#amrita feat. aiyla 003
dvsconocvdo · 26 days
closed starter for @aiylabaysal
Amrita liked patterns. She enjoyed routines and consistency. Some times doing the same thing helped ease her mind, but this... this was having the opposite effect. The young witch found herself once again with a huge bouquet of flowers going to a leader of the town to apologize for her actions. This pattern was frustrating. It was agitating to know that she had broken some rules again, that she had damaged property again, and the most infuriating thing of all was that she knew, deep in her heart, that she'd do it all over again. How could she apologize properly while knowing this? Wasn't she just arrogant at this point?
Ever since the day of the masquerade Amrita had been on edge. Her mother's words kept repeating themselves on her mind over and over again. She knew why it was happening. Mother's Day was just around the corner, still, she was better than this. Taking a deep breath and exhaling after counting to five, Amrita reached for the doorbell and rang it. Hopefully some white roses, hyacinths, and baby's breath would get the message across. Waiting patiently for the door to open, she spoke out of habit. "I hope now isn't a bad time."
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