#and for the gaza stuff-- even a couple dollars adds up!!
homosociallyyours · 27 days
My birthday is coming up on Monday--
normally I'm pretty excited but this year I'm very down. I miss my family, who I haven't been able to visit since spring of 2019 due to covid and my health, and things are just hard.
I've shared my Amazon wish list the past couple of years, and getting little prezzies (even very practical things like food staples) is a definite mood booster.
That said:
If you wanna look at my wish list it's here! Feel free to send me something not through Amazon-- if we're friends just message me and I'll probably be happy to send my address. I'll take cards/mail that way too :)
I'm also hoping to be able to afford a takeaway meal on my birthday, so if you can send me a little money to do that I'll always be grateful.
My venmo is Megan-Beene and my PayPal is homosocial.
Also with the state of the world as it is, if you'd rather send $ to fund e-sims to gaza or help a Palestinian family, that would also make me happy. Here's a link to verified gofundmes.
Many of you have helped me out in the past and I always appreciate it so much. Sharing/reblogging this is appreciated, as are birthday messages on Monday (or before or after)
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