#and 2- pep already beat his ass twice in the tower so he's not incredibly interested in starting shit or pissing him off for the hell of it
beatcroc · 1 year
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@clownpepperoni hi hello and hrrmmmm. in terms of How It Would Develop i'm torn between "noise eventually realizes fake pep isn't going to hurt him and they become playmates" and "peppino drags this out as long as he possibly can"
i do genuinely love them as friends because it can sate noise's desire to be a little terror while fake pep also gets to play rough with someone who isn't going to freak out whenever he so much as touches them; they probably team up sometimes to Bother peppino, much to his chagrin, but it's much more harmless than what either of them would get up to solo.
on the other hand, fake pep really is just kind of unnerving to encounter if you don't know anything about him. the post was intended to be a 'first meeting' type thing, so either way noise knows there's two of them now; but that certainly isn't telling him anything about what the hell this thing is or where it came from or why it seems to listen to peppino, or why peppino would even have it around in the first place. and peppino sure as fuck isn't going to tell him. peppino very much encourages fake pep to go after noise because he loves not having to personally deal with that little shit every time noise decides to be a problem, and fp is totally convinced they're just playing because peppino is otherwise pretty strict about keeping him from, uh, unintentionally menacing other people like that. [customers are a rarity out there, can't let him scare off the few you do get!] [fake pep is learning but it is hard. ZERO concept of personal space. he means well but unfortunately he can't help being a scary gunk beast 😔]. but yeah noise does not love it whenever to he goes to terrorize peppino and sees this thing excitedly charging at him instead since he has no idea what the hell it wants. i feel like they can get away with this for a pretty long time since fake pep isn't Always around and noise never knows whether or not to expect him. keeps him on edge.
anyway i probably won't get to any other noise stuff in proper comics but i left it open-ended intentionally for if other people wanna splash around with it, haha. we'll see if i have any ideas or motivation for funney noise dialogue after the uhhhhh Five other ones for the rest of the cast i have planned currently :x
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