#and his love for Izuna and sense of duty to his clan in like and his honest desire for peace and but mostly safety. in everything he does.
everymadara · 11 months
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Chapter 624
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hinakazino · 2 years
Uchihas w/ sister!reader
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warnings: none! summary: you being their little sister, and them loving you each in their own way.
MADARA The day you were born was a marvelous one. Your mother had been hoping for a girl for quite some time now. Madara remembers how he held you for the first time. Your small hands safely tucked into a warm blanket and your kind expression as you slept soundly.
Madara is always kind, caring, and affectionate to you. Although mostly when others aren’t around. He really did enjoy the time you too had together when you were younger. He always felt joy when he came back home from war. Seeing you run towards him for a hug.
He remembers picking your small frame up, touching your soft cheeks and pressing a kiss to your forehead. You were so tiny and precious, he swore that he’d never let anyone hurt you. As you grew older he got to see you less and less. His duties as the next clan head were piling up.
When the treaty was created you were allowed to roam freely. He finally had more time on his hands to see you. He took you for trips around the village, bought you treats you liked, and spent his time with you any chance he got.
He is also really protective of you though, ever since big brother Izuna's death, you could tell. He opposed the idea of you becoming a ninja, except he did allow you to take defense classes. He also doesn't quite like the idea of marriage. He doesn't trust people with you.
However if you really ask, and he can tell you're serious about something. Whether marriage, being a ninja, working, he will support you. Albeit reluctantly at first! Overall he is a big caring, supportive, and protective big brother.
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He was way more happy than he thought he would be at the news of your arrival. He felt so nervous, a little sister! You were so small in his arms, he remembers holding Sasuke just like this when he was younger. He believed you to be the most adorable baby in the world.
You weren't quite like Sasuke, mainly fine with anyone holding you but showing particular interest in a person when you'd show your grabby hands at them. Itachi felt a new sense of motivation when you had came. To him, you and Sasuke were his most precious.
You grew up basically like a Princess, no one disrespected you (not like they dared to), you had the privilege of being in one of the strongest clans, and you got pretty much everything you wanted.
Itachi swore to never let anyone hurt or force something on you. The idea of marriage was unfortunately brought up before you'd even become a teen and Itachi blankly refused it. His father actually agreed with him on the matter, stating that you were too young for this discussion.
Itachi cheered you up whenever you were down, held you when you were hurt, and played with you in his free time. He wasn't entirely opposed to the idea of you being a ninja, it was more like he was scared of losing you if you were one.
He supports anything you want to do, even if it isn't ninja or clan related. He teaches you all you want to know, and is honestly really proud whenever you tell him you've achieved something. He is someone who has confidence in you, but he doesn't push it.
Itachi lets you know you are you, and that's all that matters. He is your soft, kind, brother figure you look up to all the time.
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Sasuke was more nervous than Itachi for a new sibling, he'd never had the thought of one till you. But when you came he didn't mind the nervousness. He enjoyed your company and the way you admired him so much.
Sometimes Sasuke disliked himself a bit at the thought, but he liked how you looked up to him and never looked down on him. He knew that he wanted to protect you from that moment onward.
When you guys were younger, he often found you snuggled up with him when you were scared. Sasuke wasn't scared of the dark, regardless he found himself doing checks in the closet and under your bed in your bedroom.
He would briefly announce that there were no monsters in your room and that even if there was he would chase them away. To which you'd giggle and hug him. Yeah, he got used to that instantly.
When Sasuke came home he could always count on you to be there, pulling him to a hug. Even if father, brother, or sometimes mother were gone busy doing other things you would always be there.
Sasuke had a big soft spot for you and although he didn't show it much at home. He did hype you up a lot at school when asked about his family. He remember a school presentation and how he had called you the cutest baby sister ever. All in all, he is a total sweetie to you.
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Shisui wasn't sure how to feel at first when the idea of you came up, but once he saw you he knew he'd cherish you forever. He was left breathless when he held you. He doesn't like admitting it, but he had cried.
Shisui was the famed one of your family, known for his capabilities. Unfortunately, it wasn't long after you had came that your father had passed. It was during that time period that Shisui remembers just holding you.
He thought about how innocent you were and that happy smile radiating from your face. Honestly, it was you that kept him and his mother going. The clan itself was supporting you guys too of course.
Shisui secretly detested the idea of you becoming a ninja strongly, as he's seen the worse of the worst himself. He wanted you not at all to be involved in that. You were his motivation for peace.
He honestly loves walking with you, especially when you were little. It was so adorable, your wobbly little steps as he held your small hand. You would constantly giggle and smile to yourself as you kept going.
His heart almost burst with the way you called out to him when he came home, "shisui-niiiiii!" Oh lord, it was too much for him to handle, and Itachi laughed at him for it. He is your lovable, dramatic, sweet big brother.
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Obito honestly feels similar to Sasuke, ever since he was young he had dreams of becoming Hokage. He wanted to be recognized and not looked down upon, however that seemed to be his reality.
He hated the point that despite being from the greatest clan in Konoha. It was obvious no one believed him to be going anywhere. He had become the laughing stock of the class, complete opposite of famed Kakashi Hatake.
He felt a sense of pride knowing that he was your big brother then, that he was someone who could protect you and someone you looked up to. But, unlike Sasuke he felt shame in this as well.
Didn't you feel ashamed that your big brother was an idiot? No, you didn't, and that's what he loved about you. You always had a kind giddy personality.
You were his motivation for the better, his reason to achieve greatness. He remembers introducing you to his team, shocking even his teacher.
You were so small behind him that even Minato and Kushina, despite their height, hadn't noticed you. Obito had to hold your hand and whisper to you that everything was okay before you had fully revealed yourself.
You were of course, so adorable and it was no secret. Kushina had already bent down and became best friends with you, softly playing with your chubby cheeks. Obito remembers walking you home and seeing the big smile on your face.
It had made him feel mixed feelings at the thought of you being a ninja, on one hand he felt concerned for you but on the other it could be what you wanted. At the end of the say he is your supportive brother, who is very proud of you.
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pachu09 · 1 year
Small ficlet
Hashirama with a serious face, intone. " We are now commencing the first InterClan Meeting. Tobirama, why are you standing up?. Take a seat, quickly!. "
Tobirama wryly answered, " As you can see Anija. There are no available seat for me to sit on. "
Hashirama frantically looked around and indeed there's no available seat left for his brother to sit on.
But before Hashirama could make a chair for his brother; Izuna gleefully pipes up. " Nii-san would love to share his seat with you, Senju!. " Tobirama stared at Madara who was sprawled on his seat and was mockingly gesturing for Tobirama to seat on his lap.
The Albino narrowed his eyes in anger, if the Uchiha Brothers think they could humiliate him in front of the other Clan Heads they had another thing coming!.
With his head raised arrogantly, Tobirama marched towards the shocked Uchiha Clan Head and upon arriving immediately plop himself on the man's lap. He smirked in satisfaction as he heard Madara’s pained inhalation.
Serves the bastard right.
He could see the other Clan Heads, Izuna and his Brother eyeing him and Madara amusedly but he wasn't the Senju Demon for nothing. Their amusement would not deter him from doing his duty regardless of his personal feelings.
As soon as he relaxes on his seat Tobirama stiffen in surprise as he felt something hard poking his bottom. Turning his head to stare at the Uchiha Clan Head he snap at Madara in anger. " Get the fuck out that Kunai in your pocket, Uchiha!. I refuse to remain seated in your lap if its making me uncomfortable!. "
Madara with a furious blush on his face wheezes back at Tobirama. " I…don't have any pockets, Tobirama. "
Awkward silence ensued at Madara's admission.
Izuna slowly covered his face in embarassment. Hashirama looked wide eyed at his best friend and Otouto. The other Clan Heads looked on with various looks of amusement and grimaces.
Meanwhile, Tobirama was left confused at what was Madara talking about.
" Then, what the hell is poking my bottom then, Uchiha?!. " Tobirama scowled as the Uchiha Clan Head looked away and mumbled something.
" Oh for Sage sake!. That's his fucking dick that's poking you, Senju-san. " the Matriach of the Inuzuka Clan howled in her seat.
Tobirama; feeling mortified and embarrassed had quickly jumped out of Madara's lap and with his face burning in humiliation had disapperead using Hiraishin.
Madara in an attempt to regain his composure had stood up and glared furiosuly at the still cackling Inuzuka Clan Head. He carefully avoided Izuna and Hashirama's eyes as he leapt for nearest window.
" I'll attend the next Clan Meeting when Tobirama decides to come back. " he declared to all of the members with an arrogant sniff. He vanished using a Shūnshin and no one had the gall to stop him from leaving.
The second Madara vanished; the other Clan Heads tittered like school children excitedly talking amongst themselves.
Hashirama then turn to Izuna. " Soooo... since when did Madara has a crush with my Otouto, Izuna-san? "
Izuna nonchalantly clean his nails with his shuriken. " Hmm..I dunno maybe since we built the village? "
Hashirama gaped. " That long?. Poor Madara. " he wince. " Tobi probably hasn't known about his interest. That's how oblivious he is, when it comes to someone being attracted to him. "
Izuna shrugged, " I asked Aniki if he wanted help. But the dumbass doesn't want any so I just watched from the sidelines as he failed repeatedly in courting Tobi. "
Hashirama sweatdrop. " Maybe now Tobi finally realizes Madara's intentions? "
Izuna snorted mockingly, " One can only hope. With how dumb your brother is. I guess it would at least take a year before he realises Madara's after his ass ( in a romantic sense of course ). "
Hashirama wrinkled his nose at that remark. " Never mention my brother's posterior again, Izuna-san. I do not need that information. "
Izuna cackled. " But Hokage-sama. When Aniki finally convinced Tobi to go out with him. You'll probably catch them fucking everywhere with how insatiable Aniki is when it comes to sex!. Poor Tobi. I hope he can survive Aniki's unlimited libido...."
Hashirama paled at that information. " Too much information, Izuna-san. "
The younger Uchiha tapped a finger on his chin. " Say, Hokage-sama. I'll give you a heads up when they started dating and also start fucking wherever and whenever they liked...as long as I get to have vacations whenever I want. And oh, I'll get the missions to kill the Nobles from the Capital, first? "
Hashirama rose a brow. " Alright, I don't want to know who pissed you off from the Capital and yes, we have a deal Izuna-san. "
Izuna jumped up from his seat excitedly and shook hands with his amused Hokage. " Good. I'mma take up that vacation right away because I felt Madara and Tobirama entering the Main House right this second and I don't want to witness them going at it. "
Hashirama whistled, impressed. " Damn. Madara sure work fast, huh? "
Izuna shrugged. " Probably Aniki thinking to himself. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. "
Hashirama miraculously pulled out a vacation form out of nowhere all neatly sign in and gave it to Izuna.
" Just make sure you'll be back after three days. Madara will probably tear the entirety of Konoha if you're no where to be found. " he sternly commanded the younger Uchiha.
Izuna saluted and winks. " Thanks to Tobi teaching me Hiraishin. I'll probably be back tommorow late evening. " and then he vanished leaving a trail of blue light.
Hashirama sat shocked stupid at the thought of his Otouto teaching Izuna his Hiraishin.
A second later his jealous wails echoed around the Hokage Tower, loudly.
The other Clan Heads were forced to console their wailing Hokage without knowing what to do to make him stop crying.
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peppymint1986 · 7 months
MadaTobi Week Day One: Magic and Marriage
Uchiha Madara, known in some circles as the Calamity, took a moment to reflect upon how he had ended up in this situation.  The answer was of course a group of meddling elders who were incapable of minding their own business.  It had started with subtle, and some not so subtle hints about settling down and had quickly escalated.  
Soon he couldn’t turn around without one of the old fussbudgets droning on about his duty to the clan and that it was time and past he wed and produced an heir.  The whole concept was ridiculous.  He was only twenty-six.  There was still plenty of time.  
Unfortunately that argument had not worked on the elders at all.  Nor had the one about him being busy.  The only debate where he had won any ground had been on avoiding an arranged marriage.  Uchiha, by and large, married for love.  The clan would have been up in arms if the elder’s council had tried to force the issue.  
Izuna had been no help at all.  Oh his brother was happy enough to flirt with anyone who was appropriately strong,  Likewise the other spent a not inconsiderate amount of time engaging in activities Madara did not want to envision his baby brother participating in.  But commitment?  Not a chance.  
He almost wished Izuna was less responsible with his liaisons.  A child out of wedlock would not be the end of the world.  In such a scenario Madara could easily arrange for the babe to be brought into the main house.  It would probably even get the council off his back for awhile.  Alas, it was not to be.  
In an act of desperation Madara had even tried claiming he preferred men.  It was true, mostly.  It was at this point one of the wrinkled bastards had whipped out an authentic Uzumaki grimoire all about fertility spells and sex magic declaring a male spouse would be no issue.  How Yoshito had managed to get his hands on the thing, Madara had no idea, but he had.  
Even worse, another of the elder’s had thoughtfully put forth the idea of performing the Ritual of Harmony.  It would, he claimed, provide Madara with a compatible spouse.  Love, the elder had piously exclaimed, would come with time.  
The Ritual itself had been around for centuries.  And while it was true it would bring forth a compatible match, resulting in some truly cloying love stories, it was rarely used.  Most people just were not that enthusiastic about marrying a complete stranger they knew nothing about.  Especially given that seperation was not an option.  Once a pair was bound, they were bound for life.  There were likewise a number of horror stories about attempts by third parties to circumvent or break the bond.  Such attempts never ended well.  
So here he was, barely a month after the suggestion had been broached, wearing a sober formal kimono and waiting for his bride.  Madara tried one last time to think of a way out of this, but failed.  It was also, he reflected as the priestess finished, too late anyways.  The painted ritual lines pulsed once, twice, before condensing in a ball of light which shown like the sun for a brief moment before fading to leave a figure behind.  
Madara’s breath caught in his throat.  Pale silvery white hair, crimson eyes, the man was unmistakable.  Senju Tobirama.  Madara almost panicked before common sense reasserted itself.  He had already consented but all the Senju had to do to get out of this was . . .
“I accept.”
As the bond snapped into place Madara could only stare.  What?  What?!
While Tobirama had initially been shocked, it had barely taken him an instant to grasp the situation.  This morning, he would have never even considered marrying Uchiha Madara.  But if the Ritual of Harmony had brought them together there was clearly more to the other man than he had ever considered.   And of course, there were other factors.
“You,” Madara still had not quite regained the use of his tongue.  
“I will of course expect you to make peace with my kin.”
Madara stared stunned.  Tobirama was his husband.  Hashirama was his brother-in-law.  This changed everything.  It was at this point that one of the elder’s knelled over with a groan, clutching his chest; immediately sending the rest into a tizzy.  
Too bad, Madara thought dispassionately as the elder was rushed off.  In his mind, the other had brought it upon himself.  Looking back at his new spouse, he almost smiled.  Maybe this marriage thing would not be so bad after all.  
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belit0 · 11 months
Unbreakable bond part 2!!🥺💞
Unbreakable Bond (part 2)
You demand, and I shall give🙌🏻🙌🏻 it took me longer than expected because, when completing half of the chapter, I deleted it all and started over (lol). The Izuna I was writing was not as I wanted him to be, so I started from scratch in order to portray him exactly as I wished. I decided this story is not going to be beautiful and full of love. It's going to have angst and raw material, sex (consensual), and death (also love and nice feelings, but not mostly!!).
Izuna had to step back and think, evaluate the situation calmly, and decide what to do about it. Carefully pondering things was never his forte, always making impulsive decisions on the spot without analyzing a single thing, guided by his instincts and bodily sensations.
Madara has been trying for too many years to get him to use his head in times of pressure, but he always preferred his muscles and intuition.
In this case, his physical system screamed one thing and his mind demanded another.
He knows what his mission is, he knows what he must do and how he must do it, when and why, but something inside prevents him from doing so. This human is unlike any other with whom he has had to carry out a contract, and she is making his duty impossible to fulfill.
Izuna has seen too many people grow up in his lifetime, with too many deals on his back to even count. He remembers the first mission he was entrusted with, and his flawless execution of it as if it were yesterday.
His older brother had been proud of him, and his Leader even gave him a smile of approval. Everything had gone perfectly and since then, the demon fell into a familiar and simple routine.
Go to the human realm, fulfill his contract, return with the reward, and repeat the process.
He could never remember the faces of any of the humans with whom he worked, ignoring their existence once those tedious twenty years were up. He couldn't recall their expressions upon meeting for the first time, nor how they screamed and begged for mercy upon being transformed.
However, this human was different. From her first moments of life, Izuna felt a strange and powerful connection between the two of them, something different. He could not calculate how many people he had to deal with, but he never felt any respect for them.
With (Y/N) it was different.
He caught himself grinning at the girl's accomplishments, an unfamiliar warmth invading his chest and making him feel uncomfortable. He shared her negative feelings when things didn't go her way, and radiated hatred if anyone dared to look at her with heated intentions.
Izuna always did the bare minimum to keep his human alive until the time was right, acting like a trustworthy angel and earning the person's trust, lulling them into a false sense of security that would explode the moment they met face to face.
With her, he could not help but impart brutality to anyone who had bad intentions.
Leader's orders were always extremely clear to everyone, and no one ever dared to disobey them for fear of the consequences. His clan would go out into the human world with an objective, a mission to accomplish, and once the task was performed, they would return home with the reward. It was a simple system, devised to be flawless and work perfectly, ideas that shaped him from his first moment of existence.
Yet, here he was, running away from his human and creating distance between them in order to think. The time had finally come to follow Madara's advice and evaluate the situation, although he knew his brother would be shooting flames out of his eyes if he could see him right now.
Let's not even talk about the Leader...
Izuna leaps from branch to branch at full speed, forgetting for a moment the large pair of wings decorating his back. He has no way to control his breathing, completely agitated and out of his mind to understand things clearly.
The time had come to see (Y/N) and execute the mission he has been waiting to complete for twenty years, but the girl had a mishap that almost put her out of the game. Izuna solved it without problems, triggering the issue when finally able to touch her, skin to skin, with no barrier of protection in between.
After years of being her invisible guardian, Izuna had never had the chance to feel her physically or be in direct contact with her. He got used to becoming her shadow, always close but separated by a wall only to be breached on her twentieth birthday.
As 12:00 came and the girl was almost suffocating from nerves and food, Izuna dared to touch her for the first time. The effect was immediate and he could only resist long enough to save her, make sure she was breathing smoothly, and leave her lying on the floor, having to escape on the spot.
As he wrapped his hands around her stomach and helped her push to free her airway, Izuna felt his entire body catch fire. His fangs throbbed with the need to bite, his claws with the urge to dig into something urgently, and his wings quivered with pure satisfaction.
He'd never felt subdued like that before, let alone by a human under contract. His reaction was something entirely new to him, a side of himself he was unaware of, fleeing the scene before doing something he would regret.
An instinctive, animalistic part roars with need within him as he turns away from (Y/N), demanding he go back to her. The girl had fainted but was safe, and Izuna would not be able to make it back until he discovered what was going on with him.
After what felt like hours of jumping through the shadows of the night, the demon stopped dead in his tracks, feeling a strange sensation in his chest. It was the same he had experienced when he touched her, and the physical distance he imposed between them did not help to dispel the sensation. Unable to account for his body's reactions, Izuna unloads his fists against the logs around him, screaming in rhythm with a savage beating to nature.
He wants to set everything on fire, destroy the place, run back to her and take her in his arms, finally look her in the eyes, rip his heart out of his chest, and stop the strange thing inside him, all at the same time.
His mind is a mess and his body calls for violence, death, and blood. It's a familiar mix, but he had never been triggered by such a situation before.
"What would Madara do... Fuck!"
He was supposed to complete his mission when the clock struck 12:00, just as he has been doing for millennia. Wait for the human to be expectant and happy to finally meet their "angel", and strike brutally when the invisibility barrier disappeared between the two.
An easy, simple routine, always straightforward to perform, but one he would not be able to carry out with this girl. He had the perfect opportunity to convert her just as (Y/N) lost consciousness, but his body demanded an unplanned escape and the postponement of his task.
He sits on the forest floor, surrounded by a terrain reduced to dust and ruins. Nearby humans would hear the commotion, and soon there would be several angels searching the area for the origin of such a disaster.
With his head in his hands and elbows on his knees, he tries to dwell, reflect, and decide. He has to act now, with the clock ticking in all directions. If he doesn't go back home with his target served soon, they'll be out looking for him, and things could get ugly.
Izuna knows the consequences of a failed mission, he's seen what happens to those demons who can't comply, and he doesn't want to be the focus of the Leader's wrath any time soon.
With his thoughts tangled and that nagging feeling in his chest, he lifts his face and begins to flap his wings from the ground, slowly peeling himself off the surface and setting out back to the scene he fled from.
He may not be able to create flawless strategies like his older brother, but the demon knows exactly what his body and gut instinct tells him to do. For the first time in his long existence, he will ignore every known routine and break the rules, making an exception for that human.
(Y/N) cannot be converted, and he will go to great lengths to avoid it.
The girl regains consciousness little by little and sits up on the bathroom floor, remembering what happened. Her throat hurts as if she had swallowed a razor blade, and her stomach seems to have taken quite a beating.
She becomes aware of her surroundings and notices her angel is not at the scene.
A little disappointed and saddened by all that has happened, she realizes perhaps the celestial being could not wait to see her wake up, having other matters to attend to. They probably have a very busy schedule and many responsibilities, so it was comprehensible.
She sat up slowly, still dizzy and somewhat groggy. As best she could, she made it to bed, her body needing rest after the situation, and decided she would clean up the mess tomorrow. The night had been chaotic, and she calculated by the clock about two hours without consciousness. Estimating that the blackout time was a mixture of her misfortune and the exhaustion of her workday, she decided to get a good night's restful sleep.
There was a hollowness in her chest at the absence of her guardian, having had them by her side since the very beginning of her life. It was the first time (Y/N) could not detect them in the atmosphere, and their absence felt as if a part of her body was missing.
All her mental preparation went down the drain, with the introduction being put off until the moment her companion returned. Part of her was disappointed, and the other was dying of anxiety. This only meant further delaying the whole thing until the being could return from wherever it had gone, and they could finally see each other. She didn't know anyone who had almost died in the nick of time, so there was no reference to comfort her in this scenario.
Either way, her angel would return and they would be able to introduce themselves accordingly, despite her nerves.
She quickly changed into comfortable clothes for bed, and while opening the covers, an explosion of objects was heard in her living room. She kept that window always open at night because of the heat, letting in the pleasant night breeze to cool the place down a bit.
Startled and surprised, she froze, debating whether to panic or not. Her body was shaken by the experience, and her mind was a mess of simultaneous thoughts. She could not decide if being alarmed by the noise was simply an exaggeration of her current state, or if she should genuinely consider it a threat. The night had already been too eventful for any other occurrence.
It might have been the wind, knocking objects around the room if a fair amount of it suddenly began to circulate, but there were footsteps following the clatter and those weren’t caused by the weather. Someone was approaching quickly, moving with determination and haste toward her. She felt like a deer in front of a giant truck, about to be slammed into a fender and helpless to do anything about it.
Still holding the sheets of her half-opened bed, (Y/N) watches as a tall, burly man crosses the doorway, red eyes glowing in the darkness. She can make out one folded wing behind his back but fails to see the other. The image is odd and terrifying considering the time of the night, and the fact she’s home alone and spontaneously confronted by an unfamiliar man appearing in her room.
A sense of edgy relaxation partially washes over her body as she realizes her angel came back to finally introduce himself, regaining the initial anxiety of what was about to happen. They would finally meet face to face, and her sense of trepidation at the event was automatically restored. She almost managed to give him a shaky smile, trying to pretend the situation didn't affect her at all, that is, of course, until she paid attention.
It is difficult to admire details in the darkness of the night and with the lights off, but she notices something particularly awful.
His wings are not white, but black.
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donotpercieveme123 · 2 years
I haven't really seen anyone do this, so here's the founders and their love languages! A little late for valentines day but fuck that I headcannon them all as aro in some way anyway.
First how he tends to express his love for others. Biggest ones are acts of service and quality time/ giving them his undivided attention, and valuing their intellect and interests. Also physical touch! He unabashedly really enjoys casual affection like that.
His entire life has been in service of others, as clan heir it's his duty to sacrifice himself for those who depend on him. This strongly forms how he shows his love for others, and he thinks actions speak louder than words anyway. It can be something as small as helping Madara wash his hair, or cooking dinner and cleaning up after him if he's had a rough week, or looking after people if they're sick. Or bringing Tobirama food to his lab if he's been holled up for too long, then force him to sleep. Besties lol.
The second isn't so much how he shows he cares, but how you know for a fact that he deeply loves and respects you. His time and undivided attention are not something he gives away for just anyone. So if he not only listens but actively engages with what someone has to say, and especially with their interests then you know. For example, he'll spend a lot of his free time with Tobirama, either at his lab or his house, talking about anything from politics to the molecular intricacies of jutsu (which he doesn't know much about but goes out of his way to learn about), and the properties of poisons and medicinal herbs (which he knows a lot more about since Naori is a poisons specialist and they've been friends since they were in diapers lol).
He's aware that not everyone is comfortable with or cares for physical touch so he only does it with few very close people (mostly people he's known all his life). Madara used to cuddle with him when they slept as kids, and he kind of misses it, but they're still very casually affectionate. And he's not necessarily the type for hugs (and never hand holding lol) unless he's drunk, but he'll let people he loves into his personal space, he'll enjoy just sitting close to them or leaning on them. He's closest with Naori in this sense (wlw mlm besties all the way). It shows he's comfortable above anything else and that's one of the biggest indicators of love to him.
In terms of how he feels loved most, quality time and people valuing what he has to say and taking interest in his interests is probably the biggest one. Closest way to his heart really is if someone appreciates his insight and trusts that he's competent and knows what he's on about lol. And if they take the time to engage with the things that make him happy... you're already his favourite person! Madara definitely values his insight, but he's completely clueless and has no interest in the arts or fashion or the intricacies of social conventions or how to manipulate people. His interests he shares primarily with Hikaku and Naori, and when Tobirama took active interest in what he had to say about it (and actually went away and learnt about it himself), he fell in love a little lol. Like bestie you have my heart, you're never getting rid of me now. They both info dump on each other all the time. It's how they show their love lol, especially since you can't really do that with most people.
Acts of service he either really appreciates, or really hates (depending on who it comes from and what it is). He needs to feel like he can do it all, thinks others should rely on him not the other way around, so it can come across as slightly insulting. He only really accepts it from those close to him, or if he's personally helped them and they present it as returning the favour. But only once they've communicated in some way that they don't think he's less for accepting help. After that he secretly really appreciates little acts of service (especially if he knows that's how the other person shows that they care, he loves being appreciated whatever form that comes in). Especially if it makes his life a little easier, and definitely if it's things he hates doing lol. If someone offers to do it for him he just kind of melts a little, and instantly grows a little more fond of them.
He only likes casual physical affection from people he already cares about and is comfortable with (but he does enjoy the pretence of it with strangers when he's drunk at parties or whatever). If someone who doesn't seem like the type for physical touch (cough Tobirama) accepts him into their space and not only allows him to be affectionate, but reciprocated in their own way, that means the world to him. You're definitely not getting rid of him at this point lmao.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hi, please take care of yourself and thank you for inspiration for my recent fanfic , and also I have a request based on my own experience, so their darling is an older sibling and they are EXTREMELY over protective of their younger brother who is sweet and innocent despite his age. They are like this from a lot of their family dying at a young age, because of this they also want to always be around him. Can you do this with the Senju family, Madara, Kushina/Minato (sharing), Orochimaru, Mei hatsune, and Mikasa I hope this isn't to many people.
My brother used to be that way...That was before he became a rebellious monster😑.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, blackmailing, manipulation, bribing
s/o extremely overprotective over their little, innocent brother
Madara Uchiha
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🌑Madara might relate in a tiny way to you. He used to have a small brother as well who he used to be somewhat overprotective off. And he grew paranoid after Izuna died and lost a lot of his clan members during war and they were his family. But the difference was that Izuna was a talented and strong shinobi, nowhere near innocent ans sweet like your sibling is. He definitely wasn't as overprotective as you ar, sticking constantly around your younger brother. On the other hand your brother is more weak than you are and doesn't awaken the impression that he can fight, not even to mention hurt someone.
🌑Madara finds this honestly annoying and given the fact that he is attracted to power, seeing your brother in comparison to you is a bit confusing, especially if you're the really stubborn and strong type. Especially if you're part of his clan he would be almost angry since I doubt you would let your brother fight in the war, it's likely you honestly fought with teeth and claws against the elders of your clan to prevent your brother from traumatic events. Hard to say if he would be more mad at you or your idiotic brother, but you'll definitely get the yelling due to not letting your brother hear his hurtful words. Madara is, it sounds heartless, but that's just him, indifferent to the fact that you lost all your other family and just want to shield your brother. Because that won't work and your brother does not have the right for special treatment since even children died for their clan. It's his duty to fight for his clan and you are NOT the only one who lost many family members.
🌑Your brother will be used to his advantage though. He's the key to get to you and for that I can see Madara more or less manipulating him into liking him so he would want to be his friend and for that being closer to him. And like this you will automatically always tag along too since you might sense that Madara has not entirely good intentions. Feel like Madara would kind of expose him to the more cruel world despite your protests. Surprisingly I think he wouldn't do it for entirely selfish reasons or just to punish you. He just sees himself a bit in you, being protective of a person you count as your family and love. But it can not be always guaranteed that you'll be there to save him. Your brother just has to learn to grow up a bit more and don't always see the good in things. There are more ugly things in life as well and he has to know that in order to survive alone.
🌑Also the type who would harshly train your brother in self-defence so he will know how to fight and he does not care how much you protest or your brother struggles to not want to hurt or kill someone. He will go even harsher than and might even force him through a more traumatic event, especially if he's an Uchiha and hasn't awakened his Sharingan yet because that's judging by his age a disgrace for the clan. So in either way he will ruin your brother's innocence in either case in some way, also to punish you if he sees the need. Because by having a tight hold on your brother, he has one on you as well and you surely don't want your brother to witness something terrible, do you?
Hashirama Senju
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🌳The way he treats his brother is somewhat similar to how you treat your brother even though Tobirama is not sweet and innocent, he is far away from that term if I'm being honest. Hashirama can of course become really overprotective over Tobi as well, especially if he's in a more dangerous situation, but that silver head manages himself very well. Nevertheless, he lost a lot of his family as well, some even dying as very young children and whilst being more on a pacifistic side, he will always be ready to be more violent since he doesn't want those he loves and cares for to suffer.
🌳Whilst I see his brother being irritated by this, Hashi would definitely love your younger sibling a lot. In a way he is a bit like him since Hashirama can be very sweet and more innocent from his behavior like him, even though he can also switch, something no one wants to see, if the situation calls for it. If you would be part of his clan and we’re talking about the time where war was still a daily part of life, he would most likely stand up for you and your brother and try to convince the elders into not letting him join the war which went most likely against his brother who insisted on doing it since it was war and children were fighting as well in here. You might have used him even to your advantage in here since Hashirama is easier to manipulate and you were most likely terrified of losing your young brother as well. And Hashirama can’t stand seeing you sad or upset and knows you’ll be shattered if ever having to experience this.
🌳He is clingy and wants his time alone with you as well, but I see him as more fine with this since he likes your brother a lot. It’s his future-in-law after all and he wants to get along with the person who’s next to him the most important to you just as much as he wants you to get along with Mito and Tobirama. If he does wants to have time with you alone, he would try to convince you by promising that his brother or Mito will watch over your brother in the meantime. Since you’re so protective over him and he knows the pain of losing family as well, I feel like he would shield him from the world as much as he can as well which will also lead you to getting closer to him. Also feel like he would sometimes whine to Tobirama about it, especially if that guy is a bit rougher to him, nagging that he wished his little sibling would be more like yours. He doesn’t mean it, it’s only a joke since he loves his bro, but it doesn’t fail to make Tobirama a bit...jealous?
🌳Hashirama would honestly hate if he would ever use your brother against you since he is definitely really close to him after some time and also knows how sensitive you are when it comes to him. It is maybe not necessary since he helps you protecting your brother and he has not really the intention of ruining his pure mind. Would also not want to train him if you are against it since he’s easily persuaded by you. Even if he would, he would go more careful since he knows you’ll lady out on him if he hurts your brother and he himself doesn’t want to hurt him either since he loves your bro a lot. With his Mokuton he could break him without much effort so he would treat him like a fresh academy-student. Would overall be more overprotective of your sibling.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊He doesn’t show it too openly, but he cares a lot more about those he sees as his closest than he lets others see. He’s actually fiercely overprotective over such people, especially over his brother Hashirama who tends to be a dork most of the time. But he has limitless respect for his older bro. Since he was born in a time of war, he lost many people he loved as well. But I feel like he has more acceptance than his brother does and whilst he definitely mourned over those he lost, he didn’t swell too much in his feelings to not lose focus. He honors those he lost by finishing what they fought and died for whilst carrying their memories.
🌊He is a bit flustered from all of this, especially if there is a certain dynamic similar to what he and his brother are like, only in a more extreme way. With your brother being more innocent in all areas than his brother and you being extremely protective, more than Tobi is over Hashi, but granted, your brother doesn’t know how to protect himself whilst Tobirama knows what his brother is capable off. If we’re talking about you two being clan members, he would be somewhat conflicted about your pleads to not let your brother fight in the battles. Because he understands you a lot, he would lose it too if his brother should die. But for you it’s even worse since your brother is far more delicate than his and you just want to keep him safe. But as I mentioned, war hardened him up a lot and he knows that such a thing as special treatment isn’t possible given the fact that his clan even sends young children out as soon as they entered a certain age. He would still take it into reconsideration and convince the others to let you and your brother always fight together somewhere further away from the frontlines.
🌊Tobirama would be especially after the village was built somewhat more busy, even more after becoming Hokage and for that wouldn’t care that much if you spend a lot of time with your younger sibling. But if he does manages to get some free time and wants to spend it alone with you, then that’s the end of the story. Since his older brother totally loves his future in-laws already, he would let Hashirama look over him if it gives you more ease and if you don’t trust Hashirama, he would be a bit offended since he greatly respects his brother’s strength despite sometimes being more harsh with him. And just like with Hashirama, I see him somewhat being from time to time more grumpy to your brother if he heard Hashirama whining once again that he wished he would have a sibling like you have because Tobirama takes pride in being Hashirama’s younger sibling. He has a somewhat sensitive ego.
🌊Whilst he certainly won’t shield your brother, he also wouldn’t expose him to direct danger either. He is thoughtful when it comes to giving your brother missions, if he is a shinobi that is, and keeps his mental state of mind in thoughts. He would most likely give him missions involving more collecting informations and stuff like this. It’s because he sympathizes with you a lot, both of you want to protect the family you two have left and your fiercely will is in a way very admirable even though he does tell you that you might hold your brother potentially back and can’t be his shield forever. He doesn’t mean to be mean, he’s just realistic. I still see him forming a bond with your younger brother and whilst that would make him a bit hesitant to use him against you if there is the need, he also wouldn’t be above it though more as a last option.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌She relates without a doubt the best from the Naruto characters to you since she still hasn’t recovered fully from losing her younger brother Nawaki and never will. Nawaki himself was a real sweetheart and really determined and if she would have known beforehand, she would have surely acted exactly like you with him. She grew up in war as well and lost not only Nawaki, but also her lover Dan. This were triggers which led her to being an extremely overprotective Yandere over her darling in the first place.
🐌And for that it’s almost painful for her to watch how much you resemble her and how much she often sees Nawaki in your little brother. She means it when she says that she gets flashbacks from her own time with her brother whenever she sees you. Luckily you and your brother grew up in a more peaceful time without war even though the attack from Orochimaru was a lot to take and most have shaken your brother up too. I see her growing afraid to let your brother go on missions since her own brother died whilst being on one and since she just sees so much resemblance she is absolutely terrified of losing him since she loves your brother like it was her own. Next to that she doesn’t want you to suffer like she did, she does not want to be the reason why you lost someone who was like a piece of your own heart. It makes her paranoid and she might just be about to not let your brother go on missions if Shizune wouldn’t help her filtering missions out, who might fit him and won’t envilve too much danger.
🐌She understands why you want to be always with your little brother, he’s one of few from your family left and given how sweet and innocent he still is despite being an adult, she relates a bit too much to you. She would have done the same if she would have been in your shoes. She herself is protective over your brother as well so I can see you three spending quite some time as a trio together. But she needs also her smothering time alone with her darling and would leave them into capable hands, Shizune’s for example. Maybe also Jiraiya, but I think she would be more iffy as well as you when it comes to that guy since he’s a pervert and neither you nor Tsunade wish your brother to be ruined that way. Whenever that guy even tries to introduce your sibling to his books, it earns him two hits from Tsuna as well as you.
🐌Tsunade is a bit paranoid when it comes to your brother’s safety just as you are. Still, she would still see the need to teach him the one or another stuff and there is a chance that she might start training him as another apprentice of hers next to Sakura and Shizune and in that case your little brother is bound to eventually see some more messed up shit and experience that medics can not always save life. If that’s the case she would go a bit rougher on him since being a medic is an important job and since it’s your brother, she wants him to be successful which is why she would put another of care into his training. Would also never use your brother against you since she loves him a lot.
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🐍He lost his parents from a very young age on and somewhat blames them for leaving him behind like this. It was shown that he used to somewhat mourn over people since he was somewhat affected from Tsunade’s losses which led him to despising the fragility of humans and searching for ways of immortality. And overall he is a cruel man since he doesn’t care about torturing, blackmailing, killing and ruining others. As long as he got his use out of it, he does not care about everyone who dies through him or for him.
🐍He might just have fun in the thought of ruining your brother even though he wouldn’t do it as long as you stay loyal to him. He finds it in his creepy ways fascinating how far you are ready to go for your brother and he would lie if he wouldn’t say he sees a bit resembling to a certain blonde former teammate of his in you. I think your brother at least losing a bit of his innocence can’t be avoided with Orochimaru as a Yandere since he takes pleasure in taunting that guy a bit and he also enjoys when you get mad at him, he finds his obliviousness and your overprotectiveness delightful. It gives him a lot of advantages as well, he might have lured you in by promising to protect your brother and if you should ever think about leaving it’s not recommending if you don’t want your brother and you to end as test subjects.
🐍Since his darling is his favorite toy, your brother will have to accompany you always since you won’t go anywhere without him. Orochimaru is honestly indifferent to that as long as your brother doesn’t screw anything up because that’s when he becomes more unnerving. But he expects you to help him with his stuff or train with him when he tells you so. And you should know that there is no but or any sort of rejection, you spend time with him, days and nights even, if he demands it from you. Kabuto will take in the meantime care of your brother. It’s obvious you don’t really trust any of them, but Orochimaru reminds you daily that you can not leave if you really care for your younger sibling. But as long as you keep your loyalty with him, he will keep his promise.
🐍Given the fact that Orochimaru would fall most likely for a darling who possesses some special powers, a kekkai genkai, special technique and jutsus or someone who can control three chakra elements or more, this might just imply that your brother will possess similar powers as well. And that’s what will make him a target for Orochimaru’s obsessive interest in power as well. He hates it more than anything when someone with potential wastes their power which might lead him to forcing you to train your younger brother . Keep in mind, he uses people so they will give him what he desires and whilst he might be willing to let you go together on missions with him. If your brother should show more potential to a scientist I think Orochimaru would make him Kabuto’s assistant whilst you would remain as his. It’s still not pleasing, but it guarantees at least a higher chance that he might not have to face any strong opponents.
Minato Namikaze & Kushina Uzumaki
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⚡️🌶Both witnessed a time of war as well even though we saw more of Minato during this time. And he is similar to Tobirama in that regard. He witnessed countless people, good people dying, and developed a bitter acceptance that once someone is dead, there’s nothing that can be done about it. As long as someone doesn’t use Edo Tensei that is. It makes him still protective over those he loves due to what he saw and it gives him some controlling tendencies. Kushina is maybe a tad bit protective as well since she used to be bullied because of her hair, even though it’s not as bad as with Minato.
⚡️🌶Both of them would definitely feel terrible for you when hearing the story to why you are so incredibly protective over your little brother, especially given his personality who possesses somewhat the innocence of a child. It leads both of them to smother you a bit more, especially Kushina and I don’t think any of those two would blame you for being that way. Minato maybe especially since he knows what losing people can have as after effects. Still, Minato will still let him go on missions if he should be a shinobi even though trying to avoid sending him on too dangerous ones unless he knows that your brother has the physical and mental strenght to succeed in it. Feel like he would try to convince you to let your brother try to develop his own strength a bit more by not letting you accompanying him. Because as much as he understands you, your brother has to be able to defend himself as well without your help. Eventually a day will come where you won’t be there. It’s reality.
⚡️🌶Kushina is always a bit mad when Minato sends him on missions since you worry yourself way too much, pacing nervously back and forth and looking like you’re about to explode. It earns him a good yelling whenever he comes home after news spread out and both of you have to reassure you for the time being, being very affectionate and clingy in hopes to give your anxious mind a bit of piece. They don’t say too much against it whenever you storm over to your brother as soon as he made it back home and triple check him for any sorts of injuries. They are respectful and will try to give you as much time with him as possible. Keyword is try since both are clingy and whilst being ready to give you time with him, they tend to miss you faster and need time with you as well. I can see your brother probably even being the one who tries to push you into spending time with them since he’s the first one who found out and since Minato and Kushina are Mister and Misses Charming he wouldn’t want to stay in the way of your and their love for each other because you don’t want to leave him alone.
⚡️🌶It’s important for both of them to keep your brother safe due to not even wanting to imagine your devastation if he should ever lose his life. You would be shattered into small fragments and whilst Minato certainly won’t stop giving him missions, he’s extremely careful with it since he knows that there’s a chance you will accuse him afterwards for it since he was the one who gave him the mission and it might lead you to not wanting to see him ever again and in the worst case scenario Kushina as well. For both of them it’s important to have a good relationship with your brother since he means so much to you as well and would welcome him openly in the family.
Mikasa Ackerman
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🧣Next to Tsunade the one character who can relate wholeheartedly to you and your situation. She can be cannonly pictures as a Yandere for Eren and is extremely overprotective. She lost her parents, lost friends, comrades and too much death in her young years of life. It’s shown several times that she can turn brutal the moment people she loves are in danger. She’s ready to slaughter about anyone who dares to try it.
🧣For that she won’t even start complaining about the way you act around your brother and to other people when it involves you. She sees herself in you from the way you are, even though the person you try to protect us far more nicer and sweeter than Eren is who tends to hurt Mikasa with his words. Mikasa supports and helps you often with protecting your brother since I personally feel like once she gets to know him really, she might just become a bit of a platonic Yandere for him. People who are innocent and sweet are rare given the circumstances and she would fall hard, not in a romantic way that is, for him. As much as I love Eren, she deserved better and by having someone sweet and nice around like your brother who might even see her as some sort of hero due to her abilities, it makes her a bit emotional.
🧣So your brother will have at the end of the day two extremely protective people watch out for him, Mikasa also watching from the shadows. She wants to be really close to your brother and since she’s protective over him, she might not complain about you wanting to be always near him because she sympathizes so much. If she does want some time alone with you, she would leave your brother in the hands of people she trusts which would be Eren, Armin, Sasha and the whole squad.
🧣Both of you might not approve of your brother becoming a scout since not only you want to save him from seeing the terror of the outside world, but Mikasa as well. If your brother would be a scout, I can definitely see Mikasa wanting to be with him since that is also where you will want to be. She has trust in your and his abilities, you didn’t became scouts for nothing after all, but during fights she always keeps an eye on you two whilst you keep an eye out for your brother.
Mei Hatsume
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🔧I do not know much about her past since I’m not a Manga reader and didn’t find anything out about her past in the internet as well so I’m not sure if her past and family isn’t known or I just didn’t search enough. There are a lot of heroes in her world and even though they’re idolized too much and some are more villain than hero, there might be a chance that she might have never been faced with some tragic. Her character in general isn’t someone who is brought down very easily.
🔧She never gave it much thought that people could like you could have endured so incredibly much in their young life and the first time you tell her about it she’s totally shocked and doesn’t know what to reply. She most likely was the one who wanted to know why you were that way, hoping you could tell her before you told her in a somewhat bitter tone the truth. It’s one of the very few times she suddenly becomes quiet which leads to awkwardness since she rarely shuts up before she will start to apologize blustery. Afterwards she will never ask or interfere again since she feels terrible for having striped such a sensitive spot inside of you.
🔧Due to that she really, really tries to be fine with spending time with you and your brother as often as possible because she knows she will never truly feel like you did. She also likes your brother a lot and constantly tries to wow him into liking all her engines and be more interested in the stuff she loves and lives for, second only to her darling of course. Still, she is very clingy and if you and your brother went just like her to the U.A. High School, she would try to set him up with a few of your and his friends so you at least don’t have to worry too much. If you feel safer with it, she might just work an a transmitter for you so you can locate your brother all the time. You will know you really overdo it the moment you feel tempted to accept.
🔧Expect her to go all out in a scenario where you as well as your brother are both heroes. She would totally insists on creating and building stuff just designed for you and is so stubborn in it that she refuses to let you buy anything else. And the same would count for your brother. Her darling might try to keep him away from her machines since they tend to explode and they don’t want their beloved sibling to be hurt. It leads Mei to being extremely careful with what she works on since she doesn’t want you to be mad at her. Would absolutely see your brother as adorable for his sweet and innocent personality.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
More "de-aged Taka and T7 end up in the Warring Clans Era as Founders' wards" AU
“That’s a thing?” you ask. The answer is yes.
Uh. Kind of. Deaging Team Seven for the sake of tossing them back in time for a Founder to adopt is pretty common, but I’m trash for Taka so this AU started with me brainstorming the asshole team.
I am falling more and more in love with the idea of Tobirama ending up with custody of Team Taka somehow. He’s a science dad, but like. Marginally more ethical than Orochimaru.
Everyone around them is like "This is a terrible idea and it's all going to end horribly" and he's just like "Ah, these are now my children."
I've read so many "Team Seven time-travels and is de-aged, get adopted by the Founders" or "a Founder time-travels forward and adopts Naruto, subsequently picking up the others" and they're good but I now want the same plot with an even more dysfunctional collection of... eldritch mishaps? The AO3 feel of "I want this fic I just read, again, but a step to the left so it feels fresh and new"
I'm considering the tent of tranquility idea (courtesy of @sloaners​) and I've come to the decision that Tobirama's... probably going to end up with Several Holes in it, and burns, and cuts, because Karin and Suigetsu never stop fighting, and if they're fighting, they're not paying attention to how soon Juugo's going to lose his grip on control.
"Hm. Tobirama?" "Anija." "Where did you get children?" "They showed up." "One of them looks like an Uchiha." "He does." "Two of them are trying to kill each other." "That's normal." "Are the Uchiha going to accuse us of stealing a clan child?" "Probably." "...Tobirama, did you steal these children?" "No."
(It's not kidnapping if they show up and break into your house first.)
(Also none of them are particularly pressed to ditch the Senju and find their clans. Maybe eventually. Not now.)
They’re assholes but Karin is, even at Supposedly Age Three, babbling at Tobirama about proper lab protocol and chemical reactions and isn’t that just the most adorable thing?
Very few people find Karin as adorable as Tobirama does, because Karin knows more ways to kill a person than most adult shinobi, because most adult shinobi don’t know about things like flesh-eating diseases and specialty poisons from the other side of the continent that can only be refined via chemical processes that won’t exist for another three decades.
Juugo is a sweetheart. Best child. Then he loses his mind but it’s okay, Sasuke is there. Do the Senju trust the clearly-Uchiha child to control the much larger five-year-old? No. But they don’t have any better ideas right now, so.
Tobirama: Hm, we should do something about that. Karin: Here’s a list of ideas and things that have already been tried. Tobirama: Thank you, small child. Where did you get this? Karin: ... Tobirama: Fair enough, let’s see what we can do.
Suigetsu is a little terror because not only is he a Massive Jerk but he also has better control over water than most adults. Mostly because he is water. It’s very hard to find him when he’s avoiding chores.
Karin clings to Mito sometimes because Family! and then Hashirama tries to tease Tobirama about being upset that one of his students/children has ditched him. Hashirama ends up moping in a corner because Tobirama snaps at him, unsurprisingly.
IDK if we have like any canon for Touka beyond skill with genjutsu, but going off of the fanon that she used a naginata, I’m going to say that Suigetsu keeps trying to challenge her to Blade Fights and she’s just like Neat, A Tiny Murder Machine.
Sasuke is very quiet for the most part and Dramatically Broods On Rooftops And In Trees and Hashirama is just like YES YOU REMIND ME OF MY BROTHER AND ALSO MY BEST FRIEND and Sasuke hides.
Sasuke does not need another Naruto, thank you.
Sasuke ends up hanging out with Mito, I think? Like yeah, sure, she’s an Uzumaki, but she’s chill and refined and calm and she has really good tea in stock. Sure he has to learn fuuinjutsu to have an excuse to hang out with her, but that’s fine. It’s interesting. Karin does it too, sometimes.
tbh that probably leaves Hashirama to hang out with Juugo? Juugo isn’t great at Excite but he is great at nature so I feel like Hashirama would be stars-in-eyes about Juugo talking to birds the way Hashirama talks to trees, and Hashirama just gets him a chicken coop like HERE. FRIENDS.
But back to the suspected child theft.
Hashirama is like “That is... clearly an Uchiha. They are going to find out, Tobirama! Someone is going to figure out we have--” “Sasuke, show him your other eye. Yeah, the one you cover.” “...” “Okay, go back to playing.” “...Tobirama.” “Yeah?” “That was a Rinnegan.” “You know those rumors that the only way to get a Rinnegan is to mix the Uchiha and Senju bloodlines?” “It’s true?” “No idea, Sasuke won’t tell me anything about his parents other than their names, and he’s three, but even the chance of it being true means we have an arguable claim.” “...that’s not going to be enough to convince the Uchiha.” “The theory is but one weapon of many in the upcoming battle of wits.” “Tobirama--” “Now if you’ll excuse me, Anija, I need to go make sure Suigetsu doesn’t flood the training grounds again.”
tbh I can’t remember who made the original comment in canon about the Rinnegan being achieved via Senju/Uchiha babies but it’s funny to use here so I’ll pretend it’s a common rumor that nobody actually believes
MEANWHILE WITH THE UCHIHA Madara found and took custody of Team Seven and company, mostly because they’re like... jounin-level despite being less than three feet tall.
It involves a lot of Madara going "I want My New Children to love me!" and being sorely disappointed by half of them. Poor fucker got stuck with Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Kakashi, Yamato, and Obito.
(KakaYamaObito are deaged by the time-travel to 10-13ish. The kids are deaged to 3-4. Everyone has memories to just after the fourth war or so.)
Karin sensed T7 and tagalong pretty much the second they popped out of Kamui, and told Sasuke, but he correctly guessed that Naruto would hunt him down eventually, and said they should enjoy the peace and quiet while they had it.
Sai pulls emotionless creepy smiles in an attempt to freak out Madara but since Madara's whole thing initially was "less children in war," he's... mostly just sad. Izuna wants to know who made his brother cry.
Madara makes a vaguely misogynistic comment that's typical for the period and Sakura just. Breaks his tibia.
Naruto is genuinely trying to treat Madara with the kind of respect a caretaker that Attempts To Care And Do Good By Them deserves, because Naruto is a good egg, but he's... three again. Which means he's a Hellion.
The literal toddlers (Naruto and Sakura are three-ish, Sai is four-ish) are, in fact, toddlers, so nobody really expects them to be able to do anything. Nobody bothers to test them beyond the basics of like. Can walk? Can talk? Can maybe hold knife? Like don’t get me wrong, they’re very competent toddlers, but their hands can barely wrap around a kunai. Their bodies are tiny. Their bones only just stopped being soft!
That said, the “tweens” (re: adults who got deaged but Less) have to get tested for their skills. Kakashi downplays himself to what he imagines a semi-competent eleven-year-old to be capable of. He thinks of, like, Neji maybe? Good, but not suspiciously good.
Obito enters an intangible state and refuses to participate. He has a Mangekyo. His body is half-Zetsu. Stop bothering him. He doesn’t want to do anything. They assign him babysitting duty for Team Seven since he can obviously defend pretty well, and Kakashi vouches for his abilities as a fighter.
Yamato decides to try to be just a little worse than Kakashi but at one point he panics and does Mokuton on instinct and now the entire Uchiha compound is screeching because did they just steal a Main Family Senju kid by accident?
Yamato: Should I tell them I was a science experiment? Kakashi: No.
Pranks galore! None of the other time-travelers even try to stop Naruto, except maybe Yamato.
Obito at the Uchiha compound is mostly "I don't want to participate" and then just uses Kamui to be intangible until people leave him alone. If it's not another time-traveler or Madara, he's not interested. He doesn't even care that much about Sai or Yamato, actually, so if it's not an original T7 member, he doesn't care, and if it's Madara, he's just here to make things Difficult.
The Kyuubi wanders up to the Uchiha compound one day and everyone's preparing for a battle, even Madara isn't confident that he can-- [BANG] "KURAMA!" [delighted squealing]
Naruto now has a pet. The entire clan is terrified. Kurama pokes his nose at Naruto's stomach and disappears into the memory of a seal.
Madara, frantically writing a letter to Hashirama "What do I do if my toddler is possessed?!?"
Hashirama: You have a toddler?!?!?! OMG you should organize playdates with Tobirama's kids! Madara: I'M GOING TO QUESTION THAT LATER, PLEASE HELP WITH THE POSSESSION THING
Kurama hunts down Naruto, and the Jinchuuriki situation is very much in the realm of "Dis Mine" Also a bit of "If I'm in the brat, there's at least one Mangekyo user in hearing distance who can and will risk his life to prevent brainwashing. (Kakashi. It’s Kakashi.)
Naruto: Kurama's one of my best friends! Every time traveler: Yeah, that tracks. Madara: [teakettle screeching]
Per @firebirdeternal​: I'm just loving the visual of Giant Nightmare Terror Kurama kneeling down and pressing his nose to Naruto's Smol Chubby Toddler self and closing his eyes while Naruto pets him and giggles and every single battle-ready Uchiha is just. "wat"
Everybody else: Cool so Madara adopted a witch Uchiha Elders: We need to be careful of this horrible creature The younger generation of Uchiha: Okay that was weirdly serene and adorable and frankly the brat is really likeable when he's not being adhd as hell I think this is actually pretty dope.
Madara really wants to be a Good Dad but he has no idea how he ended up being "a dad" in the first place. He just! He cares a lot about this random assortment of kids! Some of them are from prominent clans and there should be search parties for the Senju kid with the Mokuton, or the Hatake brat, or the Uzumaki that doesn't look Uzumaki but definitely feels Uzumaki.... and SURE the only Uchiha of the bunch is a stranger who hates him for no reason Madara can come up with, but! He wants to be a good authority figure!
At least the Uzumaki appreciates that he's trying.
Seriously, though, there are clan kids and nobody’s looking for them, what’s up with that?
Kakashi still has a prize copy of Icha Icha and nobody in the Uchiha compound does a thorough check of his reading material until like three months in.
He is blamed for Naruto developing the Oiroke, because where ELSE would a toddler get such ideas? (Yamato and Obito both tell him he brought this on himself.)
Naruto waits until a Big Important Meeting lets out, something about tithes or a merchant contract, and just pulls a Harem no Jutsu in front of the entire group of Elders And Main Family. First he does a Mass Shadow Clone, which makes everyone turn on Sharingan because Fancy New Techniques to steal! Sure, they were late on the shadow clones, but the kid is clearly gearing up for something! The something is Oiroke.
Anime Nosebleeds everywhere. Most of the elders were hit. Izuna was hit. Madara is not bleeding from the nose, but he is very upset about having semi-accidentally sharingan-memorized his weird adoptee’s Sexy Older Female Alter Ego. There is yelling.
Naruto’s like “Oh, I missed some!” and decides to try again with Reverse Harem no Jutsu because there are old ladies among the Elders, and maybe some straight women representing a guild, and maybe some gay guys he missed! Madara is still not bleeding. (He’s very demi and tbh Naruto only would have succeeded if he’d tried to use Hashirama’s face. Naruto does not know this. He just figures Madara is ace like Sasuke and that no variant is going to work.)
Izuna gets another nosebleed and is just like “Well, this is not how I planned on coming out as bi, but--” “Izuna, I literally do not care about you being bi as long as one of us has an heir at some point, I’m more upset about the fact that my child has been corrupted!”
Back in the Senju compound, there is... a lot of screaming, honestly, but every time Karin and Suigetsu start trying to kill each other again, Tobirama just shrugs and tells them not to break anything.
Very easy-going caretaker, really. He's got some very deadly toddlers in hand, but they're still just toddlers.
Sasuke: Yeah, I might want to go see my clan at some point. Suigetsu: Yeah, I might want to go see my clan at some point. Karin, clinging to Mito: Yeah, I want to go see my clan at some point. Juugo: Please never, ever take me to my clan. Ever. Please. I'll stay with Sasuke, thank you.
Naruto breaks out of the Uchiha compound the first time he enters Sage Mode, several months in (it took a while to get the privacy) because he feels Sasuke and lbr if Naruto knows where Sasuke is, nothing will stop him.
The Uchiha clansmen cannot catch the errant toddler. They fail to inform Madara until Naruto is already in Senju territory because nobody wanted to admit the toddler outmaneuvered them.
Naruto wasn’t sure how to get into the Senju Compound safely so he just goes full Kyuubi, bounds over the wall screaming SASUKEEEEE at the top of his lungs, and then shrinks back down to Tiny Brat size so he could hug his Bestest Friend Ever and cling like a limpet while Sasuke just sighs and stares at the wall.
Sakura ran after him.
Sai painted a bird and Yamato dragged Kakashi onto it to chase Naruto, because Kakashi is at a point of zen regarding Naruto's bullshit and fully trusts the kid to not die.
Obito refuses to look up from whatever he's doing and asks people why they think he cares.
“We told you to look after the toddlers!” “Why would you do that? Seems like poor planning on your part.”
Disappears when nobody's looking. Waits until the Ruckus at the Senju compound (where T7 has crashed in to tackle-hug Sasuke and Madara followed in and proceeded to get shouty, and nobody's dead or battling because they're too confused and also it's a comedy) has started to calm down, and then teleports in and demonstrates Mokuton just to make Madara's life harder when the Senju Elders start demanding answers.
His energy is very "I am here to make Madara's life harder" and Madara still doesn't know what he did wrong.
Madara: That brat has a Sharingan! Tobirama: Well THAT one has Mokuton! Obito: Yamato has it too. [angry teakettle noises]
Madara's first response to seeing Sasuke is to turn to Izuna and point aggressively at the toddler while making a tea-kettle noise "He looks just like you!" "He's four, he barely looks like anything!"
Naruto, tugging at Madara's hakama: You need to make a village with Hashirama so I can see Sasuke more often, cuz I don't wanna ditch you guys, but I gotta see Sasuke! He's my best friend! Madara, who is aware that he could fight this child but really doesn't want to, and also knows that a tantrum thrown by Naruto or Sasuke is capable of leveling mountains: Right, yes, we'll get right on that.
tbh Madara wants the village anyway but "The bijuu-whisperer said he wants it to happen" is a great way to push things forward.
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pain-somnia · 3 years
Akatsuki Gift Exchange 2020
Title: a pack comes calling Rated: General Audiences Disclaimer Prompt: “Anything with Sarada and Itachi and or Madara would be lovely, like any interactions at all between them”; some fave genres: Family/Friendship, Fantasy Day’s Notes: here’s my fic for the @akatsuki-gift-exchange 😊 I was selected to be the secret santa for @lorna-likes-skittles I hope you like it a lot. I wrote the Uchiha family as a pack of wolf shifters and made this a modern fantasy au~ AO3 Link
a pack comes calling
The air was beginning to have the sharp quality that marked the change of the season. It bit at his skin when the wind blew, stinging his cheeks.
There had been many winters in his life, but they all blurred together as he got on in years. Madara sighed as he lifted his head in the direction of  the tree line of his pack’s territory. He could hear their breaths, smell their unique scents.
The burning sage of Fugaku.
The fresh balsam that blended with the cedarwood of Obito.
The lavender and vanilla of Izumi.
The smokey cloves and orange of Shisui.
The bergamot of Itachi.
The Uchiha clan had dwindled in numbers through the years. Some had been lost as they fought for their decreasing territory. Others had forgotten who they were and lost their way.
The floral notes of wisteria marked the approach of Mikoto. She dressed him in her comforting sweet scent as she wrapped him in a blanket. Unlike the others in his clan, he was more susceptible to the cold and it had gotten worse as he aged.
“Would you like your tea now?” Mikoto asked him as he felt her adjust the blanket around his body to block out the cold.
“I will wait until it’s closer to sundown.”
It was the night of the full moon and as an older wolf, the shift took more out of him. His bones could no longer take the transformation and a tea with monkshood as an ingredient had to be made to ease the pain. Running in the woods was a game for a younger man. He mostly spent the nights he was forced to shift curled up on the engawa, letting the breeze ruffle his silver streaked fur.
The rest of the clan members were in the forest, marking trees and getting rid of hidden dangers. It wasn’t the Wolf Moon, which was tradition, but tonight marked the first night that the new pup would join them as they frolicked in the forest and  learn the Uchiha land.
And there it was, the unmistakable stench of human mixed with apples and daffodils paired with the dewey grass and earthy green tea scent of the former youngest in the pack. Swirling between them was that same sharp human scent━although much more muted━blended with black tea and cinnamon.
“Madara-ojiisan,” chorused the pair of voices, one low and husky and the other sweet and soft as petals. He bowed his head slightly in response, waiting for the third voice.
“Hello, Madara-ojiisan,” came the clumsy trill of a toddler, followed by the uneven steps that children take, heavier on one part of the sole in a way that made them graceless.
Keeping his head bowed, Madara waited for the press of a tiny nose against his own. The contact was soft but carried the warmth of a fire that all of Izuna’s descendants carried in their blood.
“Sarada,” he murmured in greeting.
With his sight lost to him, Madara could not see the markings of the Uchiha in the pup, but it was there in the delicate note of dying embers that none of them could escape.
Madara once believed it was his duty to fan the flames and watch his clan rise, to strengthen the sparks. That it was his duty to make sure his family was strong enough to answer the call.
Little hands braced themselves on his knees and a small form settled into his lap. Madara wrapped the blanket around the both of them, trapping the warmth Sarada brought with her.
The marriage of her scent with his crisp mountain air and black pine scent brought memories of past winters during the few moments of peace. It was the scent of a time when he and Izuna were still children and taking in the comforts of their grandmother’s home when they took shelter from the snow.
It was the smell of family.
Flurries of snow stuck to his lashes. Itachi had been outside in the cold long enough for his body to be too cold for the snowflakes to melt when they touched his face. He closed his eyes and lifted his face to the sky, reveling in the peace the snowfall brought.
The peace had to come to an end, but the interruption wasn’t unwelcome. He turned his face back in the direction of his parents’ home and opened his eyes. Bundled up for the cold weather, his niece waddled toward him. If she heard the calling━which was likely━all of the layers would become unbearable in a few hours.
“It’s snowing!”
“Did you greet our uncle?”
Sarada leaped into the air when she got closer to him. Itachi lowered himself in order to grab her from the air, lifting her up higher by the armpits. She squealed in delight, giggling as he lowered her so she could kiss her nose to his in the submissive gesture of pups.
“I missed you,” Sarada cooed in her high, child pitch. Itachi looked down at her with fondness. When the dark of night settled in, and the full moon there would be a forced shift and he could already hear the way she would yip in her wolf form.
“You should get your dad to bring you out to the country more often.” Itachi had raised his voice so his younger brother, Sasuke, could hear him from where he and his wife were walking on the edge of the forest.
Sasuke lifted his head towards him, mouth opened and ready to retort, when a red blur leaped from out of the woods, narrowly missing him and Sakura. Itachi sighed as he watched the russet wolf slipped from a crouch onto her back, presenting her stomach in a sign of submission towards Sasuke.
“Why are you already in wolf form, Karin?” Sasuke snapped, holding Sakura up by her elbows from behind her.
If the Uchiha pack was dwindling, the Uzumaki clan was practically nonexistent. Uzumaki Karin and her cousin Kushina were the last of the Uzumaki wolves. Kushina had one son and he never felt the call━a risk she had taken when she had decided to mate with a human. Karin had joined their pack a few years ago, not seeking to be part of a breeding pair, but the option was there whenever she and Itachi decided that was a path they wanted to take.
“Karin-neesan!” Sarada waved her arms around excitedly from Itachi’s hold.
“Karin-neesan?” Itachi frowned, cocking his head in confusion.
“Yup! Karin-neesan said she’s a big sister not an auntie.”
“Of course she did.”
Itachi followed the wildflower splashes that Karin released with her excitement. She bounced around Sakura, pressing her snout into Sakura’s midsection.
“Does your mother have something to tell us?” He whispered into Sarada’s ear, pressing his nose into her cheek and making her giggle. Karin had a much stronger sense of smell than he did so he wasn’t upset that she had made the discovery first.
Sarada cupped her hands around Itachi’s ear and attempted to whisper back to him. “Sarada is going to be a big sister.”
“That’s exciting.” Itachi adjusted his hold so the four year old was sitting on the cradle of his left arm. “You know what else is exciting?”
“I get to stay up past my bedtime tonight?” Sarada gasped excitedly, clapping her hands together.
“Yes, you do.” Itachi guided her into the woods, taking care not to trip over any raised roots. “And do you know why?”
“Hmm,”  Sarada hummed, rocking her head side to side with the sound. She raised her hands up and flexed her fingers. “Is it because of my nails?”
Itachi took one of her small hands in his own and rubbed his thumb along the small digits, tracing the curve of her sharp nails. “It’s because of your claws.”
There had been an incident in a playground where Sarada had accidentally scratched another child. The mother had been understanding and had actually offered Sasuke a pair of nail clippers to use. Sasuke apologized again and took Sarada home as quickly as possible.
Examining her hands when it was safe, he discovered that the top of Sarada’s pudgy toddler hands were covered with thick black hair and her nails elongated and sharp.
It demanded a call home. His real home.
“I like it here, Itachi-jisan.” Sarada sighed, lifting her head skyward and closing her eyes. “It smells so good.”
“It’s better than the city, that’s for sure.”
Itachi remembered his childhood. He remembered running through the woods and lying in clearings with Shisui and Izumi. He remembered playing tag with Sasuke to teach him how to shift from human to wolf and back.
It was all done here. This was home, this is where family should be together.
When he was younger, all Itachi wanted was to run away to the city. He wanted to live with the humans and never shift. He planned on taking the monkshood tea every full moon, and just sleep through the call that sang in his blood.
And for the first few years of adulthood he did just that. He went to university in the city and ignored the feeling of homesickness he figured was normal for all uni students. Visits home were rare, mostly done for holidays, and they were enough for him.
But there was a loneliness he could not shake in crowded places.
It wasn’t until he had to take a trip for work that had him in the mountains that he realized what had been missing.
“Mama said we might move here,” Sarada murmured out of habit. They never raised their voices in the woods, especially not during the day.
The two of them walked deeper into the forest. Itachi walked with Sarada as a guide as she sniffed the air and patted tree trunks and called out the names of different family members that had marked them.
“This is grandpa.” Sarada pressed her chubby cheek against the tree and drummed her fingers along the bark. “It smells like the gray-ish leaves Mama uses in tea sometimes.”
They continued walking, Shisui and Obito having joined them when they reached the creek that marked the boundary they had set up for Sarada’s first night in the woods. It was as the sun was setting lower that Sarada began to complain about feeling too hot.
“I don’t like it,” she whined, her hair sticking to her cheeks from all of her sweat. Her face flushed red from her fever despite the fact that Itachi had removed her coat.
“I know, I know,” Itachi attempted to soothe her, rubbing his hand on her back.
Despite the insistence from everyone that her facial features were just like her mother’s, Itachi was reminded of a time over two decades in the past where he was doing the same for his younger brother. With her tiny face scrunched up in discomfort, Sarada reminded him so much of Sasuke when he had first shifted. He had complained so much about the heat and stripped himself in their backyard long before the sun had set.
Sasuke had also been an early bloomer. He had heard the call before the Wolf Moon and had shifted three months earlier on the Harvest Moon. The Cold Moon was only a month early, but Sarada was proving to be her father’s daughter.
Brushing her wet bangs out of her face, Itachi smiled softly at his niece. “How about we get you some tea?”
His mother was ready with a pot of monkshood tea on the engawa when they made it back to the house. Madara was already drinking his first serving.
Sakura perked up from where she was bringing out another blanket for Great-Uncle Madara. She set it by him and placed his hand on the blanket before rushing towards them, arms outstretched.
“My poor girl.” Sakura took Sarada from Itachi’s hold and Sarada pressed her face into the crook of Sakura’s neck, grateful for the feel of her mother’s cool skin.
Itachi grabbed a second teacup from the tray his mother had brought out and filled it. The tea was an Uchiha family recipe that helped young pups and the elderly with the effects of the forced shift that came with the full moon. It also helped when they had to hide their shift in populated areas. A strong brew made one drowsy and sleep the night away so that they didn’t run the risk of falling victim to their instincts in a dangerous place.
“Some of the monkshood tea might help.”
Sakura eyed the teacup warily but took the offering regardless. Itachi had to resist rolling his eyes in annoyance. He was sure if it had been anyone else, she would have taken the cup without any hesitation. His relationship with his sister-in-law wasn’t the best━they were tolerant of each other, but she still hadn’t gotten over the way he had tried to drag Sasuke back home and away from the life he had built for himself in the city. Itachi wouldn’t have pushed the matter if he hadn’t believed it was what was best for Sasuke.
But tonight wasn’t about them or even Sasuke. It was about Sarada.
“Maybe,” Sasuke fell back on his butt and took a seat next to him, not caring for the snow, “you need a pup of your own?”
Itachi scoffed around the hair tie he held between his teeth. He had been in the middle of braiding Sarada’s hair so that it would be away from her face and neck. Sakura had placed a cold compress to her forehead, but there wasn’t much else they could do.
“If I was worried about my own pups, I wouldn’t have time for Sara-chan.” Itachi pinched at Sarada’s cheek and blew a raspberry against the other, making her giggle. “Right?”
“Right!” Sarada chirped, nodding her head seriously.
The temperature dropped with the sun and Sarada finally relaxed, the chill of the winter breeze a relief on her overheated flesh. The relief came but so did the excess energy building up within her. Itachi had to keep her from running off toward any rustling distraction.
Her excitement sent splashes of black tea and cinnamon into the air. Itachi always enjoyed how their scents related through tea, even if it was a loose connection.
“Will you show me how to hunt?” Sarada raised her hands up to mimic claws and pulled back her lips to show off her gums in a snarl. She growled playfully at him until he reached for her ribs and tickled her.
“Not tonight. You’re still too young.”
Sarada sighed in disappointment, her small shoulders drooping. Pouting, she fell back so she was seated in Itachi’s lap, her back to his chest. They enjoyed the silence and the snowfall for a moment until Sarada sat up, alert.
Itachi could feel the rise of his hair on his arms as his flesh rippled with goose pimples, but he kept his eyes on Sarada. He knew what this feeling was, had years of this feeling, but it was new to her. Sarada’s head moved from side to side as she searched for the source of what made her so jittery. It had been so long since Itachi had seen a new wolf pup feel the call.
Itachi had dealt with the forced shift for over twenty-seven years. That was over 324 moons of turning into what Madara called their true form. The heat that had once been too much to bear, he now embraced and let it settle inside of him.
There was high pitched whine and Itachi turned to the source and found a much larger black wolf than him nuzzling the curled up form of his niece. Sarada was trembling, the change a much slower process for her as she didn’t know what to expect and was fighting against it even with the sedation properties of the monkshood tea.
The large wolf━Sasuke━pressed his snout against Sarada’s cheek and made small, reassuring grunting sounds deep in his throat. Matching the sounds, Itachi pressed his own snout to the underside of Sarada’s jaw and licked. Slowly, Sarada’s whimpers ceased and her trembling settled to a few odd twitches. She was still in the half human, half wolf state but she was much calmer.
As much as she reminded Itachi of Sasuke, he needed to remember that Sarada was her own person. Sasuke took to being a wolf much easier and he had embraced his shift immediately. As excited as Sarada was to be with her family, the shift was frightening her.
“Pa...Papa…” Sarada’s voice was swallowed by canine whimpers as her snout and throat fully formed. Sasuke tore at her clothing as her limbs transformed into those of a wolf and she became entangled in the fabric. Itachi helped speed up the process by ripping at her leggings.
By the time they had freed Sarada of her human clothing, she had finished shifting. She shook her body, spraying snow everywhere and shaking off the remaining pieces of her clothes. Sarada spun in circles, chasing her own tail and when she tired of that she nipped at the air around Sasuke’s and his tails.
She ran around the yard, stumbling over her own legs, but righting herself up and running as if she never fell over to begin with. She circled around her father and Itachi before bounding up the engawa and rubbing against the sleepy form of Madara. Madara lifted his head and nipped at her ear in warning and then snuggled under his blankets when Sarada scooted away from him.
Sarada crawled towards her mother and threw herself at Sakura’s lap. Sakura cooed at her daughter, scratching at the space between her ears. Sarada enjoyed the affection until she no longer could stay still. She leaped off of the engawa and dashed towards her father and uncle, yipping excitedly.
A howl came from within the woods. The others had already made their way into the forest when they felt the call to shift. Howls soon followed from other members of their pack. Sarada looked towards the trees and back to Sasuke and then Itachi. She nodded towards the tree and bounced around them in excitement. Sasuke bowed his head in a nod and Sarada shuffled into a proper sitting stance. Raising her head towards the sky, she howled━high and at some pitches weak, but it was a howl.
From the forest, howls were returned.
Itachi nudged Sarada with his snout, pushing her towards the forest. She needed no more encouragement and raced towards the tree line where the howls carried on.
Family was beckoning her forward.
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raendown · 4 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 4126 Chapter: 42/42 Summary: Not all wars are fought on the battlefield. Some are fought at the conference table, with whispers in the shadows, or even in the bedroom.
In a world where the Senju and Uchiha traditional lands were too far apart to have ever made them enemies, Butsuma and Tajima are the ones who come together and sign a treaty of peace. Madara isn’t happy to have his life signed away for him in a political marriage to strengthen the bond between their clans. He is even less happy to have Tobirama make assumptions of him from their very first night together. What follows from there is a journey of healing, of learning, and finding the places to belong in the places least expected.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 41
Opening the door with several cardboard boxes in his hands was made twice as difficult by the stupidly complicated seals protecting it. Why Tajima had been so paranoid when his possessions weren’t any fancier than anyone else’s was beyond him but Madara was mostly disappointed in himself for forgetting to ask Tobirama’s help disabling these stupid wards. Stomping in and out a hundred times would be so much easier if he didn’t have to unlock the seals every time. 
“Would you get out of the way, brat?” Susumu’s voice was the first to greet him once he finally managed to struggle his way inside, though thankfully she didn’t seem to be talking to him. For once.
“I’m not in the way!” Kagami’s voice shot back. “You’re making a mess, baa-chan!” 
“Oh shush your face. Sometimes you have to make a mess to clean a mess.” 
“That doesn’t make any sense!” 
Madara paused in the genkan to shake snow out of his hair and gave some thought to leaving his boots on. It wouldn’t matter if the floors got dirty, after all, and they would all need a good scrubbing before the house was sold anyway. After a moment of thought he kicked them off anyway. If he left them on he just knew that he would inevitably kneel down and sit back on his own heels without thinking, soaking dirt and snow in to his backside. None of the people here were in any way above mocking him for doing so. It was much safer for his temper to simply avoid embarrassing himself as much as possible. 
Rounding the corner brought him in to the middle of chaos. That was the only word to describe what had once been a very neat and orderly living room that now looked as though a localized tornado had come through. Which, Madara thought with a snort, could be a fairly apt description of Susumu-sensei. His teacher stood in the center of the madness with one hand on her hip and the other pointing imperiously from side to side as she directed a grumbling Kagami to pack which items in which box. 
When she spotted her old student in the doorway her eyes gleamed and Madara was quick to start walking again. 
“Coward!” she hollered after him. He stopped and turned back to stick his tongue out at her and then spun to hustle down the hall at double speed. 
Izuna sat on the floor of their father’s bedroom when he entered, clothing and personal items all gathered in to organized piles here and there. His expression was somber as he stared down at the pendant dangling from a chain held in one hand. Dull silver did its best to catch the light as it spun, dusty and old yet no less precious than it had been when it was brand new. 
“Do you remember this?” he asked without turning. Madara set his boxes down and sighed. 
“Of course. Mother’s necklace; she wore it every day.” 
“It’s almost strange that he kept it.” Bringing his other hand up, Izuna caught the pendant to trace the simple twisting shape with his thumb. “He was so empty when we lost her. I mean, I get it, that’s what the Sharingan can do to us. He broke because he loved her so much. But when he did it was like he forgot how to love anything, even her memory, so it’s strange to know that he kept mementos like this. Do you think he just forgot it was here?”
Madara shrugged as he settled on the edge of the mattress just beside his brother’s shoulder. “Can’t say. After he shut us out I didn’t exactly spend a lot of time with him.”
“I miss him. The old him.” His brother heaved a sigh that carried years of emotion. Then he easily leaned in to the touch when Madara reached down to stroke the top of his head, no other words needed to convey the understanding they shared. 
“He was a good father until he wasn’t,” Madara said. 
Nodding carefully so as not to displace the hand comforting him, Izuna grunted. “Even if I won’t miss the way he became it’s still really weird knowing he’s gone. I might not have been close to him anymore but he’s been a constant for my entire life. Almost two decades of having him over my shoulder; now I’m drifting on my own and it’s…a little sad, in a way. A little scary.” 
“I suppose I can understand that, although I don’t know if I feel quite the same way. Sensei has been there for me a lot more than father was even before we lost him to the emptiness. It’s a shame you were never as close to her as I am.”
“She wasn’t my teacher.” 
“True, still a shame though.” Madara stroked his hair again. “Maybe it wouldn’t feel as though you’d lost the last of your family.”
Reaching up to capture the hand on his head, Izuna wove their fingers together for a quick squeeze. “I still have you, Aniki. I know that I’m not entirely alone. Packing up all of his stuff just has me in a bit of a maudlin mood.” 
“Understandable. Just don’t start weeping on anything, alright? We can’t sell it off if it’s all ruined by water damage.” It took quick movements to free his hands and dodge off the mattress before Izuna could smack him for that. Madara was happy to see an exasperated smile blossoming on his brother’s face even if it was accompanied by rolling eyes.
He was already halfway to the door and reaching for the boxes he’d carried in when the other blew a raspberry in his direction. 
“Go on! I don’t have time for you if you’re going to be like that!” 
Clearly he didn’t mean it but Madara hadn’t planned to stick around in there for much longer anyway. He had his own share of the sorting to do and lounging around with the others who had promised to help him would get none of it done. 
Well, not entirely true. Their share would get done. Really the consequence he was worried about was the many horrors any of them might come up with if they realized that he hadn’t done his share. Spurred on by his own rather dark imagination, he wasted no time stepping in to what appeared to have been his father’s home office. Or so he assumed from the presence of a desk against one wall even if the thickness of dust everywhere indicated this might not exactly be the most frequently used room in the house. Much as he would have liked to disparage the man as lazy Madara knew it was because Tajima had a habit of spreading his work over the kitchen table so he could work while he cooked and ate or even look over some of it in passing while he cleaned. 
Lacking any better place to start, Madara first wandered along the bookshelves and took in the titles to see if they needed any organization before being packed away. He was utterly unsurprised to see they had already been immaculately separated in to categories. That made it easier to simply drag one of the boxes over and begin emptying them all in, packing the rows as tightly as he could until he remembered that he was the one who would need to carry this all out later. Nothing would be more embarrassing than having to add a little chakra just to get one little box off the ground. 
Some of the books he set aside in another pile and left the boxes he filled unsealed until Tobirama could look through it all to see if he was interested in adopting any of them. No sense in letting knowledge go to waste. Not to mention that he was probably one of very few who could make sense of them. Why Tajima had been keeping books on advanced fūinjutsu theory when he barely understood the basics was probably a question none of them wanted the answer to. 
Once the bookshelves were emptied Madara turned towards the desk with a sigh. He could only guess what sort of idiocy had been gathering dust within those drawers and with the rising prevalence of storage scrolls it was impossible to say how much junk he would actually need to sift through. Staring at the desk wasn’t getting anything done, however, so with dragging steps he went over to push the chair out of his way and sat down on the floor, pulling the bottom drawer open. To his surprised delight there wasn’t much inside, a few folders containing papers relevant to clan business and a few to-do lists that seemed to be from the past spring when they all emigrated here. It was hard to believe that it had already been three quarters of a year since these lists were needed - and just as hard to believe that it had only been three quarters of a year.
Although lately it seemed like there was nothing else on his mind, Madara couldn’t help but think of all the things that had changed since Konoha was first settled. Barely a year ago he had shared a bedroom wall with his last surviving brother, tapping messages to each other in the dark of night when dreams woke them both. Like a wayward child he had spent his last few months as a single man roaming the forests around their territory with a perpetual pout as he bemoaned cruel fate for imposing an unwanted husband upon him. His duties had been no more than daily chores and a few administrative things his father didn’t care to do himself, dreams of love at first sight still dancing in the back of his mind, everlasting and easy as a summer smile. 
How naïve he had been. 
Now his days were filled from morning till night with duties for both clan and village, decisions and tasks to help lead the way to a brighter tomorrow, a future where children like Kagami could flourish without fearing for their lives on an early battlefield. Where even the adults slept safely without jolting awake at night and wondering if that was the sound of the wind or if their homes were being invaded by rival clans. 
Sliding the first drawer shut with a quiet snap, Madara took a deep breath. It was nice to look back at all that was but he had always preferred to look forward instead. As one of two chief advisors to their new Hokage he hoped he could encourage at least a few people to do the same. 
When he opened the second drawer his first reaction was to let the air back out of his lungs in a great exasperated rush. His worst fears seemed to have been realized; it was full of storage scrolls. The only silver lining was that they all appeared to be labelled with the contents so it was easy to put them in to piles as he pulled the whole lot out one by one. Some looked to be more administrative papers. One label made him cringe as he suspected it contained the entirety of the old filing cabinet that used to sit in his father’s office at the old compound. 
It was the final scroll at the very bottom which gave him pause. Surrounded by piles of varying sizes, Madara reached in to the drawer and paused to see something unexpected labelling the end of this last one. His own name. His brows furrowed and he traced his fingers from one end to the other as he tried to think of what might be inside. His name could mean many things. Not all of them were good. After a minute or so of contemplation he took the scroll in a careful grip and hefted it as though the weight might belie its contents, a myth he’d already had disproved while he learned to draw this seal for himself. 
Of all the many things he might have expected to appear when he opened the parchment across his lap to carefully apply a bit of chakra, letters did not even appear on the list. Yet that was exactly what he got, an entire stack of letters that wobbled and toppled immediately in to a messy pile between his folded legs. Each was written on identical parchment, penned with identical ink, similar formats though they were all of varying lengths. Two things stood out to him immediately. 
First that these had all been written in a very familiar hand, though the neatly printed dates in the top right hand corners were all from before he and this person had even met. 
Secondly that another familiar hand had busily scrawled an endless series of notes in the margins of every letter in a different color ink. Madara could remember his lessons as a young boy, writing papers to show how his vocabulary and literacy had grown, receiving them back from his father with blue ink in the margins noting all the places he could still improve or small thoughts on his turn of phrase. Now here it was again and Madara could hardly believe his eyes. 
‘Not even their natures match, can they truly be happy?’ Tajima had written beside an inquiry in to whether any members of their clan were born with an affinity for water. 
‘Madara knows nothing of such things’ had been scrawled in next to a rambling paragraph about sealing techniques, followed just below with ‘The clan could benefit from this knowledge’.
Another letter from a different day included carefully worded questions, the first tentative steps of a man getting to know his prospective spouse. Tajima had written in the answers with notes to remind himself to word them in Madara's turn of phrase. But what truly stole the breath from Madara's chest now was the final paragraph in which the original author had made his hopes known for a happy marriage and the lines deeply scored in to the parchment where Tajima had circled these words and written ‘Our futures depend on it’. 
If he were honest Madara had all but forgotten the underlying reason behind their initial difficulties. Now he sifted through the letters that Tobirama had written to him before they ever met, reaching out with honest intentions, ignorant of the fact that none of the replies had been penned by the one he was writing too, and fell in love all over again. His questions were earnest, his heart already open. And from the notes in blue ink Madara could imagine that Tajima had taken some creative liberties with his responses in an effort to make him sound more receptive to the idea than he had actually been.
Not to sabotage them deliberately, he realized at last, but to give them the chance that he had been so adamantly against at the time. To draw Tobirama in and allow him to see the person Madara was, something which Madara could now willingly admit he would not have allowed. He had gone in to their marriage with his hackles up and on their own it would have taken months upon months for him to allow the other man in enough to know even the simplest things about him. Of course, Tajima had unintentionally caused a similar situation anyway but his interference had already laid the groundwork for things to eventually work out in the end. It wasn’t enough for Madara to forgive him his meddling, it didn’t make it okay, but it was good to finally have an explanation for things that had hurt him even if he had long gotten over such injuries.
It was good to know that, even while his father felt empty and cold in the wake of his beloved wife’s death, there was room in him to try. Perhaps not to care as he once had but to reach towards humanity with intentions that might be perceived as compassionate in his own broken way. 
Dropping the letters back in to his lap, Madara lifted his chin to look around at the dusty unused office. He had watched his father change in strange ways since coming to Konoha but until this moment he’d never been able to come up with a plausible explanation for why. How could such a proud and intelligent man make so many idiotic mistakes? Now he wondered if perhaps Tajima hadn’t simply grown tired of life. After paving the way for a better future, then turning his eyes back towards the past. It sounded just like him to find a way to go out in a blaze of glory, to go to his final rest where he could be with his beloved and take with him the last obstacle between tyranny and true peace – Butsuma. 
Of course, with the both of them dead no one would ever know for sure. It was only a theory and it didn’t matter much in the long run besides loosening the knots in Madara's chest ever so slightly. His feelings had been complicated ever since they lowered Tajima’s body in to the ground but it felt strangely easier to mourn him now. 
Packing up the rest of the office was a task he completed with his head almost entirely lost in the clouds. One moment there was hours of work left ahead and the next he was standing in the middle of the room with piles of cardboard around him, empty shelves yawning along each wall as though hungry to be filled again. Izuna’s chakra had moved in to another part of the house but Susumu and Kagami remained in the front room, joined now by another. After glancing around at the work he’d apparently done Madara left the room and drifted naturally towards the one who had just arrived. 
He expected to find Tobirama shaking his finger at the other two with a lecture on how to be more productive. It was a shock to instead find Tobirama flat out on his back pretending to squirm while Kagami held him down and declared himself the new Hokage for defeating his sensei, an incorrigible Susumu cheering them both on from the sides. With her head thrown back and one hand clutching her belly in laughter it was hard to remember the last time he'd seen her look so jolly, a sight that filled Madara’s chest with warmth in a way he didn’t expect to hit him quite so hard. Pausing in the doorway, heart in his throat, he watched the three of them interacting as though they had always been a family and thought to himself that he could never imagine anywhere he would rather be.
Surely there could be no other alternate universe where he was happier. 
“Come on, you’re not giving any effort!” Susumu called. “Defend yourself oh mighty Hokage!”
“I can’t, he’s too strong.” Tobirama made an exaggerated show of trying and failing to push away the arms holding him to the floor. Kagami giggled and flopped bodily down over his teacher’s chest. 
“You can’t move! I win! I’ll keep you trapped here forever!” 
“But how will I eat?”
Kagami’s face was a masterpiece of surprise as he appeared to realize this very serious issue. If the two of them were busily locked in a battle of wills for the rest of forever how were either of them going to fill their tummies? The distraction was enough that Tobirama was able to pounce, rolling up in to a sitting position to throw the boy over his shoulder and follow the motion through to stand up fully, grinning openly while Kagami’s squeals filled the room.
“How the tables have turned,” he rumbled.
“Sensei! Put me down!” 
“Oh? You can dish it out but you can’t take it?” Tobirama feigned an expression of surprise for Susumu, who only laughed harder and still offered no help to either side. 
As he watched from the doorway Madara was glad of the chance to wipe at his eyes unseen. He would never hear the end of it if any of these idiots saw him misting over just from happiness; it would be the single most embarrassing moment of his life. Clearly he had earned mercy from one god or another since Izuna didn’t magically appear from nowhere to point and laugh. After a quick check to make sure his brother was still settled with no obvious signs of popping out from wherever he had squirrelled himself away, Madara drew in a slow breath and stepped forward. 
With all the furniture moved around to clear the center of each room they had created almost an extension of the hallway leading from himself to his loved ones. Keeping his eyes locked on Tobirama, tracing the shape of that gorgeous smile, he couldn’t help but compare this moment to the moment when they first met. 
The walk down this aisle looked infinitely less terrifying than that day. Where before he had seen nothing but a gaping chasm of the unknown he saw now the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. On the day they met they had stood together at the altar and known nothing but each other’s faces. The man he saw here was nothing like he could have ever predicted, nothing like the horrific things he had laid awake worrying himself with imagining. When Madara reached the top of this aisle it was to be greeted with such a gentle look in his husband’s eyes that for a moment he had no words. 
“I came to help,” Tobirama murmured, blithely ignoring Kagami’s tiny fists where they beat against his lower back. 
“Looks like you’re doing a wonderful job.” 
Susumu-sensei let out one final bark of amusement and propped both hands on her hips. “He’s helping me work some energy out of this little half-baked tartlet. Have you come to ruin our fun, little one? Crack the whip and get us back to work?”
“Not at all,” Madara denied innocently. “I only wanted to suggest that if Tobirama holds him low enough he would be at just the right height for you to ruffle his hair.” 
Kagami screeched with betrayal and shouted for them all to leave his curls alone. They ignored him, of course. Instead Tobirama bent his knees until the boy was just low enough for a good ruffling and grinned openly at Madara as he held the squirming legs in place with an iron grip. 
Seeing him so happy and carefree had Madara's stomach flipping over itself in the best possible way. Eight months ago he would never have been comfortable expressing even mild amusement around any of them let alone smiling so widely. It was a testament to how well he had accepted this family as his own, a mark of how content he was in this life they had all built together.
It was everything he had ever wanted.
By some miracle he managed not to burst out in to a great sobbing mess of disgusting happiness but was somehow able to hold himself at bay and wait patiently until at last Tobirama had the mercy to set Kagami back down. The tightness in Madara's chest was not helped at all when the little mite immediately threw both arms around his teacher’s waist to beam up at him happily as though he had enjoyed the last several minutes of torture. When he let go he turned to shake a finger at Susumu and tell her off for attacking him so deviously, giving Madara the opening he needed to beckon his partner over. Tobirama slid in to his arms like a puzzle piece slotting in to place. 
“Good afternoon, anata.”
“Hm, surprisingly it has been, yes. I thought this would be quite a dour affair but there’s been…a few surprises that kept me in high spirits.” Madara tossed the idea back and forth of revealing what he’d found in the office. Then Tobirama smiled down at him and he decided to leave it be. Things were fine as they were.  
“By any chance was I one of those surprises?” His husband asked with a cheeky grin.
Surrounded with warm and happy chakra, held tightly in the arms that kept him safe from the pains of the world, and so in love that he could hardly stand himself, Madara could do nothing more than smile back and shake his head very slowly. 
“From the moment I met you,” he murmured softly, “you have been the best and the greatest surprise of my life.” 
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peebleswrites · 4 years
Into Your Present, a Naruto Fan Fiction
A/N: So remember when I said I was considering writing another Warring States Era SakuraCentric story? Well, here it is!
Summary: What began as nightmare sort of turned into something of a dream come true. That is…until they started bickering over her like petulant children. Now Sakura just wants to go back home. 
Word Count: 1,277
Genre(s): Comedy, Romance, Drama
It was sudden. Really sudden. Sakura couldn’t have imagined that one night she would go to bed, stressed over hospital duties and failed missions only to wake up in the distant past. Like, distant distant past. Like Warring States past. Like Senju versus Uchiha past. Like—yeah, you get the picture.
Konoha was on the verge of being founded. The Senju and Uchiha were at peace. Hashirama and Madara were the best of friends and she was caught in the middle of everything. Because really, how could they possibly ignore a temperamental pink haired woman who randomly appeared in the forest one brisk sunny morning.
They couldn’t and they definitely didn’t.
“What a strange hair color…” Hashirama first discovered her followed by his nosy tag along of a brother who warned him against aligning himself with a wary woman of questionable character. An assumption that earned him a soft glare from her and a dismissive wave from his brother.
One thing led to another and before Sakura could properly protest, she’d been ushered into the folds of the Senju compound and shown around the area like she was some kind of refugee in need of coddling.
…well, that isn’t totally untrue—.
Then Madara entered the picture, as pleasant as she’d never seen him, and Sakura turned white as a sheet. Hashirama laughingly attested it to the fact that Madara just has a face that even a mother has a hard time tolerating only to deflate once Madara roasted him with flames hotter than a katon. And Sakura promptly found the color returning to her face a lot sooner than she expected.
Because despite being far from home, this still felt like home.
Then Izuna met her gaze and it seemed like hell was trying to break loose because what exactly was this guy’s issue with her. Was she public enemy number one to little brother’s everywhere? It seemed like both Tobirama and Izuna had it out for her merely for existing. It didn’t matter what either of their siblings said, she simply couldn’t be trusted.
Especially after he got cross with her one day and she threw a punch which he made the mistake of catching. And they certainly didn’t get to know each other as she spent the next hour or so mending the broken bones in his hand. An arrangement he only agreed to after he was threatened with the prospect of never being about to perform jutsus the same ever again.
She’d never seen a grown man hold a pout so strongly for so long. Naruto was a close second.
As fate would have it, the younger brother duo was about the only real issue she had. Well, aside from the obvious elephant of being trapped in the past with no real way of getting back home. Even still, life wasn’t so bad. Being present for the union of the two clans, the birth of Konoha and the literal construction of the village was kind of…refreshing, in a way.
Even more so since that pesky black Zetsu had been taken care of upon her arrival. Really, she had nothing to worry about!
Except for the plethora of young, single, thirsty bachelor’s all vying for her attention like she was a piece of choice meat up for auction. Sure, she’d been hit on a couple of times back home, but it was never this intense. It was like Rock Lee times a hundred.
“The women here marry quite young. It’s rare to find one who either isn’t already married or promised in marriage.” Hashirama explained it quite simply one day after inviting himself into her home one day. Well…not one day. He comes over like almost every other day. At first his reasoning was surrounded by escaping his duties. Then he claimed to be running from Tobirama. Then Madara. Then he explained her home just had a certain appeal to it.
She’s not really sure where the lie is but it’s there somewhere.
“I see…” It made sense to marry young. After all, the life expectancy of a shinobi in this era wasn’t very long. If you wanted your clan to have and maintain longevity, your sons almost always had to be married off to any available female from a non-rival clan. But that did not mean she was up for grabs in any way shape or form!
“You want to rid yourself of the vermin? It’s simple,” Madara also frequented her home, much to Hashirama’s initial chagrin. This was his safe haven! He didn’t want to share!
“Find yourself a mate.”
“A what?!” Sakura was quick to object with hands that slammed on the table, causing splinters to fly up and cracks to form upon the top surface. Great. Another piece of furniture she has to replace.
“It’s not his worst idea.” Tobirama would soon chime in from his spot by her kitchen window. Out of everyone, he was of course the most adamant about not participating in these daily hang outs.
“Or you could just allow them an opportunity to get to know you. They’ll come to their senses eventually.” On the contrary, Izuna loved showing up. He took many offered opportunities to make her life as hellish as possible. Though not without suffering the occasional blow to the head from a fed up Madara who really just wanted to have a place where he could spend time and relax without stressing over things.
It was rare that ever happened.
“Or! You could merely pretend to have a mate!”
“Pretend?” She wasn't really sure what Hashirama meant by pretend but the idea seemed far better than actually dating someone who could very well end up being one of her friend’s great-grandfather’s.
Wait a minute—.
“From your reluctance to entertain any of these men, it’s obvious you have no interest in them. Pretending gives you the luxury of being alone while also ridding yourself of unwanted attention.”
Genius. Utterly. Genius. Well, sort of.
“…who the hell are you?” Madara was quick to question Hashirama because unlike most of his schemes, this actually made sense. So, obviously the long-haired bozo had to be some kind of impostor!
“It is one of his better ideas.” Even Tobirama was a bit surprised, chiming in just loud of enough for Sakura to hear amidst the argument currently taking place between the two best friends.
“Hn. But who would do such a thing? That is, pretend to be her mate? Sounds like a fool’s errand.”
“One nice thing, Izuna. Just say one nice thing about me.”
“You’d need to have redeeming qualities to start with, Sakur—Ouch! Nii-san!”
“I’d say her most redeeming quality is the ability to completely shatter your hand from the inside.” She could practically hear the smirk on Tobirama’s lips.
“Was that a compliment…?” Sakura ventured a bit closer Hashirama, whispering her question to which the first replied with a comical shrug.
“I never know with him.” Questions that need answers.
“Back to the matter at hand.” And Sakura had to turn her attention back to Madara because he was kind of surprising her with how much interest he’d developed in the current topic. Could it be…? Was he…?
“I believe there is only one suitable candidate to take on the role of Sakura’s pretend mate.” He said it so clearly, with such conviction, that Sakura feared what his answer would be.
“And who is that?”
“Myself, of course.”
To be continued...
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emilx311 · 5 years
Senju Tobirama has two names, one known only to a handful of people. Turns out, this can make finding your soulmate a bit difficult. 
Written for MadaTobi week prompt Soulmates. Tobirama's second name here is Tetsuo which means (according to the list I found) wise hero or wise man. To make it easy to read I tried to stick to Tobirama for the most part, but anytime Tetsuo is used it is referring to Tobirama. 
If you enjoy my fics please help support my writing! 
There was something very few people knew about Senju Tobirama. Well, really there were many things about the younger Senju brother that were not widely known, but the most important one was his name. Not his everyday name, that one had spread well beyond the boarders of fire country attached to tales of his battle prowess, his invented jutsus, his various feats, and monikers such as ‘the white ghost’. No, it was his true name that remained a secret.
Many had forgotten, but the previous lady of the Senju, Butsuma’s soulmate, was a Hatake and the Hatake could be a superstitious people. They believed that names had power and so every child of the clan was given two names. The first was their secret name, their true name. This name was a secret, given only to those closest to the person. The second was their everyday name, the name the general public would know them as. Though she had left her clan to help her husband and soulmate lead his, the lady Senju held on to some of her traditions. When each of her sons were born, she carefully selected two names for them. In their public names she followed the traditions of the Senju. In their private ones she followed her heart. When they were alone with her, she would use only these private names, would remind her children of the power they contained and why they should take such care with them.
Hashirama had always been a true son of the Senju. Though he respected their mother and her traditions he did not believe in them. He remembered and guarded the name she had given him as a gift but saw Hashirama as his name. After she passed, only his brothers would use his other name and soon even they began to stop. Soon it was all but forgotten, used only as an occasional loving nickname.
Tobirama was his brother’s opposite in many ways and this was among them. He had taken after his mother the most, both in looks and temperament. He listened with awe to her stories and committed them and her beliefs to memory. He’d never seen “Tobirama” as anything more than a cover, a shield created to protect his true self. Tetsuo was the name he regarded as his for it was the name his mother had given to him out of love.
Tobirama was a duty. Tobirama was having to be the spare heir. Tobirama was having to be his father’s soldier. Tobirama was having to fight and kill. Tobirama was stomping his emotions down so they would not get in the way of what had to be done. Tobirama was the aches of wounds and bruises and hours spent training and pushing himself to be better.
Tetsuo was none of those. Tetsuo was the joy of reading, of experimenting, of learning and creating. Tetsuo were the secret soft smiles he saved for his brothers, Touka, and later Mito. Tetsuo was wiping away his brother’s tears and whispered words of apology and forgiveness in the night. Tetsuo was drawing up drafts of treaties he wasn’t sure would ever be signed and plans for a village he doubted would ever exist. Tetsuo was promises to do all he could to help make Hashirama’s dreams a reality. Tetsuo was being able to let his guard down. Tetsuo was playing with and teaching the clan children. Tetsuo was carefully bandaged wounds, and kind words, and warm eyes.
Tobirama was the face he presented to the world, but Tetsuo was his heart. However, Tobirama had not only embraced the name his mother had given him, he had also embraced her warnings. Tetsuo was vulnerable in a way Tobirama was not, not only to spirits but to other humans, and so he kept Tetsuo tucked away. Only when he was alone, or with the small handful of people he trusted completely, would he allow Tetsuo to emerge.
His soulmark did not help in this regard. He’d kept it hidden since it had appeared, a task thankfully made easier by the fact it was on his upper thigh. It wasn’t that he feared he would never meet his mate, nor was it because he was ashamed of having a male’s name. He also did not suffer from the common fear in shinobi that their match would die before they could meet. He did not agonize over the possibility it could be a civilian. No, in these ways he’d been luckier than most. He’d known who his mate was since the moment he’d first seen the elegant writing sitting starkly against his pale skin. Madara was, after all, a rather unusual name.
No, Tobirama hid his mark precisely because he knew who it was for. He didn’t want his father to know he was matched with an enemy. Didn’t want to hurt Hashirama even more by revealing his soulmate was the boy Tobirama had been forced to part him from. He didn’t want to give Touka anything more to worry about-especially not something that could distract her during a battle. He assumed Madara was doing the same since the other never said anything. He continued to fight Hashirama and only ever glanced at Tobirama when checking on his younger brother. So, though deep inside Tobirama Tetsuo mourned for the chances lost, he forced himself to push past it and put such things out of his mind.
And then everything changed. Tobirama, who was always, always, Tetsuo deep in his heart, found himself with the perfect opening to kill Izuna. And yet, as he lined up his strike, all he could think about were whispered promises to his brother in the dark, were the documents and plans he had drawn up in case of the impossible. His brother’s stories about Madara echoed through his mind and the mark on his thigh seemed to burn with possibilities he’d never been able to let go of fully. And so, instead of following through, Tobirama moved his sword so it ended up clashing off Izuna’s. His rival stumbled back, well aware of just how close to death he had come.
The rest of the battlefield had gone silent. All eyes were on them, including their brothers’. They had all seen where Tobirama was aiming, had all seen the inevitable end, and they had all seen Tobirama change his strike at the last possible moment. After a few seconds that seemed to stretch on for eternity, the silence was finally broken by Madara screaming his brother’s name as he rushed over. He was shaking as he checked Izuna over, and the relief on his face when he found no serious wounds made Tobirama’s heart clench. His shocked, thankful gaze met Tobirama’s for a second before Hashirama sensed his opportunity and rushed over to ask Madara for peace once again. And this time, this time with his little brother alive in his arms only thanks to a Senju’s mercy, Madara said yes.
Things moved quickly after that. The treaties Tobirama had so carefully written and rewritten were brought out and signed. And, when Hashirama managed to talk Madara around to creating the village they’d dreamed about as children, he was prepared and dumped all the plans and schematics he’d painstakingly researched and created in front of them. Hashirama had blubbered about how he was the best brother ever, and even Madara had seemed impressed. Construction on the actual village started soon after, and in what seemed like the blink of an eye, Konoha had started to look like a proper town. Hashirama had never been so happy, not even the day he’d met Mito, and Tobirama shared hi brother’s joy. It truly was an amazing achievement…and yet he couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. Even as their clans had settled together into peace and they learned to work together, Madara never approached him to talk about their bond. He tried to put it out of their mind and focus on his work (and there was always so much work that needed to be done) and he was, for the most part, successful at doing so.
Madara could barely believe that this was real some days, felt like he’d been living in a dream since that fateful battle. His heart had all but stopped in his chest when he’d seen Tobirama line up his strike, but then the Senju had changed course. Instead of being dealt a fatal wound Izuna had walked away with nothing more than a bruise. And then they had actually managed to create peace between their clans. He and Hashirama had been able to make all their childish dreams into a reality better than anything they’d ever imagined. Konoha was beautiful, everything he’d ever wanted and so much more. And, this too, he had Tobirama to thank for. Madara was slightly ashamed to admit that he’d never believed Hashirama when the other had told him, had sworn, that Tobirama also wanted peace. The younger seemed so cold, so quick to fight, so willing to kill that he’d been unable to trust the other could ever truly want peace. He saw now how wrong he had been.
It had been Tobirama who had written the original drafts of the treaties they had signed. Treaties that were truly fair and equal, that left neither clan weaker than the other. It was Tobirama who had done the practical research they’d needed. Tobirama who had drawn up blueprints and plans they were able to construct off of, plans that had clearly taken years of work to create and refine. He thought of Tobirama slaving over books since they had all been children in order to give his elder brother a real chance to see his dreams though and was forced to admit that he’d been wrong. Tobirama did want peace, Tobirama did support their dream and was willing to work harder than anyone to see it through. And, after realizing all this, Madara began to wonder what else he was wrong about when it came to the other man.
The answer that that, as it turned out, was just about everything. As the village grew, Madara had gotten into the habit of watching Tobirama. At first, it was simply because of curiosity. He had wanted to see what the other man was actually like. He was surprised to find himself more and more entranced the more he saw. He was less surprised to realize how wrong most of his impressions of the man were. Tobirama could be cold yes, but more often than not it was not malicious. He was a busy man and he preferred to get straight to the heart of things. But he was always warm to those he cared about. He always had a smile for the Senju children that flocked to him, and later, for the children outside the Senju that began to join them. He was beyond patient with them. Madara had seen him teaching a group of them some basic Katas once while visiting the Senju compound, carefully explaining and kindly correcting them. He was also always willing to answer questions, no matter who they were from.
Tobirama was fierce, but Madara saw more and more that this did not mean he craved fights. He would not allow others to walk all over him, he stood his ground when challenged, but he never started confrontations himself. Well, that was not quite true. If he got wind of someone bullying another, especially if the victim was one of those he considered his, he would seek out and ‘correct’ the behaviour. But, without his old prejudices blinding him, Madara was able to see that this did not make him quick to fight, but rather, quick to protect. And that, well, that was something Madara could respect.
The more Madara watched, the more he could understand the traits he’d once been reviled by. This included the other’s tendency to go straight for the kill in battle whenever he could. Tobirama like to nip things, especially problems, in the bud and make sure they would not be repeated. Going for the kill meant he took out a threat permanently. It meant that the enemy would not be able to hurt him or his, meant that someone else would not have to deal with it later on, meant that he did not need to fear an attack by an enemy he’d thought down. It was not that he was a monster trying sate his bloodlust, it was that he was taking the quickest and most efficient root to protect his side and end the battle.
The longer Madara watched and the more he saw the more he understood, and the more he understood the more he found himself unable to look away. Before he knew it, months had passed and Madara realized he had fallen in love with Senju Tobirama. For anyone else this would not have been a problem, but Madara was an Uchiha. A clan of fire users, they burned with all the passion of their jutsu. And they believed very strongly that their largest passion should be reserved for their soulmates. It was unheard of for an Uchiha to look elsewhere while their match still lived, and Madara knew his did. The ink over his heart was still as dark as it had been the day it first appeared; Tetsuo spelled out in neat, efficient strokes. And Madara did yearn for him, for this mysterious man that had been made to fit him perfectly in a way no other could, but he was not here! There was no one among any of the clans to join Konoha baring that name and Tobirama was right there!
Tobirama was right in front of him, also still lacking any sign of a match, and Madara could see so clearly all the ways they would fit each other. A year ago he would never have believed it, but he knew now that Tobirama would be able to match him passion for passion. He could, and did, stand his ground unflinchingly even when faced with the worst of Madara’s tempers. Tobirama was intelligent, hardworking, and beyond dedicated to the causes and people he considered his own. He cared for their village and all the people in it just as much as Madara did. He was also strong, able to go toe to toe, and occasionally even beat, Izuna and hold his own against Hashirama or Madara himself. It didn’t help that the Senju was absolutely beautiful. Lean and pale he was like moonlight given form, except for the twin gems he called eyes. So, Madara found himself caught in a sort of limbo where he watched and wanted from afar, almost wishing that his mark would fade so he would be free to approach. The whole thing left him feeling guilty and wrong-footed which was in turn making him even more irritable than normal. This, ironically, ended up being what brought everything to a head.
It was a lovely day and Hashirama had decided that his brother and best friend both needed to relax. To this end he had wheedled, and nagged, and begged, and pouted, until they had both agreed to come with him to the onsen after work. Tobirama, as was his habit, made sure that the towel around his hips was secured in such a way that it covered his soulmark. While he did this every time he visited the onsen it was especially important this trip since the two people he was with were also the last two people he ever wanted to see his mark. Hashirama would cry and try to push them together, and Madara…well, just because Tobirama had forced himself to accept that Madara didn’t want anything to do with him or their bond didn’t mean that he wanted to hear the other man say so.
“Oh hey, Madara, I don’t think I’ve ever seen your soulmark before!” His brother was exclaiming, peering intently at the Uchiha’s chest. Tobirama was quite surprised since he had assumed that Madara would have found some way to cover or hide his mark as Tobirama did. He was also confused; this was not how his brother would react to seeing his name on the other. He’d been so certain, the Uchiha’s handwriting even looked the same, but maybe, maybe he’d been wrong? Maybe there was another Madara out there, or, maybe he had a broken bond. Maybe he was matched to Madara, but Madara wasn’t matched to him. “Have you found them yet?” Asked his oblivious brother.
“Obviously not!” Madara snapped. “I’ve asked around, but apparently there is no one named Tetsuo anywhere in Konoha”. Tobirama stumbled and almost fell as he walked towards them, much to their obvious surprise. He didn’t really care though, not when he was able to catch sight of Madara’s chest himself. It was there, written as if by his own hand in black ink above the other’s heart. It was there and it explained everything.
“Tetsuo” he whispered, almost reverently. He then followed that up by facepalming and saying, “I am such an idiot!” He’d assumed that because Tobirama was the name used most often it would be the name on his mate’s mark. That had become especially true after Hashirama met Mito and she’d had his common name on her. In hindsight it seemed obvious, of course the mark would read Tetsuo! The marks were linked to their souls, to their purest essence and, at the core, he’d always seen himself as Tetsuo, not Tobirama. Mito’s mark had read Hashirama because that was the name his brother saw as his, not because it was the one more commonly used. And of course Madara had never approached him, he had no idea that he had a name other than Tobirama, let alone that it matched his mark and that they were soulmates!
“Tobi-Tetsu-oh, OH!” Hashirama exclaimed, looking between the two of them in shock. He hadn’t even thought, but yes, now that he looked again that was definitely his brother’s handwriting and Tobi had always been so careful to hide his mark, even from Hashirama! He hadn’t realized at first because, like his brother, he’d expected the name written on his match to be Tobirama. “Oh, I’m so happy!” He cried, tears dripping down his cheeks.
“What?” Madara asked, glancing between the two Senju. “What are you talking about? Have you both gone crazy?!” He ignored the thought in the back of his mind, the idea that they were reacting like this because they knew who his soulmate was. He also ignored the hope, worry, dread, sorrow, and longing churning inside him. That, at least, seemed to bring them back into reality. The brothers exchanged a look.
“I’m just going to um…go somewhere that is not here” Hashirama finally said, all but fleeing. Madara was getting even more confused and now he had only one possible source of explanation.
“What the hell Senju?” He demanded, placing his hands on his hips and giving Tobirama a look which clearly conveyed, ‘explain now’. Unusually for him the Senju seemed to fidget under Madara’s glare. He looked hesitant for a moment before seeming to reach some sort of decision.
“I’ll explain, just-not here” he said. Madara finally remembers that they were in the changing room of a public onsen clad only in towels and had to agree that was fair. The two quickly changed back into their clothes and then Tobirama grabbed his hand and they disappeared. They reappeared in the living room of a house Madara had never seen before.
“My home” Tobirama answered his unspoken question. “Please sit, I did promise you an explanation”. Madara follows the suggestion while Tobirama stays where he is, leaning on the wall facing Madara and still fidgeting. The silence stretches on before Madara makes a pointed ‘well, get on with it’ gesture. Tobirama takes a deep breath and does.
“As you likely guessed by our reactions, Hashirama and I know who your soulmate is” the younger Senju starts off with, and Madara swallows. “I will tell you who it is, but there are some things I have to explain to you first.” Madara is surprised, but nods, willing to listen. Perhaps his soulmate has health issues, or is on a long-term undercover mission?
“The Hatake, like every other clan, has certain traditions and beliefs not well known outside the clan. One of these is that they give every child two names. They believe that true names hold power, so all children on their blood are given an outside name they can use instead of their true name” Tobirama explains. Madara is confused, while interesting this history lesson on the Hatake does not seem particularly relevant. “What many forget us that our mother, Hashirama’s and mine, was originally a Hatake. She gave up much from her clan when she wed father, but she did not loose the beliefs she had been brought up with. So, when she had her children, she gave us each two names.” Here the Senju pauses and seems to brace himself before starting directly into Madara’s eyes.
“Tobirama is not my name, not really. It is my outside name, the name I was given to shield my true name so it could not be used against me. My true name, the mane my mother gave me out of love, is Tetsuo, and I am your soulmate” he confessed.
Madara felt as if he couldn’t breathe. He was frozen to his spot, unable to react and unsure how he would even if he could. Emotions flew through him, there and gone only to be replaced a moment later. Shock, he’d found his soulmate? Anger, his soulmate had been in front of him, had known all this time, and had done nothing?! Relief, he’d found his soulmate! Confusion, his soulmate was the man he loved? Awe and wonder, Tobirama was Tetsuo, was his soulmate. The man he loved and his soul’s match were one and the same!
“Madara?” Tobirama’s concerned voice finally roused him back to reality. He blinked his eyes a few times and was surprised to feel a few tears escape. Tobirama (his soulmate!) was crouched in front of him, face twisted in worry with an arm reaching out for him, but now quite touching. “Madara?” He asked again.
“I’m okay” Madara assured him, “just surprised. But-” here he hesitated, but he needed to know. “But if you knew we were soulmates-you do have my name, don’t you?-why didn’t you say anything before now?” His heart pounded in his chest and he held his breath, waiting for the answer. Tobi-Tetsuo looked embarrassed.
“I, well, to be blunt, I thought you weren’t interested” he explained. Madara blinked, rather taken aback, and Tetsuo rushed to elaborate. “I do have your name, always have. During the war I assumed you would never be able to want a Senju and then when peace came and you never said anything, I figured it meant you weren’t interested in me, so I tried to respect that and stay away. I never even thought that the mark might read Tetsuo, never imagined you might not know.” By the end he was blushing adorably and Madara’s heart was swelling with happiness and hope.
“You want this? Want me?” He has to ask, has to be sure.
“More than anything” Tetsuo whispered, voice thick with emotion, and Madara can’t resist anymore. He grabs the man he’d been loving from afar for months and drags him into a kiss. Tetsuo responds enthusiastically, and doesn’t protest even as Madara drags him closer and closer until he’s sitting on the Uchiha’s lap.
“Mine” Madara whispers reverently once he’s finally pulled away from the other enough to speak. “My soulmate”. Tetsuo beams at him.
“Always” he swears and, for the first time, Madara feels complete.
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Good Enough [Part 3] Desire [Madara Uchiha]
Thank you everyone for the support on this story, urging me to get back to work on it. Sorry about the lack of smut in this chapter; gives you something to look forward to.
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The next morning Kururi rushed to the main house and urged the caretaker to wake Madara. He was already up, but far too busy to speak with her. She was grateful for this and left the blank note in the capable hands of his retainer while she waited impatiently by the front door for her to return.
Not sure how long Hashirama bought her, Kururi was relieved to see that Madara made this duty an urgency and signed the note. She expected a rude comment, passed between him to her regarding her negligence, however, she was given none. The young retainer passed the scroll back to her, wished her a good morning, and let her be on her way. Kururi, taken by surprise, returned to her main house to get properly dressed, then headed over to the tower.
By noon time, the elders had come to an agreement. Kururi was standing in a crowd at the base of the tower when they announced it. She was relieved to hear that Madara was permitted to run. The two founders stood together, looking out over the village and its people. She was for once in tears, watching them stand as equals. It took a while, but now peace was more than just a thought, dreamed up by three orphaned children. Kururi wiped her damp eyes and slunk back into the crowd.
She had every intention of returning home, but a bitter, dark chakra suddenly covered her, bringing this notion to a standstill. Kururi knew that it could only be one of two people and refrained from visibly shivering as said person moved to stand by her side. She never quite understood why, but the Uchiha had such hostile chakra; it felt like hands of ice taking ahold of her.
"Izuna … please. Try and hold back a little." If she was uncomfortable, she was sure the villagers with little to no chakra control were too.
He did as requested and easily concealed his signature. "My apologies. I forget sometimes."
"It's alright; sometimes I do too. Habit is hard to break when you've been taught something completely different all your life," she explained softly.
Izuna knew just what she was implying. Even so, it was hard for him pull off, since he was an Uchiha. He felt like the people of the village were isolating his clan. Flaunting his power was just a means of protecting himself; survival of the fittest. She had to realize what he was aiming to do, right? Maybe not, seeing as though she just chastised him.
A frown marred his face, but he chose not to say anything. Instead, he glanced up at Madara, as if his brother might be able to support him with this issue. How would he handle it? An alternate route opened up to him.
"If I may ask … why are you not with the council? I assumed you'd be up there."
Kururi felt her face heat up. She knew that he was attempting to rile her up; obviously he knew why. "Neither of them need my support. I've done all I can."
She was being honest; Izuna could hear it in her voice. What she didn't realize was how wrong she was. The fact that Kururi was so unsure about her role made him feel like she was insignificant. However, his brother thought otherwise. Izuna couldn't wrap his mind around it. Why did Madara like her so much?
"I believe this is the first time I've seen you with your hair down," Izuna mentioned, baiting her. She didn't look so much like an adolescent like this.
Kururi puckered her brow. "Yes … well you took my hair sticks yesterday, so I had nothing to use."
He nearly smirked at this. She was too easy. "Madara offered me an opportunity and I took it, but if you wish, I can return to you the inheritances I took. They are at the compound."
She did want them back, however she wasn't sure about going alone with Izuna. Thinking back to what she promised Hashirama, she decided to agree, only if he accepted her proposal.
"I'd like my sister to accompany us. She is rather fond of the Uchiha. I believe she may like someone in your clan."
It mattered not to Izuna, but he agreed in any case. A mock smile lifted his lips. "That's ironic, considering that you too like an Uchiha. You stare at my brother with a fondness beyond friendship. Some would think it's a weakness."
"Who do you watch with such eyes?"
Izuna puckered his brow. He wasn't sure there was someone he actually liked. Not that he was incapable of love; he just wasn't interested in it right now.
"That doesn't matter, Kururi." It really didn't, not while his mind was engaged with something else. But maybe after this. "Come on. Lets get your sister, and I will accompany you both."
Like he suggested, Izuna lead the two back to his clan's main house. He bade Kirino to rest in the back yard as he took Kururi to the work room his brother often resided in. Leaving her a moment, he moved around to the back of Madara's desk and retrieved her hair sticks.
She used the time to look around Madara's work space, intrigued by the naturalness of it. He kept the walls mostly bare, with the exception of a few weapons Kururi was sure he still had use for. She could see nothing that really stood out to her; nothing that yelled tyrant like she had expected.
"This is alarming," she uttered.
Izuna was taken back. "You imagined something different?"
"Less principles," she admitted. "But, I'm not going to cry about it. At his core, Madara is still human." Her fingers traced softly over the clan's crest.
"In a sense, you're right. He is human … but sometimes his actions share no compassion. It's for the sake of our people that he be made a devil in the eyes of others," Izuna explained, while moving closer to her.
He offered back her hair sticks and forlornly added, "At least that's how he wanted it to be. A certain woman has stolen his thoughts, and even I dare think his intensions for the clan have changed."
"I don't think that at all when I look at what all he's done," Kururi rebutted. "He does everything he can for his people. Some may see it as cruelty – his actions – but he's just doing what's best for his clan."
Izuna gave her a gentle smile, "How noble of you, to speak of my brother in such a way." Maybe he was wrong to assume so little of her. Even so, he needed to be sure. Words could only assure him for so long.
"Can I ask you of something?"
Kururi nodded in agreement. "You may ask me whatever you like, Izuna."
"Are you certain that you believe Madara can become the leader of this new village? You spoke up for him against the council. But do you actually believe that he has a shot?"
"Hashirama does … but I do not. I was honest when I said that times have changed, but for Madara, they have not." She never wanted to give him false hope; it was cruel of Hashirama to ask this of her. Dread filled her as she thought it over. "I just want the best for him … I'm sorry."
Izuna was strangely pleased by her answer. "I assumed as much." He already knew that Hashirama thought highly of Madara; this was no surprise to him. "Thank you for everything you've done for him; Madara deserves this. Still, am I wrong to assume a small part of the reason you agreed was because of love?"
"I … I don't know how to answer that."
"A simple yes or no," Izuna said blatantly. He was uneasy with the fact that she couldn't yet give an honest answer.
Sink or swim? Every possible route was circling around to this. She wasn't certain, because she assumed her feelings for Madara were nothing more than desire.
Kururi placed her fingers over her heart; it wasn't beating out of her chest in any cliché way. She feared her belief was true. "I don't think what I feel for your brother is love, and this hold I have over him isn't either."
"Since when did you think you were intitled to speak for him?"
She cringed at this. Honestly, it made her a little angry. He too had no right; he was a hypocrite for scolding her. "This conversation is over. We obviously can't fathom his feelings, so we don't need to argue over it."
Izuna agreed, despite his conflicting thoughts. He felt that if anyone knew his brother – truly – it was him. Madara would never lie to him, and he surely wouldn't have come to him in the first place if he felt like he could handle the situation. Izuna wanted so bad to spoil their scheme, but he honestly felt like his brother should do it.
"Speak with him," he implored. "You won't listen to reason, so at least ask him yourself. That's all I'll say about it."
Kururi curled her hands into a fist. She was so tired of this roundabout; it made her sick. All she wanted to do was forget about the whole ordeal, but nearly everyone she spoke to was filling her head with false information. Even so, she knew what Izuna had said was the truth.
She needed to speak to Madara in person.
"Convey to him that I'd like to meet. Tonight will be fine," she uttered in defeat.
Izuna gently smiled, "Leave it to me."
Kururi so wanted this to be over. She just hoped her desire for Madara wouldn't blindside her to the truth.
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tobiblack · 5 years
In the space between doors a heartbeat lasts an eternity
Tobirama had expected to die, but he hadn’t. The world had moved on as if he had, even if he was caught at just surviving out of spite.
It left him out of sorts and at a crossroads.
#Alternate Universe – Canon #Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence #Alternate Universe – Tobirama survives
#This is me being unable to NOT touch upon the fact that Tobi’s got Issues™
DIRECTLY AFTER time is an illusion casting shadows in cracked mirrors
Tobirama was sitting in some bed of the hospital, alone with Mito.
His sister-in-law had sent his team fleeing with one hard-eyed look and orders to go retrieve Tōka from her self-proclaimed exile inside his brother’s overgrown not-so-friendly garden that the village had called the Forest of Death instead of Area 44. Kagami had looked fit to argue, with his eyes a dark red, but Danzō had dragged him off with a whispered conversation Tobirama didn’t quite catch.
Absently, he had tracked their chakras through the village, heading to where his cousin could only faintly be felt while surrounded by her favored summon, that humongous albino Bengal tiger named Byakko she’d always liked to joke was a lot like him if he’d been born a cat. Mito brought his attention right back to her with a snap.
“You have a choice, Tobirama, right now to make. The village thinks you dead; our whole world thinks that Tobirama Senju, Nidaime Hokage, died in the last battle of the Shinobi War. I know that the duties of Hokage have laid heavy on you these seven years since Hashirama died. I myself have only lingered in Konoha so long for you and my sons, and have made it clear that I will be leaving for Uzushio as soon as Hiruzen is settled in as the Sandaime. If you wish to join me, you are welcome to, the Uzumaki will welcome you as a distant cousin and as my brother-in-law.”
She placed her hands over the seal on her stomach containing Kyuubi.
“If you stay, you still have a choice to make. Let Tobirama Senju, one of the last survivors of the Warring States, die, and choose to do something you want to do with the rest of your live, other than being a weapon. Or return to how things were - as either the Nidaime or maybe an advisor of Hiruzen. You need to make some sort of decision soon though, before anyone realizes that you survived and the choice is taken from you.”
He watched as she tweaked the seal as she talked, letting the edges of her chakra blur into the Kyuubi’s, which was normally hidden to the point where it was really only because he knew to look that he could sense the Kyuubi, to something that filled the room like a bonfire did with warmth. Belatedly, he realized that her chakra had been like this, through not quite to the point as to completely obscure his chakra signature even without his engrained control, since he’d neared the village. She’d wanted him to have the chance to decide.
“I- I appreciate this, Ane. I’ve never entertained any ideas of what I would do if I wasn’t a shinobi though, I don’t even know where to start. Aniija used to dream near the end, of a life where he stepped down, and could devote the rest of his life to you and making you happy. I’d remind him that we were the boogeymen of our world, and that there was no retirement for us.”
She laid a hand atop of his.
“I knew, I knew when I was considering marrying him so many years ago, that I was marrying more than a man. I was marrying his clan, his ideas, and everything that meant. He was always open about his dream of a village, and I knew that when he succeeded, it would mean that he would likely be the leader until death, and I accepted that. I made that choice. You loved him, would have chosen him regardless, but he never offered you the choice to be Hokage. You choose Hiruzen to be your successor in much the same way, but the difference was that Hiruzen wanted that dream. He talked to me before he proposed to Biwako, because he wanted her to go in with eyes wide open to what marriage to him could mean as not just wife of a clan head but wife of a Hokage. You wanted something else other than to be Hokage but accepted your brother’s last request because you would never have denied him such a thing.”
Tobirama twined their fingers together, not able to say a word because Mito had always understood better than his own brother had about what he had and hadn’t wanted.
She’d known that he’d been content amongst all the administrative work of building a village, developing it into something to be proud of. He’d wanted none of the leadership, but like he’d taken care of the clan, he’d taken care of the village, with no intention of ever outliving his brother because for all he’d wanted his brother to have passed in his sleep like he had, he’d never thought it would happen. He’d always thought it would have been like he nearly had; fighting to the last, sacrificing himself for their clan, for Konoha. She’d watched as she’d trained her sons on how to lead the clan, to replace him as the steadying hand to their father, then to act as his heirs when he was abruptly the clan head.
Now, he’d not only outlived his brother by decades, six years older than most shinobi died at, and he was at a loss for what to do since he’d somehow managed to successfully pass on the mantle that he had never wanted. Her sons were leading the Senju clan as was their birthright, had been for several years now and had rarely sought his advice since the war had begun. He was practically obsolete.
What he did now that he wasn’t boxed into being a shinobi by virtue of birth, he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure he could be anything else at this point.
Without notice, his eyes drifted from where his cousin was streaking towards them like death was on her heels and his team following as fast as they could, to what he could hardly believe existed.
He’d done all the work to create the jutsu, done everything needed to see his one private dream become a reality, but he’d always known he likely never would get the chance to follow through with it. The war had consumed his life, the worst sort of déjà vu to what his life had been like before Konoha, and the longer it had dragged on, the more he’d been sure that he wouldn’t see the end of it. He shouldn’t have seen the end of it, and he had prepared Hiruzen the best he could to take up his mantle for when the inevitable happened, but then the war had been waning.
He wasn’t ashamed to admit that while his logic had been sound – because he’d stood the best chance to survive or at least hold the Kumo nin long enough his team could get away – he’d volunteered because he was facing the second time that he’d seen an end of seemingly endless war and he wasn’t made for peace. For his brother he’d tried, and come close to succeeding, but six years of war had undone what fifteen years of a relative sort of peace had done to smooth out some of his sharp edges. He’d survived because he wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of being able to say they’d killed him, just spiteful enough to not die fighting anyone but an equal, not when nearly ten years of fighting Izuna hadn’t killed him.
He hadn’t lived in a long time, perhaps not since Kawarama and Itama had died, but his team had let him act like he had been.
Now, they’d gone and given him something to live for.
“I think I’ll stay. I want to be a father, one better than my own.”
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yetanotherauthor · 5 years
A remix of @unquietwordssettledthoughts fic “An Uchiha’s Devotion” because the plot bunny bit me and wouldn’t let go. 
Pairing: MadaraIzuna Rated: T+ Word count: 1271 Summary: It has been a constant throughout his entire life that Madara loves Izuna with all his heart, though the nature of that love has changed over the years.
A Brother’s Love
“Hey, have you ever been in love?”
Madara lifted one eyebrow and turned to look at the man propped up next to him.
“He asked, sitting naked in my bed.” His voice drawled like a bored narrator and Izuna rolled his eyes with a grin, shoving at his leg before speaking again.
“Oh come on. Sex isn’t love, Aniki.”
Like a bucket of ice dumped over his head Madara felt those words wash over him. This was hardly the first time Izuna had followed him to bed after a soft evening together sitting close on the couch and speaking in low words. After the first time he’d assumed things had changed between them, assumed their relationship to have reached a certain status. It never occurred to him that Izuna might see things a little differently.
He was all too aware of how the effort to keep his sudden devastation from showing on his face would only result in a cold, blank expression but there wasn’t much he could do about it. The only other option was to show openly how badly those words had hurt him.
“It’s getting late, we shouldn’t waste the whole morning in bed like this. We both have things to do today.” Not that he actually had anything important lined up. For once his duties for the day were rather light, which was the whole reason he had indulged himself in a bit of early morning pleasure, enticed as he always was to find that beloved face resting against his shoulder when he woke. But that wasn’t to say he couldn’t find something to fill his time and look busy just to escape this conversation. If Izuna felt none of what he did then there was no way he would be opening up to spill out his own guts.
Not when they would only get stomped on in the process.
Strong hands tried to pull him back down to the sheets but he shook them off easily and reached for the clothes he had discarded on the floor last night. He threw them in the hamper and avoided looking back to the bed as he went to fetch a clean set, refusing to do anything as sappy as burning one last image in to his mind of Izuna, beloved precious Izuna, tangled in the blankets of his own bed, hair mussed and tangled from a rough night followed by a tender morning.
Clearly they had to stop doing this – whatever this was since he had obviously misinterpreted some things. He opened his mouth to say so and then bit his tongue to keep the words inside with a silent reprimand not to be so stupid. Nothing would be more obvious than to make such a statement now after his reaction to Izuna’s question.
Rustling behind him denoted Izuna’s rise from the bed but Madara remained stubbornly faced towards the dresser – until he was so startled by the hands that appeared on his shoulders that the younger man was able to pull him around in the other direction before he recovered. There he found Izuna with an expression so twisted he could only think that his poor brother looked thoroughly ashamed, though Madara hadn’t the foggiest idea what he had to be ashamed about. Had he figured out what Madara’s reaction meant? If that was the case, well, it wasn’t his fault he didn’t feel the same.
“Aniki,” he began quietly. “Do you love me?”
“You know I do,” Madara deflected.
“Ne, and you know that’s not how I meant it. Do you…I mean…I just thought…”
Conceding defeat in a fight it seemed he had already lost, Madara dropped his eyes and looked away. “It seems we miscommunicated, that’s all. You have no need to feel guilty for that. I won’t bother you with it.”
“Bother me? So you- you do love me?”
“Please don’t make me say it,” Madara whispered. He couldn’t count the number of times he had spoken those words and assumed, like an idiot, that Izuna meant them the same way in turn. Curse their clan for being so liberal, so open and accepting of all forms of love. If they had been born to one of the stodgier clans who looked down on these sorts of relationships then they never would have gotten in to this situation.
Just thinking about saying those words the way he meant them and having Izuna say them back with an entirely different meaning, it pulled at his heart in a way that also pulled dangerously at his eyes. He’d always known that Izuna would be the most important person in his life, had known that all the way back in his very first memories, and he supposed he should have guessed that he would attach himself in this way too. The Uchiha curse had always been to love too strongly.
Izuna ducked his head for a moment and Madara thought their conversation over. Now seemed like a perfect time to slip away and begin the process of figuring out how much damage he had just dealt to their close relationship, how long it would take to heal that gap. He hadn’t done more than make a half turn when suddenly there were arms around his neck and lips pressed tightly against his own.
“I’m sorry,” Izuna gasped in to his mouth. “Aniki I’m sorry! I thought…that you were just letting me follow you around like I always have. Nothing seemed different when we weren’t under the covers and I thought that meant you weren’t interested in anything deeper.”
“You…what?” Everything in Madara’s chest paused, dangling on the precipice of sudden unexpected hope. Izuna kissed him again and clutched him tighter.
“I just wanted to know if there was someone else holding your affection, if you accepted me because you couldn’t have them.” His expression twisted again and as the truth slowly dawned Madara finally understood the reason for his shame. “If I had known that Aniki felt the same way…I’m sorry. My question hurt you.”
“So you-. You love me too?” Madara’s voice had never been so small. But the joy in his heart had never flown so high as when Izuna lifted his head with a tiny smile and nodded with gentle motions.
“Of course I love you.”
There was nothing to do with such a magnificent feeling other than to share it. He pulled Izuna close to him and slotted their mouths together with blood thundering in his ears and ecstasy singing through his veins, feeling so light he would not have been surprised to find himself lifted from the ground. Clearly Izuna had no protests to this as he did nothing more than hold tighter and groan softly under the onslaught.
When he felt like he could breathe on his own again Madara allowed his sibling’s heels to touch the floor once more and pulled just far enough away for their gazes to meet. His tender smile was interrupted when Izuna gasped harshly.
“Aniki! Your eyes!”
Later – much later, after they had taken their time over breakfast and passed their morning in easy companionship as lovers do – he was going to enjoy his afternoon rubbing it in to the elders’ faces that the Mangekyo Sharingan could be achieved through joy as easily as it could through loss. Such a strong portent of good things to come could only mean that their clan would prosper in the future.
And Madara would see that future with Izuna at his side, beloved precious Izuna, his partner in every sense of the word.
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sutekiyomitsu · 6 years
The Tragedy of Uchiha Sasuke: An Analysis of the Music of Akatsuki no Shirabe
One of the reasons that I love 2.5D adaptations so much is because the story and events that are portrayed can be nearly exactly the same, but the staging and direction of it brings out certain nuances of the character that might not have been brought out so strongly before. For the character Uchiha Sasuke, Live Spectacle Naruto ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ (or, as in the English title, Live Spectacle Naruto ~Song of the Akatsuki~) is interesting in that it tends to focus more on the softer, more vulnerable side of Sasuke that is not usually brought out strongly in the original anime and manga. One of the more obvious ways it does this is through its choice in music.
(Over 1500 words of me lovemailing Live Spectacle Sasuke Naruto under the cut)
The 2017 production of Live Spectacle Naruto ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ was notably different from the 2015 and 2016 production in that (more) musical elements were added in 2017 (besides, of course, the obvious difference that Akatsuki no Shirabe, being the sequel, had a vastly different cast due to the arcs portrayed in the play). The music is thus one of the important aspects that added to the texture of the Akatsuki no Shirabe. (Also, their English title for it was Song of the Akatsuki.)
Of course, the music takes inspiration from the anime, with many elements of it being translated across creatively, coming up with new motifs while retaining the general feeling of the music used in the anime. The Akatsuki, for example, are introduced with a heavy, strong bass sound and a thumping beat. This might allow for some connection to the soundtrack in the anime, like in the OST Crimson Skies, which also has that same feeling to it.
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(I wanted to include multiple short audio clips in this post but Tumblr isn’t allowing me to do that, so I’m using screencaps of the stage at the point when I am referring to instead.)
For Orochimaru, the organ sound that was characteristic of his OST wasn’t used in Akatsuki no Shirabe, instead being replaced with a more mystical sound of strings and a slow drumbeat, like a snake that is slithering its way to its prey. Even so, the notes used still seem somehow reminds us of that same sinister sound (and they also make use of Yumi Hiro’s beautiful vocal range).
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It then becomes obvious that the music choice for Sasuke was a departure from the music in the anime. In the anime, Sasuke is often associated with music with an electric guitar (hence all the jokes about a very Old West sound, because of the twanging sound). The strong bass also adds to the feeling of strength, forcefulness, and ‘coolness’. This can be found in both in Sunspot (Kokuten) and Wandering (Hyouhaku).
However, in Akatsuki no Shirabe, Sasuke is constantly associated with the sound of a piano instead. Of course, he gets his moments of badassery with that strong beat and electric sound for him, but in nearly every sequence, Sasuke is shown in quiet moments of the music.
This might arguably have even started in 2016. In the most pivotal scene for Sasuke, we hear the sound of a piano.
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This is then repeated throughout Akatsuki no Shirabe. It starts even in the Opening to depict the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke.
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This is repeated in “Sagashidase”, where the piano comes in as Naruto and Sasuke sort of “speak” to each other (actually saying the lines from their fight at the Valley of the End).
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In “‘Akatsuki’ Mokuteki wa..!”, the song builds up gradually to Sasuke’s singing part, where it gives way to a soft piano sound.
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The same motif happens in the song before the end of the first act “‘Wakare’ Mokuteki wa..!”, which, this time, begins with Sasuke’s part with a soft piano sound that later builds into a climactic ending.
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In “Naruto vs Orochimaru”, when Naruto thinks about Sasuke, prompting Sasuke to appear upstage, a piano melody interrupts the intense battle music, which then smashes back into the battle music once he vanishes.
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In “Kessei Shoutai ‘Hebi’”, when Suigetsu asks about Sasuke’s intentions for creating Hebi, the piano can again be heard interrupting as Sasuke mentions having a goal.
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Even in “Tensei no Gishiki”, Sasuke taking over the control of Orochimaru’s jutsu is first indicated by a brief piano sound that interrupts the sound of strings.
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Finally, the piano is, of course, used in the duet (that made everyone cry), “Itachi no Shinjitsu”.  
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Okay, okay, you get it. Akatsuki no Shirabe associates Sasuke with a piano sound. But why? Why not stick to the usual twangy guitar sound that Sasuke has often been associated with?
I believe the answer lies in the angle that Akatsuki no Shirabe took on Sasuke, and on the story as a whole. Due to the constraints of being a time-limited-not-500-episode-long stage play, there needs to be a coherent flow in the events that lead to a final climax (and conclusion). Since the climax of Akatsuki no Shirabe is the fight between the Uchiha brothers, and the events leading up to it are depicted from Sasuke’s perspective, Akatsuki no Shirabe places Sasuke as the heart of the play, in a way, almost like he is the main character (even though Naruto is in the title of the performance. Sorry, Naruto.). In fact, Naruto’s character in this play is almost static, with no huge developments besides learning the Rasenshuriken, becoming even more motivated to save Sasuke, and learning to get along with Sai. The real character arc in the play belongs to Sasuke. Of course, this differs from in the anime, where the position of ‘hero’ is always centred on Naruto (obviously).
Because of Sasuke’s (almost) protagonist status in Akatsuki no Shirabe then, he becomes a more sympathetic character. Instead of emphasising on Sasuke as the cool, heartless, suave character foil to dorky Naruto, Sasuke’s vulnerability and softer side is emphasised on stage. Instead of putting Sasuke’s anger and hatred in the spotlight, it is his pain and grief that is highlighted.
The use of the piano enhances this image of Sasuke. Instead of the ‘cool’ sound of a guitar, it is replaced by the melancholic sound of a soft piano. The piano also brings out Sasuke’s ‘innocence’. This is contrasted against first Orochimaru, as his youthful body is what Orochimaru wants, and then Itachi, as Sasuke is the younger brother. Also, this innocence can be taken in the sense that Sasuke has been kept in the dark about the truth of the Uchiha massacre and is thus oblivious to it until the end, when it is revealed to him as a “plot twist” by Tobi.
Furthermore, the sound of the piano can be used to draw links between brother(ly) bonds. As previously mentioned, the piano is heard in the Opening during the moment between Naruto and Sasuke, as well as in “Sagashidase”, and it was also heard in “Naruto vs Orochimaru” with the brief appearance of pre-Shippuden Sasuke in Naruto’s memory. This associates that piano melody with the bond between Naruto and Sasuke, which is often compared to a brotherly bond.
In fact, the use of the piano as highlighting brotherly bonds is further enhanced by Sai’s arc in the play, as during “Ninmu ~ Niisan no Kioku”, when Sai is reminded of his older brother, the piano is played. When contextualised in the context of the structure of the play, Sai’s arc in Act 1 is positioned almost like a prologue to the relationship between the brothers that are at the heart of the play, the Uchiha brothers, leading into Act 2’s confrontation between the Uchiha brothers. (It’s different in the anime where Sai’s arc is just, well, his arc.)
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This connection with brotherly bonds is later emphasised again through the piano melody in the song “Mangekyo Sharingan”, where Itachi tells the story of Madara and Izuna, meant to mirror the ‘cursed’ relationship of the Uchiha brothers. It serves to highlight the burden of the blood bonds within the Uchiha clans and the ‘curse’ that comes with it, pitting brother against brother for power.
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The piano therefore takes on an association with the brotherly bonds that are the centre of this play. Sasuke’s affiliation with the piano serves to highlight that his fate and destiny has been decided in his position as the younger brother. As Rachi Shinji put it, Sasuke is bound by his blood ties and constantly feels the burden of the responsibility that his blood and his clan has put on him. His own sense of self has been tied to his role as the avenger of his clan and has pushed him to extreme ends to fulfil his duty.
From this angle, Sasuke becomes a more sympathetic character – we see how his identity has become entangled in the responsibility of being the survivor of his clan, and how this has weighed on him and shaped his destiny and his decisions. His anguish upon realising that everything that he had based his identity on is false becomes much more striking. This isn’t a departure from the Sasuke in the anime and manga, but instead, Sasuke’s pain at the final revelation becomes more palpable, and this makes his declaration to destroy Konoha for what it did more believable and even understandable.
Of course, the music direction was only one of the elements that brought this aspect of Sasuke out so strongly, but it is a display of how powerful a simple change can be in the shaping of a character. For a character as complex as Uchiha Sasuke, it was certainly a welcome take on his story.
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