#and as a canadian it really exposed me to so much music and cluture I probably never would have experienced
trickerys-domain · 20 days
To start. I did not watch any part of this years Eurovision. I did not vote. I have not given any engagement to official Eurovision content in months.
Eurovision has meant so much to me the past few years. Given me so much joy and frustration. Its something I introduced to my friends and we grew closer because of it.
My last thoughts after this week are that I'm so broken. There were a lot of good entries. This should have been an incredible year of Eurovision.
But there was so much bullshit. The entire decreditation of the ebu as an organization. A winner I don't even care about because I stopped paying attention before their song came out. A winner that will ensure the contest keeps going despite the fact that after thisbyear it really shouldn't.
And like I want to be able to enjoy eurovision. But after this year, I don't even know if I can enjoy the national finals knowing that it means people still competing after one of the most censored and insulting contests in eurovision history
As the Dutch say: Fuck the EBU
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