literatoindefinido · 9 months
Escrevo mil textos sobre ti. Sobre nós. A suavidade do teu toque me embala, o cheiro do teu perfume me envolve como brisa que nunca senti antes. Deixo livres todas as sensações outrora confusas para irem embora, abrindo caminho somente para todo o sentimento bom que me resta.
Transformo em poesia todas as nossas memórias, declamando tudo que já vivemos. Não apago o passado, mas mantenho-o distante para não manchar o presente tão dócil que temos agora. O agridoce se foi, o te amar de longe e te odiar de perto transformou-se em apenas te amar. De perto, de longe, de todas as formas possíveis.
Às vezes estranho a calmaria por falta de costume. A segurança me abraça e me leva pela mão como uma amiga constante, juntando-se ao conforto de todas as coisas que me invadem agora. As sensações são tão pueris que me sinto amando como uma criança livre, desinibida, apenas o amor em sua mais bela forma. Não há loucura, não há ansiedade - há apenas tu, suave, fazendo eu me sentir abraçada de todos os trejeitos possíveis. E o toque é bom, tão bom.
Nem em minhas fantasias mais sórdidas e enlouquecidas eu poderia te imaginar desse jeito, sentir-te dessa maneira. Eu acordei e o sonho é tão mais real, tão mais vívido, tão melhor do que tudo que eu poderia esperar. Arrependo-me por todas as vezes que te deixei escapar, mas suspiro e recompenso em todos os momentos em que posso te segurar por perto, em acalento arrebatador.
Queimo em fogo lento, sentindo a brasa aquecer a pele, as labaredas subindo sem causar queimadura alguma. As chamas me envolvem e então tudo vira um fogo azul, sereno, envolto em pacificidade. Sinto o calor e apenas permaneço ali, sonhando acordada, consciente de tudo.
Não sei o que esperar. Então apenas desejo que nunca acabe.
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thicksexyasswomen44 · 2 months
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Home At Last
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saltycharacters · 1 year
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[ID: 6 digital drawings of a dark-skinned, cat-themed humanoid trio. These drawings are divided into 3 pairs, with each pair featuring a different character on both a colored and grey background, accompanied by their name. The top 2 images feature a lanky, nervous-looking character with both cat and human ears, tall cat-themed boots, dark jeans and sweater, and a long cat tail. On the it hangs a butterfly charm, and the end of the tail there’s a tuft of fur resembling a wobbly cat eye. This detail is also applied to her side bangs and ponytail, and she is labeled as “Midnight”. The middle 2 artworks feature a leopard-themed person with vitiligo, a blue afro, green wings, bell-bottoms, and puffy vest. The left side of her head is shaved, with her shorter hair covered in leopard spots, and her tail is divided into fluffy parts and leopard-spot parts. Her name is written as “Skylar”. The bottom 2 drawings feature a pink-themed, fat individual with rounded lion (our cougar?) ears, a teacup-themed dress, paw sneakers, and star-shaped freckles. Her hair is long and pink with brown stripes, partially tied into a braid which is held together by an hour-glass themed bow and teacup. She is also wearing a pillow-themed satchel, and is labeled as “Anaiz Daydream”. End ID]
Catgirl Sibs :]
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sawyersscribbles · 5 years
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OC Ship Aesthetics: Finley and Anais ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Hey guys! So I know I’m on partial hiatus but I really wanted to make some original content for you since I haven’t posted anything in a while o.o
“This color means you’re angry, and this color means you’re confused.” Anais held Finley’s hand in hers and read off the label for the mood ring she had slid on to Finley’s finger. Finley smiled reassuringly at Anais as if she were listening, but the feeling of Anais’s hand on hers was nearly enough to drive her mad. and she wasn’t sure why. Slowly, she trailed her eyes up Anais’s face and asked herself when, exactly, Anais had gotten so beautiful. Her eyes stopped on Anais’s lips, and the thought came without warning.
Kiss her.
Finley audibly gasped and covered her eyes with her own hand, forcing herself into darkness. The thought scared her, sending stabs of fear up and down her back.
It was just a thought. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s silly, really. Just a moment of weakness, is all it was.
But she knew the thought well -- it wasn’t a new one. It plastered itself in her head years ago, and each time Anais smiled at her it cried out again. Kiss her. Kiss her.
She wanted to. She wanted to so badly. But she knew what happened to girls like her who let themselves listen to the silliness in their heads.
“Finley? What is the matter?” Anais over-enunciated the words, forcing her English to be clear. At times like these when she became suddenly worried, her accent sometimes made her unintelligible. She lifted Finley’s hand and checked the ring, and then the slip of paper and her eyes softened. “Dark Blue - In Love!”
“I’m so sorry, Annie, I'm so so sorry, please don’t let this mean I ruined everything, please...”
Between apologies, Anais pulled Finley close by the waist and kissed her softly on the lips, only pulling away every so often to get a better angle. Sometimes their noses would brush against each other or Finley would kiss Anais’s cheekbone, jaw, ear, and Anais would giggle, but that only made Finley kiss her harder. She expected the warm feeling in her stomach to go away, but it grew stronger with every kiss. She refused to ever think it away it again.
Tag list: @codewritelove @erisunderthemoon @thespooniewrites @ashes-to-sen@ill-write-when-im-dead @porcelain-heartstrings@idreamonpaper@blonchen@cohldhands @mejohanssonwrites@theforgottencoolkid@griffinoliverwrites@neirawrites @bowtomypointlesswords @thekeyten @leicawri @books-of-lunacy @random-writings-fandom-writings @therandomwritings @maskedlady@indecentpause@thewritertiffany @starlitesymphony @ejmcmoon-fanworks @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword @cryptid-kaz @ejmcmoon-fanworks @madebyyourstruly @watermelons-writings @rika-writess @omgbrekkerkaz @ofvisitorsthefairest @cynically-optomistic @thatpaperlife @a-deanskidgellwrites @collapsedkaleidoscope
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tahminizmm · 4 years
Aarhus - Randers karşılaşmasının detaylı maç analizi ve iddaa tahminleri yayınlandı! (28 Mayıs 2020) | #iddaa #tahmin #analiz #bahis #banko #sürpriz #bedava #ücretsiz #maç #şikayet #agf #aarhus #randers
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literatoindefinido · 9 days
Sinto a percepção se esvaindo por meus dedos. Não percebes ou apenas enxergas, mas ignoras os sinais? Com todas as perguntas do impossível, todos os questionamentos, parece-me mais que a percepção é uma nota passageira a ser oculta no contexto, inimportante se for indiferente ao teu objetivo.
Nunca gostei disso. Repetir como me sinto, replicar sentimentos que me incomodam, pedir pelo mínimo. Odeio sentir a repetição batendo na porta, as palavras proferidas sendo ignoradas, eu gritando mentalmente para que seja diferente e sendo tudo igual. De novo. De novo. De novo.
Talvez eu seja irracional, talvez eu me importe demais. Talvez seja mais fácil fechar a porta que abrir a janela toda vez e sentir a lufada me derrubar, ininterrupta, intermitente, repetente. Eu sinto a obstinação, a determinação, e novamente pertenço ao segundo plano, ao incontestável lugar que sempre me encontrei.
Queria sentir que meus esforços não são em vão, que o que eu digo surge efeito, que não é sempre a mesma briga toda vez. Queria não me sentir pedindo pelo mínimo, implorando pelo óbvio, retraindo-me por cansar de clamar pelo que nem deveria ser pronunciado a princípio.
Dramatizo, soltando meus sentimentos no papel da forma mais realista possível, sabendo não fazerem parte de um jogo dessa vez. Por quanto tempo mais esse ciclo repetirá - insistente, intermitente, interminável? Por quanto tempo mais precisarei ser sempre a compreensiva quando sinto que o mínimo de compreensão não vem do teu lado a um mero pedido de um pouco mais, quando é meu por direito? Quando me foi prometido e não cumprido, não ouvido, não considerado.
Ignorado, novamente, no meio da impercepção perceptível, em meio a todos os questionamentos de tudo bem, quando no fundo percebes que não está nada bem. Nada bem nisso. Nada bem no acaso do desacaso inserido por interpolação.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Butch do you know a human named Anaiz?
Butch’s grin doesn’t budge an inch but he does narrow his eye sockets at you
Butch: yea I know a guy. Whas’ it to ya?
Proceed carefully
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bikiniboobies · 5 years
Anaiz Kassianov
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allfather-we-stan · 3 years
this is an appreciation ask because you are so kind and funny and awesome and cool, and you always like and reblog my posts even if they're stupid and i always love talking to you and your posts are so funny they always brighten my mood
🥺👉👈❤️ omg thank you so much ily❤️❤️❤️❤️ you’re anaizing and funny and cool❤️❤️❤️❤️
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suntaici · 4 years
Nu pot sa slabesc. Am din nou 61 de kg. Efectiv nu stiu ce sa mai fac. De la nutritionist la exercitii fizice , la anaize , gym , miscare , abtinere de la mancare .... am facut totul si de la 58, iar am 60 de kg .... nu mai suport
Bună. Se mai întâmplă să ai și o perioadă aiurea, dar asta nu înseamnă că trebuie să renunți. Fii mai atentă cu alimentația, vezi unde exagerezi și ai grijă de tine. Poate e și faptul că mănânci pe fond nervos.
Fiecare om are o tipologie diferita de organism. Este normal sa te mai ingrasi si sa mai slabesti. Nu toata lumea are un corp care ramane la fel dealungul timpului.
Continua drumul tau, e normal sa mai intampini dificultati de genul pentru ca progresul nu e tot timpul liniar :) Nu te descuraja, nu renunta, ci continua cu incredere!
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thelocdbella · 4 years
How I Improved My Business
One day, while scrolling through social media, I came across West Street and immediately felt compelled to inquire about a work-study program. This video above was captured in 2015 during a photography session by Jimi Sweet, the studio’s owner/manager. I remember I was still trying to figure out the whole photography thing while working as a Reservationist in Midtown. I had no “formal” training, no professional gear and all I had were willing friends who wanted to be my models. Little did I know, that opportunity would then lead me down the road to where I am now with a thriving business and working alongside my epic Ma-tographer, Amy Anaiz.
Unfortunately, my dad passed that year and I became a recluse. I gave up my work-study, photography and not long after, met Amy, who I now consider my own personal mentor and sister (despite me calling her “Ma”). Haha! Over the last three years, I’ve managed to take my business off overwhelm and into autopilot because of the lessons and skills I’ve learned while working during my time at West Street and creating with Amy. If there’s one thing I’ve learned while having a mentor is that it’s okay to share your resources and anything you believe can help someone else without overextending to exhaustion. So here I am, ready to share with you the processes and applications I use on a daily to keep my business up and running and still have the time to do other important things.
I know you’re here for one thing, so I’m not going to keep you long. Below, you’ll find the applications I use. Let’s keep it real though! Although there are some good deals in signing up with these links, there are some that are affiliate links. What does that mean? It means I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. I just needed to be transparent with you so you can make the best decision for you and your business.
I’ve been using Tave since January 2020 at the suggestion by a friend. Note, they are not a wedding photographer, but rather a wedding planner. What is Tave? It is an application that helps in keeping me organized in so many ways. It allows me to have everything in one place. I’m talking about contracts, emails, invoices, payment processing, workflow lists, calendars, questionnaires, and quotes. And guess how much I am paying per month? A whopping $25 per month for all of that. I remember when I first started, I had an app for everything. I had an app for taking payments, one for workflows, one for calendars, my email app, and an app for invoices. Then I’d head over to Microsoft Word to draft up contracts and questionnaires. Not only is Tave saving me money, it’s saving me time; literally and figuratively. By the click of a button, I’ve created a workflow for one client and all I have to do is press send. No extra drafting of things, going back and forth between different apps. If you decide to try it, you can do so for 60 days by signing up HERE. I know! You’re welcome!
I remember finding Pixieset years ago and I am still using it. If you are a photographer, it is the coolest and most modern way of sharing photos with your clients. The presentation is gorgeous and not to mention, they have different templates you can choose from for delivery. Oh! Did you know that you can attach a printing lab to your galleries and if a client decides to order images, it goes directly to the lab? Yes! If they order prints, the lab will send it directly to them. You do nothing. Like I’ve been saying, I’m all about saving time because TIME is MONEY! Most recently, they’ve added Pixieset Website where you’re able to build your site without having to upload new images. You can do that with the images you already have in your collections. The site templates are CHIC, MODERN, SIMPLE, and easy to navigate. So not only are we saving time, we are doing it while looking poppin! OKURR!! Check out Pixieset and tell me what you think!
I know, I know! You use PayPal and there’s nothing wrong with it. However, I am a big fan of Square for features such as the ability to create marketing campaigns specific for social media and/or newsletters. I’ve been able to create specialized coupon codes and a loyalty program for my trusted clients. If you’re a business with employees, you are able to use their payroll and timecard options within the app. Not to mention, their mobile app is extremely efficient. You’re able to send invoices, set appointments through online booking, and create gift cards for your holiday marketing strategies if you’re into that sort of thing. What I love most about Square is that I’ve been able to connect it to my Tave system to collect payments and these payments I can immediately transfer to my bank account or debit card for less than a 2% fee.
Alright, so I’m gonna be a little honest with you. I’ve been neglecting my newsletter for roughly… 2 years. I know! That’s a long-ass time! It’s not what you think, I promise. See what had happened was, I had MailChimp right? And it was so tedious to manage that I just gave up on it. Then my internet BB, Chasing Denisse, mentioned Flodesk on her story once and I went to check that baby out! Look here, Bellas, Flodesk is the truth! Simple and easy to use. The templates are sexy AF! I was able to create and send out my first newsletter last month in under 30 mins. When you sign up HERE (I say when, because you will dump MailChimp LOL!), you’ll get 50% off your subscription.
Now, what’s the point of building a website, setting up payment processing and creating a whole workflow if your branding and look is non-existent. That’s why I love Creative Market. It’s an online space where you can purchase anything from presets or actions for your photos, social media templates, and website templates to help with the look of your business. I’ll go on and on, but there’s no need when you can look for yourself. You can buy me a latte when you’re done.
Now, over the winter break, I’ve been spending 1-2 days per week watching online courses I’ve purchased/been gifted and learning from webinars to help with improving my business. I was introduced to Creative Live by Jimi years ago and have been hooked ever since. I’ve learned about lighting, posing, photography skills I can improve on to make my portraits pop and even small marketing details to take my business from basic to bougie. With Creative Live, you can attend the class the day of, watch a replay or purchase to watch at your leisure. That’s not to say I don’t learn and get hands-on experience working with Amy, but when I’m not shooting with her or my own weddings/sessions, I need to make sure I’m keeping my skills sharp and improving as I go.
With that said, go out and be bad AF. Don’t play small. Take it one day at a time and continuously work on improving not just your business, but yourself. I hope these apps (if you decide to try) assist in enhancing your systems and allocate more time to spend time with friends and family.
What apps do you normally use to streamline your business daily?
PS: You can check out my revamped site and let me know what you think. It’s exciting to see!
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nadki · 7 years
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little birbs :33
i still draw things, just forget to submit them here or make the files too big XD
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empleosusa · 3 years
Amarres de amor con Miel en Corrientes
Amarres de amor con Miel en Corrientes
¿Necesitas Amarres de amor con Miel en Corrientes? Puedes realizar tus Amarres de amor con Miel en Corrientes con Anaiz, ella es tarotista y vidente de Nacimiento estará encantada de ayudarte en Corrientes. Anaiz te ayudará a realizar ese amarre que necestas hacer por amor en Corrientes. Los amarres de pareja realizados por María en Corrientes usan las fuerzas de la naturaleza para obtener…
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tahminizmm · 4 years
Charleroi - Oostende karşılaşmasının detaylı maç analizi ve iddaa tahminleri yayınlandı! (27 Aralık 2019) | #iddaa #tahmin #analiz #bahis #banko #sürpriz #bedava #ücretsiz #maç #şikayetvar #charleroi #oostende
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literatoindefinido · 16 days
Queria pôr no papel tudo o que sentia. Tinha medo, entretanto, de transbordar junto com a tinta, respingando, encharcando, molhando a folha por inteiro. Afogava-se em sentimentos, submergindo cada vez mais dentro das sensações desconhecidas. Conjugava o verbo amar. Em seu interior, ele nunca fizera tanto sentido quanto agora - nunca fora tão vívido, tão bonito, tão simples. Amou de todo coração. Amara aos poucos, de mansinho, com cuidado. Amava descomplicadamente. Ama agora com intensidade, com fervor, sem limite. Teve medo de errar a conjugação. De colocar o tempo errôneo, de pular as linhas no meio do caminho. Tentou ser racional, mas perdeu-se na trajetória.
Deparou-se encarando o papel, cética, incrédula por se sentir segurando o verbo com a ponta dos dedos e andando de mãos dadas junto ao amar que tanto esmerara. Sorria, tolamente, diante de toda a conquista que aquelas quatro letras lhe proporcionaram, todo o inimaginável na ponta da caneta, trilhando linhas finas no papel. Segurou com firmeza, desenhou símbolos do infinito e almejando a conjugação eterna de todo o intransitivo.
Recuperou todas as dores, embaralhou-as na palma das mãos e jogou-as ao vento, virando-as ao contrário sobre o papel. Reorganizou as letras e transcreveu dissabores em amores, sofreres em dizeres e cicatrizes em raízes. Preenchia as folhas com maestria, não mais cega, mas clarividente de todos os dias ensolarados que poderia criar.
A luz transbordava sobre a superfície: amarela, branca, prismática. Pontos de poeira circulavam pelo feixe que atravessava a janela, tingindo toda a escrivaninha de compaixão. Todas as palavras boas que poderia imaginar, todos os sentimentos infindáveis que poderia proferir. Não era mais a sociedade dos poetas torturados - era a sociedade da poeta banhada de amor e girassóis. E envolta pela saia rodada, inundada pela reciclagem dos contos-de-fadas, ela declamava poemas com o fervor não de quem apaixona - mas de quem ama. Clara, inteira, completa, infinita e perfeitamente.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Anaiz is Bastion working as a bartender in one of Butch's favorites bars
Oh yea! Sure you can ask about @wuilll characters, but nothing super detailed. It’s her stuff so I don’t know their personalities well enough
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