#and carmy specifically only really using her whole name in more serious moments???
there's something really soft and almost... careful, I guess?? about how Carmy says Syd's name, especially when he uses her full name and actually calls her Sydney (this kitchen is full of people whose love language is nicknames), and I cannot figure it out??? like there's something different about how he says her name vs how he says anyone else's and I don't think it's at all conscious, I think maybe to some degree it's familiarity; they don't know each other as well as anyone else, Syd is a central part of the restaurant but she's also still the new girl, and obviously there's this kind of instant connection and they have a lot of communication that's just half-finished sentences and understanding, but also. also. there's a bit of caution. idk I just think the way he says her name is really interesting and I want to figure out WHY he sounds so much softer with her than anyone else, even when he's annoyed
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