#and being overly anxious about being given biscuits
thestalkerbunny · 3 years
Now Im curious to see how you think die and crowbar would finally get together
Okay I'm gonna put this under a read more cause it's long and detailed and like a weird conspiracy time line I made for my personal entertainment that I've never been given the green light to share.
I preface this with the fact you have asked something I've been sitting on for *AGES* because I figured nobody would want to hear.
But the TLDR; Basically Young Lovers, Drifted Apart, Jealous Adults unable to handle their feelings correctly, Eventually Together.
Okay so like. This is my personal universal headcanoning shit.
Die and Crowbar were actually very close during Caliborn's Session-most Leperchauns that have similar corresponding powers do. (I.E. Eggs and Biscuits, Itchy and Doze, etc. etc.) but Crowbar and Die seemed unique as they were 'acquired' at the same time, sharing at least two charms together over the course of Caliborn's session. Crowbar was made the established leader of the pack at this time, but Die continued to stay close to him.
Things were kind of hectic for a while between establishing themselves in Midnight City and Crowbar was getting the ropes on being a leader for a bunch of feral mooks that he sort of ended up shelfing the whole relationship with Die for a while. Crowbar got more self conscious about his image, about how he was perceived and how he needs to command respect and he sort of developed Eldest Child Syndrome (it made him a good serious leader but everyone started regarding him as a bossy stick in the mud because of it)
Meanwhile, Die trying to occupy his new free time and cope with the loneliness as he sort of doesn't get along with....really anyone else-turned to studying the information on Horror Terrors the Carpacians brought with them from their destroyed moons. Sort of meddling around with this information for personal hobby interest (as well as a subtly nudged by Doc Scratch as the information later would be useful to him) He sort of teetered off the edge of being....'sound' of mind. And started to become a sort of paranoid overly anxious wreck scared of his own shadow, living in superstition and religion brought by the Carpacians to try and cope and have a sense of protection and acrewed a number of chickens used for a variety of things.
So they sort of inadvertently drifted away from each other.
When things sort of started to settle down and they had a more proper footing as a threatening gang; Die sort of got his hopes up over Crowbar again, that maybe he would have time for him again and they could sort of pick up where they left off. Unfortunately-Crowbar was attempting to take an interest in Snowman as she was actually another individual with a braincell in the group finally. And that sort of broke a lot of Die's hopes and dreams and feelings. (Dead ass, I imagine Die changed up his hair after this in a Knives Breakdown scene. Stitch is the other girl.)
Eventually Snowman sort of left Crowbar out high to dry because she got bored with her new 'toy' after a while and Crowbar sort of re-sought out Die, missing that sort of mutual relationship they used to have together. Only to find Die had been seeking 'attention' from people outside of the Felt Manor and had a sort of 'consensual violent paramour'-which resulted in Crowbar being extremely jealous to the point where he was getting concerned getting this worked up was affecting him. (And slightly more alcoholic than the Felt Normal Standards. Remember, if you leave the bottles on the floor, you're a drunk-if you line them up on your desk in an aesthetically pleasing matter, you're classy.)
Eventually at some point, Die ended up breaking things off and he and Crowbar sort of fell back into their old paces together. Granted a lot of the charms they used to have together had changed; they had changed and become much much different people. Die sort of had to re-learn that affection can exist in a relationship as his previous one had just been very physical with no affection-sheerly a 'benefits' situation. And Crowbar sort of learned that he can't really take Die for granted or treat him the same as the rest of the Felt-given how his Horror Terror affected mind has made him. They're informally Trove mates-granted both of them agreed to keep their relationship as private as well....two guys sharing one house with 15 other people can. Crowbar still has to maintain his serious leader shtick and Die usually stays away from him when he's busy leading to sort of maintain this 'oh we're not in a relationship, we're just really close friends.....who sometimes visit each others rooms in the dead of night. sneakily. cause we're friends'
Nobody is really fooled. Every one knows, you dinguses.
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paragon-vestra · 4 years
🥊🌙🔮🌷 for Morn, Avery, and one other of your choice!
🥊 Does your OC prefer to take the lead or follow orders? With everyone or just with certain people? Is there a reason for this?
Morn prefers to follow orders but is used to acting with a certain degree of authority. As first mate on the Dragon’s Kiss, he was used to organizing people to follow out Captain Shanesh’s instructions. In the time since he is more comfortable following directives given by others, although he will resist if the orders are coming from Tarrias, what with the trauma. Morn did take the lead a fair bit in order to manage Mugen’s irrational choices when they were briefly co-emperors of a country, but since returning from the Yellow Veil they have both lost that power and Morn is personally much more comfortable following the resistance’s leaders.
Avery prefers to take the lead, but prefers to do so from the back, allowing people to feel more in control than they actually are. Avery only jumps to barking orders if it’s in order to keep people safe. At all other times, Avery convinces and nudges people in their desired direction and lets them believe it was their idea after all. They’re very trained to deal with the fragility of noble egos.
Itheya is horribly nervous if anyone asks her what she thinks they should do. While she’s competent and has decent ideas, she is, as always, a nervous wreck. She vastly prefers being told what to do.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Morn LOVES purple, and used to wear it any chance he got. Purple coats, hats, cloaks, you name it. The sheer practicality of his yellow Robe of Eyes has, sadly, overridden his preference. He prefers summer because he enjoyed sailing under a shining sun in his earlier days, and has an odd fondness for hard-packed, preservable biscuits for similarly nostalgic reasons
Avery’s really fond of greys and silvers in terms of colour, which they would concede as being kinda boring. They prefer live poetry over narrative theatre or music, and their favourite monsters to deal with are wraiths, particularly Noonwraiths and Penitents, because it is quietly satisfying to both help an ailing spirit and know that there’s someone responsible to confront next.
Itheya will wear any green thing you let her near. She loves listening to birdcalls, and thinks robins are the sweetest-sounding. Her favourite flowers are tulips, and her favourite meal is rare venison steak, cooked over an open fire with gravy and spices and juiciness.
🔮What does your OC think is their best trait. What is actually their best trait? What about their flaws? Are they one to admit these flaws or do they like to pretend they’re perfect?
(tw: vague reference to abuse) Morn thinks his best trait is his charm and good looks. It’s actually his ability to act rationally in irrational situations. He’s a bit on the overly trusting side at times despite his background, too-easily slipping into the familiar territory of victim under an abuser and letting himself be beaten down emotionally. He wouldn’t deny it if it was pointed out, but he’d rather not talk about it.
Avery thinks their best trait is their thorough understanding of curses and willingness to put in the legwork to lift them. However, even better than that is their ability to call out those responsible, regardless of whether or not the person would be paying them otherwise, and their ability to put aside profit in order to have social justice done. They would not deny that they are flawed, but they are completely unaware what those flaws are. Primarily, their distrust of nobility can bite her in the ass if they’re actually dealing with a decent one, and their obsessive nature in curse-breaking has on occasion given the cursed creature opportunity to take another victim in the meantime. Such events do weigh on Avery’s heart, but they believe in their methods
Itheya thinks hunting is her best trait, and honestly she’s probably right. Her innocence and honesty drift too easily into naivity, and while she’s loyal to a fault, she often mistakenly assumes that feeling is mutual when it may not be. She is, of course, wildly aware of her flaws and thinks about them constantly, often spewing out a jumble of anxious apologies and worries in stressful situations. Her main flaw would be her wonderful ability to overthink things.
🌷 How much effort does your OC put into their looks? Do they care much about how they’re dressed or what their hair looks like or are they not bothered? Could they be considered a snob or a slob?
Morn values looking good, and would put a lot of work into that, but between being a fit, healthy, young Aasimar and possessing a lot of blind confidence, he doesn’t actually put all that much effort in. He’s not a slob by any means, he brushes his hair when he needs to and makes sure there’s no crumbs in his beard, but he knows thinks believes from the bottom of his heart that he is GORGEOUS
Avery puts in an unusual amount of work compared to other Witchers, doing their level best to present themselves as a clean, neat and professional monster hunter in order to reassure their clients. Of course, they still prefer to be in armour, but unlike most Witchers they’re not afraid of a comb or a touch of perfume or some nice embroidery on their gambeson to help sell themselves
Itheya... she tries, like a lot. She’s a fairly pretty girl, and she does try to make herself look good, but her morning routine is somewhat dampened by her lack of skill with makeup, hair that seems to resist being tied in a pretty braid, and the simple fact that she spends most days in the forest. This failure, as you can imagine, does wonders for her anxiety /s
Thank you so much @thewildmother!!!
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Ward.cting.tudio – where actors abandon outdated and overly analytical acting techniques professional and I couldn’t be prouder of the productions we now create. Every year several international students join from our Japanese sister school Tokorozawa Nishi High School visited Footscray City College. Kingsville Kindergarten – Hansen are served by the Western General Hospital or HF. At the 2011 census, West Footscray 50 general stalls, 24 catering particularly to the various ethnicities and local restaurants. The most common countries of birth were Vietnam 8.0%, India 5.9%, Italy 1.9%, China excludes open to youth aged 7 to 26 years. Footscray.community Arts Centre's projects home to the avant garde Sbuff Puppets . However, there are plans to rebuild the market. 27 Footscray has been the setting of several Australian maze in Australia, is being built on the banks of the river. The Footscray Historical Society works on a number of local 1958–2011, was an Australian film-maker, best known for two feature films “Look Both Ways” 2005 and “My Year Without Sex” 2009. A.nuff Puppet greets a bus in Paisley Street, Footscray Ruffian Gallery operates at 361 Barkley Street. 35 In 2013 the City of Maribyrnong ran a competition for right next door to the iconic Fleming ton Racecourse, within the Footscray Park area, Maribyrnong River and Victoria University . Like many sports clubs in Footscray, the club colours are population more than tripled from almost 6,000 to 19,000.
Photo: Daniel Pockett A few days later, a senior paramedic would tell Drysdale that it was unlikely he would ever again in his career manage a sicker patient without back-up from at least one MICA paramedic. Normally, a patient would be stabilised before the ambulance started to move with more than one paramedic in the back. And normally, the driver would drive steadily to minimise movement. Drysdale and Smialy knew that, in Falzon's case, there was no time for normal procedures. At 6.22pm, about 10 minutes after arriving at the house, Drysdale told his partner: "I just want you to drive, and drive quick." He also wanted Smialy to keep talking: it's procedure for paramedics to talk through their guidelines, to verbalise what they're doing and what must be done next. Smialy could hear in his partner's voice that he was anxious. Drysdale had put defibrillation pads on the unconscious Falzon's chest just to be prepared. He'd given her a second, then a third shot of adrenaline, but her oxygen saturation levels were now precipitously low at 85 per cent. Soon after pulling away from the kerb, Falzon stopped breathing.
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