#and i got unsure of how it flowed and too impatient/tired to really edit it once the story finally did feel done
reineyday · 3 months
i apologize if this could be seen as offensive (i'm not familiar with writer's etiquette), but your fic angel of music is my favorite one of your so far!! i always love shanks, mihawk, and uta fics, but there was just something SPECIAL about the scene where uta loses control and mihawk goes all out. the feeling i felt while reading was very similar to the one i had when watching gear5 for the first time... <3
omg 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖 idk how to express to u how chuffed i am rn reading ur ask. like the ego boost holy shit??? similar to how you felt watching gear5 for the first time????? SUCH HIGH PRAISE???? IM SO HONOURED WOW THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭💖🙏 you're too kind!!!
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himboskywalker · 4 years
Hey!! So can I ask like a personal writing question? I recently got back into writing (inspired by your fics actually) and I was wondering how do you balance build up and tension to smut?? And do you ever look at your stories and go this is too much smut?? I just want the story to flow well if that makes sense lolol Absolutely ADORE your writing and I hope you have a very wonderful evening!! Ps if you don’t want to answer absolutely no hard feelings🙂 much love!😙
Hello dear and thank you so much ❤️I’m honored to have inspired anyone and you guys fill me with so much love!
I’ve never hit a point in my own stories where I felt like there was too much smut,a lot of the time I actually feel like my stuff could be longer I’m just immensely impatient and I usually wind up steamrolling through and saying,eh fuck it I want to post this.I have gotten better about that lately though,and I think it’s one of those things that you just get better at the more you do it.It’s also probably a matter of opinion,there’s probably people who have thought my content has too much or too little,is too long or too short.For me personally it takes a colosall ton for me to hit the point of saying,okay I’m tired of reading about sex in fanfiction,like 200k+ too much,I like long fics,I like smut,this is of course a personal opinion.
For pacing and flow I work entirely off emotional points,in both my oneshots and my longer fics.What this means is when I come up with a fic idea I usually formulate a rough plotline in my head,and for longer fics I physically write it out,and also think of the feelings/feeling realizations/emotions I want the character to experience in the story.For shipping fanfiction specifically we read them for the romantic emotions they invoke,and so I tend to revolve my fics around the emotional journeys or moods I want to invoke in my readers,or the emotoinal journey I want the character to experience.
I’ll use The Red Right Hand as an example for my process since I was actually pleased about my pacing for it lol My basic plotline I formulated was that Obi-Wan falls to the dark side and becomes Galactic Emperor,Anakin falls and follows him,they’re romantically involved,it’s unhealthy and controlling.Anakin betrays Obi-Wan,he is brought before him to be held accountable for it and is publicly humiliated through sex,tada--my brilliant plot.
But that wasn’t the bam-bam-bam points I wanted to hit. Simultaneous with that my goals were to take Anakin through the emotional steps of fear->anxiety->unsureness->terror->embarrassment->humiliation->humiliation over liking it->loss of control from pleasure.For Obi-Wan, while his emotional journey is less clear because it’s not from his perspective, I wanted to take him through at least, anger->fury->jealousy->possessiveness->pleasure from ownership.So when I write my fics,I try to weave my emotional hitpoints with my plotpoints and I don’t like to hit the smut until I’ve hit several emotional points until they’ve built towards desperation or loss of control.Sometimes I write a fic and while editing it realize I haven’t quite fleshed out the emotional journey as well as I should,and I usually find myself going back and buffering it out.
For me personally, what I really enjoy in smut is a sense of desperation and franticness, so when I’m building the tension in my story I’m usually trying to draw in the protagonist’s scope of thought and attention to their increasing need and want.So what that looks like is world building in the first couple to first five pages or so,with the sexual tension introduced about page 3 to 7 and by page 5 to 10,depending on the word count of the fic,the entire scope of the plot has narrowed to the situational plot that is leading to the actual sex happening.So I start broad,here is the alien planet wer’re on or the timeframe of the clone wars wer’re looking at,okay here is the situational foil that is antagonizing the character,okay but juxtaposed with that here is what they are preoccupied with and then ohmygod I’m going to crawl out of my skin I’m so desperate and that usually breaks with sex shenanigans.
That’s the basic structure for This Was Obi-Wan,Cross-Wired,Lifeblood,For Your Pleasure,and the Red Right Hand,and it’s the structure of the oneshot I’m working on now.Of course every author has their own thing and everyone works differently,but that’s my go to for my pwps that I work from.I really enjoy other pacing and structure from other authors and it’s always fun to play around with,but I hope that helps or gives you some ideas!
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