#and also if I'll draw 100 awful things I get a decent one eventually
sheerakk · 7 months
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sidhedust · 7 months
💼 for tovera… like, what’re the mages gonna do?
This is a good question, and funnily enough, it's actually answered in text- mages often just kinda have magic versions of normal jobs (if they're Torchbearers) but this is years off so I might as well share it now, plus I think the main cast would be unable to profit off of their skills in an IRL context/without their magic prowess also backing it up, so I'll answer it in like. AU terms? Normal AU terms? Everyone is a human college/middle/high school student with nothing funky going on AU terms? lol
Anyways, what-if normie jobs under the cut:
Luana- Honestly, I could see her doing generic office work-it's monotonous, but it's a rigid schedule that she can work with and isn't taxing on the body, plus she should make decent enough money for a decent apartment. If not that, I can see her being a veterinarian, an assistant to one, or even a museum curator. I think she's passionate enough about history/science to cave in to student loan debt to be able to be one-and knowing her, she'd find a way to knock it in half before she's out. Somehow.
Floris- Well, he's a prince, so his job is...politics, looking pretty, and studying history/economics to make use of his position. Considering his arc in the story, however, I can also see him being a nerd eventually, instead aiming for a history adjacent degree like Luana-or even a culinary one. He also is a killer tailor, quilter, and a decent cobbler, so I can also see him eventually opening a super pricey (yet well made/long lasting) clothing/blanket/shoe store-like a mom n pop on a bougie shop strip.
Yolotli- Yolotli is a fan of nature and animals, like Luana-but she's more spunky and risk-taking, which means unlike someone who likes routine and a set in stone job, Yolo would take up zookeeping 100%. Luana is kinda like the Lisa Simpson of the guild in that she's big on considering the ethics/logic of things, so she draws the line at medicinal work with animals, wanting nothing to do with wild ones put in cages/enclosures-Yolotli, as empathetic as she is, however, would take any opportunity to get up close and personal with animals, considering she has jaguar dysphoria in universe. IRL, I suppose this would manifest as her being a furry in her free time. I could see her being involved in the fandom 100%, going to cons and doing commissions and the like.
Calisto- Calisto hates mage work, and if he had it his way, he'd be an engineer of some kind, even in universe, so yeah, engineer. Civil or mechanical. He's a big vehicle guy. He likes knowing how parts work and how to put them together. Knowing him, he'd go to college for it and try to worm his way into designing local bridges and buildings before moving on to cars or something. Unlike his friends, he's not the outdoorsy type, and is big on urban life, so he'd also appreciate that his job takes him away from animals and ecosystems and is more about life in a concrete jungle rather than a real one.
Amber- Amber is a teen, going into high school if this was IRL, so she'd be studying. In universe, she's training to be a priestess that provides healing services/bendiction in her communities and priestesses are given room and board by the Fellowship of the Founder's institutes, but later on in the story she uses holy magic in magic-based tech she made herself-for offense and defense AND healing. As such, I can see her following in Calisto's footsteps, though she'd definitely be more on the civil engineer side-I think she'd feel awful/too guilty to make weaponry for a magicless!Tovera's army/navy/air force.
Miguel+Milagro- Easy-Miguel's a necromancer, and he actually enjoys dealing with death and easing people's fears of it. In fact, this is his job in universe too-a mortician! His kind demeanor makes letting go of people easier in universe, and also draws ghosts to him, so I think that IRL this would mean that people would kill to have him take care of their dead loved ones.
As for Milagro...well, he's a guild member too, but he's been dead for a while now. He was alive at the apex of the Tonatiuh Empire, Tovera's equiv of the Aztec Empire. I suppose this means whatever his social status was in his own alt history version of the empire, it translates to IRL too. He was a pilli-a noble, and taught pilli children their basic education. It is in his line that Heliodoro, born of Quetzalchimalli (a god of death, justice, and mercy) and Leticia, a woman in the family, would fight off the colonizers of the land and bring peace to it-so he and Miguel would be HUGE figures IRL just like they are in universe, as they share kinship with this legendary figure. However, unlike in universe, he'd be dead and gone, and the two wouldn't be an inseparable mage/familiar pair they are in universe.
Gloria- She's the maid for the prince, but she eventually becomes a maid for the guild so that they can focus on making mulah-they all feel so guilty about her job that they clean after themselves as best as they can though.
I suppose that maids/personal aids as a job hasn't gone away-she'd still be by the prince's side, though since she's friends with these people, she'd maybe send them some sweets from within castle walls or something. Also, it's worth mentioning that head butlers are bad bitches within the servant rankings of nobility/royalty-so she lives very well for a hospitality worker, even having her own aids and the like. She kinda lives like an upper class woman from the suburbs, though she's more outdoorsy than she is a shopper.
Thanks for asking! This was fun to think up :3c I have half a mind to draw it all out, but alas, I need to focus on the VNs and get the big fish done already.
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