valorxdrive · 4 years
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This is literally on you Jace
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we really goin there
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softroseymuses · 4 years
@tuesdayscanons said:
*breathes in*
*Y E L L S*
Okay but I just have to say thanks to Tuesday as well, I adore their muses as threads okay?? As yes, Goosewing and Violet together are the dream team, honestly <3
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NOw onto tagging nine more lovely peepos under the cut
@ambcrheart: you are??? so funny??? Like I adore our interactions in character but out of character, you’re just...bean??, I love how we can get really deep into our plots together, it’s honestly just so great
@wendyfulmother: another dear, dear friend that I share ideas with all the time with. Rp’s kind of on the back burner for us both, but thank you so so much for staying in touch. Wendy is pure and so are her interactions w everyone around her and I love her and you to bits
@musesofthegladeandbeyond: eyyy so I don’t interact w you through this blog yet, and we’ve both been a bit quiet, but I love your interpretations of your characters. You’re really friend-shaped and I hope we interact more in the future!
@madgirltm: hey so I’m rly proud of you, Max. You’re finding a rhythm with your blogs and with life, but you’re sticking with it! You’ve introduced me to so many beautiful people and you’re such a good writer too like omgosh? I love your ideas sm-
@dragcnsden​: You are? So good? and so sweet? Like, you really are so friend-shaped, too, and I love the blogs I follow. The life you breathe into your work really is one of a kind, and reading your threads is such a treat.
@sxmeone-always-gets-hurt​: I’ve just more recently been getting into writing with you, Taako, but you? You are excellent. You understand Donald on such a level, I admire what you put into bringing such an icon to life. You’re also just such a neat person to talk to, I love you-!
@c0in: I’m not tagging your multimuse since I know you’re still working on it but I can’t help it I gotta shout you out. You’re really cool to write and plot with, and I’m looking forward to what the future holds for you!
@dreamsofalife​: Okay so I...ly?? You’re such a fun person to talk to, and I love all of your characters and your writing to itty bitty pieces and rly, Shy and Jose are otp I love them-
@soul-heart-and-beyond​: You...put so much love and hard work into your blogs, you know that, right? I don’t pop in to read your stuff that often, but each time I do, your grasp on your characters is impeccable, honest to Betsy.
Honorable mentions go to Ratchie, Rena, Lofty, Calavera, Ed, Chris, Ginnie, Renn, and Jaiden for also making my rp experience so wonderful. You all are amazing people, and I wish you all good things for your blogs. Chances are, too, if you’re reading this, you are the absolute bomb. Whether you’re interacting with me ic or ooc, or you just like reading my content, you really do play a big part in driving my blogs forward.
I love you!
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fclsusrex · 4 years
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Yozora had no idea where he was as his current body appeared more toy and plastic like as his mismatched irises of bright blue and crimson look at the doll who was currently trying her best to cheer him up, he offered her a weak smile as he stared at the video game in front of him as on the cover was him which made him wonder about his life: 
Was he really just a part of a video game? 
Nothing but a virtual world for one’s amusement? 
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His toy hands clench as he tried to remain strong, he has to reclaim his lost heart as well as his original body no matter what!
He looked back at Amber before replying, his face holding some sadness to it despite trying to remain in the positive side of things.
“I’m sorry Amber, really, I wish I could reclaim the heart and body that were lost to me. This isn’t what I’m supposed to look like, my mind forever a blank page...no memories of a life. 
I’m nothing but a empty shell, trying to cling to the remnants of a world long forgotten. Thanks for trying to cheer me up as I greatly appreciate it, hope everything goes well for you...”
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thalassicradiance · 4 years
@ambcrheart​ Cue one glance at her profanity-laden Magna Doodle. "Um... heck?"
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She can live with that at least. Much better than other curses.
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twilightshards · 4 years
@ambcrheart​ liked for a starter!
The war was long since over and so far the worlds out there seemed safe, but Sora would never pass up an excuse to go world hopping to see new and old friends, and what better excuse than to check in to see if the worlds really were as safe as it seemed? 
Toy Box was one of the first stops on his journey. He’d wanted to visit Buzz and Woody, and the rest, but he’d arrived pretty late in the evening, and Andy had been home so the toys had pretended to be... well, just toys. Sora decided he would wait it out by going to Galaxy Toys Store in the meantime. The store was closed, but being as small as he was it wasn’t hard to find a way to sneak inside. He found his way to one of the stores he’d visited his last time there. 
That was when he saw her. That doll... It took him a moment before he remembered. She was not immobile or dancing on someone else’s strings this time around, though, which lessened Sora’s initial wariness. 
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“Hey, you’re that doll... right? Are you doing okay now?” he asked, before it hit him that she might not even remember him, and he hadn’t exactly introduced himself back then. “Oh, I’m Sora, by the way. We never got to really talk last time, heh. What’s your name?” 
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“Well this is certainly new..” 
The Doctor had come into the store, but something felt unusual, like there was something here that was alive, he could feel it in the air. He was unsure about what it was, other than the other people here. He mused through things and found himself drawn to a doll, a doll in a loita style, emerald green eyed and everything, a beautiful doll and her eyes held a life-like quality to them. 
So he bought her and took her with him back to the TARDIS. carefully sitting her on the chair and he’d sit crossed legged in front of her. The apprentice-magic user was unsure about this, but he could almost feel something in her. 
the muse roulette was spun. || you got the au 13th doctor! || @ambcrheart​
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Starter: #65
ambcrheart liked for a starter.
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Well, this...was new... Staring at the little girl he frowns as he senses something off and shifts a bit as he steps back to have a better look. If he remembers correctly from rumors and stories, this little girl was a Heartless, so...how was she here?
“Who are you?”
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rubbcr-hose-toons · 4 years
Now, hearing the phrase ‘my legs have grown a pinch loose’ would weird out, or perhaps even horrify, most people, but Oswald had built of a lot of the residents here from scratch. Or from...debris. You get the idea.
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As much as instincts were a crock, he didn’t sense an obvious threat from this creature. The Card Guards were obviously always on edge. They have four of ‘em after all.
Angelic Amber. Talk about a moniker, though, he used to have nicknames in the past too.
He waved, “Don’t go with the ‘your Majesty’ stuff. But I’d be the guy to do to for wrenches and remotes. But the Mad Doc’s lab will have that kind of thing.”
It would be rude to ask her what she was.
“So what are you?”
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lepussolum · 4 years
          @ambcrheart​​ ━ starter.
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          ❝ 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚎. ❞ 𝙰 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚢𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 ━ honed with equal precision and lethality to that of a knife. For what more was there to say? It would be foolish to remain where one was clearly neither needed, nor desired. To linger would only further drive the point of one’s own worthlessness. Whether it was a lack of particular skill or out or a deep seated ━ though not unwarranted ━ sense of MISTRUST, Isa could sense that chasm between him and his newfound “companions” growing ever deeper. Their surreptitious glances rimmed in apprehension did not go unnoticed. No, they drove into his back like more than a dozen biting needles. This audience to his mockery left his fledgling heart sickened, which only furthered his frustration. Scream, lash out, do something ━ all these emotions welled up inside that little light and left his body trembling. Fingers curled into tight fists, rigid at his side as he nestled his features behind the collar of his coat. 
          ❝ Now, Isa, you understand why this mission is not suited for one of your...caliber. To simply banish the Heartless back to the Realm of Darkness, rather than release the hearts trapped inside would only- ❞
          Yen Sid, the legendary wizard whose feats were renowned even among Organization XIII, now patronized the former member. The poor attempt at dissuasion to mask his true intent only left the Diviner to slip deeper into an icy temperament. He had little desire to stomach much more of his excuses. 
         ❝ You need not lecture me. ❞ With an outstretched hand, Isa summoned a Dark Corridor within the cluttered office of the Mysterious Tower. At his back he could sense the shift in atmosphere as half the room’s occupants grew guarded at the appearance of the shadowed archway. Master Aqua summoned her keyblade instinctively from where she stood by the desk, Terra already placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Any pretense of trust between Isa and the Guardians of Light was little more than a thin veil which obscured little of the lingering ANIMOSITY that dwelt between them and the Organization. 
      Out of his peripheral, Isa could see Lea take a few hasty steps toward him from where he idled alongside Roxas and Xion. Hand outstretched, he moved to grab hold of his old friend, perhaps in an attempt to explain the situation or soothe his evident irritation. However, Isa merely flinched away from his touch as though it were made of fire itself. Increasingly Isa found his impression of Lea to come across this way. Ever since his restoration an undeniable LIGHT within him seemed to burn ever brighter ━ scorching to a heart still splintered with DARKNESS. In contrast, the Diviner felt tainted. While Lea seemed to have shaken off the Organization’s remnants, Isa feared he continued to walk a thin line between light and darkness. He remained on the brink of redemption and destruction and he knew the others could sense the conflict within him as well. 
          Without another word, the former Nobody entered the wavering portal. He did not spare a second glance to his “comrades”, if one could even consider them as such. Thus far their intent seemed simply to humor him ━ appease the MONSTER  ━ or out of consideration for Lea’s wishes. But it had grown painfully clear that there was no true place for Isa among the keyblade wielders. Could he truly blame them? No, not after all the suffering he had put them through under the orders of Xehanort. But this could not subdue his bitter heart. With a clench of his open palm, Isa sealed the Corridor behind him. In his mind he could practically hear King Mickey admonish his actions, reminding him how dangerous traversing through his previous means would now be. With a fresh heart cradled in his chest and no keyblade to be had, he was all but begging for a swarm of Heartless to attack. Or so that was the little king’s impression. It seemed as though Isa was either underestimated or FEARED  ━ there was no middle ground.
          I am not so weak.
          To be misjudged so cruelly was an insult. Time and again, the Guardians would not even give him a chance to prove his worth. Without a keyblade he was little more than a liability in their eyes. Did they expect him to simply waste his days away without purpose in Twilight Town? Did they fear that if they gave him a chance that he would lose control once more? With a click of his tongue, Isa stormed off down the path that stretched through the Realm of Darkness. At the very least he could prove his worth to himself ━ or vent his emotions somewhere else. In passing he had heard Yen Sid discuss a minor outbreak of Heartless numbers within a world inhabited by living toys that would be addressed in the near future. Curiosity had piqued Isa’s interest in the assignment, for the destination sounded vaguely reminiscent to and experiment conducted within the Organization. Who was to say he could not look into the matter first?
         Churning a few feet down the rocky terrain was yet another Dark Corridor that beckoned him through. It was a small blessing that Isa managed to pass through the Realm of Darkness unscathed ━ though he mused the reason being the darkness which continued to cling to his heart like cobwebs. Either way, he safely made his way to his destination, both intrigued as to what he would find and eager to blow off some steam. The portal spat him out into a rather cramped corridor; walls encased in steel framed him on all sides. Echoing through the winding metal hall was a dull hum, accompanied by a subtle gust every few minutes. A light seemed to reflect around a nearby corner and the faint sound of cheery melodies reverberated from the same direction. Attention thoroughly captured, Isa made his way down the strange hall, head bowed slightly due to the short “ceilings”. 
          ❝ How unusual... ❞ What awaited the former Nobody at the end of his journey was an abrupt end to the steel path beneath him and a drop into a massive toy store. It would appear the Dark Corridor placed him within a ventilation system, judging from the bird’s eye view he now had over the shelves below. But what was more curious was just how he fit inside such a usually small space. His enchanted attire shifted his appearance to match that of the world so as to preserve order. Considering the denizens of this store were living toys, it came as no surprise to him to see his knuckles fixed together like that of a ball-joint doll beneath a white cotton glove. Fascinated, Isa brought a hand up to delicately trace his now warped features. Cool porcelain met his touch, eyes far too large to be anything close to that of an actual human ━ though his scar still marred his brow even in this new body. Not only did his features change, but his clothing as well. Gone were his usual jacket and pants to be replaced with a tailcoat and slacks. A blue ribbon bow tie decorated his button down shirt to match the pocket square neatly folded beneath an emblem to match the moon and star piece he usually bore. Even his sapphire locks had been slicked back and gathered into a fluffy braid finished with a ribbon. The entire set emanated the butler aesthetic.
          Not my first choice, but it will do.
          With a shrug of resignation, Isa peered over the vent’s ledge to see a path down. From this distance he could already spot a small horde of Heartless congregating by a dollhouse perched upon the shop’s windowsill. A collection of toy boxes propped up beneath him in a convenient makeshift staircase by which he could easily climb down. The dress shoes which adorned his now tiny porcelain feet did not provide the best traction, but he managed to make it to the store’s solid ground without wiping out completely. Unfortunately, his entrance left Isa rather exposed and the lingering Heartless were quickly drawn his way. Not that he would complain having come to this world more or less in search of a decent fight. 
         His steps were leisurely paced, not at all disarmed by the dozen malicious creatures that now approached him. Hand outstretched, LUNATIC formed in his grasp through a flash of brilliant blue light. The claymore weighed no more than usual despite his new form, the frigid steel vibrating with power ━ as though it desired little more than to unleash its full strength and rain havoc down upon all who dare draw near. In response the Heartless grew agitated, provoked by the potential threat. They crept towards his approaching figure, their twitching forms also mimicking the toys which surrounded them. A small snort of amusement escaped the Diviner,
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         ❝ You find strength in your numbers? ...How pitiful. ❞ In a swift arching motion, Isa dragged the head of Lunatic long the store floor. The blade seemed to SCREECH with delight as it sent a streak of energy towards the nearest Heartless. With a wail, the monster was banished back to the Realm of Darkness having not so much as a chance to fight back. However, three more Heartless quickly filled its place. The “minor outbreak” Yen Sid had anticipated appeared more aptly as an infestation. Shadows seemed to shift in nooks and crannies, gleaming hues eyeing him hungrily as they looked for the proper opening to strike. Still, Isa remained unfazed, his expression carefully trained in chilly apathy even as the horde grew about him.
          ❝ Do try to entertain me for a while, won’t you? ❞
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feralquirks · 4 years
@ambcrheart​ // sc
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 “oh---” a startled noise came from the replica, stumbling back before falling on his back before sitting up quickly. “oh---so-sorry, you startled me!”
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theguardianthewill · 4 years
@ambcrheart || Plotted starter  (The Guardian)
Despite the way the Realm of Darkness had become his usual residence, there was a part of the Guardian that missed the Light and its inhabitants. Some of it was his nature, as Heartless were invariably drawn to hearts, but then again he also harbored curiosity.
The world he was in was not one he had ever visited in the past, but the concept of ‘toys’ crossed his mind soon afterwards. It wasn’t long until he wandered close to a dollhouse, approaching one of the nearby aisles and carefully grabbing one of the plushies. It was, it seemed to him, quite larger than it should have been, but he nevertheless managed to move it towards a nearby chair.
The Guardian nodded at the arrangement, satisfied with himself, before a doll caught his attention. A few moments later he was floating in Amber’s direction, his senses picking up on something the plushie hadn’t had: a heart. And now the Heartless was definitely more curious.
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valorxdrive · 5 years
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♕ -  ”I knew that didn’t make any sense! There’s no way you could’ve been given such a crazy number like that Amber!” He peeks over to her, a resolute look fixed onto that face of his.
Oh he was obviously planning something.
“How about we get to seeing what issue is on this directly?”
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@ambcrheart​ watched the moon...
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She had heard it from Henry. It was a rumor. Worlds connected from this place and onto others far beyond from here. Yet it was impossible that it was a rumor anymore. Something pricked at her skin and rumbled deep within her heart. There were outsiders. She wasn’t like the others who protected the royal family, but she was a toy. She still provided protection, comfort, and guidance. Flesh and blood didn’t stop her from performing her job. A toy didn’t rest until its’ master did, and Usagi simply was passed to the next generation, even in this state. Being made of flesh, blood, and bone had some perks. It meant she could run from danger and towards it, should she be needed. Given Snow White’s family having a nasty habit of always being in danger, she always had to lurk nearby.  Once a rabbit, always a rabbit, even if she was a stuffed one. Usagi had been on the way back from school. She moved slowly and kept her eyes on the darkening skies rather than right in front of her. The bouncy girl was bound to bump into someone at this rate, but there was a peculiar way that the sky crackled with electricity that she was sure this was no ordinary storm. It was charged with magic... Something was amiss. Perhaps it was those portals. Perhaps someone had tossed a magic bean to see another world, but the girl was almost certain this wasn’t the effect of a bean...was it? Tilting her head back down to face the sidewalk and street, the girl hopped along at her usual pace. The skies continued to grow darker and Usagi had come to rest at a “No Parking - ANY TIME” sign by Granny’s Diner.  What she wouldn’t give for a carrot cake cookie about now. Her dark and curious eyes darted around, still curious about the uneasy tingle in the air. “...Nobody’s out to play ‘cause it looks so sad...but there’s nobody on the way home, either.” She pondered. “...I  wonder what somebody did. Someone always does something that chases everybody off. Glad it’s not me...”
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verumking · 4 years
❤ :o
⚔️ *:・゚✧┆send me ❤ and I will bold all that applies to your muse. ❪ accepting! ❫
I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you like family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me.
❪ @ambcrheart ❫
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orgmoogle · 4 years
(Oh hi! You didn’t add a topic. xD )
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intertwined-hxarts · 5 years
ambcrheart replied to your post: I would like some �� ❌��
“Hmm… a skeletal ‘X’ on a dotted triangular map?” [[amber no]]
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boneless pizza
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