#and armour that for some reason none of the wikis have images for
robotsprinkles · 1 year
I'm sure someone's already done this and I've just missed it but
does anyone know where I can find like. a full breakdown of the differences between pacific rim and pr uprising?
regarding things from the difference in aesthetic, design philosophy, cinematography, animation, etc etc to narrative tone, atmosphere, names, humour, characters, etc etc
(please don't give me the "what sequel? there was no sequel" thing here. I don't like the movie either but I want a full analysis on where it fails on an artistic level where the first one succeeded instead of "they made it like the transformers movies" and "something something china bad something something" and whatever)
I'm fully aware people have written (and complained) about things like the jaegers feeling lighter and moving more effortlessly and the difference in choice of camera angle and movement and the kaiju feeling more like generic movie monsters in uprising but I don't know if there's any one piece that covers all the artistic differences between the two movies
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toa-archive · 2 months
Usually whenever any new artwork from Trollhunters specifically turns up, it's someone's blog or a non-english website. To date that's been a Chinese fan wiki, a Mexican blog, an Italian Disney site and a Brazillian website. These you can't really look for deliberately, you trip over them hopefully before any decay or removal sets in. The other sort which is more common for the entire franchise is artwork will sneak onto existing portfolios which has happened a lot in regards to one particular artist. Those tend to be weekly checks as it happens so frequently you want to grab them before they vanish back into the void.
This next to never happens on artstation particularly post their decisions regarding AI and tearing down any pro Ukraine artwork. Rustam Hasanov however at some unknown point did it anyway and this is just one of the surprises that came with it.
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What makes this even more interesting is that this is not the first evidence of Claire having Morgana like colours for her armour. Yingjue Linda Chen posted these which suggests the idea stuck around before settling on her now signature purple.
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Source Tumblr for tumblr reasons is breaking the direct link to the image, it's on the top row.
Bar the body of the purple armour (The head is the 2D artwork with the helmet added), none of these are in the artbook. Enjoy and run riot!
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tyrantchimera · 7 years
Megaman ZX: Omega theory
Clickbait version; Omega meant to be the original villain of Megaman ZX all along?? These facts will shake your beliefs to the core!
Long version? After the cut.
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Okay so I’m bored and it’s about the right time of night for me to shitpost, er, theorize with some random facts, so here I go. Only I’m putting this in my queue so it’ll show up.... whenever. Lol.
My theory, and train of thought, starts with some interesting tidbits found by people on Sprites-inc. In Megaman ZX, some unused images were dug up by spriters.
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At first you might think it’s just the Model O, and it is. But you need to compare it to in-game sprites before the reason it’s in the “unused sprites” section becomes apparent.
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Much brighter than what we actually got, eh? And now that they’re on the same page, it’s much more apparent. It makes sense considering the context which the Model O is found in-game. It’s hidden away in an old, bizarre place (if not separate dimension altogether), probably rusted and forgotten. Small wonder too. Game-wise it’s nothing more than a cool bonus and a kickass biometal to use post-game. In fact, it’s not even canonically in-game. Or is it?
In game, Flammole has some... rather odd script when defeated.
“I see now... You weren't the one I sensed... It musta been... Model W? Or... Is it somethin' else entirely!? Aaagh!”
To quote the wiki, which may not actually be a fact, “The Biometal Flammole had sensed in Area [K] was confirmed by the Inti Creates staff to not be Model W, and that his statement was a "giveaway". This strongly hints that Flammole was sensing the presence of Omega, which is supported by the fact that Area K is located above Area N in the game map.” (the wiki actually states it as Area I at first, so therefore I’m not putting too much stock into their fact-checking).
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So even if we ignore what the wiki says is true, it’s undeniable that Omega and/or biometal Model O are CANONICALLY in the ZX universe in some form or another. But why would there be two versions of the Model O spirite. The unused one, the cleaner looking one... why is it there? This brings up another question; scripting an Omega battle into ZX is one thing as a cameo. Just re-use the MMZ3 data. But in ZX, he has a different, tougher AI. Why go so far to change him as a boss? For heaven’s sakes, why give you Model O itself??That’s a lot of attacks to script and map to buttons! There’s a lot more thought into his appearance than just a last-minute cameo, and I’ll show you more evidence for this.
The data disks. Mainly, the boss Data Disks.
Data Disk B01: Rayfly
Data Disk B02: Omega
Data Disk B03: Giga Aspis
Dta Disk B04: Giro
Now, that seems really weird. Of the 16 boss data disks, Omega is... number 2?? That’s kinda early for that. It would seem that the disks certainly aren’t ordered by importance or appearance in the game, if that’s what you’re obviously wondering. In fact, Omega’s disk is numbered earlier than even Serpent’s, who has disks B05 and B06 respectively. But why is Omega smushed between two mechaniloid bosses? They’re practically minibosses? It makes no sense... until you watch the E3 trailer that announced Megaman ZX as a game.
or, a gameplay trailer,
Rayfly and Giga Aspis both make an appearance, showcasing that they were ready to go pretty early on in development, at least in my opinion. 3/4 of the first boss Data disks show bosses from trailers, therefore presumably from early development, than.... Serpent’s just kinda oddly in there, then the rest of the other bosses in no speciic order. I can’t quite make head or tail or the reasoning why they’re ordered like that tbh.
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Still. From unused Model O sprites, to Omega’s odd placement in the boss disk order, and finishing with the devil biometal itself, there’s easily something fishy going on with ZX. My personal theory is that he was supposed to be a more important villain,  a darker figure behind the scenes, or at least helping advance a villlain’s dark schemes. Obviously he’s arguably tougher than the actual final boss himself, Serpent, and perhaps that’s why he was relegated to secret superboss instead of a main story one.
Don’t blame them, really. Model O is OP.
Speaking of which, there’s some further wonkiness going on with the Biometals. Model W and some of its Mega Men, to be specific. We all know that biometals change form to suit their user (hence the differences in, say, Model H betweeen ZX and ZXA) but they never really change their powers. Unless, of course, you’re model W.
Serpent and Albert both match up Rather Nicely with how Model W should act. Staying out of reach, pelleting you with shots, not actually moving a whole lot, and just generally acting like a typical tyrant stuck on his throne. Just like Weil in MMZ4, and obviously that makes sense. That old crone shot from a distance and stayed the heck away from getting his hands actually dirty. Or, Y’know, within saber range of a pissed off Zero. Weil wasn’t stupid after all.
Then you have Pandora and Prometheus.
In your face, multiple element, variety-of-weapon attacks. Albert and Serpent both used a lot of energy shots, but weren’t apparently proficient with any actual weapons. Pandora and prometheus, on the other hand, were practically infamous for theirs. you might be abloe to say Pandora is decently in Line with a typical Model W user if not for the fact that she uses a weapon and a bunch of elements. True, the pair warp around a lot like Weil did, but thay also move about on their own.
Really, if you could compare their multi-elemental, constant assault battle style to anyone’s, it Would be Omegas. The MAJORITY of their attacks seem to be a play on something Omega and/or Model O can do. Shoooting out ice blades, attacking with aerial uppercuts and fire, electrified weapons, shots that radiate out in multiple directions... need I say more? Compare the two on your own time if you want, you’ll see what I mean.
Add to that Albert’s own Plan. His Destiny of Destruction. Let’s repeat that. A DESTINY of DESTRUCTION. Why on earth would he choose that wording? Was he making a Weil reference? He had to know something about Model W’s origins, after all. Did he really know how far the connection actually went?
Model W and Model O/Omega are inexplicably and intrinsically linked. There’s no denying it, even if none of the major villains mentioned it. Think about it. In Megaman Zero 3, Omega has three additional forms that Weil gave him. A white one, a gold one when powered up, and a giant.
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Now look at the Model W ones. A white one + a giant one (serpent) and a gold one (albert) when powered up. But hey, they’re not quite in order, are they? Well... all we needed was a ZX3, and we may very well have been in order. Serpent the white, Albert the Gold, and someone else as a giant. It would have been ridiculously good, if somewhat vague themeing. For heaven’s sakes though, Albert’s and Omega’s gold colours pretty much MATCH. Purple-pink hair and gold armour? Yeesh. That must have been at least somewhat on purpose, amiright?
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On top of all that, we have the area Omega himself appears in, Area N.
It’s another case of “why did the developers go to so much trouble” just for an extra boss. Why not just reuse Area M graphics? You can go with the excuse that the artists went above and beyond with the ZX graphics and backgrounds, and they really did, so we could stop with that if we wanted. Still, Area N is a little ridiculous. In fact, it even appears to bleed into and around Area M itself.
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Trees turning into data? Check. Oddly geometric rock shapes? Check. Blue-green-and-in-between colour scheme? Check. If anything, it almost sems like Area N is the dominant feature in that cave, not Area M.
TL;DR: Model O’s unused sprite data, the fact that his data disk is numbered alongside trailer boss data disks, the fact that they programmed an almost entirely new Omega fight and a biometal for you to use, Albert’s Destiny of DESTRUCTION being an oddly specific word choice when you remember Model W/Weil’s history, Pandora and Prometheus’ abilities match much more solidly to the Model O than a Model W, and Area N’s design oddly overtaking Area M’s, makes me theorize that Omega would, or could, have had much more serous connotiations for the ZX canon than what he currently has, and that these connotations were planned early on.
Currently, all we know is that he cannonically exists in the ZX universe in some form or another... Athough he seems to be doing diddly squat at the moment. Spike pits suck man.
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