#and enzo ... mierda this boy needs a hug !!!
gloryride · 11 months
OC as Horror Trope
Tagged by @chevvy-yates to do this Uquiz, thanks 💕
The 3 last ♥ (didn't do Roxanne, wasn't satisfied with the answer)
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AURORE - The monster
it was not your fault– at first, at least. you can not help being the way you are. and even if you could, would you choose to change? they met you with torches raised and screaming mouths, the only choice you had was to flee. but you will not stay away forever. they whisper your name in fear, and you will make sure you hurt them just as much as they hurt you.
Aurore is more discreet than her brother Oscar, and also different in many ways. She's my only supernatural witch, which may make her the 'monster' of the group. Voodoo and magic have been forgotten, rejected by part of the Pacifica community, and apart from a few old people, Aurore is on the fringes of a society that is already on the fringes. To say that she is a monster is pretty harsh. But I like the idea of torches being wielded over a witch, and as a history buff I appreciate that.
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ENZO - The haunted House
decrepit and falling apart at the seams; time has not been kind to you, has it? termites have nestled in your bones, and stray cats find comfort in your sinews. you may be victim to time and erosion, but your abandoned corpse remains a refuge for unwanted things. vermin and ghosts thank you. what greater kindness can there be than offering shelter?
Oh baby driver, refuge for others while feeling empty and ugly. Enzo is a lovely, loving boy, but has changed radically since his accident, rejecting intimacy and giving up on being loved. But he has a lot of love to give ...
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MIEKO - The sacrifice
a knife to your back is your first memory– it will also be your last. you cannot help but let things into your heart, such is your nature. time and time again, however, they hurt you and leave you to rot. but your heart remains open, and you continue to let more in. is it kindness, at that point, or is it sacrifice?
Mieko has sacrificed a lot in the name of honour and tradition. And I like the contrast with her brother (who has a killer horror trope), who can be the rare person to reassure him, even if it means forgetting herself.
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