#and her own clothes don't fit me bc i'm way larger than her but she said she'll still try to find smth that might fit
ppulverse · 26 days
it's so crazy to see strangers on the internet showing more empathy towards me than my own sister 💀 like girl ???
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
What is your take on people commenting on idols bodies saying they’re “too thin”? The two arguments being it’s body shaming and the other being that it’s being said out of concern.
Asking not to cause drama but bc it’s a problem I’ve noticed coming up a lot on twt and ig and I’m conflicted about which camp I fall into or if I’m somewhere in between.
it's something i try not to talk about, honestly, bc it's not my business what people's bodies look like 🤔
(cut so folks who don't wanna read about weight/size can avoid)
thinness is highly valued pretty much across the globe, but in korea (in my experience, as a firmly mid-sized person living there) it's so ubiquitous that it's unavoidable. yes, folks of all sizes live there. of course!
but to use my own body and my lived experience as an example for you, on my last work staff we had about a dozen korean women alongside us foreigners. they were all thinner than me, and none were larger than maybe a US size 6 (and probably only bc of their height, at that point).
so like. idols really really are all size 0-4, like 48-55kg. really and genuinely. twice jeongyeon looks a lot bigger than the members, but she is still smaller than me.
i'm not saying any of these people (idols, old coworkers, korean folks in general, myself) are good or bad or healthy or unhealthy, bc again, it's really not my business.
i've spent enough years doing undieting and health at every size work to know that it's essentially impossible to judge people fairly from the outside. i do notice all the behaviors that i think are detrimental to their mental health, and i really personally dislike seeing idols brag about how little/clean/organic/whatever they eat or how much they're changing their body for different things (hello, comeback season diets!).
but i can also see how many idols naturally have smaller bodies (than i do, at least - like, i will never ever be built like bp lisa, no matter what i do, bc that's just not my body type). i can see how much easier it is for them to be thin, either to avoid social scrutiny or to appear a certain way onstage or to suit certain niche parts of their job (like, a lot of idols' clothes are gifted by brands and often they come in...one very small size, so if they don't fit, tough shit).
i would prefer they didn't pass out onstage or go days without water so their abs show more completely in mv shoots or avoid eating on camera bc they don't want to be shamed. i would very much like if companies wouldn't push young vulnerable people to be a certain size to the detriment of their bodies.
i'll always worry about my faves and if they're getting enough sleep and enough to eat and if they're doing alright, body-image wise. i'll always get excited when i see boy idols who don't force themselves to keep washboard abs (taeil 🥰) or girl idols who are just plain bigger than average (nmixx jiwoo and her fuckin incredible muscles! jeongyeon lately!)
but i'll never know for Certain why or how or for whom an idol is looking how they look, though, so is it really my job to jump into the comment section and decide for myself?
cuz as much as i might worry, it's still...none of my business.
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