#and 'oh yeah he IS rumored to be her dad. wow. wont take responsibility publicly or financially but he's here? what a weirdo loser.'
sammydem0n64 ยท 7 months
okay soooooooo, now that we know a bit more about them, what do Cairo and Moraia think of Darco since he's kinda like, there and looking out for Harlie a bit and also there's this whole thing where he's more of like a father to her than anyone else,, also the fact that he comes from a pretty well off family as well so i mean, are they nice to his face when he's around so they don't ruin their reputation?? do they just talk shit about him behind his back when he's not around?? do they just ignore and mind their own business and focus on Harlie instead?? i'm kinda just curious ksajdnkas
First and foremost they are HATERS!! Naturally! The Dazs family is known for making some assholes so to them, Darco is just another elitist asshole who hides behind a fake persona. They don't like that he's one of Malina's friends either since they're ALSO Malina haters
Naturally, they're pretty ticked off that he's there for Harlie and like. Actually treats her like a kid. and a person. Both of them (mainly Moraia)'s whole deal is that they take out their hatred for Moraia's parents and Malina onto Harlie as a way to fuck up Malina (even though it's not really working), so having someone who is literally their antithesis show up and treat Harlie with kindness and gets her out of the house so they can't hassle her is annoying.
Still, Cairo isn't directly hostile and Moraia keeps her comments framed as passive aggressiveness. While a lot of them are assholes, the Dazs' ARE still the most wealthy and well known family in Creamcrest, so they're not going to poke a hornet's nest and possibly be ostracized again cause they told the eldest Dazs son to fuck himself and leave Harlie alone. In private they absolutely complain about him but in person? Like I said, Cairo isn't directly involved and Moraia rides a thin line.
Darco knows they're both pieces of work though and doesn't like them, but he doesn't directly confront them on their behavior towards Harlie because he doesn't want them mistreating her more as a result; taking their frustrations at his criticism out on her and all that. He'd also absolutely figured out they don't like him either, but hey, it's mutual. He's just trying to keep things under control for Harlie's sake :(
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