#always feel So Annoying like i don’t shut the fuck uo ever and i also send ppl too many things at once and also i say stupid things and i
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
I don't know if you know what they are, but I picture Kai as either an asmr sucker or like a big big hater. Like maybe his S/O does asmr and one day he's just like "yeah fuck it, let's see how this thing works" and he actually falls asleep right his S/O whispering to him cute and adorable things on the mic while he was wearing headphones. I dunno, but a scenario or some headcanons would be really cool :D Thanks for you time hun
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"Are you seriously doing those stupid things again?" He growled in both dissapointment and dismay at seing you, in front of a computer with headphones on and holding a microphone.
"Yeaaaaah?" You smiled dumbly and in embarrassment while taking your headphones out of your ears.
He scoffed while rooling his eyes. Unbuttoning two buttons to at least be comfortable in his own room.
"I really am in doubt if I should call you a idiot or a creep for doing those things... honestly, is... disturbing."
"Never try it my dearest devil so can't judge." You smirked at his glare and turned down the computer.
"People who listen to this are perturbed and sick... Clearly don't have anything useful to do with their lifes."
You gasped in offense and stood up, already taking a few steps.
He was soon going to ask, aka demand, where were you going... come on he just got a break, don't just leave like that.
He arched one eyebrow of his when you sitted on the bed with a angry pout and picked a pillow to place on your crossed legs before poiting at it.
"How about a deal then?" You bargained "You listen to some of the things I do, the difference is that a extremely exclusive one, of you end up liking, you stop for once complaining about it."
He wasn't. Never. But he wanted to see what you had to offer while crossing his arms and looking down at you, expecting what he would won.
"Other wise... uhm..." you nibble on your lip in thought while he watched the action carefully.
"You stop doing this nonsense." He interjected, you getting wide eye while he only arches his eyebrow, his maks hidding his smirk.
"Ugh! Fine!" You kneeled on the bed to look up at him with a smile extending your hand, not really hoping he would shake it back but you could try it at least "Deal!"
You swore your eyes almost popped out of your head when his gloved hand picked yours to place a muffled kiss on it while mumbling 'deal'.
You yelped while giggling falling on your back on the bed while your boyfriend deadpanned at your actions.
"Brat." He groaned at your smile while you got up and patted your thighs.
"Go on! I can stay here all day!"
"... you live in here. It's obvious that you're going to spend the rest of the afternoon-"
"Kai it was just a way of speaking..."
He hesitantly leaned down and forced himself to close his eyes to just end this for once.
You started first with little sounds with your fingers close to his ears but he only flinched and scoldes you for that.
First attempt failed.
Then you picked one object and slightly started to hit your nails with it... propting Kai to open one of his eyes in irritation.
"This is annoying. Stop."
Second attempt also failed.
You were already in your fifty one and you were starting to get desperate while you could see the smugmess on Kai's eyes but still same freaking stoic and bored face as always.
A idea thankfully popped into your head and you lowered your head to whisper on his ear, centimeters away, not touching still.
"You're the light of my life.. Chisaki Kai." You swallowed down your urge to laigh when you saw his shivers and the way his body had tensed.
"What the hell-"
"You work so hard for the yakusa." You continue noticing that he had opened his eyes to look at you in suspense "Clearly the best leader that they ever had and ever will."
You smirked at seing his muscles soften a little, but still wide allert on guard.
"What are you planning with this?" He numbly said before he sighed and stared uo at the ceiling "This is way more disturbing."
"Is it? Just me saying how much I apreciate you is creepy? Aw... what a shame." You got closed while his breath hitched on his throat "I just like to say what are my honest feelings here."
"You do now huh." He monoustly poited out, still with the bored expression but his body showed what was happening.
"Sometimes I wonder how I got so licky yo having such a handsome, glorious, powerful man as my boyfriend." You comtained your excitement at seing his eyes getting heavier while he hummed "Those arms, always so strong and so powerful... can I?" You murmured with your hands close to rouching his skin.
It took a bit of seconds before he breath out 'do what you wish' and you slide on the tip of your fingers and nails through his skin, smirking proudly at seing his shivers at the contact but not any signs of irritation or infection.
"Your chest... so... gosh a work of art indeed." You trailed your hands through his clothes chest "Everthing about you is just so intoxicating and I just want more and more..."
You nuzzled the tip of your nose on his neck before returning to look up at him.
"Don't even get me started on those marvelous and beautiful golden eyes and-" you stopped when you saw the movement of his chest, rising and falling slowly and peacefully.
Did he..?
You dared to took off his mask slowly and even saw a small smile planted on his lips... and he hadn't even moved a muscle!
"Kai?" You called quietly, when you didn't respind you bited your finger to contains your screams of joy.
Your boyfriend was a light sleeper, so seing him just laying there and not answering your call was the clarest sign that he jad fallen asleep.
"I won! I won! I won~!" You singed while following a very irritated and grumpy Chisaki.
"I just fell asleep it doesn't mean that I enjoyed the experience. In fact it wasn't that pleasant dearest." He groaned while pinching between his eyebrows, ignoring the warmth spreading on his covered cheeks.
You quickly got in front of him, making him scowl at your actions but still stop.. not without getting past you... he tried at least.
"But! You fell asleep with a lovely smi-" he placed his gloved hand quickly on the top of your mouth and checked if anyone was around you.
You giggled in his hand while Chisaki narrowed his eyes at you, taking his hand away and scrubbing on his pants.
"You're still not doing those things." You gasoed at that.
"What? Why?! I won!"
"... you get to do those... things sometimes. But not with strangers, not only is dangerous but extremely weird."
You blinked in disbelief... in his language it means he wanted that to him but you decided to be a pain in the as for once.
"So I get to those things with Rappa or Kuro-"
"Don't. Ever. Repeat." He grabbed onto your shoulders and stared you with dark eyes down at you "Those attrocities again. Neither dare to do it." You giggled before kissing his cobered nose.
"Not in my plans! I like seing you in peace hon! It suits you!"
"Oh shut up." He growled while adjusting his mask up, ignoring now not only his warm cheek but also ears.
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