#and everything about mimikos and el rhubarbulous
lohstandfound · 6 months
thinking about my graphic novel series again. i have way too many thoughts about it
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rising-above-stars · 3 years
I love my book series and I would love to talk about it more to someone that hasn't already heard my rants.
As in, I don't want to talk to my Co 'writers' about it
Anyway, it's a sci-fi fantasy (I believe) YA series set in New Zealand. In an alternate universe to ours, except magic is very ingrained in our society. The mythologies and legends and folklore we know and love are also weaved into our society.
This story focuses on a bunch of misfit kids who want to feel important for once in their lives. They join a rescue guild, they become their own little family.
Things start to go wrong in their little town. Fights break out within themselves and their family is almost torn apart. Nothing seems right anymore.
Thrust into a battle they did not sign up for, they need to put the pieces together and figure out what they hell is going on before everything falls apart.
(sentient bars that somehow pop up whenever you're in need and a dinosaur named El Rhubarbulous may also make an appearance)
Feel free to send asks or something if you want. Ask about some of the plot, the characters, other random details. You can even ask about Mimikos, the sentient bar, or El Rhubarbulous
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