#and every events when he appears !!! bro is always here for traveler OMG.
erabu-san · 1 month
I just start a new account, doing the archon quest again, And I FINALLY See it.
Xiao x Traveler?
YES !!!! 😭😭😭 there are so wholesome i love them sm
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ifleewroteotome · 6 years
#5 - Royal Pains
FULL AND TOTAL PREFACE that I do not support relationships between employees and employers there is a squicky power imbalance that complicates consent but this is fiction k? K.
OKAY SO. FICTIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY with all gender lines of inheritance because it’s not a stupid fictional country. Royalty are basically figureheads – they have power but it’s in terms of public eye and influence not actual legislative power. MC is related to the reigning monarchs but like #10 in succession – close enough that she gets a lot of unwanted attention, not close enough that it’s likely she’ll ever sit on the throne. (Duchess? Marchioness? Countess? Just straight up princess?) One of her parents was a non-royal (which was a Big Deal) heir/ess-turned-actor/actress who was tremendously wealthy so she has a lot of independent wealth, but doesn’t like to use it on herself. Works an Actual Real Job in the midst of various royal receptions and appearances and ribbon cuttings.
Heroine is the only one living in the family castle/manor and since it’s just her like, why bother with all the silly trappings and pomp/circumstance? But unbeknownst to her, her fiancé got engaged to her hoping to just live a lavish lifestyle, and when he realizes this isn’t going to happen, he hires a ragtag group of thieves to rob the castle in the middle of a charity gala hosted in the castle gardens BUT MC CATCHES THEM, dumps her fiance’s sorry tush, and berates the thieves like omg do you need jobs THAT badly that you’ve resorted to theft? Fine, why don’t you just live here until you’re back on your feet – as long as you do your fair share of chores it’s not like that wing is being used anyway.
MC: RABID BUNNY. Very proper, elegant, diplomatic, sweet—on the outside. Inside she has just a fantastically vicious mental commentary running 24/7. She IS pretty elegant but mostly out of habit. Actually 100% tough as nails and Determined to Make a Difference. If she is involved in a charity function it isn’t for pics, people. Runs herself ragged between day job and royal obligations but always snaps herself into perfectly poised as soon as someone is so much as breathing in her direction. Independently extremely wealthy thanks to non-royal parent, but incredibly frugal (maybe even tightfisted) about own expenses because it seems wrong to spend it when all those charities need it more and stuff – but she will do her research and make sure they use it appropriately. Veteran like rest of fam. IDK what her ‘day’ job is yet. Large animal emergency Veterinarian (princess prevents pig pandemonium with plague prevention best practices!)? Accountant? Researcher? Honestly just wants to be a mechanic but it doesn’t fit the IMAGE you know? Does Not Have Time For This Nonsense, Please. Will do anything for her country and her family, even if it means not being her authentic self. People depend on her, you know? And there are perks - like cupcake store grand openings.
OLDER BROTHER: Brilliant, charming, beautiful jerk. Except not really, it’s just easier. Has to work very, very hard to not let the pressure of EXPECTATIONS get to him. Very caught up in appearances. THAT SAID - got the non-royal parent’s acting genes, and would love to be an actor, but gets his kick out of acting like someone he’s not. Most likely of the sibs to crack open a beer and eat pizza when it’s just them. (Other bro would rather have some random not readily available dish that’s a specialty of whatever small mountain region he just visited, MC is strict about health food, little sis would join him she just wouldn’t START it) also the first to talk about DUTY and OBLIGATIONS until other sibs throw stuff at him.  Stupidly in love with longterm partner so maybe sibs harass him about getting married when he starts stalking about obligations to them?
TWIN BROTHER: LAZY CAT, except when MC really, really needs him then he’s suddenly around. According to the public, he doesn’t have a ‘real’ job, just lays around looking pretty on boats. Does this fairly intentionally so the press focuses more on him than the other sibs – because what does he care? Actually a romance novelist and not at ALL above using his sister’s experiences as plot fodder. This leads to him giving occasionally questionable romantic advice. Travels a lot to random corners of the earth and occasionally. HORRIBLE PHOTOGRAPHER so big brother calls this a waste. ALSO probably a ‘Dear Abby’ advice columnist.
LITTLE SISTER: Circumspect, but dry-witted and prone to sarcasm when it’s just family or people can’t hear her muttering under her breath. Quiet, mostly as a result of being kind of a prop for most of her life and LOUDER older siblings– but she’s always thinking. Patient. Was always kind of a smartass. Taking every day one at a time. Was a combat medic in the country’s armed forces and is living with PTSD. Maybe working in a florist shop? I just like flowers okay. Happiest out of the spotlight and always has been. Trying to relearn things.
“TITLE” representing the chore they do in exchange for room & board and (title) representing their role in the would-be heist
“COOK” (the distraction/lookout): SWORE UP AND DOWN to MC that they were a gourmet chef so that she’d let them stay but can really only manage a basic grilled cheese sandwich – which, luckily for them, MC loves. Plus as long as she doesn’t have to make it, it’s a win. Student? Maybe? Also probably has had a crush on MC forever (maybe she volunteered at a charity event that benefited someone in their family) and all along was going to derail the heist because too much respect for MC to let it happen when they could stop it, even though it could be dangerous. Nurturing? Just wants to take care of people?
“CHAUFFEUR” (the getaway driver): THE GETAWAY DRIVER. Reckless wild child? Can’t stay still to save their life. Shameless Baby Driver rip off don’t you judge me – always drumming fingers and finding rhythms. Doesn’t talk much so you think they’re probably solemn and quiet but they’re definitely mischievous as all get out, just sneaky about it. Sees the world in color and sound and vibration, frequency of their inner pulse’s just a little off from everyone else’s. Slippery, because they have to keep moving, which includes their thoughts. Never stays stuck on anything for long.
“SECURITY” (logistics/the hacker): IT person who hacked into the (admittedly out of date) security in the first place. Rebel without a cause. Terrible diet. Keeps horrible hours. Little wild (not as wild as chauffeur), lives on the edge, also a huge nerd. Gets gleefully excited about technology, will spend actual hours fiddling and building robots and forget to stand up so their legs don’t work right when they do. Loves nature and takes inspiration from the mathematical patterns in it. Talks really fast or not at all.
“HOUSEKEEPER” (undercover paparazzi – hired muscle): Was really in this to get the inside scoop on some royals and make a few bucks. Completely jaded jerk. Wanted to be a global photojournalist but realized people just wanted pretty beaches and sunsets and didn’t actually care about people and their suffering unless it won them awards, and does it matter with social media everywhere. Probably tells MC he/she is a wedding photographer. Doesn’t like things to be ‘picture perfect’ so cleans but there’s always something left undone. Sarcastic grouch. Probably pairs up with lazy bro at end of route to get back to documenting alongside lazy bro’s travels.
“BUTLER/LADY’S MAID” (the mastermind) – was reluctant to take this job because ex-fiance is a dingbat, but did it anyway for IDK personal reasons. Not really all that bummed that it didn’t work out. If they work for MC they get into even more royal events and can learn the ins and outs of places, their habits and patterns. Thinks MC is way too uptight, gets a kick out of teasing her. Laidback, hard to ruffle, confident, all the things you expect a mastermind to be. Really good memory for physical spaces. Totally clueless when it doesn’t interest them though, maybe?
“GROUNDSKEEPER/GARDENER” (hired muscle/fencer) – IDK more to come CHILDHOOD FRIEND MAYBE gotta have that
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yoolee · 6 years
If lee wrote otome | #4 - Royal Pains
FULL AND TOTAL PREFACE that I do not support relationships between employees and employers there is a squicky power imbalance that complicates consent but this is fiction k? K.
OKAY SO. FICTIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY with all gender lines of inheritance because it’s not a stupid fictional country. Royalty are basically figureheads – they have power but it’s in terms of public eye and influence not actual legislative power. MC is related to the reigning monarchs but like #10 in succession – close enough that she gets a lot of unwanted attention, not close enough that it’s likely she’ll ever sit on the throne. (Duchess? Marchioness? Countess? Just straight up princess?) One of her parents was a non-royal (which was a Big Deal) heir/ess-turned-actor/actress who was tremendously wealthy so she has a lot of independent wealth, but doesn’t like to use it on herself. Works an Actual Real Job in the midst of various royal receptions and appearances and ribbon cuttings.
Heroine is the only one living in the family castle/manor and since it’s just her like, why bother with all the silly trappings and pomp/circumstance? But unbeknownst to her, her fiancé got engaged to her hoping to just live a lavish lifestyle, and when he realizes this isn’t going to happen, he hires a ragtag group of thieves to rob the castle in the middle of a charity gala hosted in the castle gardens BUT MC CATCHES THEM, dumps her fiance’s sorry tush, and berates the thieves like omg do you need jobs THAT badly that you’ve resorted to theft? Fine, why don’t you just live here until you’re back on your feet – as long as you do your fair share of chores it’s not like that wing is being used anyway.
MC: RABID BUNNY. Very proper, elegant, diplomatic, sweet—on the outside. Inside she has just a fantastically vicious mental commentary running 24/7. She IS pretty elegant but mostly out of habit. Actually 100% tough as nails and Determined to Make a Difference. If she is involved in a charity function it isn’t for pics, people. Runs herself ragged between day job and royal obligations but always snaps herself into perfectly poised as soon as someone is so much as breathing in her direction. Independently extremely wealthy thanks to non-royal parent, but incredibly frugal (maybe even tightfisted) about own expenses because it seems wrong to spend it when all those charities need it more and stuff – but she will do her research and make sure they use it appropriately. Veteran like rest of fam. IDK what her ‘day’ job is yet. Large animal emergency Veterinarian (princess prevents pig pandemonium with plague prevention best practices!)? Accountant? Researcher? Honestly just wants to be a mechanic but it doesn’t fit the IMAGE you know? Does Not Have Time For This Nonsense, Please. Will do anything for her country and her family, even if it means not being her authentic self. People depend on her, you know? And there are perks - like cupcake store grand openings.
OLDER BROTHER: Brilliant, charming, beautiful jerk. Except not really, it’s just easier. Has to work very, very hard to not let the pressure of EXPECTATIONS get to him. Very caught up in appearances. THAT SAID - got the non-royal parent’s acting genes, and would love to be an actor, but gets his kick out of acting like someone he’s not. Most likely of the sibs to crack open a beer and eat pizza when it’s just them. (Other bro would rather have some random not readily available dish that’s a specialty of whatever small mountain region he just visited, MC is strict about health food, little sis would join him she just wouldn’t START it) also the first to talk about DUTY and OBLIGATIONS until other sibs throw stuff at him.  Stupidly in love with longterm partner so maybe sibs harass him about getting married when he starts stalking about obligations to them?
TWIN BROTHER: LAZY CAT, except when MC really, really needs him then he’s suddenly around. According to the public, he doesn’t have a ‘real’ job, just lays around looking pretty on boats. Does this fairly intentionally so the press focuses more on him than the other sibs – because what does he care? Actually a romance novelist and not at ALL above using his sister’s experiences as plot fodder. This leads to him giving occasionally questionable romantic advice. Travels a lot to random corners of the earth and occasionally. HORRIBLE PHOTOGRAPHER so big brother calls this a waste. ALSO probably a ‘Dear Abby’ advice columnist.
LITTLE SISTER: Circumspect, but dry-witted and prone to sarcasm when it’s just family or people can’t hear her muttering under her breath. Quiet, mostly as a result of being kind of a prop for most of her life and LOUDER older siblings– but she’s always thinking. Patient. Was always kind of a smartass. Taking every day one at a time. Was a combat medic in the country’s armed forces and is living with PTSD. Maybe working in a florist shop? I just like flowers okay. Happiest out of the spotlight and always has been. Trying to relearn things.
“TITLE” representing the chore they do in exchange for room & board and (title) representing their role in the would-be heist
“COOK” (the distraction/lookout): SWORE UP AND DOWN to MC that they were a gourmet chef so that she’d let them stay but can really only manage a basic grilled cheese sandwich – which, luckily for them, MC loves. Plus as long as she doesn’t have to make it, it’s a win. Student? Maybe? Also probably has had a crush on MC forever (maybe she volunteered at a charity event that benefited someone in their family) and all along was going to derail the heist because too much respect for MC to let it happen when they could stop it, even though it could be dangerous. Nurturing? Just wants to take care of people?
“CHAUFFEUR” (the getaway driver): THE GETAWAY DRIVER. Reckless wild child? Can’t stay still to save their life. Shameless Baby Driver rip off don’t you judge me – always drumming fingers and finding rhythms. Doesn’t talk much so you think they’re probably solemn and quiet but they’re definitely mischievous as all get out, just sneaky about it. Sees the world in color and sound and vibration, frequency of their inner pulse’s just a little off from everyone else’s. Slippery, because they have to keep moving, which includes their thoughts. Never stays stuck on anything for long.
“SECURITY” (logistics/the hacker): IT person who hacked into the (admittedly out of date) security in the first place. Rebel without a cause. Terrible diet. Keeps horrible hours. Little wild (not as wild as chauffeur), lives on the edge, also a huge nerd. Gets gleefully excited about technology, will spend actual hours fiddling and building robots and forget to stand up so their legs don’t work right when they do. Loves nature and takes inspiration from the mathematical patterns in it. Talks really fast or not at all.
“HOUSEKEEPER” (undercover paparazzi – hired muscle): Was really in this to get the inside scoop on some royals and make a few bucks. Completely jaded jerk. Wanted to be a global photojournalist but realized people just wanted pretty beaches and sunsets and didn’t actually care about people and their suffering unless it won them awards, and does it matter with social media everywhere. Probably tells MC he/she is a wedding photographer. Doesn’t like things to be ‘picture perfect’ so cleans but there’s always something left undone. Sarcastic grouch. Probably pairs up with lazy bro at end of route to get back to documenting alongside lazy bro’s travels.
“BUTLER/LADY’S MAID” (the mastermind) – was reluctant to take this job because ex-fiance is a dingbat, but did it anyway for IDK personal reasons. Not really all that bummed that it didn’t work out. If they work for MC they get into even more royal events and can learn the ins and outs of places, their habits and patterns. Thinks MC is way too uptight, gets a kick out of teasing her. Laidback, hard to ruffle, confident, all the things you expect a mastermind to be. Really good memory for physical spaces. Totally clueless when it doesn’t interest them though, maybe?
“GROUNDSKEEPER/GARDENER” (hired muscle/fencer) – IDK more to come CHILDHOOD FRIEND MAYBE gotta have that
See the rest here
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