#and honestly that's the big reason why i specify remake vs OG
sapphire-weapon · 1 year
saw a tweet earlier from an aeon fan that was like “even if RE4 remake does switch the romances around, that doesn’t mean that the original goes away. aeon is still canon and nothing can change that.” and i just
when i read it.
it almost feels kind of bad to watch them slowly give up like this after being such overconfident, smug dicks for literally two decades.
i am literally cloud strife walking into the healin lodge in advent children and going “rufus shinra? boy, do i feel sorry for you” knowing full well what a huge slap in the face insult it is to say that, ESPECIALLY considering who it’s coming from, but also like. just being honest.
i think i’m just gonna hunker down into my own little corner here and wait for all this to blow over until separate ways comes out and makes it way worse all over again 😶
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