#and her only company is some long-necked wooly creatures
unchartedthelostlegacy · 11 months
ND better put out some post-Lost Legacy content even if it’s not a fucking game because. My headcanons are getting stupider. What if Nadine used the combined 50% of her tusk finder’s fee from the Ministry of Culture and the auction money from unloading Shoreline’s remaining vehicles, munitions, and other assets and bought an alpaca farm in Iceland. 
Just. why do you people put up with this shit. I’ve written a few hundreds words about it already in drafts. Why would that Burberry-wearing ex-mercenary leader want to clean up after farm animals. i’ve spent too much time in Story of Seasons, my loves are merging, my streams are crossing, the brainworms have won
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Things we are    part 2
“Hmmm… I wonder when the Prince is going to come back.  Everyone’s so excited and crazy.  It’s getting tiering.  Dis has been running around like mad trying to plan and organize everything.  Still,” I rolled over and looked at the chipmunk that was eating part of my lunch, “it’s allowed me to sneak out here a few times.”
I frowned.
“You’d think it would be the opposite.  More vigilant, alert guards and all that…”
I signed.  The chipmunk chittered at me with cheek pouches full. I tickled him under his chin.  Grabbing my finger, the little thing licked some jam off, chittered one last time, then scurried away.
“Guess I’ll head home before it gets dark.”
I picked up my bow and placed it on my back.  I hoped down from the tree I had been occupying and trailed my hands over moss, mushrooms, and bark as I pointed myself in the direction of home.  I wound through trees and over streams, and under fallen trees.  I followed the sun until I got to my favorite waterfall were I stopped for a break.  I took my shoes off and rested my feet in the water.  A few fish swam up and nibbled my toes which made me laugh.  Closing my eyes, I leaned my head back to bask in the sun and enjoy my time.
A small rustling noise made me look up.  A ram made its way through some tall bushes.  I frowned in confusion but then a dwarf followed behind it.  He stopped when he saw me.  He looked oddly familiar.  His raven black hair went past his shoulders and his beard was shorter than most dwarves kept them.  His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of blue.  The ram walked up to me and nudged me with its big wooly head.
“Hello, sir.  I haven’t seen you before.”  I mumbled to the ram as I rubbed my hands along its neck. Its coat was a little dirty but still well cared for.    
“He normally doesn’t like other people, tries to bite them the first chance he gets.” The stranger commented warily.
“Well, some critters just like me.”  
The ram nuzzled me one last time then went to the pool of water to get a drink, leaving me to face the stranger.
“If your lost the kingdom is that way.”  I said while pointing to the West.
“I know…although it has been a while since I was there.”
“Are—” The sound of a distant bell made me freeze.  It was the dusk bell; the gates would be closing soon.
“Bye it was nice meeting you!” I bolted into the forest leaving the dwarf behind.
“Crap! The guards will be attentive now! Ugg I’m going to have to sneak in if I don’t get there in time.”
 I made it back into my room just as someone started to knock.  I quickly pulled on a robe and ran to the door.
“Finally found you. Why are you out of breath?”
“Umm…I was asleep, and you startled me that’s all.”
Dis narrowed her eyes but a smile quickly appeared.
“You need to get ready for the feast!  Come, I’ll do your hair.”
Without waiting for my response, she spun me around and shoved me in front of the vanity.
“What happened? Is Thorin back?”
“Yes, he just returned! Everyone’s getting ready.  Vili is taking care of the boys.”
My hair was pulled, curled and pinned before long.  After that I was squeezed into the dreaded corset and a midnight blue dress was thrown on top.  I refused to wear heeled shoes though.  
“But they’re in fashion right now.  The kingdom to the north sent over their latest designs and my tailor worked very hard to get them ready.”
I glared at Dis.
“If you make me wear those I will go naked.”
It was an honest threat and my friend, and I stared each other down before she gave up.  
“Oh, alright! Your dress covers your feet any way, but you WILL wear shoes tonight.”
I complied with this as I knew that if I didn’t she would force the heels onto my feet and probably find a way to keep them there permanently.  Once Dis deemed me acceptable she left to get ready and told me that she, Vili, and the boys would escort me to the hall were the feast would take place.
Once she left I tried to sit but the corset was too tight, and it felt like a seem would pop.  I sighed and decided to walk around my room. I thought about the impending party and dreading being in a room with so many others.  I hoped that after an hour or two Dis and the others would be too distracted, and I could sneak back to my room.  On my tenth lap around the room there came a quick knock and Dis opened my door.
“Alright we’re ready let’s get going!”  
She was beautiful in all her royal finery.  Vili was more dressed up than I had ever seen him.  The boys were busy pulling at their tunic collars and Kili had already ruffled his hair.  I took a deep breath and followed them down to the Great Hall.  Vili hung back a bit with me as Dis took both boys by the hands.
“You look amazing tonight Eva.  Don’t be nervous, we’ll keep you company as long as we can.”
I gave him a half smile. Butterflies were flapping around in my stomach and my nerves were on edge.  Once we got to the main hall, I was left to stand with everyone else while Dis and her family went to take their proper place.  I was a bit relieved by this as I was now trying to blend into the stonework around me.  A few dwarves stared as they went by, but the King called for silence and everyone turned their attention to him.
“It is with great pride that I welcome back my grandson Thorin, Crown Prince to the line of Durin! He has been away for many months forging friendships and trade routes so that our people may prosper once again!”
I flinched as the room erupted into roars of cheers and clapping.  A few dwarves pushed past me to see better and I soon lost my sight of the throne.  
“Tonight, we feast not only to celebrate Prince Thorin’s return and accomplishments but tonight also marks the day, five years ago, of the destruction of our home of Erebor!  We feast and drink to honor those who fell victim to the horrid, fire breathing lizard.”  
The cheers for this were not as loud as before and a few people began to silently cry.  I bowed my head in respect.  
“Let the feast begin!” boomed the King and everyone clapped and cheered and started to drift apart. I stayed in my spot as long as possible but eventually Dis came for me.  
“Come, grandfather wishes to speak with you.”
A feeling of dread dropped into my stomach.  Was I going to get into trouble?  I had been extra careful sneaking in and out despite the lack of attentiveness by the guards.  Did he really want to lecture me now?  People parted for Dis and I as we soon came to stand at the foot of the throne.  I waited to be acknowledged by the King before stepping forward.  After he finished talking with a white-haired dwarf his gaze turned to me and a giant smile spread across his face as he beckoned me to his side.
“Eva my girl you look absolutely stunning tonight.”
I smiled and curtsied. “Thank you your majesty.  Dis is quite skilled at making me look presentable.”
The king chuckled lightly. “She has an eye for such things yes, but you are beautiful even without all this finery.”
I blushed.
“I know you’re not overly fond of large gatherings but tonight is one for laughter and fun! I want you to enjoy it.”
“I will do my best your majesty, I hope you enjoy it as well.”
The king laughed and dismissed me.  When I turned around I couldn’t see Dis or Vili but I saw Fili and Kili running around so I made my way to them.  As Kili ran around a rather large dwarf to escape his growling brother I scooped him up in a tight hug.  He giggled and Fili ran up and clung to my dress.
“What creature chases you my little prince?”
Kili points down at his big brother and proclaims, “The dragon Smaug chased me from my home and wants to eat me!”
A few dwarves around us chuckle and a few scoffed.  I ignored them and told Kili, “Don’t worry, together we shall defeat the dragon and take back Erebor!”  Fili giggles and runs away.  Still holding Kili I give chase and together we wind through groups of drinking and chatting dwarves.  Many laugh as we go by especially whenever Fili gives a great big ‘rawer’ letting people know a dragon is approaching.  I quickly catch up to Fili and with one arm scoop him up as well.
“We’ve done if Kili we caught the monster!”  The boys laugh and begin talking about what we should play next when Dis finds us.
“I should have known you’d be with the boys,” she laughs before continuing,” Alright my little ones, it’s time for you to go to bed.”  Dis makes to take Fili before I interject.
“I’ll put them to bed Dis. You stay and have fun.”
“What about you though?”
“I’ll come back after they fall asleep.”
Dis gives me a doubtful look but someone calls out to her distracting her briefly before turning her attention back to me.
“Alright but make sure you don’t take too long.”
I give her a smile and take Kili back.  As we leave the boys protest, but I quiet them by promising a bedtime story.  After getting them in their night cloths I tuck them in and begin my story.  I don’t get very far before both boys are fast asleep.  I blow out all but one candle and leave the room.  
I make my way back to the Great Hall but when I look in I can see that it’s gotten a bit livelier as more ale and mead has been consumed so I decide to go somewhere else.  If I went back to my room Dis would easily find me and drag me back.  I wandered around for a while and eventually ended up sitting on a balcony that overlooked the forest.  I looked around to make sure there wasn’t anyone nearby, saw no one, so I kicked off my shoes and stepped up on the railing and sat down.
The moon was full and still rising, its light bathing the entire forest.  In the distance wolves sang to one another.  My heart began to race as their voices rose and fell in harmony. I was lost in the music and didn’t hear footstep approach.  A gruff voice brought me back to myself.
“That’s a bit dangerous isn’t it?”
I rotated slowly so I wouldn’t lose my perch and gazed at the dwarf behind me.  It was the same one man I saw in the forest earlier with the ram. He was dressed elegantly in deep blues and a fur lined cloak, which was usually reserved for royalty.
“Only if you aren’t careful. Otherwise, the view is great.”
The man made his way slowly towards me and I moved over a little.  
“Hmm…”  The man took his cloak off and set it aside, then leaned his back against the rail, placed his hands on it then jumped up.  He slowly turned around to face the forest letting his feet dangle over.  I turned back as well.
We sat in silence for a minute just enjoying the sights.  Every now and then I peeked at him trying to remember who he reminded me of.  
“The view is quite beautiful.” The dwarf commented at one point.
I just nodded in response. We sat there for a while just staring out at the forest and moonlit sky.
I was about to ask the man who he was when footsteps and a shout rent the silence first.
“Eva? Thorin?  What are you two doing out here?”
Dis came striding towards us with an angry scowl on her face.  For a moment I stared at her in confusion.  Was I sitting next to her brother?  Her brother who was the Crown Prince?  How did I not figure it out before?
Thorin carefully turned around and faced his sister.  I had to repress a laugh.  He looked exactly like the boys when they’re about to be scolded by their mother.  
“This whole evening is to celebrate your return after being gone for months and you leave to sit out here! People have been looking for you!” Dis has stopped a few feet away with an angry red face.  I had never seen her so upset.  
Thorin got down and picked up his cloak.   I tried to blend in with the sky but to no avail.
“And you!” Dis shouted pointing a finger at me. I jumped a little. “I told you to come back after putting the boys to bed.”
“It was getting crazy on there Dis! Please don’t make me go back.”  I stayed on the rail but tensed to run if Dis tried to drag me back to the Great Hall.
Vili walked up behind his wife and gave me a small wink.
“Let them be Dis.  I’m sure Thorin is tired from his journey home, and the people looking for him won’t go anywhere and can speak with him in the morning.”  He put an arm around his wife and nuzzled her neck effectively distracting her.
She laughed before responding, “Alright fine.”
“Great!,” exclaimed Vili, “Then lets you and I head back.  I have yet to dance with my beautiful wife!”
Vili twirled Dis around as she blushed and giggled like a young girl and let her husband lead her back to the great hall.
I let out the breath I was holding and relaxed a bit.  Then I tensed again as I remembered who was still standing next to me.  Thorin was chuckling at his brother-in-law and sister, cloak still in hand.  His laugh was deep and course and contagious.  I began to laugh as well.  I tried to be a proper lady and not get too boisterous, but I couldn’t fight it for long. Holding my sides, I laughed till tears filled my eyes.  
I sat up too quickly to get some air and started to fall backwards.  Before I knew it though Thorin was at my side, a firm grip on my arm keeping me steady.
“Thank you.”  I said as I turned red and looked into his eyes.
“You’re welcome. Perhaps you should get down before you continue laughing so much.”  He said this with a smile, so I was sure he hadn’t been appalled by my lack of decorum.
I did as he suggested and as I straightened up I patted my dress a bit too aggressively.
“Does your gown offend you?”
“No, I just don’t like wearing cloths like this.  It’s so confining and makes movement all but impossible.”
That earned another laugh from Thorin.  My face flushed again, and I quickly tried to remember my manners.
“Apologizes your Majesty. I’m sure you don’t want to hear of such things.” I said as I dipped into a rough curtsy.
Thorin quirks and eyebrow up and holds a hand up, “No need to be so formal with me now.  If I wanted such things I would have made my identity clear when I approached you.”
I give him a smile.
“Besides,” he continued,” I did grow up with Dis who despite her appearance now, used to hate putting on such gowns as well.”  
I giggle at such a thought. I was definitely going to use this bit of information next time Dis tried to get me into another stuffy gown.
“From what you said earlier I imagine that you don’t want to go back to the feast.”  Thorin inquired shifting his cloak to his other hand.
“Oh…umm… well it was nice but…”  I felt bad having complained about being there when it was to celebrate his return home.
“It’s alright,” Thorin said with a smile, “Vili was right though.  I’m too tired from my journey home to deal with all the politics of royalty tonight to want to go myself.  May I escort you to your chambers?”
I was momentarily stunned. Was he really to escort me?  Me?  I wasn’t even a dwarrowdam.  I decided that he was just being nice, so I accepted.  He smiled and before I could blink he draped his cloak over my shoulders and held his hand out for me to rest mine on as we walked.  
“I’m Eva by the way.” I say as we start walking, realizing that I never actually introduced myself.
“It’s lovely to meet you Miss Eva.”  Thorin responds with another smile.
With that we walked past the Great Hall and down the corridors of Erebor.
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aiysha-the-loli · 4 years
Names of Some Kawaii (and Plushy) Characters
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The stores around here where I live are with beautiful display cases full of toys and stuffed animals that attract the attention of not only the little ones, but also adults. There are bears, unicorns, giraffes, monkeys, dogs in every size! I like stuffed animals (and real ones) since I was little, I prefer to get a teddy than flowers, but here in my city they don't sell as many kawaii characters as the ones we occasionally find on the internet; it was through it that I learned the names of some cute characters and I will share them with you to help you search for cute things to buy or decorate whatever you want, including your PC or cellphone with images and illustrations.
I don't know the story of all of them literally (nor would it fit in a single post), so let's go in geral, by companies or illustrators okay? And when it comes to cuteness-producing companies, the Japanese have a good share. The creations I find the cutest are those of Amuse, Sanrio and San-X.
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Amuse is responsible for the most kawaii stuffed animals (in my opinion); they are sold in Japan, but it seems to me that there are authorized resellers on the web for sales in other countries. They are the creators of the Alpacasso brand!
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Alpacasso alpacas are of various sizes, in very cute colors, even alpacas kids, which would be 'puppies' with round little bodies.
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They also make the rabbit Pote Usa Loppy, who loves strawberries and carrots, the Coroham Coron, a hamster who loves sunflower seed and the Fuwa-Mofu Pometan, a cotton candy-soft Pomeranian lulu, loves to play ball.
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The Coroham and Pometan are super kawaii! There are images of hamster backpacks and doggy size G plushies over the internet :3
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And as if that weren't enough, there are still the round rabbits Usa Dama Chan, who apparently doesn't have paws, but they do, and the hooded rabbit Usazukin...
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There is also a pika (or Ochotona, according to the wikipedia, I didn't know this mammal), a rabbit friend who loves plush blueberries called Kyun to Nakiusagi, Munchkin, a short-legged kitten, but who can stand, only with two little feet on the floor: 3, and Hitsuji no wooly a sheep who enjoys sweets, fashion and dancing, among many others that you can meet on the official Amuse website.
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There is also a shop on the website, I don't know if they ship to Brazil; on the internet you can find different images looking for the characters' names on sites like weheartit.com and pinterest.com, I've seen online stores that seem to be good options, like otakumode.com and tofucute.com, but I don't shop online, therefore, I cannot give an opinion.
Another company well known for the cuteness of its characters is San-x, from the bear Rilakkuma, and starting with him...
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Rilakkuma is a very relaxed teddy bear who has as his friend another white bear named Korilakkuma, a yellow bird called Kiiroitori and there is a new teddy bear among them, I think it's like a Rilakkuma chibi, maybe it's another character, I'm not sure, but if it's called Chairoy Bear, just like Rilakkuma, but with more fur on his chest and the bear head symbol drawn on his feet and on the butt.
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There are people who mistake Rilakkuma for this other bear:
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But he's not Rilakkuma, he's Brown, Line's teddy. They are different characters.
Another famous group from San-X are Sumikko Gurashi, who are not just animals, but other little creatures that like to live in the corners. They are round and are always huddled, shy. Once in a while you can find illustrations of other characters in Sumikko style, like a round rilakkuma.
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At san-x there are kittens too; what I met recently is called Funwari Necolon, the size of a perfume bottle! The tail is soft and it is literally a little ball of hair nya!
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I loved it :3 Check out his twitter to see how much cuteness!
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And there are dogs like Homekoro, a pomeranian and Berry puppy, a dog that loves strawberries, even has a whale, Jinbesan!
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But the most popular characters in our country are Sanrio, the creator of Hello Kitty that everyone knows, has known or will meet at some point in life, right?
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She has a pet kitten named Charmmy Kitty, who in turn has a pet hamster, Sugar. Charmmy Kitty was a gift from her father and boyfriend Daniel; she loves things that shine and has the key to Hello’s jewelry box around her neck. Hello Kitty has a twin sister with a yellow bow called Mimmy and a mother who makes the best apple pies in her opinion.
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Another cute kitten is Mewkledreamy, very kawaii, chatty, likes dreams and love stories.
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In the rabbits section, Sanrio presented us with several, such as My Melody, a rabbit that wears a pink hood that is friendly to a pink sheep, My Sweet Piano. If you search for mobile themes for these two, you will find a lot of cuteness, especially for android :3
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Sugar Bunnies Shirousa and Kurousa love to make sweets, and Sugar Minuet, a variation in cute colors of Sugar Bunnies, are two rabbits who love to dance.
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Still has the sweet Wish me mell, very white with colorful pompom, delicate and polite, and Bonbon Ribbon, a pink bunny who enjoys fashion.
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Pompompurin and Cinnamoroll puppies are very famous. Cinnamon (or xinamon) is my favorite Sanrio.
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He came from the clouds and works in a cafe, I think his name ( rolo de canela in Portuguese) has to do with the curled tail like one of those sweet cinnamon rolls, it reminds me of a rocambole too (I'm hungry now!), and his ears are so long that they make him fly; His friends also have names in this style, like Milk, Mocha, Chiffon, Cappuccino, Espresso (accompaniment to cinnamon roll, right? lol)
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There is a variation of these characters called Cinnamon Angels, and Poron, all pink with a blue bow on the head!!!
Pompompurin, on the other hand, is a golden retriever that has a funny asterisk in belly :D He loves pudding, he's fun and looks like he hides his owners' shoes.
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And mixing all the animals we have the Jewelpets, with magical powers and precious stones; my favorite is Diana who carries a diamond around her neck and has powers of feminine charm xD Meet each one on the Sanrio website.
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I did not forget other characters more known here, but the post is pretty big ne? ;w;
I cannot give each reader and friend who personally accompanies me with a teddy bear, so that was a way to thank you for your affection, sending cute images that i collected on the internet! See you soon ;3
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