#and i like trevor but as a combination of julian and thomas he just doesnt really make sense all of the time
niccage · 1 year
Oh forgot to tell you guys. Watched most of Ghosts CBS then most of Ghosts BBC. Gotta say: Ghosts BBC definitely crushes Ghosts CBS in nearly every category - better writing, directing, casting/acting, storytelling, set design, cinematography, assuming catering, literally no competition..... except GOD i fucking miss CBS Pete. He really is my fave little guy on the CBS version and I just can't get as attached to BBC Pat.
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screechingzephyrr · 1 year
today i watched the first five episodes of cbs ghosts and as an avid enjoyer of bbc ghosts i decided to share my thoughts and comparisons!
so here are my thoughts… (its kinda long so beware)
Things I Liked:
-My favourite characters are Isaac and Thorfinn, because Isaac is a silly gay soldier man (can you tell i love the captain) and thorfinn is THE icon.
-My favourite parts of the episodes are when they move away from the original bbc ghosts plot and create something of their own- it makes it more enjoyable and interesting as someone who has watched each episode of ghosts so many times ive lost count.
-The characters bounce off each other quite well, there were moments, like when pete and trevor hugged each other after pushing over the pot and i was like haha nice. 👍 they feel like a group
-the show is americanised and i like that about it, it feels very different from the rest of the shows i watch (im british) so its kind of a breath of fresh air in that way
Things i Didnt Like (sorry :(
-The run time (20 mins) means the story is very compacted and, compared to the original, the plot is the same but feels more rushed.
-They sometimes try to have emotional moments??? but i dont feel anything. in the first episode they have one just after samantha goes to hospital and i was sat there like Ok???? It didnt have an impact bc i had only known them for 15 minutes.
—Trevors character….. i think if i saw him without watching bbc ghosts i would have felt better about him. hes a combination of julian and thomas, and he feels washed out because he has both their major traits (slutty politician + liking alison/sam) but toned down.)
Instead of a poet waxing romance and almost innocently adoring her (like thomas) he is a weird politican guy who kinda hits on her sometimes (calling her hot, wondering if they were flirting). i still think hes entertaining, i like him but when he makes comments sometimes i want to scream like someone please make this man stop. hes like julian if he had 0% slut, looked like thomas, and hit on alison.
—some ghosts i dont really see??? like sasappis and that high girl (idek her name😭) i barely see, and the greaser guy with his head chopped off ive seen twice??? they probably get more screentime later but damn where these ghosts at. i want to know more
—cbs ghosts doesnt leave any suspense to what most died of. they flat out state most of them. it leaves the suspense that came with bbc ghosts completely gone. you cant make theories bc they hand it to you on a silver platter and dont make you wait.
—jay and samathas relationship makes me want to commit a crime (in a bad way!!). jay is the worst. they were arguing in teh first three episodes. Jay didnt want to move into the house. theyre not a united front at all! hes kinda fighting with sam and mentioned multiple times about her “cute butt” which personally made me want to scream again. and they just dont have couple vibes
when they try to have moments, it’s stilted. compared to alison and mike who you can see together and who you are endeared to from the first episode, they DONT compare.
Alison sometimes borrows mikes coat in the show, and i dont get that kind of comfortable loving vibe from sam and jay. its not happening for me.
anyway sam should just divorce jay and run the bnb by herself, send post
— OKAY there was this moment where trevor raises his arms and the rest of the ghosts cringe and look away bc of his crotch. Then theres a shot where trevors crotch isnt covered by a pot or another object, its blurred out in pixels. anyway i hated it so much pls make it disappear from existence im begging
-the colour palettes are kinda jarring, its not really that cohesive
I do like it and i will keep watching it for Isaac, but mostly i still think bbc ghosts is the better option so far and if you are thinking about which to watch first, you should watch the original bbc ghosts.
im gonna keep watching and I really hope this show comes into its own.
BUT saying that, im probably biased because im super attached to bbc ghosts, so go check it out for yourself! i am a simple person on the internet and you’d probably be better forming your own opinion.
i’ll probably post my complete opinion on it if i ever finish it. so. yeah.
anyway if you read this far, i love you
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