#although i guess the cal and oleander comics have been pre-game. the timeline is a mess. have fun
anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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because Cally O'Pia AU is just constantly rolling around in my head lately I did this little concept sketch of the end of RoR in this AU! Instead of the boss fight and memory deep-dive, it's essentially Raz getting let in on the "Loboto is actually Agent O'Pia" thing by Oleander, projecting into his mind, and getting some insight on what's actually going on from the Real Deal Cal while he's using mental projection to have the Loboto persona put up a front for his employer.
[Image ID: A black-and-white drawing based on Puzz's "Cally O'Pia" Psychonauts AU. Cal (wearing a Psychonauts janitorial uniform, wrap skirt, two fanny packs, ribbed socks with sandals, several necklaces and bracelets, shaggy shoulder-length hair, and round glasses like his child self) and Raz are crouched behind a stack of papers, with Cal covering Raz's mouth. Both are looking up nervously at a giant mental projection-style Loboto, sloppily scribbled onto a piece of paper. End ID.]
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