#and i know im not qualified to do newspaper stuff but MAN i would like to work in classics
cinastre · 6 months
man i really wish i was/felt qualified to have a job in a field i actually am interested in and enjoy, not just basic admin stuff
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marble harble brain rot time and when i say that i mean this is just a whole fucking analysis on most of the characters and exactly what kind of kid theyd be in high school
Jay Merrick: Jay would do the morning/afternoon announcements and/or write for the school newspaper and yearbook. if he did the yearbook you fucking bet this boy would be an ace photographer and the best aesthetic eye for layouts and themes. he would also probably be a theater techie specifically helping build and paint sets as well as be headset main *i like to say stage left cus thats always my side :)* might be part of a dnd club or something too
Tim Wright: oh you know this boy would be a theater kid, he wouldnt care for dancing much so he wouldnt be a fan of super dance heavy shows (ie Newsies) but he would love to be in musicals. had a fucking fantastic memory when it came to memorizing scripts and monologues and all that. while he was an actor, he did learn enough about makeup, wigs, costumes, ect. so he could help people offstage when he wasnt super busy. always brought food to shows/rehearsals (and just as an extra note: yes i know that canonically Tim is a music guy but in high school? absolutely not. his parents might make him take lessons and he probably had his own interest in guitar/ukulele but this man didnt do anything outside of that in hs. absolute theater kid istg)
Alex Kralie: robotics club. at home he would do a lot of lego stop motion stuff too but he would never admit it or join a club related to it. Alex would have some youtube channel dedicated to it called Lego Boy or something and he would be So Fucking Proud of himself and his movies until he got to college and was like "yeah no these were shit, time to delete any evidence of this off the internet" (Marble Hornets was just a live action version of a story he created years ago and made as a lego stop motion film, it was his favorite one)
Brian Thomas: football AND marching band, im torn as to whether he would march first trumpet or play rack in pit though... he would constantly (jokingly) make fun of his teammates when they complained saying theyd never make it in marching band and the band kids were tougher than any athlete in the school. this boy's whole high school career led to the moment when he could be one of the seniors getting to go up and grab the banner/plaque at finals
Seth Wilson: leader of the school newspaper. Seth would also probably get a part time/summer job at the local radio station too honestly. hed also probably make his own music at home, i see him as being an electric guitar player mostly
Amy Walters: color guard and flute double. color guard for marching and flute in the stands. color guard girls tend to be pretty bitchy but Amy was the sole exception and was friends with the whole band. could be kind of an airhead at times but Damn could she do math, the math comp club tried to recruit her a few times but she was never interested in joining
Jessica Locke: honors chorus for school (qualified for every comp too) as well as the choir for the church she and her parents attended. she wasnt religious herself but if her parents made her go then she figured she might as well have some fun. got violin lessons as a kid and was pretty good too but she didnt like it so she quit. taught herself some piano as well but singing was always her main focus. probably performed in a musical or two but didnt like it as much as she thought she would so she quit
Sarah: also color guard. helped with some choreography too. much preferred winter guard but she did outdoor too. flag main and damn good at it as well as first choice for any fancy acrobatics or big prop/acting spotlights
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