#and also oh god i only think about kakeru in direct relation to haiji huh .... oh boy ....
hideyseek · 8 months
✅🧠 for the emoji asks please! (haiji and/or kakeru for the brain? :3c)
craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab thank you!! MWAH i'll answer for both of them hehehehehe :3 omg this got so long i am putting it under a cut ahahah
from these fanfic writer emoji asks
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
phone calls omg its 100% phone calls. (this tone is bc i went: uhhh i don't know?? for like four sentences and then realized i'm obsessed with cell phones in fic and felt a great surge of relief.) i loooooooooove the intimacy of not being able to see the person you're talking to on the phone but having their voice even closer to you than their voice would be in-person. i love the confessional, time-delay nature of voicemails!
i don't know if this is really like ... a thing that appears over and over but i know it appears ... more than once? i do wish i had the kind of relationship to the content of my writing that meant i could identify these kinds of parallels but also i suspect i would drive myself up a wall going 'wait this fic is the same fic as the last fic you wrote hidey you gotta make it different somehow?' (which: no this is not actually required, but i personally would feel like it was) so maybe it's better that i'm not. i do wish i had a sense of like, my core aesthetics or writerly interests or whatever though!
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
haiji - my favorite favorite headcanon about haiji is he is failing all of his university classes. to me he majored in literature bc he enjoys it or is compelled by the power of language or something. but like, he starts skipping a few lectures because he spent the morning putting together the training plan for the week or making breakfast and there's no point in going if he hasn't done the reading, and then he never manages to do the reading and it spirals from there. in my mind, he just ... stops going to classes at some point during the training season for the ekiden, and just never started up again until he blinks and it's the end of the winter holiday and he's completely screwed. my second favorite headcanon is that he has a super fucked up complicated relationship with sex and slept with a lot of his upperclassmen his first few years of college.
kakeru - hmm i don't know if i have a favorite one for kakeru but i really really like the idea that after canon, for all three of the other times he runs in the Hakone ekiden he always runs Section 10. and that after college when he's an established professional runner he volunteers with the organizers of the Hakone ekiden as a broadcaster or one of the guys that jogs along and hands out water or stands at the finish line and lets go of the ribbon at exactly the right time when the runner comes through.
ok also as a bonus i actually DO have so many headcanons about fujioka bc i keep making him be important in my fanfictions. and my favorite one i've made up (which is so consistent across the fics it's basically canon to me lol) is that he's raised by a single mom. this is because i need haiji's dad to have been a critical father figure to fujioka in high school, so that haiji and fujioka's friendship can be affected by that. ahahahahaha :3
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