#and I don’t have any way to get them since the eshop is dead and I can’t buy dlc
skyward-floored · 3 months
What I thought the twilight and termina maps came with the base hyrule warriors game??? They don’t???
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vg-sanctuary · 3 years
Kururin series
Eighting/Raizing - Game Boy Advance, Gamecube - 2001-2004
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[images from nintendolife, perfectly-nintendo and gamefaqs]
Kururin is a forgotten Nintendo IP that my one of my friends immediately compared to Super Monkey Ball, since you navigate mostly brief obstacle courses with tricky controls and it can become very frustrating very fast, although it isn't nearly as punishing as Super Monkey Ball's main mode. Kururin, though, doesn't have a monkey in a ball, it has a bird in a long rotating ship called the Helirin that constantly spins whether you want it to or not. and it's 2D instead of 3D. it's very cute and colorful and only came to America on Wii U VC in 2014. the others never came, which is a shame because the aesthetics and gameplay are different than any other Nintendo property (co-developed with Eighting-Raizing, who notably also helped with Pikmin 3) and that bird is really cute. I've also never bothered to beat any of the three games because they get extremely hard toward the end, but I did enjoy the parts I played. notably, this is also my first post specifically about a series.
if you vaguely know about Kururin, it's probably because it had a cameo in Super Smash Bros. Brawl or because you got curious while browsing the Wii U eShop. I first learned about this series a long time ago through a YouTube video about an XBLA game called Hyphen, which is basically a spiritual successor to the Kururin games. I like the Kururin games better, though, because they have cute birds and more colors and don't get hard quite as fast. more recently, someone suggested Kuru Kuru Kururin as a good, cheap GBA import, which I figured it was, so I bought it along with two dozen other games from Japan. another friend eventually told me that Kururin looks an awful lot like Roundabout, an indie game that leans way into the 70s visual theme of Kururin Paradise and adds some goofy B movie flair. it's an open world, mission-based spiritual successor to the Kururin series that includes the artistic liberty of jumping over obstacles, but this blog post isn't about those, it's about Kururin.
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the gameplay, more specifically, involves navigating the Helirin through mazes and occasionally through moving obstacles like enemies. if your Helirin touches a wall three times before you reach the goal, it's destroyed and you have to start over, but some levels have healing pads that fully restore your hits. stages progressively become longer and more difficult, with the last handful being hard enough to call boss levels. Kururin's cousins (and various cosmetics) are hidden out of the way in certain stages, except in Squash where you do proper boss fights for them. after collecting the cousins you can let them ride on the wings of the Helirin and look cute, which I love. Kururin Squash includes abilities for the Helirin in certain levels, like fists on either end that allow you to destroy enemies.
Kururin went for a solid three games, all of which have different levels and so are all worth playing, though if I had to single one out as "worse," I'd choose the first one, since the second adds the ability to make the Helirin rotate faster for slightly less waiting, and to use a smaller Helirin as an easy mode. Kuru Kuru Kururin also has the least visual style in the series, but these are small differences. Kururin Squash, the third game and the only one on Gamecube, adds a cute puppet style to the brief dialogues, a multiplayer race mode, Helirin abilities, and overall more stuff. Squash is the best, then, but it's about the same difference between the first two Super Monkey Ball games or between the first two Katamari games. while the newer game is objectively better in at least one way, the gameplay is approximately the same, just with different content, so they're all worth playing if you enjoy the series.
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the Kururin games get hard and can be frustrating, so they aren't for everyone, but I still think it's worth celebrating its existence as another long dead Nintendo IP and an import oddity. if it sounds interesting and enjoyable to you, it probably will be, and the first game is on the Wii U eShop for cheap. the other two games aren't especially expensive imports and the spiritual successor Roundabout is on Steam for $10.
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nuttyrabbit · 4 years
Sonic Forces Thoughts
The title may seem a bit strange, given that the game is 3 years old already, and I’ve given my thoughts on the story plenty of times before as well as shared those of others, but I wanted to make this post because I decided to actually sit down and play Sonic Forces front to back for the first time since the game was on sale on the Nintendo Switch Eshop for a stupidly cheap price (10 dollars as of the time of this post)
Now that I’ve actually beaten the game and seen pretty much all the game has to offer (outside of Episode Shadow), I might as well give my thoughts on it.
On the whole, the best way to describe Sonic Forces is “mediocre”, because almost everything about it is just mediocre. The story, the  music (which kills me to say), the level design, everything about the game just reeks of unfiltered mediocrity.   It’s not terrible, but it’s not good either, it’s just kinda....there.
Now I could leave it there but I actually want to go into detail, so I’ll break it down into a couple of sections to get my thoughts out in an organized way under the readmore, starting with 
STORY:  As I said at the start of the post, I’ve said my piece about the story many times over and agreed with the thoughts of others on that matter, so I’ll keep this quick. 
The story feels incredibly undercooked and doesn’t even come close to fulfilling its potential, especially when it comes to Infinite. Holy shit I could spend 2 hours ranting about how much wasted potential this fucking character is on a story and gameplay level but at this point it’s beating a dead horse.  
The characters and their characterization is generally fine (except Tails holy shit what did they do to you) but like Infinite, they feel grossly underutilized and feel like they’re there for the sake of it rather than because they contribute anything of meaning. 
I don’t have much else to say other than that the story shares a common problem with the rest of the game in that it is very short. Like, I got Forces yesterday and I beat it in the span of what? 5 or 6 hours? As such, the story feels incredibly rushed because of that.  This segues into my next topic 
Gameplay:  This is a bit of a broad topic but I’ll break it down into something manageable, going from general to specific
Difficulty: Starting with difficulty, Forces is, for the most part, an incredibly easy game. The game defaults to the “hard” difficulty but it should really be called “normal” because nothing in this game will give you too much trouble (at least for reasons of actual difficulty). The boss fights, especially the final one, are pitifully easy and simplistic, especially if you use the Burst Wisp. Seriously, that thing destroys all the Avatar bosses with no issue. As such, the incredibly low difficulty makes the games’ length that much more noticeable, which speaking of
Length: The game, as I’ve said before, is incredibly short. I beat it in 5-6 hours but you could easily beat it in around 3 or 4. There’s 30 stages plus the Episode Shadow stuff and some bonus stages you unlock with Red Rings, but almost all of them are laughably short, the longest of them clocking in at around 4 or 5 minutes and the shortest being barely a minute and a half (the bonus stages are ~45 seconds long).  The only time I spent more than 5 minutes in a level is if I repeatedly died on a certain part, which happened only once or twice and for reasons I will get into.   It somehow feels shorter than Mania, a game that was sold for half the price initially and has less levels.
Controls: Next up is the controls and holy shit this is where the bulk of my complaints lie.  I don’t know how, but Classic and Modern Sonic control noticeably worse than they did in Generations or pretty much any other Classic or Boost game.  
Classic Sonic feels incredibly heavy, making each platforming section feel less I’m controlling Sonic the Hedgehog and more like I’m controlling an immobile brick.  That’s not even getting into how badly they fucked up his physics. The fact that this came out months after Mania is laughable.
Modern Sonic on the other hand, feels way too loose.  Whether it be in 3D or 2D, I feel like I’m barely in control of him when I start to gain speed, and there’s been multiple times where I careened off a cliff despite steering him away from it. It’s made even worse by the fact that for some fucking reason, they took away the drift, something that’s been in I think every 3D boost game since Unleashed.
They also gave Modern a double jump, but the double jump is so worthless and heavy that it’s gotten me killed more times than it’s actually helped me. It feels so stiff and awkward to use and combined with Modern’s loose controls, most of my deaths in this game came from Modern deciding to just randomly plummet into a pit because  I couldn’t correct a jump or he just slid off the edge of a runway for no good reason. Stage 27 is the best example of what I’m talking about because holy shit.
Finally there’ the Avatar, and he probably controls the best of the three, so I don’t have too many complaints on that end other than the fact that his jumps are incredibly slow and floaty.
Level design:  As I said before, most levels are incredibly short, being over pretty much as soon as they begin.  The design in the levels themselves is at best momentarily interesting (The 2nd Modern level for instance), and at worst is absolutely atrocious and terrible (Whoever decided to put an autoscroller in a Sonic level is just awful). and most of the time it just evens out to being incredibly boring and forgettable. This isn’t helped by the fact that most of the levels themselves are either throwbacks to previous games,  generic cityscapes covered in white or on fire, or that ugly, ugly jungle aesthetic.  There’s no levels in this game that really wowed me aesthetically or on a gameplay level. Hell, I can barely remember the names of most of the levels 
Music: The music in this game ranges from forgettable (most of the Modern tracks) to skullfuckingly awful (Every. Single. Classic. Song). Though that being said, I did like a couple of the Avatar themes, and the vocal tracks (Fist Bump, Infinite’s Theme, Light of Hope) were all pretty decent, though not nearly on the same level as prior games.  This is probably the most forgettable soundtrack in all of 3D Sonic. Even Lost World had more memorable and interesting tracks than this. 
Avatar:  I already talked about my grievances and thoughts on Modern and Classic in the control section, but I wanted to give the Avatar his own section because it’s easily the best part of the game.  Getting new gear for your Avatar and customizing them is admittedly really fun,  and I had a good time making my new OC Kick the Dog (do not steal).  The Wispons give a decent amount of variety and replayability to the levels that the other playstyles don’t have (Red Rings do dick in this game other than unlock clothes and EX levels which are so insignificant they ain’t worth it) and their levels are easily the most fleshed out and interesting of the bunch.    If I ever come back to Forces, it’ll probably be to replay Avatar levels
Content:  This game has barebones content, with the most pressing things outside of the main levels being Episode Shadow (which is 3 stages long), the bonus levels (pitifully short), the SOS missions (replay the levels again), and collecting the red rings/ silver moons/ whatever (Only unlocks more clothes and bad bonus levels).  Compared to something like Generations, which was also pretty short but had a lot of side content and unlockables that made it worth coming back to, and something like Mania which is packed to the brim with content and replayability, Forces is just kind of pathetic.  
Graphics:  One thing I’ll give the game is that the pre-rendered cutscenes and even some of the real time cutscenes look really damn good, at least aesthetically. Character animations still leave a lot to be desired though. The in-game graphics look fine. Nothing great but not terrible.  Keep in mind I played it on Switch so that could easily affect things, but generally the game looked....okay.
FINAL THOUGHTS:  As I said before,  Sonic Forces is the definition of “mediocre”. It’s a completely unremarkable game from start to finish, and most of what it does is done better by just about any other competent 2D or 3D Sonic game.  The  Avatar is fun and interesting and I want the playstyle to make a return, but that isn’t enough to save the game from being incredibly mediocre and just plain forgettable.   
If you really want to try Forces out yourself, I’d recommend getting it at a deep, deep discount. I got it at around 10 dollars and I’d say it’s worth between 10 and 20 dollars. Do not pay full price for this game. 
But otherwise, just skip it.
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Remembering Stan Lee: The Amazing Origin Story Of The Marvel Comics Scribe
Remembering Stan Lee: The Amazing Origin Story Of The Marvel Comics Scribe
Strangely enough, Lee said he would cast himself as the opposite of all that in his own imagination, drawing a comparison to the cynical, Stan Lee Thank You For The Memories Shirt uncompromising newspaper editor J. Jonah Jameson. “I’m very frustrated that by the time they made the movie I was too old to play the role,” Lee said. “I modeled him after me. He was dumb and loudmouthed and opinionated. Of all the characters he helped create, Peter Parker remained his favorite. “In a way Spider-Man is more special than the others,” he said. What made him Lee’s favorite? “Nothing ever goes right for Peter. I think for most people in the world, nothing ever goes right. He hates people he’s never seen — people he’s never known — with equal intensity — with equal venom. “Now, we’re not trying to say it’s unreasonable for one human being to bug another. But, although anyone has the right to dislike another individual, it’s totally irrational, patently insane to condemn an entire race — to despise an entire nation — to vilify an entire religion. Sooner or later, we must learn to judge each other on our own merits. Sooner or later, if man is ever to be worthy of his destiny, we must fill our hearts with tolerance. For then, and only then, will we be truly worthy of the concept that man was created in the image of God ― a God who calls us ALL ― His children. 2.99. Available in North America and Europe. Oscorp Search & Destroy Pack - In The Amazing Spider-Manvideo game, Spider-Man has his own smartphone to help navigate around Manhattan, locate missions and challenges and fight crime. With this pack, Spider-Man's smartphone will feature two mini-games inspired by classic arcade fun. 2.99. Available in North America and Europe. Lizard Rampage Pack - The notorious Lizard is on the loose again in Manhattan! Take on the role of Dr. Connors' terrifying alter ego in a race against time. Go berserk through the streets using his devastating stomp attack and tail swipe to defeat Oscorp guards and earn mega points.
Lee knew his work was different, proudly noting that stories were drawn out over several issues not to make money but to better develop characters, situations and themes. He didn’t neglect his villains, either. One, the Moleman, went bad when he was ostracized because of his appearance, Lee wrote, adding it was “almost unheard of in a comic book” to explain why a character was what he was. Lee’s direct influence faded in the 1970s as he gave up some of his editorial duties at Marvel. But with his trademark white mustache and tinted sunglasses, he was the industry’s most recognizable figure. The Amazing Spider-Man is getting a whole bunch of DLC today, including a few different packs that will have you playing as people other than the titular wall-crawler. The Lizard Rampage pack will open up a level where you play as the Lizard, along with a new Spidey suit to wear. 49.99 on Steam, including complete integration with Steam achievements. A Nintendo 3DS demo is also now available in the Nintendo eShop. Rhino Challenge Pack - Take control of the massive, genetically engineered villain Rhino and rampage around Manhattan in an exclusive gameplay challenge of pure destruction! As Rhino, players will be able to unleash his formidable powers to destroy anything and everything in his path in a timed event full of speed, combo streaks, and of course, a ton of things to break! The Associated Press in a 2006 interview. Lee considered the comic-book medium an art form and he was prolific: By some accounts, he came up with a new comic book every day for 10 years. He hit his stride in the 1960s when he brought the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man and numerous others to life. His heroes, meanwhile, were a far cry from virtuous do-gooders such as rival DC Comics' Superman. The Fantastic Four fought with each other. Spider-Man was goaded into superhero work by his alter ego, Peter Parker, who suffered from unrequited crushes, money problems and dandruff.
XXX in the world of comic books were awesome. I happen to think they’re not exactly what a lot of people think but I don’t doubt their size and endurance. I knew him since 1970, worked for him a few times, talked with him at length and fielded an awful lot of phone calls from him asking me questions about comic books he worked on. He really did have a bad memory, if not when he first started telling people he had a bad memory, then certainly later on as he turned more and more into the Stan Lee character he’d created for himself. That’s all I’m going to write now. That’s where it begins and ends with me. To those of us who have been so deeply affected by the humanity of his imagination, the understanding of reaching beyond our potential and the necessity of tapping into our immeasurable imaginations, we thank you and are forever indebted. Rest In Peace Dear Stan. You made our time here a better one. What a man. What a life. When I first broke into Hollywood, he welcomed me with open arms and some very sage advice I’ll forever take to heart. A true icon who impacted generations around the world. Rest in love, my friend. I have to say I am deeply touched by the passing of Stan Lee… I always looked forward to seeing his cameo parts in all his great movies. 1 - Maybe you haven’t noticed, but there is a spiritual quality in all the Stan Lee movies… always the good guys win. Eventually, not always right away, but eventually. And his movies most of the time ended on an upbeat thought… that allowed us to ponder our existence. 2 - Stan Lee was also a man who could have been a musician but he was not good at music at all.
Legendary Marvel Comics co-creator Stan Lee — famous for giving the world beloved superheroes including Spider-Man, Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk — died Monday. According to TMZ, Lee suffered a number of illnesses over the last year, including pneumonia. His daughter J.C. told the site, “My father loved all of his fans. Lee was born Stanley Martin Lieber to Romanian-born Jewish immigrants in New York City, spending much of his early life in Washington Heights. He returned to Timely Comics in 1945 and married wife Joan two years later. In 1950, Timely Comics publisher Martin Goodman tasked Lee with creating a new superhero team to rival DC Comics’ Justice League. “Let’s lay it right on the line. Bigotry and racism are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today. But, unlike a team of costumed super-villains, they can’t be halted with a punch in the snoot, or a zap from a ray gun. The only way to destroy them is to expose them — to reveal them for the insidious evils they really are. The bigot is an unreasoning hater — one who hates blindly, fanatically, indiscriminately. If his hang-up is black men, he hates ALL black men. If a redhead once offended him, he hates ALL redheads. If some foreigner beat him to a job, he’s down on ALL foreigners. Stan Lee, the comic book mastermind who changed the landscape of the superhero genre, has died at age 95. Lee revolutionized the comic world by creating Marvel Comics superheroes such as Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk. An attorney for Lee's daughter, J.C. Lee, said the creative dynamo who revolutionized the comic world by introducing human frailties in superheroes such as Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk, was declared dead Monday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. In a statement to Fox News Shane Duffy, CEO of Stan Lee’s POW! I think everybody loves things that are bigger than life. I think of them as fairy tales for grown-ups," he told The Associated Press in a 2006 interview. "We all grew up with giants and ogres and witches. Well, you get a little bit older and you're too old to read fairy tales.
How long would this superhero movie thing last? He didn’t know. He was glad to be along for the ride. Happy to see the old characters he helped create being brought to life onscreen. We began talking about the origin of Spider-Man, born in 1962 after a string of other successes had made Stan Lee a powerhouse scribe at Marvel Comics. He had started working there when he was 17. Back then, Marvel Comics was known as Timely Comics, and he was known as Stanley Lieber, son of Jewish Romanian immigrants from the Bronx. His dream was to become a writer. But before any of that could happen, he earned cash by working a series of small jobs. As a theater usher, his first claim to fame was tripping and falling while showing Eleanor Roosevelt to her seat. “Are you all right, young man? Remember, this was six years before Iron Man and the launch of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The films were not yet interconnected, not that there were many to string together. Stan Lee cameos were not yet a phenomenon. He had played a beachside hotdog vendor in the X-Men film. That was it. (“You missed me?” he teased. “I was like the lead of the movie! ] idea was, I was selling sunglasses in Times Square and I was talking to this little girl, showing her a pair of glasses as Peter Parker walks by,” Lee recounted in his gruff, nasally voice. Think about the incredible characters that derived from the mind of this man. Iron Man, the X-Men, Thor, Daredevil and Dr. Strange. These are characters everyone knows and loves. Look at this list of Stan Lee's creations and think about which ones have gone onto success in other media as well as had very successful runs in comics. Every single one of them almost. Granted, a lot of that success is due to the efforts and contributions of those writers and artists who developed the characters through the years. But Stan Lee's fingerprint is on each and every one of them and will always be seen and felt. Can you name one single creator in comics that has contributed as much in terms of longevity, creativity and uniqueness? You can't because there are none. There are plenty of creators that have made great contributions and have written or drawn amazing characters and stories. But none can say they changed the face of the industry quite like Stan Lee can. No matter what happens from this day forward; no matter what superstar creators land at the Big Two. Stan Lee, Marvel Comics' own living legend, stands head and shoulders above the rest. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Stan Lee, the creative dynamo who revolutionized the comic book and helped make billions for Hollywood by introducing human frailties in Marvel superheroes such as Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and the Incredible Hulk, died Monday. Lee was declared dead at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, according to Kirk Schenck, an attorney for Lee’s daughter, J.C. As the top writer at Marvel Comics and later as its publisher, Lee was widely considered the architect of the contemporary comic book. He revived the industry in the 1960s by offering the costumes and action craved by younger readers while insisting on sophisticated plots, college-level dialogue, satire, science fiction, even philosophy.
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plufim · 7 years
E3 2017 predictions
E3 predictions
In general these come from my thoughts, but also include ideas I’ve heard floated around the web which I completely agree with. Avoiding the already announced/leaked stuff, since that’s not fun!
I’ve sort predictions for all main presentations into 3 different categories based on likelihood (“Lock it in, Reggie” (very confident), “50/50” and “swinging for the fences” (super unlikely but I gotta go all in)). Also, because I’m Connell, this skews Nintendo, but I do have thoughts on everyone! And almost entirely positive ones!
These are in order of the presentation times, hence Nintendo being last. Oh, and a shadow drop is an unannounced game or feature being available for download immediately.
General Predictions/Trends:
- One final push for remastered collections.
- The PC gaming show will be a shit-show again.
- After “Seven Nation Army” did so well for the Battlefield 1 trailer, at LEAST 3 other trailers will use a contemporary song for a game set in another time.
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Need for Speed will have a Cops vs Racers mode. Because it is always the best thing. Shutting down fools for daring to turn MY roads into a race track is always the best.
- FIFA presentation will not mention the Switch version at all. Info will only be turned up at the show floor, with 2-3 units available. There will be a very simple token minigame so they can justify it as being “built for switch”, but it is 99% the PS3/360 version.
- Mass Effect 1-3 Remastered collection, for PS4 and Xbox one. Designed to win back trust from gamers who were burned hard by Andromeda, which really damaged the brand. This leads to my further prediction (not for this though) that ME5 then connects both stories together, where the Andromeda crew find a device that allows them to send a message with information back in time to Shephards brain and bam, you’re playing with the character’s people liked again.
- Sim City. It’s been long enough since the last Sim City, which was disastrous. Time for EA to show they learned from their mistakes and can take on city: skylines
 Singing for the fences:
- Mass Effect Trilogy also for the Switch. Despite the only support being a terrible FIFA game thus far, the actual sales of the system will be seen as an opportunity… to sell old games again with very little extra work. Perhaps some token amiibo functionality in the character creator.
Obviously, this will be all about Scorpio. Every game will make a point to include something about how the Scorpio version is enhanced. Also apologies, don’t really have much
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Forza 5.
- Scorpio will have VR featured heavily
- Scorpio’s final name will be: Xbox Scorpio. Microsoft is done with numbers.
- It will be revealed that Scorpio, unlike PS4Pro, will have games exclusive to it.
 Swinging for the fences:
- Crackdown demo shadow drop
- Exclusive John Wick videogame for scorpio
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Wolfenstein Titan(?) official reveal.
- Prey DLC chapters.
- Switch Skyrim has Zelda content in it. Because why else would someone pay $60 US for this game for a third time?
- Elder Scrolls VI revealed. Will feature at least 2 of the regions. Possibly Elsweyr and Valenwood
 Swinging for the fences:
- Elder Scrolls finally bring back the Dwemer, either by reviving them or setting it in the distant past.
So… most of this conference is already leaked, but still…. Uh… hm. Well here’s a few somethings.
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Rabbids/Mario will have a CG teaser. Gameplay saved for Nintendo.
- On stage reveal for Farcry will include not only making fun of the people who got so angry that the villians are a white Christian cult, but there will be an embarrassing on-stage play where people pretend to be storming the stage to protest the treatment of horrible people.
 Swinging for the fences:
- A switch exclusive Assassin’s Creed side-story, much like they did for Vita around Assassin’s Creed 3.
- Rabbids/Mario features a cover of “All Star”, covered by Rabbids themselves, because this game will be drowning in memes. And I will hate this while secretly loving this.
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Sony saves IO interactive, Hitman 2 will be PS4 exclusive. Microsoft SHOULD do this, but… this feels more like a Sony move.
- MASSIVE Spiderman blowout, including a lot of show floor stuff. Playable demo. No tie in to the movie, but instead a new story with Goblin and the sinister 6 as the villians. And there’ll be some shitty day 1 pre-order crap, probably involving a Black Cat side story. F4 will cameo, but play no major roles – however Insomniac will be building a shared games universe. Yes, even with the Squaresoft stuff.
- Bloodborne 2. It will happen.
- A real, honest to god Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, with worlds revealed, including Moana and Frozen.
- Shenmue 1+2 Remastered announced. With Shenmue 3 delayed (and that having been inevitable for some time), this would be a smart move to capitalise on the clear demand for more Ryo.
- Another Last of Us Part 2 teaser, but no gameplay yet.
- English Dragon Quest XI release date, mid 2018.
- Red Dead 2 trailer, first with actual gameplay. I also think this will reveal that Zelda-like free climbing is being implemented.
 Swinging for the fences:
- The vita returns as a phone. The switch has shown portable games are still viable, vita has some life in Asian territories, and Sony want to keep the remote play train going. Destined to still fail? Probably! But let’s not let reality kill HYPE.
- Last of Us Part 2 prelude chapter available now, for free. One hour of set up, basically a demo. But that’s what they do to get the kids excited.
- Spyro Trilogy remastered. Activision gotta do something with the guy.
- Red Dead 2 trailer showcases a train heist. I LOVE train heists.
In general, there won’t be much or any 3DS. They’re getting a lot of that out of the way this week already.
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Xenoblade 2 is not delayed, December 2018. Playable on show floor.
- Mario Odyssey for October 2017. Massive show floor presence.
- Mario Kart DLC, same format as for WiiU – 2 packs of tracks, but this time it’s 8 racing and 2 battle tracks, as well as 3 characters and karts each. A shadow drop of the ability to buy the
- Zelda DLC part 1 shadow drop. Teaser for the rest of the DLC.
- Picross Switch, available now. Not Picross 3D though, they’ll hold off on that.
- Rabbids/Mario gameplay demo
- Dragon Quest XI for Switch officially announced
- Everyone on stage will wear goofy hats because of Mario Odyssey, because hats is a big thing in that game. Hats will grant abilities.
- Splatoon 2 test fire round 2 will be announced to begin the next weekend, with significant tweaks.
- New ARMs content announced, with new ARMs avaialable immediately and
- Massive update to switch UI, shadow dropped. Includes multiple UI styles, with Badge arcade built in for further customisation, folders, linking to old Nintendo friends lists, musical themes. Further themes will be on eshop going forward, like 3DS. And finally, this also includes the new online system, hence the new details revealed about it last week.
- Animal Crossing Switch. Early 2018, with much improved social features. Massive amiibo functionality, much like New Leaf now has. It’ll have a new hook, not sure what though. My guess is some Sim City style mayoral stuff like setting up and supplying utilities.
- Warioware Switch, holiday 2017. It’s been a while for the Rhythm Heaven/Warioware team. I NEED THIS ONE NINTENDO.
- Smash Brothers 4 Switch, Q2 2018, rereleased with the best levels from the WiiU and 3DS levels, plus an expanded single player mode. It’s just too crowded for this game yet, but they don’t need to hold off for too long, because it’ll be an evergreen. There will be a teaser though, starring Inklings, Ice Climbers and Spring Man.
- Mario Maker Switch for Q1 2018. It can’t release this year, it needs space away from Mario Odyssey. The game will include a new “switch” block which when hit in game alternates the game style. There will also be playable Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad for each game type, each with different styles, and a different switch block or pipe that changes your character mid-level.
- Skyward Sword HD for switch, with optional non-motion controls for boring people. Q2 2018.
- Partnership with Activision to make an Amiibo action game. You might think this is a swing for the fence, but: Toys for Bob is out of a gig right now. And this would sell better than any recent Skylanders game. Activision would release special versions of select characters, so they can get their cut from the toy sales.
- Donkey Kong Country Returns 3, Q1 2018, by Monster Games. They’ve been quiet for a while, they ported Returns to 3DS, they assisted Retro on Tropical Freeze, this is what they’ve been working towards.
- Dead Cells announced for Switch.
- Layton Collection announced… for phone. Lady Layton western release date.
- Retro’s game. And it’s NOT Metroid, but a sci-fi Western RPG.
- This is a long shot, but T2 is relatively impressed by the switch, so: GTA5 for Switch. With a chunk of the DLC included.
- Switch Sports, holiday 2017. The return of the king. All the games as released for WiiU, plus a few from Wii Sports resort (airplane), with additional modes for each sport. I do have a “swinging for the fence” on this though…
 Swinging for the fences:
- …Wuhu World. Remember Pilotwings 64? Where Little USA was a huge island with different activities, sights to see, and so on? Well, take Wuhu Island, scoot up the detail and resolution, include the small surrounding golf islands, and add a few other themed islands the same size as Wuhu (snow island, city island, etc). It’s a free game where you get the islands and one activity per island, and can walk/drive around each island. Dotted around each is various locations that count as home bases for various sports/vehicles from Wii Sports, Pilotwings and some new items. Each of these is paid, and comes with various different modes and missions. This could be further expanded over time, and allows Nintendo to make money from series that could no longer be sold alone.
- Mario Kart DLC includes mission mode, which is available day 1 with missions on existing courses and expands with the DLC.
- New 2D Metroid by a small team from within Retro. There is a 3D game teased to be in the works also, but not from Retro.
- Splatoon 2 Octoling content and Amiibo, including Octoling mascots. I need this, Nintendo.
- Nintendo Pinball. Remember Pokemon Pinball? And Metroid Prime Pinball? That but across multiple Nintendo series.
- Sonic and Mario All Stars Racing Transformed. Sumo has to have been making something aside from Snake Pass, and Sonic Racing 2 sold extremely well on the switch.
- Assault Android Cactus Deluxe for Switch. I believe in you Tim! Even if you aren’t even attempting this!
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sporadicbeepboops · 7 years
20 Games I Loved in 2016
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The Switch delay. Several big AAA duds. Another year without an official Mother 3 U.S. release. 2016 could have been a disappointing year. (Outside of video games, it certainly took its toll.) But at least from my perspective, the good far outweighed the bad. Virtual reality finally made it out of the gates, and despite some hiccups, it shows real promise. Long-delayed games like Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian somehow made it to store shelves AND surpassed expectations. And love it or hate it, Pokémon Go inspired a genuine pop culture craze the likes of which we’ve never seen before, at least as far as games go. I think all of that is worth celebrating.
Before we get to the list, some quick shout-outs and no-brainer caveats…
2016 was not kind to the Wii U, but the 3DS quietly had one of its best years ever. That’s partly reflected here, but I couldn’t make room for Dragon Quest VII, Fire Emblem Fates, BoxBoxBoy!, Metroid Prime: Federation Force and Gotta Protectors, to name a few. Sometimes it felt like Nintendo was just cleaning out its closet — how long ago was DQVII released in Japan? — but we benefited either way.
Overall, I played fewer games this year, but the ones I did play held my interest longer. Thanks to various microtransactions and DLC, 2016 probably hit my wallet just as hard.
What didn’t I play? Stardew Valley, SUPERHOT, Final Fantasy XV (at least past chapter 2), Frog Fractions 2, Hitman — oh, and I didn’t get to stuff from last year like Yakuza 5 or The Witcher 3, either. Yakuza 4 was pretty solid though.
I left off any new ports of games that came out last year or prior, unless there were substantial additions that changed the experience in a meaningful way. That meant The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and Mini Metro weren’t in the running, while Rez Infinite technically was.
Love making lists, hate ranking items in said lists, just because I’m incredibly fickle. There’s a good chance that I’ll want to shuffle everything around the moment I publish this. But my podcasting buddies are counting on me here, so it’s time to be decisive.
Keeping all that in mind, here are the games I really loved in 2016…
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20. The Witness - I’m already cheating because if I’m being honest, I didn’t actually love this game. The Witness takes a couple dozen hours to finish, and I spent at least half of them staring at a notebook, drawing grids, connecting dots, and having no idea how to pave forward. But even if I didn’t love the game, I respect it immensely. I admire Jonathan Blow’s commitment to this singular idea, of taking the kind of puzzle you might see on a restaurant placemat and coming up with every possible permutation of it. And there is of course a “meta” layer on top of that, where solutions to each component change the environment around you — tree top bridges that unfold based on the paths your lines take, or colored glass panels that create new puzzles on top of old ones. It might be cold and off-putting at times, but The Witness is still commendable as the ultimate puzzle box.
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19. SuperHyperCube - I bought into PlayStation VR for games like Rez Infinite and RIGs — big, flashy, “immersive” experiences. And they delivered! I’m a very happy PS VR owner, and I hope Sony builds on its momentum this year. (I’m skeptical, but then being a virtual reality early adopter was always a leap of faith.) However, while I got exactly what I expected from most of the launch titles, it's the simple puzzle game seemingly modeled off of “Brain Wall” that I keep coming back to. I turn on the headset to play Job Simulator or Battlezone, but I always play a couple rounds of SuperHyperCube before I’m done. A solid case for virtual reality not as a thrilling roller coaster, but a hypnotic, relaxing voyage.
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18. Headlander - The best game Double Fine has put out since Iron Brigade. Free-roaming Metroid-style exploration, a perfect 70s-synth sci-fi score and a fun body swapping gimmick at the heart of it all. I wish there were more vessels for your noggin to control, but there’s a strong foundation here. 
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17. Kirby: Planet Robobot - It’s easy to take Kirby games for granted, and that’s especially true of Robobot, which uses the same engine and many of the same powers as the recent Triple Deluxe. What does the former bring to the table then? Smart level designs that take advantage of the new mechs without letting them dominate the action. A novel mechanical world that feels distinct from the typical pastel meadows. New amiibo support. OK, so maybe it doesn’t add that much to the series, but it’s right up there with Super Star anyway. 
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16. Pokkén Tournament - This game is a fresher, more enjoyable fighting game than Street Fighter V. It doesn’t even matter (too much) that the single player is pretty thin or that the roster is small. When’s the last time you played a one-on-one fighting game that felt truly new? Pokkén is a great 3D fighter and a great 2D fighter at the same time, which is no small feat. And it’s also a gorgeously animated recreation of those battles we all imagined happening in our Game Boys 20 years ago.
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15. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - The popular sentiment seems to be that Madagascar is when this final Uncharted entry really takes off. Slow drama and frequent cut scenes give way to island exploration and memorable shootouts. My take? The back half is fun and the epilogue is lovely, but I could spend an entire game in Nathan and Elena’s living room, or hopping around the globe for the next story sequence. Wherever you stand, this is a fine way to close out a reliable series.
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14. Picross 3D: Round 2 - Seven Picross games — eight if you count the Twilight Princess freebie — on the eShop. That’s a lot of a perfectly fine thing. But none of them are Picross 3D. Thankfully, the real deal finally arrived this year, with hundreds of puzzles and a few extra gameplay wrinkles. Worth the premium price tag.
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13. Titanfall 2 - The campaign didn’t need to be good. Multiplayer FPS games live and die by their multiplayer, and many developers seemingly write off the single player experience as an afterthought. That’s why Titanfall 2 is such an unexpected treat. The factory, the time hopping, the airborne carrier — all cleverly designed, with platforming gimmicks that would feel just as suited for a Metroid Prime game. I think the reason the new Mirror’s Edge fell flat for me was that this game featured the same parkour moves in a much more exciting package.
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12. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE - This crossover game is Persona-lite, yes, but I think that sells the characters and world a bit short. While its inspiration focuses on the pressures of being a Japanese high schooler, #FE is all about the Tokyo show biz scene. Pop music, soap operas, microwave cooking shows — it’s all very goofy, but the game still takes its protagonists’ dreams and ambitions seriously. #FE also makes clever use of the Wii U GamePad, turning it into a tablet/social app that helps keeps the conversations going. Even if you’re not into this particular “scene,” #FE may still win you over.
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11. Rhythm Heaven Megamix - I can’t get enough Rhythm Heaven. They could put 20 new musical minigames on a cart annually and it’d make my list every year. Sumo wrestlers, lumberjack bears, monkey slumber parties — all magic.
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10. Severed - A Vita game! It’s great to see DrinkBox Studios stretch beyond sidescrollers with this first person dungeon crawler full of grotesque monsters and creepy, colorful mazes. Swiping and poking on the Vita’s touchscreen feels great. The controls are key to Severed’s success; if battles were menu-driven, the entire game would fall apart. 
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9. Pocket Card Jockey - I hope Nintendo keeps letting Game Freak be this weird. It’s not just that it’s horse racing plus solitaire. It’s your jockey biting the dust and being brought back from the dead to repay his debt to the angels. It’s the brassy, big band score that accompanies every race. It’s horses with luchador masks and cats hanging from their backsides. Pocket Card Jockey is a miracle of localization.
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8. Pokémon Sun - Yes, another Pokémon game. The Alola region is the best thing to ever happen to this series. Previous games had regions based on cities like New York and Paris, but the results always felt half-hearted. In Sun (and Moon), the tropical island setting influences everything from the creatures you catch to the trials you complete. I’ve never demanded a believable world from this series, but that’s kind of what we get here, and it’s terrific.
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7. Inside - This is the type of game where the less you know going in, the better. It’s Limbo — a previous Justin GotY — filtered through a twisted dream logic that I still can’t get out of my head months later. 
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6. Paper Mario: Color Splash - I know you don’t like Sticker Star. Rest assured: that 3DS oddity feels like a rough draft for Color Splash, which improves upon its predecessor in every way. A textured, vibrant world that rivals Tearaway in its papercraft. Thrilling scenarios like a train heist, an underwater game show and the throwback above. Hilarious dialogue that mostly makes up for the many, many identical toads. I miss the liberties Intelligent Systems used to take with the Mushroom Kingdom, but everything else about Color Splash restores this spin-off series to its former glory.
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5. Overcooked - This year’s couch co-op champ. Cooking with a partner is all about communication, and that’s doubly true when the kitchen is split across two flatbed trucks or on an iceberg rocking back and forth. My friends and I love head-to-head games like Smash Bros. and Towerfall, but it’s nice to play a game that’s all about puzzle solving and careful planning together. And I love the wistful stage select music.
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4. Dragon Quest Builders - Minecraft has always fascinated me, but I don’t do well without direction. That’s why I’m so grateful for Dragon Quest Builders, which breaks down the open world construction into small, manageable tasks. I started off just sticking to blueprints and keeping decorations to a minimum; now, I’m spending hours building up towns the way I want them to look, for no other reason than my own personal satisfaction. Even taking the crafting element out of the equation, Builders does a great job of capturing the adventuring spirit of its parent series.
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3. Pokémon Go - I didn’t set out to put THREE Pokémon games on here, and in a vacuum, this is much less satisfying than Pokkén or Sun. But we don’t play video games in a vacuum, and certainly not this one. I played Pokémon Go in Central Park, talking to strangers to find out where the Ivysaur was hiding. Or I played on my lunch breaks, exploring parts of South Street Seaport with coworkers that I had ignored for years. Go’s peak came and went, but it remains one of my fondest experiences of the year.
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2. The Last Guardian - Another game that’s more than the sum of its parts. The Last Guardian is finicky and sometimes frustrating. Trico is hard to climb. The camera doesn’t know what to do when you’re up against the wall. So what? How many games feature a creature this lifelike? He may be an illusion made up of A.I. routines, scripted animations and fur shaders, but all of those elements come together in a uniquely convincing way. His evolution from reluctant ally to friend has a subtlety I’ve never seen before. I’m glad Ueda spends as much time focusing on the inner struggles as he does the external ones. Hope it doesn’t take another decade for his next game.
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1. Overwatch - I didn’t even know what Overwatch was until two weeks before its release, and even then, I didn’t expect much from it. I had played Team Fortress 2 and thought it was just fine. I knew what to expect. Medics, tanks, builders — that sounded familiar to me. But I was so wrong. Overwatch isn’t just a team-based shooter; it’s the superhero team-up game I’ve been longing for since “The Avengers” was in theaters.
All 23 (and counting!) heroes have their superpowers, and all of them have their jobs to do. What really sets Overwatch apart is when these heroes are bouncing off of each other. Any combination of six is going to have its own dynamics. Mei dropping ice walls to give Reinhardt time to recharge his shield. Junkrat dropping traps to help Bastion watch his back. Mercy gliding up to Pharah to give her rockets a little extra punch. Every battle brings new possibilities and strategies to the table. I’ve played over 100(!) hours and feel like there’s still so much to learn.
But it’s not all serious business either. The colorful personalities, animations, costume designs and more do so much to shape the world, even when I know next to nothing about the overall “lore.” Last year, Splatoon felt like the only shooter I’d ever need, but Overwatch has actually managed to supplant it in my heart. That’s something this Nintendo fanboy never thought he’d say. Can’t wait to see how Blizzard builds on their masterpiece in year two.
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radramblog · 3 years
Nintendo Direct E3 Takes
Well we’re pretty much done with E3 at this point, and it looks like once again Nintendo is carrying the whole damn thing on their back.
This is obviously a bit biased, because I’m not really into the AAA gaming industry otherwise, and the only other potential announcement I cared about didn’t happen. You had one fucking job, Capcom. One job.
Anyway as I did last time this came around I’m giving some hot takes like every single other person on this godforsaken internet because innovation is dead and react culture is king. Shall we?
Smash DLC Fighter…10 or something idk
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I mean, look. I was hoping for an indie representative. Kazuya isn’t really that. But on the other hand, Tekken rep is something I can still get behind. They’ve already got Street Fighter and Fatal Fury in there, might as well get Tekken. What’s next, Raiden from Mortal Kombat? Hell, might as well get some Rivals of Aether character in there, might as well, don’t even have to change much.
From what little we’ve seen of Kazuya’s kit, it looks like his gimmick is going to be…complicated input combos for special attacks. Hm. Well, it’ll probably be fine. People managed with Ryu, they’ll manage with Kazuya. I do appreciate that they gave this guy his demon form- I guess they had to make him jump somehow, huh?
 Life is Strange
I haven’t played the original Life is Strange, but I did watch a playthrough so I know how it goes. Don’t really know much about Before the Storm or 2, but I don’t think 2 is part of this collection anyway? Look I’m probably not going to buy this, but it’s probably good that it exists. The original was like, actual good rep, I think, so they’re probably not going to fuck this one up. New character is neat looking, good for them.
 A Bunch of games, I guess
Guardians of the Galaxy? Damn dude, did I ask?
Worms Rumble said it had 32-person multiplayer, which I was like well hang on how’s that going to work with turn-based Worms combat you’d be waiting for ever. Except it isn’t turn-based. And it looks like ass as a result. F.
Astria Ascending…I’m reading this name and I already forgot what this was. Sorry if you cared about it I suppose.
I know nothing of the Two Point…series, I guess? I keep on seeing Hospital pop up on either Steam or the eShop, and I’ve scrolled past it without thinking twice every single time. Not about to change that.
 Super Monkey Ball
I understand this series was a lot of fun for a lot of people, but it just looks miserable to me. With that said, I have seen some speedruns of these games that look incredible, so on that axis I’m happy this is getting made. Makes doing a marathon-length run of this a fair bit easier.
 Mario Party
Look I haven’t even gotten around to playing my (very fake) Mario Party 3 cart, you think I’m going to buy another 80 dollar game on top of that? Nah.
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Yoooooooooooooo lets fucking gooooooooooooo
Okay so I’ve actually never beaten a Metroid game. Got some ways into Fusion and Super but didn’t complete either of them. But this looks super cool and good and I’m here for it. They mentioned that this was the first new 2D Metroid game in 19 years, which I guess means Fusion was the latest one.
…wait how many Metroid games are there even? Like, the original, Super, Fusion, the three Primes, and that one we don’t talk about…is that it? That feels a lot smaller than I thought it was, but I guess it adds up.
Just don’t cock it up, I guess. Metroid and Castlevania’s absence have left indie devs to fight for the Metroidvania name, and it’s about time the big boys got to come back around again.
 More bullshit
Just Dance 2022. Is this one also coming out on the Wii?
Some racing game that looks cheap as fuck, neato. Man I feel bad for the devs working on these absolute shovelware games, like I bet they’re either working hard or being worked to the bone. But this is what the result is. R.I.P.
It’s about 13 years too late for me to be caring about Dragon Ball. Especially since this is just a port. Next.
Mario Golf
I mean we saw this earlier this year. I don’t even know what was actually new in this presentation.
Bowsers outfit is fucking clean though. Once again proving himself the best Mario character.
 Monster Hunter
Fuck off Capcom. Y’all are leaving Mega Man in the fucking dust and he doesn’t deserve it.
I mean I guess ill get into it here, I mostly just wanted something, anything for the Mega Man Battle Network series. It’s their 20th anniversary, and we haven’t gotten shit so far. Literally just a MMBN collection for the switch, that’s all I want. They were even on the Wii U VC, you can just port those again, I don’t care fucking give it to me.
Anyway. Monhun? Ehhh they already showed this at their lacklustre presentation who cares.
Look I haven’t played this series before, it’s probably fun, but I’m not sure how they stretch microgame content out into a fully-priced game.
Also, the multiplayer looks kinda miserable? Like, in case Mario Party was a little too efficient for ruining friendships, now you can yell at one person specifically for fucking the both of you up, and vice versa. Wheeeeee.
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Shoutouts to Squiggy, they’re super hype for this and I’m happy to see it. I personally again haven’t played this series, let alone Persona (though 4 is sitting untouched in my steam library, oops), but it looks pretty aight. I’m sure there’ll be a huge pile of demons to fuck up, or friend up, and some level of story that people will like (I have literally no idea what the plot of the series is), so. Atlus (?) has been at this for a long fucking time, they aren’t goofing this up.
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Shirtless Rantaro Shirtless Rantaro  (shamelessly stolen from u/ AnaLissaMelculo on r/danganronpa)
I’m interested to see Talent Development Plan develop into it’s own fully fleshed out game. It was surprisingly good for a tacked-on minigame, and I hope that they’ll fully take advantage of its potential.
It also looks like the 4 games are releasing separately on Switch, but there is a physical collectors edition with all of them, and I mean, I can probably afford that, riiiiight?
R.I.P. Ultra Despair Girls fans, snubbed yet again. Ehhhh fuck it aside from the dialogue that game sucks ass so its fine.
 More stuff
Fatal Frame looks spooky, I guess. I dunno, I was talking to mates through half of this one so I basically missed it.
DOOM Eternal DLC, cool. I still haven’t finished the original.
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater should be on the Switch, and now it is. Or, it will be, in a couple weeks. Good.
There’s something on this list of notes called Strange Brigade, and I have literally no idea what that is. Oops again.
Mario+Rabbids 2, now with a Rabbid Goth GF. I’m terrified to go on any fuckin NSFW platforms for the next couple weeks, because I’m sure everyone is drawing incredibly cursed hentai of that thing. Ubisoft sucks ass, fuck Ubisoft, don’t buy this.
 Advance Wars
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This sure isn’t Fire Emblem. Actually when I was explaining to my mates why this was cool, I called it Fire Emblem but with tanks instead of waifus, except I forgot this game still has waifus. I know strategy nerds love this series, so for their sake I’m happy to see it remade. This just looks unbelievably cute.
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Oh look, Hyrule Warriors 2 DLC, Zelda gets the motorbike now, cool who fucking cares we got more BOTW sequel footage
It does kinda bug me that people keep calling this BOTW 2, because there’s no way that’s what it’s going to be called. Zelda has never done numbered sequels. I mean, they’ve also very rarely done sequels at all, but there are a few- Phantom Hourglass is a sequel to Wind Waker iirc.
It is kinda funny that right after I was saying boo who cares to Skyward Sword remake (still mad this is one game and not a collection) that the new game clearly has SS-ass floating islands and such.
I was hoping we’d get to see Zelda do things this game. Apparently not, she’s stuck in a hole now. Or dead. A shame. But Link at least looks kickass, so.
Look, they could not say a single other thing until release and everyone would still buy this game. Breath of the Wild was an incredible enough game that so many things that vaguely resemble it get compared- Genshin Impact comes to mind. This is likely made by the same (or similar) team, in the same world, and it looks fucking incredible. We all know this is going to be a good game. My hot take isn’t going to change that.
 And that’s the tea, sis. All the shit that Ninty had in their corner of E3. It’s a pretty solid lineup! It looks like they are bringing their A-game. I was kind of surprised not to see any Pokemon stuff- while it usually gets its own direct these days, BDSP is really coming up soon and they kinda need to win back the crowd on that one.
Oh what am I saying, it’s fucking Nintendo, it’s too big to fail.
0 notes
entergamingxp · 4 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — David’s Top 10
December 30, 2019 2:00 PM EST
With 2019 coming to a close, here’s David’s top 10 games of the year, including Kingdom Hearts III, Sayonara Wild Hearts, and more.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
As a college student, finding time to play video games has been tough. Some days I can get a few hours in and other days I don’t play anything. There have also been days where I’d rather read a book or watch a movie or TV show instead of playing something. It’s not until the end of this year where I felt more motivated to play stuff and relax from a long day of writing essays and reading books for school.
This is the first GOTY list that I’ve written, and putting it together was tricky. Oddly, it’s easier for me to come up with my top 10 movies of 2019 than my games of the year. Games like Life is Strange 2, The Outer Worlds, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Days Gone, and Death Stranding are ones that could’ve made my list, but I didn’t have enough time to get through them. For the games that are on the list, they each came at a time this year when they lifted my spirits and helped me escape from the real world.
10. Metro Exodus
Despite some technical glitches and its laughable Russian accents, I’ve always enjoyed the Metro series. After finishing Metro Exodus, it’s become my favorite game in the series so far. Exodus continues the series’ trend of having a moody atmosphere and tension increasing with each enemy you face. Additionally, I played this with headphones in my PS4 controller and it enhanced my experience and made it more atmospheric. With some DLC coming next year, I’m looking forward to reentering the Metro world.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Metro Exodus.
9. Devil May Cry 5
Other than playing DmC: Devil May Cry, I’d never played a main game in the Devil May Cry series. The further I got into Devil May Cry 5, the more I got invested in the game’s world. The combat was super fun and made me want to experiment with performing different combos to get a higher score. Its story was goofy at times and I loved every second of it. After rolling credits, I wanted to replay it a few more times and get even higher combo scores.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Devil May Cry 5.
8. The Walking Dead: The Final Season
Having been with Clementine since season one, I was looking forward to seeing the conclusion of her story. Throughout this season, you see her rise, fall, make mistakes, and trying to do the right thing. Like every Telltale game, it has you make tough choices that blur moral lines. Seeing the bond between her and an older A.J was a nice dynamic, and it showed Clementine trying to be a parent at an early age, where walkers come from every corner.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for the final episode of The Walking Dead: The Final Season.
7. Super Mario Maker 2
Creativity pours out of Super Mario Maker 2. I played this at a low point in life, and playing dozens of levels helped me escape my problems for a while. With every level in the game’s story mode, each one offers a different experience and requires patience and good timing in order to make it to the finish line. Additionally, having to rebuild Peach’s castle gives you the motivation to keep going and see it completed. Super Mario Maker 2 is the game that keeps on giving. Even when you’re done with the campaign, there are a plethora of user-generated levels to keep you coming back and putting your platforming skills to the test.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Super Mario Maker 2.
6. Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition
From the moment that I started the eShop demo of Dragon Quest XI S, I fell in love. Having never played a game in the series, I was drawn in by its charming art style and music. The more I played of the demo and final game, the more I wanted to keep exploring and leveling up my party. Additionally, the 2D mode added in the game made me want to spend even more time in the game’s already massive world. I’ve spent countless hours with Dragon Quest XI S and I look forward to spending more time finding everything I can.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition.
5. Luigi’s Mansion 3
After playing Luigi’s Mansion 3 at E3 2019, I was excited about the final release. The game exudes charm and personality with each floor that Luigi and Gooigi explore. There’s also something satisfying and fun about smacking ghosts around a hotel hallway. Adding Gooigi into the mix offers a variety of puzzles and exploring the world. While some boss battles can be annoying, Luigi’s Mansion 3 offers fun battles that put your skills to the test. It’s one of the best Switch games released in 2019 and it deserves to be played by everyone.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Luigi’s Mansion 3.
4. Control 
Words can’t describe how cool Control is. The story can be weird at times, but it’s one of the very few games where I felt compelled to find collectibles to learn more about the game’s world. The different powers you get make the gameplay even more enjoyable. As I went from one area to the next, I was blown away by the scale and presentation that Remedy put in. Additionally, the sound design and score was amazing and added to the tension with each combat encounter and story beat. With new story DLC on the way, I’m excited to explore more of the Federal Bureau of Control and everything it has to offer.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Control.
3. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
From start to finish, I loved everything about Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. Technical problems aside, this game gave me everything I wanted from a single-player Star Wars experience. The combat always kept me on my toes and I wanted to explore as much of each planet as I could. Throughout its story, it threw surprises at me that made the Star Wars fan in me freak out, and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. There’s also something awesome about force pushing a group of Stormtroopers off a cliff and throwing lightsabers at enemies.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
2. Kingdom Hearts III 
I’ll never forget my experience with Kingdom Hearts III. I got the limited edition Kingdom Hearts themed PS4 Pro from UPS and the limited edition of the game during the 9pm opening at my local GameStop. I cried a bit when I got in my car, clutching the game in my hands before I went home.
While the story is incomprehensible and ridiculous at times, I still enjoyed every second of it. Each world was fun to explore and I couldn’t get over how amazing everything looks. By the end of the story, I was in tears and went back to find more treasures and collectibles. For most of 2019, Kingdom Hearts III was my game of the year. It was the game I looked forward to the most in 2019 and it didn’t disappoint. Now I’m ready for the ReMind DLC to come out next month on PS4, so that I can finally spend time with Leon, Aerith, and other Final Fantasy characters I missed the first time around.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Kingdom Hearts III.
1. Sayonara Wild Hearts
Not one day goes by where I don’t think about Sayonara Wild Hearts. When I played it at E3, my mind was blown just by the loading screen and the opening song. I listen to the soundtrack every day and songs like “Begin Again” and “A Place I Don’t Know” are beautiful that are always stuck in my head. Each level in the game is a thrill ride and the music propels the story forward.
On top of the incredible music and visuals, Sayonara Wild Hearts evokes themes of depression, mental health, and not letting anything get in the way of achieving your dreams. The game’s final mission had me in tears and I was blown away with how it tied everything together.
From time to time, I go back to play random missions to experience them again. It’s a game I’ll continue to play when I need a pick me up or some inspiration. No matter where you are in life, Sayonara Wild Hearts is a game everyone should check out, experience for yourself, and get swept up in its theme of beginning again and starting anew.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Sayonara Wild Hearts.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager // Kris Cornelisse, Staff Writer December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 30, 2019 2:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-davids-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-davids-top-10
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The One Thing to Do for Runescape Vorago
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But in addition, he drops Tectonic energy that is utilised to produce the most effective magic armor available. Be aware that the tectonic armour might not be traded once it’s been equipped. The artifact is going to be on a crate at the center vicinity of these buildings. In addition, I use a Reogenater Shield that has the power to coincide OSRS Accounts with the last incoming damage and has an extremely substantial recharge rate.Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Runescape Vorago
A good idea is to utilize your minimap here. Backseat moderating isn’t appreciated. Vorago’s drops could be exceedingly valuable and distinctive. However, you’ve got to be brave to have the ability to find those valuable drops. The Downside Risk of Runescape Vorago
Dead Rising 4 saves automatically and thus do not feel as though you’ve got to discover the baths. The history of Learning Vorago only must be accomplished once. Scoring really will will spawn particular creatures all around the map. He later woke up around the start of the Sixth Age. The Awful Side of Runescape Vorago
Another thing about these challenges is that each and every time you make a new character, you will be in a position to finish these challenges again. “I talked to a whole lot of search engine marketing specialists from big enterprises about their organization and their answers surfaced. Anyway, the pet roll won’t be dependant on if it’s the case that you have finished a function or less that was a huge flaw with Vorago. This moment, everyone is going to be rewarded somehow. Customized events are hard to devote a rotation as a result of complexity of preparing and conducting most of them. It’s an experience though. The very first time, you’re want to talk to Vorago and go through the required conversation alternatives, but then you will have the ability to utilize a right-click challenge’ option on him. You must enter this little building with an oxygen-bubble outside to get this Lost ECHO. Inside this mission your aim is to allow 12 Scavs are killed by turrets. The basement of every Emergency Shelter is joined to the significant mall. You have to go to the western-central region and search for this Lost ECHO close to the south side of the Wreck of the Dundee. Things You Won’t Like About Runescape Vorago and Things You Will
We offer the least expensive runescape 3 gold, all RS3 gold on the world wide web is purely hand work with no bots or macros! Imbued rings is going to be the best ring within their corresponding courses. By the close of the page, your character is going to have then killed four enemies, making a great deal of gold in the procedure. If you are in possession of a Lunar Spellbook, attempt to hoard gold. The moment you’re there, you will have to hunt for what you require. This is the point at which the voking comes in. This also suggests you could become triple. However you decide to enter, you will want to challenge Vorago once you are inside. In the end, sustain is also helpful. The Basics of Runescape Vorago You Will be Able to Benefit From Beginning Immediately
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In the cave, there’s a string of chasms to traverse to get Vorago. If you purchase a clone, pray the design you’re using and utilize Anticipation. This tunnel only has to be cleared once. Use the mat, and you are going to be carried all of the way till a platform. Use the jump pads to get to the little ledge which has a turret and systems. Examine the cover of the machine to locate this collectible. You also need to come accompanied by as a lot of your high-levelled, well-geared friends because you can muster you’ll need all of the help you might get! If you find a chance to draft something giving reach, it’s highly advised to pick this up. Inform them if you think someone is breaking the rules, but don’t take it in your own hands. Following your 3rd reduction you reap considerable rewards depending on the number of victories you scored. If done wrong, it is likely that you won’t survive. Among the tougher ones. Life After Runescape Vorago
It’s strongly advised that you fight Vorago at a group of a minimum of five players. Prevail, and there are a few terrific benefits to be had. Players are going to have the occasion to obtain tier 92 dual wielded crossbows by defeating the monster, but it is not going to be quite as simple because he is among the strongest in-game bosses. Players who don’t accept the challenge won’t be hurt by the blast. The 30-Second Trick for Runescape Vorago
Therefore, you might enjoy as various types of music as possible. Your goal for this challenge is to locate and use four telescopes concealed in the area. We’ll happily review your suggestions whenever possible and attempt to incorporate them in a upcoming event. Becoming rude or disruptive may lead to elimination from the function. Players may trade items and gold coins with one another, either via a face-to-face trade, or by utilizing a sizable automated market referred to as the Grand Exchange. Many players ( such as Durial) were then permanently banned for their part in the event. From beginning to end, all challenges must be recorded. Everybody who signed will have the chance to get involved in closed beta. Everybody in the group should share Vorago’s interest. He fights them so he can hone his combat skills in case he wishes to defend Gielinor from those who want to threaten it. At the summit of the construction is the letter. The Dirty Truth on Runescape Vorago
Attempt to prepare if you are in possession of a creature. This is vorago’s primary goal. The fight is likely to have many health bars in each and every phase together with sub-attacks it is going to use alongside normal and exceptional attacks. If you’re fast enough you may even be in a position to resonance it off which produces a great heal. This will be a rare event. Using Runescape Vorago
We’re a trendy brand new server with an incredible quantity of content. There’s also The Image Of Yakamura that you have to be concerned about. Apart from the home site, there are lots of different sites linked to the sport, including player clan sites and experience tracking sites. It is essential to bear in mind that rejecting links can result in a drop in resource positions in the international search result, since many webmasters often reject links which actually help the web site, instead of doing any harm to it. You will see the records of earlier RfETs listed on top of this page. Page the little small company list the full to your website.
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crijoh · 6 years
 YESTERDAY'S POST CAN BE FOUND HERE - 13/02/18  Game Releases: The Longest Five Minutes - NA Release - €39.99 | $39.99 | £39.99 - eShop Link - Website - Trailer - MetacriticSummary:Our hero faces the origin of all evil, the Overlord himself, but suddenly loses all memories of his adventure. His finishing moves, the name of his hometown, and even the reason he's trying to defeat the Overlord in the first place, all gone. Our hero feels as though he's letting his allies down... In the midst of battle, his allies' words and the Overlord's taunting triggers flashbacks, bringing his memories back piece by piece. Our hero tries to regain his priceless memories before it's too late, but the Overlord stands before him, his power unyielding! What can happen in The Longest Five Minutes!?Features:Relive your memories and journey with your friends through a nostalgic RPG world!Remember your signature move? Know that spell? Flashback has a unique power: Reexperience! Gain re-experience points the more memories you visit. Now, face the Demon King!Choose from three mini-games: Super Chain Reaction, Haunted Run, or Slot Machine to get more reexperience points!  Today's News: No News Today ;(  Game Announcements/Updates: Slayaway Camp: Butcher's Cut - Announcement (ONLY AVAILABLE TO GAMESPRESS MEMBERS) - RAW Imgur Link - Website - Trailer - March 2018Summary:Slayaway Camp is a killer puzzle game where you control Skullface, a psychotic slasher hell-bent on revenge. Slide this adorably demented murderer around hundreds of isometric puzzle levels to squash, flay, and decapitate hapless victims in this darkly comic homage to 80s horror movies. This special console-only Butcher’s Cut edition is the biggest and bloodiest version of Slayaway Camp… EVER! More puzzles. More killers. More gore. It’s the ultimate videogame nasty.Features:Includes the base game and the following additional content: Deluxe Edition, My Gory Valentine, HellCamp, Monthly Murderers Series 1 & 2, Supernatural Forces, and Santa’s Slay300+ Fiendish puzzle levels to massacre your way through60+ Killers to cause comical carnage with, including deranged wackos such as Mutant Hillbilly, Kevin, and the killer inter-dimensional clown: THAT90+ Gorepacks with delightfully OTT kill scenes to shock and entertain Undead Horde - Announcement - Website - Trailer - 2018Summary:Undead Horde is an action RPG from the creators of Crimsonland and Neon Chrome. Be a necromancer, kill the living, and raise them as your undead minions! Maraud through the lands of the living and take their treasures. Restore the lost glory of the undead! Find, buy and steal epic items to become ever more powerful. Equip up to six items: two in hand and four in quick slots. Items vary from common swords to amazing magic items. Some will require you to become more powerful before you can use them. There's an endless number of items so there's always something new to discover! Find, buy and steal epic items to become ever more powerful. Equip up to six items: two in hand and four in quick slots. Items vary from common swords to amazing magic items. Some will require you to become more powerful before you can use them. There's an endless number of items so there's always something new to discover!Features:Easy to get into RPG style hack, slash & cast actionProcedural item generation: Endless number of items to loot, steal and buy - can you find the most epic ones?Find items, level up, and raise the dead to become more powerfulA vast world to explore and conquer - environments ranging from forests to catacombs. World Conqueror X - Announcement - "We'll reveal more details in the coming weeks"Opinion:Not much information is known about this next addition in the World Conqueror series. The only piece of information that we have is that the title will be coming to the Switch at some point. However for those of you that don't already know, World Conqueror 4 (the latest in the series) is an IOS and mobile strategy game that uses really life war events for it's campaign. The reception on the android marketplace has been quite good with an average of 4/5 stars from 2,970 players. Unfortunately there isn't any more information regarding the next instalment, but I'll be sure to keep you all informed when that information becomes available. BlobCat - Announcement - Website - Trailer - 2018Summary:In BlobCat it's your job to protect the DiceMice! Place arrows and guide the Dicemice to the Micehole! But beware, the naive BlobCats are rolling around (not quite at the speed of sound)! Solve over 90 different levels spanning over 5 worlds, each with a unique gameplay twist! You want more action? Then the Multiplayer is for you! Up to four players try to save as many DiceMice as possible! Outsmart your opponents and send the BlobCats straight to your enemies! Play with your friends on the couch or go online and battle the whole world! You can even do both!Features:100 Puzzles - 5 different worldsLocal and online multiplayerCollect over 100 stickersDress your own miceOpinion:Literally 14 minutes ago, this game was officially announced. It was assumed by various hints by the developers that BlobCat will be released onto the Switch platform sometime in 2018. Hints included the question in a survey, "What platform would you like BlobCat to be released on?"; the majority of people voted the Switch. Another clue is that the developers retweeted a picture of the 2 colours of the neon Switch. Most of what you read was the original post, however since starting this piece, the developers officially announced that their game will definitely be arriving on the Switch platform. They also shared a few features for the Switch, which I'm sure most of you will be happy about.  Top Reddit Posts: I 3d Printed Hyrule Castle from Breath of the Wild - Link - u/cryptid007After success of Monster Hunter World and playing Sea of Thieves beta I really think Switch needs a killer vast multiplayer game. - Link - u/TimppisWould you buy a Dark Souls amiibo if it existed? - Link - u/vpott1993I would really really like a new Pro Controller with a headphone jack - Link - u/GrantVsZombies  If there are any errors or missed information, just let me know and I'll add it promptly.  Closing Statement: I can't remember another day when there was absolutely ZERO news stories for the day. However we have had a few game announcements to look forward to including, the official announcement of BlobCat (which was literally only 15 minutes ago, from writing), and a definitive edition of Slayaway Camp. What are you looking forward to from today's news? As per usual, thanks to all the reddit users who have given me permission to use their posts from earlier today! Look at this! A release before my scheduled 9:00PM GMT time... I'm going to be away from my computer for most of tonight so I've decided to get this up pretty quickly. Also, I know there should have been a review out by now, and I'm seriously working on it. At this rate, 3 reviews will be coming out on the same day! See you all tomorrow! Sam ;)  via /r/NintendoSwitch
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How-To Stop Getting All Sport Encourages On Fb
Today inside the upper hand corner that is right you are going to see an Enjoy button, engage about it. This will auto-develop a match for that sport using the friend you've selected. That is 169 a 3DS, plus 100 for your activities off the eShop, and you also aren't presenting any of it for your competitors (Apple and Android) or possibly a middleman. http://labeaute-sauvage.info 's always been noted that the human body influences but if you utilize these products that were superb limited to emergency, next these are certainly a blessing. Collaborate to recognize the identity that was main element rigging functionality had a need to service our game-play experience that was primary. Nostalgia goggles allow me to lower a great deal of slack to this type because the artwork that is first is featured by it, nevertheless you might prefer an alternative Area Invaders-impressed sport from this time, such as Galaga or Defender, which also provide iOS ports. The money that can be tapped while in the mobile industry is currently going to be unavailable for them unless they create an item that interests participants all over the world. They are not the ones who're doing this; we talk to coders regularly who would like to steer clear of the cell stigma on their game. Always a variety are of Nokia cellphones depending and also available on one's desires a phone can be picked up by them. If the recreation got included along with your macintosh, you happen to be out of fortune because GarageGames does lose most IPs to the Marble Blast series a few months before (megabytes Cellular regarding iPhone, MB Extra regarding xbox360, megabytes On-Line at, and MB Silver for Laptop). The amount turned known for a herd of strolling -wielding bovines that got greater and better using every update of the overall game. The most profitable activities inside the Appstore have been those that have now been constructed especially for playing about the iPhone. Truthfully, I'd appreciate for Adobe to deliver on its claims and obtain Thumb functioning effectively on portable. And guaranteed the overall game is tap tap touch but a terrific portable unit sport defintely won't be passed over a silver platter my buddy for you. But SQEX, place in contemporary system terms and Game Center, and I'll've little choice! For example versions that arent facing a person shouldnt be packed sufficient reason for that it will increase the overall game. This sport wasn't revealed by Nintendo, it wasnot made by Nintendo, and it's not connected to Nintendo's private drive previously this year into mobile games, which unveiled with Miitomo. Dark Spirits THREE, Massive Break, Ratchet & Clank, and Alienation are typical May games. In any event, this is simply not expressing that Enderis Recreation is inherently bad. I simply don't think as itis chipped around be it's as excellent of the guide. Yet another game movie” that is movie likewise quantities up the reaction to Warcraft, possibly the game that is biggest -to- letdown thus far. If you go-to any community, or whatever about any recreation you are going to see-the same task. However, they're additionally enclosed by enemies, including the Skeletons along with the specifically extreme Orcs & Goblins, and will find it quite difficult to endure early areas of the game. Numerous system-design activities have found it difficult to turn to portable since they need a delicate joypad, therefore the monitor is blocked by your thumbs. Exciting report, one of many motives we remaining TA was because currently I take advantage of the system that was android. Phones and Samsung mobiles from Nokia Indian are devices internet-enabled companies, that provide leisure, mail facility, social-networking plus a host of additional technically positive attributes. So the sweet wallet creatures being skyrocketed back again to the headlines of the general public mind can only just mirror effectively onto it. And also the fresh experience may possibly increase revenue of the Nintendo- posted 3DS games Pokémon Sun and Moon later this year. Initially we must established it-up. Available the options app on your Android in order to find ' dialect & feedback' around the list. No method of informing for sure, but we consider Arya will return to Westeros in 2013. The games on portable may also be not mainly blame and-or 0.99-2.99 and so are not often total encounters. They'll certainly be emailed an invite, if they do not curently have Sport Core. HTC offers today announced initial benefits for the Q3, producing a web loss of NT$2.97 billion (around $101 trillion) on whole income of NT$47.52 billion ($1.6 thousand) — the veteran cell maker HTC's first ever quarterly reduction. Total War: Warhammer mingles the realms of Activities Class wargame Warhammer Fantasy Battle with the famous domination video game of Full War. You obtain more pickaxes at quadratic times while you perform more games—a sixth after 100 activities, yet another every after 400, 900, 1600, and 2500 games (Iam between your past two to ensure thatis all we've observed). Given that media applications like this presents a lot of disparate details, it is important to attack a balance between text sizing and design. Regrettably, TDKR features a few problems that are not relatively epidemic to third person activity games using touch controls. After all it is a gap but exactly what do basically be achieved that is especially noticable is yet another thing, significantly the vast majority with this genis system entrepreneurs but it will be unnecessary the distinctions between the way the activities run using the beds base designs is going to be what concerns to all these gamers. As games inserted the Net along with the networked years turned more prevalent, socialization was a clear next thing. Warcraft may not be coming to mobiles any time in the future, but another recreation-HearthStone-will undoubtedly be unveiled on Android and iOS in 2014, the programmer established today. Elsword and Elsword: Evolution are hardly same - but equally very enjoyable - manga-style video games. Android 7.0 Nougat is coming available to Nexus 5X, Nexus SOME, Nexus 6P, Nexus NINE, Nexus Player, and Pixel C equipment. Rather than informing us they are able tonot doit, they explained it was laser burn, that it could not be fastened, and advised that I deal the game in, obtain a $30 credit, and spend almost $40 (including levy) more for a new duplicate of the sport. I am locating it difficult to believe that a-game using voxels could search so extraordinary, nonetheless it may. The runs starts from telephones, to flip phone to slender mobiles and wise phones and the checklist moves on and on. This can be a game you must have if youare an RPG lover and if you're not, it is a recreation that'll properly produce you one! The largest shock in the research arrived within this tiny nugget of individual conduct information: Despite its title and meaning, 44 percent of participants play cell games” to the couch versus enjoying in … really any out-of-family area location, including time spent traveling or waiting,” the study says. I donot assume however considering that the activities were not really mounted from your manufacturer it'd be much distinct, - they certainly were merely keys to obtain in the Perform Retailer. The simplest way to acquire cheap phones that are mobile is to utilize specified strategies that are obtainable give by system manufacturers. Though EA and PopCap include tweaked how players enter into these activities the most common multiplayer happen to be cut back to the game. The handsets, which operate v12.1 of Cyanogen, are manufactured by a new, U.K.-based entrant in to the smartphone creating space, termed Wileyfox, albeit the devices themselves are in fact produced in China — in order with different such online retail Android merchant attempts it is primarily an exercise in branding, using a few customer company flourishes cast at the top to try to be noticeable (such as European-based call centers for after-sales companies, plus a substitute display service to get an annual price). Sure, Samsung's private characteristics nowhere-near obviate the necessity regarding products and Yahoo's services, but not do every other OEM 's outside China. That is without doubt one of many absolute best features within the game, also it will come in convenient irrespective of how excellent your crew is. Is this: any player that's a few months or less  and is within the era of 23, on the agreement, might another club without the need to have the gambler's team. Should they might merely layout a piece of hardware that might wrap the iPhone as being a game scenario around so to speak and provide that for let's say dollars that are MONEY79. I do believe that cellular games is handled the same activities on Android, at the least for IOS and also really equipment also. You can get the facebook application from the App Store, in case your unit helps iOS 7 or over. The primary bout of year SIX offers apparent exemplory instance of the presentis fresh things: the coup in Dorne. I do believe the sport is extremely effortless and easy-to win and easy in case you enjoy many hours and several combats to acquire figures. Possessing caught using Mike & Optimum and The Walking Dead, we bailed on Revealing's activities two symptoms into Sport of Thrones, when a mix of regular aesthetic stutters (on the PC that could manage The Witcher THREE wonderfully) plus a save game irritate that cleaned my advancement received myself understand this is simply not worth it”. It would be won by the last word underhanded gamer of the game of thrones, ironically, by authorized means.
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linklinkado · 7 years
So by this point there's an absolute ton of Neo Geo games on the eShop. I'm a big fan of obscure old fighting games so I've wound up with half of the fighting games they've released so far. I feel like I don't see enough love for these games on this sub so I wanted to rank out my favorites and recommend em. I only have 7/14 and plan on getting Fatal Fury Special soonish, but most of the other ones I've skipped out on are different versions of King of Fighters or whatever, that said if I passed on anything great let me know!Starting with the worst of the bunch: Galaxy Fight: Universal WarriorsThis one's just bad... It's one of the earliest of the bunch and you can really feel it.Pros:Good graphics (this is what lured me in on the eshop)The characters, the cast is pretty unique due to the space setting, sadly they're not in a better game.Cons:My god it's so clunky.There's only one bar, and it's the health bar. This game has no supers.The Neo Geo only had 5 face buttons if you count start. Most of these games assign taunting to start. This one doesn't, so besides only having 3 buttons for attacking unlike all the others one of the face buttons will lock your character in place for a few seconds. Perfect.I really wish this game was good, of the group it's the only one I regret buying. I basically only bring it out as "the bad one" between the other games. Skip it unless you're dead set on catchin' em all.Next up: World Heroes PerfectSo this one is actually ok. It's another early one so it's a bit clunky but that's ok. This one has 3 punches and kicks unlike most, and every character has a unique action that ranges from shrinking your opponent or catching a projectile to throw it back.Pros:Interesting roster based on historical figures (and some fictional characters).One of the only 2 so far that let you change your character between rounds.Cons:Kinda clunky.The graphics aren't great.All in all I'd recommend this one if you're ok with something that's a little weird and a little clunky.Samurai Shodown IVThis one's pretty neat. Roster is nicely varied, all the characters feel pretty unique. Everyone has 2 move sets as well because of the Slash/Bust mechanic. Every character uses a different weapon which they drop when hit with certain moves, unhanded fighting is cool though ineffective. There's a cool swooce behind opponent move and a disarming counter that every character can use and it's pretty neat. Instead of 2 punches and 2 kicks, there's 3 slashes and 1 kick which is interesting.Pros:The universal dodge and counter moves feel good to use.Good roster.???s:The damage seems all over the place? It seems like a lot of the time a regular slash is going to do a lot more damage than your projectile. Not necessarily bad but it's something I noticed.Cons:Graphics are a little sloppy, but for the most part the characters look fine.Extra Tidbits:You can kill yourself by doing back, forward, down, start, I mostly end up doing it as a joke but it does actually fill up your rage bar in the next round.If you push start 3 times you'll taunt and drop your weapon, good if you wanna fight unarmed anyway.I'm not sure which of these next 2 are better, but King of Fighters 2000 just came out so I haven't played it as much yet so it's here.It's King of Fighters, you know what you're getting for the most part. The only real problem I have with KoF is that I feel like the 3v3 rounds drag on too long, luckily you can change it to 1v1s. 2000 added in the striker feature that lets you call in other fighters MvC style for an attack a few times per match. The roster is huge at 35 characters, but you have double the options for strikers (a lot of em from other SNK games).Pros:Striker system is coolThe option to choose between 3v3 teams and 1v1s is great.This is the other game that lets you change your character between rounds.Cons:Having to input the code to play as Kula EVERY TIMEWho's Kula? She's the cutie with blue hair you can see on the thumbnail on the eShop, and if you expected her to be playable, you'd be right, but since she's a secret character you'll unfortunately have to put in a code on character select anytime you wanna play as her.The code has you press start while highlighting 6 characters in a specific order (Whip, Vanessa, Seth, Maxima, K', Random) then press up then down. For your convenience here's the quickest input: starting from Whip: start, down, start, left, start, right x 3, start, right, start, right, start, up, down after that she should show up under Random. Have fun doing that every time.King of Fighters '98Its King of Fighters, you know what you're getting for the most part. Like I said, it's 3v3 but you can change it to 1v1s. The roster sits at 38, making it the biggest on the list. Despite many of the characters being the same between '98 and 2000 there's characters unique to both and even characters who are in both have some different moves (which really messed up my Ralf going from 98 to 2000). There's really not too much to complain about here y'know?Pros:Huge roster.Choice between 3v3 and 1v1.Cons:The win screen art kinda sucks? Idk I'm reaching here there's not much wrong here.Honestly it's a toss up between this or 2000 for me, apparently this one is well regarded though. Oh yeah, I should probably mention that the in game manual for the KoF games are pretty half assed, there's so many characters that they wind up leaving out a lot of moves so you're better off looking up a guide for those.Waku Waku 7This is the good shit right here.Waku Waku 7 was one of the first Neo Geo games they slapped on the eShop and I got it back then and kinda hated it. "There's only 7 characters? Gross" is probably what I said, but I went back to it with a friend after getting some more controllers and it's a blast!There's so many moves that eat meter in this game it's insane, your special moves can all be powered up into supers by pushing both buttons, and you can power up into super mode by mashing all the face buttons at once. Every character also has EX attacks and Hara Hara attacks, EX being your standard fighting game super and the Hara Hara move very blatantly announcing itself while charging before blasting off an incredibly strong unblockable. Strong moves can send your opponent flying across the screen and if they kick off of the wall they'll come flying back, it's very chaotic.The graphics are so bright and colorful, probably the best of the bunch, and the character designs are all pretty cool too. Again, the fact that there's only 7 characters really hurts here. There are 2 boss characters who are playable in the home release, but unfortunately they're not playable in this arcade version.Pros:So much fun to play.Best graphics of the bunch imo.Top notch characters.Cons:Only 7 characters, smallest roster on the list.If you passed on this one for some reason I highly recommend it!And finally: Garou: Mark of the WolvesThis games a dang masterpiece, probably. Everything in this game feels great, supers are easy to pull off and feel devastating, specials are flashy and impressive and T.O.P moves are neat too. The T.O.P system lets you choose a section of your health bar to be powered up during, and defending at the right time can let you regen health too. For how simple the game seems there's a lot going on here when you dig a little deeper. The graphics are great, there's some sick pixel art on display here. Roster is a good size and even has 2 extra hidden characters you can play as. I don't really have as much to say about this one, it's just really really good.Pros:Very good game feel.Good sized roster.Very good graphics.Extra Tidbits:Wanna play as Grant? Hold Start while highlighting Dong Hwan and press up, up, down, down, up, down.Wanna play as Kain? Hold Start while highlighting Jae Hoon and press down, down, up, up, down, up. (Way easier than Kula, huh?)Just buy it, even if you're not interested in any other Neo Geo titles, if you like fighting games you probably won't regret it.Well that's it for now I guess. I'll probably do another one of these once the Neo Geo games stop popping up on the eShop. Hopefully this has been a good use of my time seeing as how there's not too much talk about these games on here and I feel like you might be missing out if you ignore them entirely. If I missed any good ones be sure to let me know!Bonus shout-out to Magical Drop 2, it's not at all a fighting game but it's the only other Neo Geo game I have so far. If your friend group likes Puyo Puyo Tetris at all this might not be a bad addition to your library. It's a really fast paced color matcher and its pretty frantic and fun. via /r/NintendoSwitch
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