her, “My treat for not noticing.”
Mei smiles at him, "Thank you, that's sweet." She orders for herself, and then smiles at him, "Maybe that's something we can work on together. Because if I'm being honest, I'm the same way."
Sam pays for their drinks and nods at her, “Alright, I’m in. How do we do that?”
Mei thinks for a moment, "Hmmm, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"
Sam shrugs a little as their drinks come up, “Studying.”
Mei takes her tea and smiles, "Well, now you're not."
Sam furrows his brow as he takes his coffee with a laugh, “Then what am I doing, Mei?”
Mei grins at him and goes to sit down, "You're hanging out with me, and we're going to throw darts on a map and wherever one lands, we're going. Within reasonable distance," she laughs.
Sam laughs and follows her to sit down, “Really? I mean realistically can we go anywhere today and still come back by tomorrow?”
Mei nods and smiles, “Absolutely! Things aren’t as far as you think.”
Sam grins and nods his head, “Alright, lets do it then. Do you know of any darts? You know we could just ask a random person their favorite place and go there? Might be interesting.”
Mei laughs softly and nods, “We could do that!”
Sam sips his coffee and nods his head, “You can do the honors and pick who to ask.”
Mei looks around and then smiles at the barista, "What's your favorite place in the United States of Auradon?"
Sam raises his eyebrows as he listens to the barista say that they usually like to go to Rapunzel’s Tower and go to the top to look out at the views.
Mei grins at Sam, "Looks like we have our first place."
Sam chuckles and nods his head, “Seems like a good one too. Do you want to take our drinks to go and figure out how to get there now?”
Mei nods and smiles, "Yeah, let's do that."
Sam grins and stands up, leading her towards the door again, “Have you ever been to this tower?”
Mei shakes her head as she leaves the cafe with him, "Can't say that I have."
Sam hums as he sips his coffee, “Cool then a new experience for us both.”
Mei smiles up at him, "This will be fun."
Sam nods with a grin, “Now..how do we get there?”
Mei takes out her phone and looks at a map, "It's within drivable distance, near Beast Castle."
Sam nods his head, “Is your car around here? I share mine with my brother so it’s over near the frat houses.”
Mei nods her head and smiles, "Yeah, it's parked by the library."
Sam smiles with a nod as he turns to lead them back towards the library.
Mei looks at him, "Must be hard to share a car with your brother."
Sam shrugs a little with a smile, “Yeah, it can get annoying sometimes but it was cheaper together and luckily there’s a lot of things within walking distance. I live close to the Tourney field so most practices I just walk to.”
Mei nods her head, "That makes sense. Do you live at the frat house too?"
Sam laughs and shakes his head, “God no. I don’t think I could be in a frat. I’m not, like them.”
Mei giggles and looks at him, "Henry doesn't seem to be like them either though. I mean, Ben and Nolan are President and Vice President of it aren't they?"
Sam shrugs one shoulder with a laugh, “Yeah I guess. I’m just a little more quiet than most of them. I prefer to just read or binge watch tv than party on weekends.”
Mei nods and smiles, "There's nothing wrong with that at all. Do you live in the dorms then?"
Sam nods his head as he sips his coffee, “Yeah, but I’m thinking about finding some off campus place next semester.”
Mei brings him over to her car, "Alone?"
Sam shrugs as he follows her to her car, “Not sure yet. I probably would need a roommate.”
Mei unlocks the car and gets in, "Living alone can get lonely."
Sam gets into the passenger side and raises his eyebrows, “Do you live alone right now?”
Mei looks at him, "Not technically, but my roommate is never ever around so I might as well be." She smiles and starts the car up, starting to drive towards Beast Castle.
Sam smiles and raises his eyebrows, “Do you live in the dorm?”
Mei nods and smiles, "I do."
Sam leans back into his seat and smiles, “Do you like it?”
Mei drives and glances at him, "I like the convenience of it when it comes to being on campus. I don't looove the bathroom situation though."
Sam chuckles with a nod, “Completely agreed, man it’s tough. The boys bathroom is like the locker room all the time.”
Mei makes a face, "I made the mistake of going in one once."
Sam chuckles and shakes his head, “Are you scarred for life?”
Mei quickly nods her head, "I can now empathize with my mother."
Sam laughs before sipping his coffee, “I bet. I mean you’re clearly a badass just like her though.”
Mei blushes and grins brightly, "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
Sam smiles over at her and raises his eyebrows, “Really? It’s obvious to anyone on the team or it should be!”
Mei feels her cheeks heat up more and laughs sheepishly, "Oh, I don't know..."
Sam grins a little as he looks out the window, “I know so.”
Mei glances at him and fights a bigger smile, "Thank you, Sam. That means a lot coming from one of the best players on the team."
Sam shrugs with a nod, “You’re welcome. And I’m not one the best. I think everyone’s important on the team.”
Mei playfully rolls her eyes, "Everyone is important, but some people have natural talent. And you definitely have that."
Sam glances at her again with a shrug, “Thanks. I think you’re pretty talented yourself.”
Mei smiles shyly, "You're welcome. Thank you."
Sam shrugs with a nod as he looks out the window with a smile, “Auradon is so full of color sometimes.”
Mei looks over at him and smiles, "It can be quite beautiful in that way. The tower will be perfect for sunset."
Sam nods his head as he looks over at her, “Yeah I can’t wait for that. I don’t think I’ve ever been up anywhere high like a tower.”
Mei giggles a little, "I hope you're not afraid of heights."
Sam laughs and shakes his head, “I don’t think I am but I hope not!”
Mei laughs and grins at him, "We'll find out!"
Sam smiles and shrugs his shoulders, “Are you scared of heights?”
Mei shakes her head and straightens up a little, "I'm not scared of anything."
Sam chuckles and raises his eyebrows at her, “Nothing at all?”
Mei shakes her head more, "Nope. My parents wouldn't allow anything like that."
Sam smiles with a laugh, “That’s awesome. I’m pretty afraid of a lot of things at first but I get comfortable quickly.”
Mei glances at him and smiles, "Like what?"
Sam shrugs a little with a hum, “I mean moving here, trying out for the team.”
Mei nods slightly, "Did having your brother here help?"
Sam tapped his fingers against his knee as he nodded, “Definitely. He’s a lot braver than I am though so still was pretty anxious.”
Mei parks the car not too far from where the tower is, "Why do you think he's braver than you?"
Sam shrugs as he unbuckles, “He just is. Henry’s always been the one to stand up to our dad and basically protect me as much as he could.”
Mei bites her lip and gets out of the car with him, "That's big brothers are for though, right? Doesn't mean you're not just as brave."
Sam nods his head as he gets out with a smile, “Yeah I know. But I don’t know I just tend to be more anxious and hesitant.”
Mei looks up at him and smiles, "Well, it'd be weird if you two were exactly the same."
Sam smiles and tosses his coffee away, “Yeah, exactly.” He looks up at the tower and whistle lowly, “Wow...”
Mei eyes the tower and laughs, holding up her tea, "Yeah, I'm definitely going need this after going up... I don't even know how many stairs are gonna be in ther."
Sam chuckles and nods his head, “Well..we are getting two workouts in.”
Mei groans and laughs, "My legs are gonna be so sore tomorrow! Shall we?"
Sam nods with a grin as he starts towards the bottom of the stairs.
Mei looks up and lets out a low whistle, "Whoa."
Sam chuckles and shrugs, “Alright well, it’s not getting any shorter.” He starts up the stairs and glances back to make sure she’s coming.
Mei starts up the stairs with him, and normally she would've being talking Sam's ear off and asking him questions but he's moving faster cause his legs are much longer and she started puffing when they reached the halfway mark. Towards the end, she's nearly crawling up the stairs, "Your long legs can do so many more stairs than mine."
Sam chuckles a little breathlessly as they approach the top, “We are almost there, you can do it!”
Mei dramatically groans and keeps going, "I thought this part was going to be /fun/."
Sam laughs and finishes up the last couple steps, “Well we did listen to a barista.”
Mei huffs as she finishes after him and she leans against the wall, trying to catch her breath, "I'm never.." She pauses to swallow thickly, "Asking a barista again."
Sam wipes a small bead of sweat off his forehead and chuckles, “Should’ve brought waters.”
Mei holds up her tea and takes a sip before holding it out to him.
Sam nods and takes it before sipping it a little, “Thanks, that helped.”
Mei nods and laughs, putting her hand on her hip, "Exactly why I made sure to bring it." She looks over at the window and smiles, "Oh, Sam, look!" She takes his hand and pulls him over to it, "We made it just in time for sunset."
Sam grins and lets her pull him to the window and he widens his eyes, “Wow...”
Mei looks out at the skyline and sighs happily, “Okay, maybe the barista didn’t have a bad idea after all..”
Sam lets out a soft breath and nods his head, “Maybe next time not after practice because this is worth it.”
Mei laughs and nods, staring out at the view. “Agreed.”
Sam leans against the side of the window ledge and looks down, “Wow, pretty high.”
Mei watches him and laughs, "Guess you're not afraid of heights then."
Sam chuckles and shakes his head, “I mean my heart is racing but I think that’s still from the stairs.”
Mei giggles and puts her hand on his chest, "Eh, it's not that bad."
Sam smiles and glances down at her hand, “Yeah? Good to know.”
Mei drops her hand and laughs, "Yeah, I can still feel my heartbeat in my ears."
Sam chuckles and puts his hands over her ears, “Is that working?”
Mei grins up at him and giggles, nodding a little.
Sam laughs and pulls his hands back before looking out at the view again.
Mei leans against the wall as she watches the sunset, “What’s your favorite time of day?”
Sam hums and shifts to sit a little on the window sill, “Probably sunrise or sunset.”
Mei nods her head and smiles, “Me too.”
Sam smiles and glances at her then back at the sunset. “Between the two probably sunrise. I’m an early riser and it was one of the few peaceful times on the isle.”
Mei looks at him and smiles thoughtfully, "Tell me about it?"
Sam raises his eyebrows as he looks over at her. “The isle?”
Mei nods her head, "I honestly don't know much... My parents always tried to kind of shelter me from knowing anything about it."
Sam wrinkles his nose and shrugs, “There’s not much to know. I mean it’s dirty. It’s always loud and filled with hostility and people are just...there’s no happiness I guess.”
Mei bites her lip, "None at all?"
Sam shakes his head and chuckles, “Well, think of like this, it’s almost like cheap thrills. The smallest things could make you be happy but it was so rare and now after being in Auradon for me, it’s made me realize it wasn’t real. Like having a good sip of coffee when most of the time it tasted like dirt was something I felt happy about for days and so I kept trying to chase that exact feeling but it didn’t come up often.”
Mei nods slightly, "I'm glad that you're here now."
Sam nods his head with a smile as he looks out at the view, “You and me both.”
Mei smiles and watches the sunset, "Nothing beats this."
Sam shakes his head with a laugh, “Definitely not.” He looks back over at her, “Would you want to live in Auradon forever?”
Mei hums as she thinks, "Maybe... I'd like to see what else the world has to offer before I settle down here though, you know?"
Sam nods his head with a smile, “Where would you go?”
Mei smiles up at him, "I'd like to see China."
Sam chuckles and nods, “I guess I could’ve guessed that, huh?”
Mei laughs softly and grins, shrugging her shoulder, "I could've surprised you with a different answers."
Sam smiles and nods his head again, “I guess you’re right. But China seems really amazing.”
Mei grins widely and nods, "It does. You'll have to go too."
Sam tilts his head to the side a bit, “Does your mom talk about it often?”
Mei nods and smiles, "All the time, actually. She's always wanted to take me, but her and my father have been so busy working in Auradon."
Sam raises his eyebrows and smiles, “What do they do?”
Mei smiles, "Well, they're both on the council."
Sam nods his head with a chuckle, “So they are the ones who approved my paperwork to come here huh?”
Mei shrugs a little and shakes her head, "Yes and no."
Sam raises his brows and laughs, “What does that mean?”
Mei hums softly, "They didn't make any sort of executive decisions. To bring the kids from the Isle here was mostly led by Ben even as a prince. But they did assist in the expansion of who should be brought over."
Sam nods with a shrug, “I guess that makes sense. There was a lot of logistics around it. Especially like housing at first and then at least since I’m older they wanted us to have a job so I worked at the library for a while.”
Mei listens to him intently, "Is it like a work-study then?"
Sam shrugs with a nod, “Yeah it was but actually I’m looking for a new job. I wanted something more challenging.”
Mei nods and smiles, "What are you interested in?"
Sam hums and looks out at the view, “Tourney?” He laughs and shrugs, “I mean I like reading which is why the library was great but I don’t know I thought maybe that antique store might be cool.”
Mei laughs and smiles, "I know you like tourney. I just wanted to know you were interested in working as. The antique store does seem cool. The most challenging part for me would be not knocking into things."
Sam laughs and nods his head, “Yeah that’s a good point. That makes me a little nervous too.” He smiles and shrugs, “I think a barista would be cool too.”
Mei grins at him, "Will you be a barista recommending Rapunzel's Tower to a couple of kids looking for an adventure?"
Sam chuckles and shrugs one shoulder, “Perhaps. Maybe it’ll be my favorite place.”
Mei giggles and looks out at the sky, "I think this is the best view I could've ever asked for."
Sam smiles and nods his head, “Agreed. The stairs were worth it.”
Mei laughs and nods, "Next time we're bringing water with us."
Sam laughs and taps his temple, “Right. Very smart.” He nods to the stairs, “Wanna head out before it’s too dark?”
Mei nods and smiles, "Yeah. At least down will be easier than up."
Sam chuckles and stands up, “Oh yeah. Much easier.”
Mei laughs and starts to walk down the steps with him. “Don’t let me trip though.”
Sam laughs as he follows behind her, “I’ll catch you, don’t worry.”
Mei grins at him over her shoulder, “Thank you.”
Sam smiles back and follows her down the stairs.
Mei quietly hums to herself as they walk, “So do you like antiques?”
Sam nods a little with a shrug, “I mean I like history and so antiques are cool. They have stories, you know?”
Mei smiles and nods, “Yeah. You should come over one day to my family’s home, my mother and father have neat stuff I think you might enjoy.”
Sam smiles with a nod, “That’d be amazing.”
Mei grins a little, “What sort of antiques are your favorite?”
Sam shrugs a little with a smile, “I guess like books or really unique things, like typewriters or things that are obsolete now.”
Mei listens thoughtfully and smiles, "Got it. I'll remember that."
Sam smiles and continues to walk down the stairs with her.
Mei reaches the bottom with him and smiles, "Okay, that wasn't so bad."
Sam shakes his head with a laugh, “No especially coming down.”
Mei grins and nods, heading back to her car with him, “I’ll just have to start doing the stair master in the gym.” She laughs, “Or maybe grow ten more inches.”
Sam laughs and shakes his head, "Nah being small is your advantage in tourney. You're fast."
Mei smiles at him appreciatively, "Thank you.."
Sam gives her a grin and approaches her car, “You’re welcome.”
Mei smiles up at him, "To the dorms?"
Sam nods with a smile, “Yep. Thanks for driving by the way.”
Mei gets into the car and smiles, "You're welcome. Thank you for hanging out with me."
Sam grins and nods his head, “I really enjoyed it. I promise I’ll keep my eye out for those jerks for now on.”
Mei looks at him and smiles, "Thank you. I really, really appreciate that, Sam."
Sam gives her a grin and reaches over to squeeze her arm.
Mei giggles shyly and starts the car up, driving them back to the dorms.
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