#and i am now so staunchly anti azula
marchlione · 1 month
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gilded-green · 3 years
happy 10th anniversary! your works are a rabbit hole of goodness. i was blown away by your world building and fell in love with your ocs. 'Dutiful' is my most fav tho. i love how you wrote Min Lee as an impressionable youth. anyways, i was wondering what was her and the Kohimori clan's reaction to Ty Lee's part in taking down Ba Sing Se? it's funny that they were planning treason while their youngest manages to succeed at where their former crown prince failed
Thank you!! ^_^ I am so glad to have dug out that rabbit hole! Took me a while but gosh darn am I proud of what I've gotten done so far!
I am always blown away by how much people love my OCs, Min Lee especially. <3
SO the Kohimori Clan's reaction to Ty Lee helping Azula orchestrate the downfall of Ba Sing Se is a a lot of horrified, silently exchanged glances, perfect Fire Court smiles, and frantic letters to Min Lee.
You were supposed to keep an eye on her!!!
She RAN AWAY and we all agreed it was for the best, do NOT pin this on me I am under a LOT of stress over here!
This is the absolute LAST thing any of them expected when Min Lee reported that Ty Lee had run away to join the circus, and NONE of this is helped by the fact that Hiromi still has NO IDEA that Shigeru, Masao, and Ryoko are all staunchly anti-imperialist. She's spent this whole time assuming that her family was just anti-Ozai, because they were always supporters of Iroh, but now Iroh's been imprisoned as a traitor so they should really put in some pro-Ozai lip service with this great opening Ty Lee just got them.
"Oh thank the spirits, our daughter has gained our family so much honor, she's doing just like her grandmother did and is giving us the means to restore our reputation! We can get on Ozai's good side instead of his tolerant side! We can definitely work with this! Masao, aren't you proud?"
"Honey I know your mother was one of Prince Iroh's strongest supporters and I know that our family has always been hesitant to accept Ozai as the rightful ruler given the...circumstances of his ascent...but Iroh is literally in prison as a traitor now and we really need to be more proactive about our political survival."
"Yeah, uh, I'm...going to go play pai sho."
"What is it with you and pai sho??"
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