#alternate title/summary: jasper tells his two dads about his crush
jasperdunlop · 5 years
The Difference Between a Dream and a Fantasy
Henry decides to confront Charlotte about why she’s been avoiding him. Meanwhile, Jasper has an accidental heart to heart with Ray and Schwoz.
Word Count: 2058
Note: look at me i’m actually writing! this was an idea i came up with for the end of the next ep! i wrote the outline before the promos came out so if it doesn’t totally match up, that’s why. i also wrote this kinda quickly so it’s not my best but i wanted to post it before the ep and i hope y’all enjoy it
Dedications: i’m not sure how many of you like to read fics or if you’d be interested in this one specifically, but i’m gonna tag a bunch of friends and if you don’t want to read it you totally don’t have to! also lord knows i take forever to read fics so absolutely no rush lol @cactus-con @xanderdewitt @ciara-knightly @up-the-tube @youngbloodthekilljoy @ginger--binger @gwendastacy @max-thunderman @jelenarulestheworld
"I think I'm gonna, uh, work up in Junk N’ Stuff today, call me if you need anything," Charlotte tells the group as she speeds into the elevator right as Henry walks out of it.
Henry barely has time to process what Charlotte said before the elevator door is starting to close. "Wait, Char! I wanted to talk to you about-"
Charlotte gives him an exaggerated shrug as the door closes between them. Henry scoffs and turns to face Jasper, Ray, and Schwoz on the other side of the Man Cave. "What is her deal? She's been super weird around me all week. Did I do something to her?"
The three others share a hesitant look. Charlotte told them about her dream the day before, and they all promised to keep it a secret from Henry while she got over it.
Henry notices the look and squints at them. "Wait, do you guys know why she's being weird?" When no one answers, he takes a step towards them, "Come on guys! If I did something then I wanna know so I can apologize!"
Jasper sighs and walks over to him, putting a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "You didn't do anything, alright? Something… weird happened and Char just needs a little bit of space."
Henry tilts his head at the vague explanation, "Are you sure? I mean, maybe I should go talk to her or something." He turns slightly to look back at the elevator, considering the idea.
"You can if you want to, but I promise she's fine," Jasper responds as he lets his hand fall off of the other boy’s shoulder.
Henry glances back at Ray and Schwoz, and they both give him a half shrug in agreement with Jasper. Henry takes a long breath in, considering whether he should follow Charlotte or not. After a second of thinking, he turns around and walks to the elevator, pushing the button as he says, "I'm gonna go talk to her, I'll feel better hearing all that from her." The others nod at him in acknowledgement as he gets into the elevator and heads upstairs.
The second the elevator door is closed, Ray turns around and pulls up the video feed of Junk N' Stuff on the monitor, currently showing Charlotte sitting alone behind the counter. Jasper knows that there's no way he can talk Ray out of this, so he figures he may as well watch too. Plus, he can't say he's not interested in how the conversation between his best friends will go.
While Jasper casually lingers a few feet behind Ray, Schwoz eagerly rushes to the man’s side, practically bouncing with excitement. "Do you think they're finally going to date?"
"Oh, definitely. They've liked each other for years," Ray casually responds, eyes glued to the screen as he waits for Henry to appear.
Jasper chuckles slightly at their excitement and a second later they see Henry walking through the bead curtain and towards the counter of Junk N' Stuff. Charlotte awkwardly greets him as he stands across the counter. “Hey,” he responds. “I asked Jasper and he said you weren’t, but are you mad at me?”
She basically repeats the same thing Jasper told him earlier, that she just needs a bit of space, but that doesn’t seem to be enough for Henry.
"But what happened that made you need space? I must have done something, and I wanna fix it," he says, desperation clear in his voice.
Charlotte smiles at his dedication. "Seriously Henry, you didn't do anything wrong! It's really not a big deal."
The two go back and forth a few more times, Henry insisting that she tell him, and Charlotte insisting that he doesn't need to know. Even Ray and Schwoz seem frustrated by the aimless exchange.
Luckily, Charlotte eventually relents. "Fine! I just had a... weird dream about you and I guess it freaked me out a little bit."
Henry pauses for a second, clearly not having expected that answer. Once he's taken a moment to absorb the information he asks "So, what happened in the dream? It must've been pretty crazy if it freaked you out that much."
It's barely noticeable on the tiny screen, but Charlotte's eyes widen at the question. "Oh, uh, it was dumb, don't worry about it," she stutters.
Henry giggles at her sudden shyness. "Oh, come on! Just tell me." Charlotte shakes her head and gives him a firm look but he pouts in response and adds a "please" just for good measure.
For a second Jasper thinks she isn't going to give in and tell him, that she really is way too embarrassed about it, but it only takes a few seconds of Henry's pout for her to crack. "It's not a big deal, okay? But uh, I fell into the lion's exhibit at the zoo and couldn't get out. Then you showed up as Kid Danger-"
"As I do sometimes.”
"-and you pulled me out. So, we were standing close, you were uh, holding me, and since you had just saved me you looked so... heroic."
Henry has his elbows on the counter now, leaning forward slightly in interest. Charlotte hesitantly continues, "We were just staring at each other, and we were so close that we both started... leaning in. And we were about to uh," she pauses again, her eyes looking anywhere but Henry, "about to kiss. And that's when I woke up."
Henry's eyebrows shoot up at the word kiss, but nothing else on his face reveals his thoughts on the dream.
Charlotte laughs awkwardly, put off by the lack of reaction. "Pretty weird, right? So I figured that if I was around you too much I might accidentally try to... you know... kiss you." Jasper has never seen Charlotte stutter this much before, she's rarely ever nervous when talking to people.
She stays quiet for a moment, now staring intently at Henry, whose face still hasn't changed, making it impossible to gauge any sort of reaction. "Henry?" she finally says, her tone begging him to say something.
The tension in the Man Cave is just as thick, everyone leaning forward and intensely focused on the screen, like if they stare hard enough they can make something happen by sheer brain power alone.
Without a word, Henry pushes himself off of the counter and walks around it to where Charlotte is standing. "Uh, Henr-?" he cuts her off by pressing a kiss to her lips, catching her off guard.
Ray and Schwoz immediately explode into cheers and grins, while Jasper’s jaw drops in shock. Ray turns to high five him, but isn’t met with the enthusiastic reaction he was expecting from the boy. Once he realizes Jasper isn't going to return the high five, he slaps a hand on the boy's shoulder instead. "Son, come on! Those two finally got together, this is awesome!"
Schwoz grins and nods behind him, finally tearing his face away from the screen to look over at them. Jasper tries to wipe the shocked expression from his face and give them the smile they want, but it comes out forced and insincere. Ray takes his hand off of Jasper's shoulder as his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. Schwoz walks a few steps closer to them and says "Come on Jasper! Isn't this exciting?"
Jasper lets the fake smile drop as he looks at the ground, kicking his foot slightly. "It's... it's hard to be excited when your best friend and your crush are kissing," he cautiously responds, voice wobbling a bit on the word crush. He had no plans to share his feelings with anyone, ever, but something about actually watching the two kiss made him just vulnerable and heartbroken enough to do so.
Ray and Schwoz share a wide eyed look, and Ray turns back to him with pity in his eyes. "Oh wow, kid. I had no idea, you never said anything," he says gently, like he's worried he'll hurt Jasper even more if he's not careful. Jasper shrugs a bit, still avoiding eye contact. "How long have you liked Charlotte?" he uses the same gentle tone, but he asks the question so quickly that Jasper can tell he's dying to hear the answer.
Jasper fixes his gaze even further into the Man Cave floor, biting his lip and staying completely still. After a couple moments of Ray waiting impatiently, Schwoz speaks up, words gentle but deliberate, "How long have you liked Henry?"
Jasper glances up at Schwoz for a second, a soft and knowing look on the man's face. Who knew Schwoz of all people would be the one who could read him the best?
Ray spins to face the other man, an incredulous look on his face. Jasper doesn't see the face Schwoz gives in return but Ray slowly turns back to him, realization dawning on him as he takes in Jasper's expression. "Oh."
As much as he wants to never speak again, Jasper knows he needs to say something, otherwise this horrible silence will go on forever. He decides to answer Schwoz's earlier question, "I realized it a few months ago, when Henry lost his powers. But I'm pretty sure I've liked him a lot longer than that."
"Oh," Ray repeats, still not having fully processed this whole conversation. Schwoz just gives him a tight lipped smile, and unfortunately for Jasper, the silence returns.
He can tell neither of the men want to push him on the subject, and aren't sure what to do in this moment. Jasper can't handle it, so he speaks up again, "Guys, it's not a big deal, okay? He's still my best friend, and him and Charlotte clearly like each other a lot, so I'm not gonna get in the middle of that."
That seems to snap Ray out of his funk, because he gets his fervor back as he says "But your feelings still matter!" He bounces back and forth on his feet, like he's trying to physically force an idea into his head. "There's gotta be something we can do, right?" he asks as he waves his hand, gesturing to nothing in particular. He suddenly snaps his fingers. "Schwoz, could you make some sort of reverse love potion? Something to get Jasper to stop liking Henry?"
Schwoz opens his mouth to respond, already nodding slightly, but Jasper cuts him off before he gets the chance. "No! Dude, I don't need a reverse love potion. It's a crush, it'll go away eventually. It sucks for now, but I can deal." Ray and Schwoz share an unsure glance. "I'm serious! I don't need you two to alter my brain chemistry or whatever. I'll be fine," he states firmly. Ray and Schwoz seem to accept it this time, but they still look at him sympathetically.
Jasper glances back at the screen and sees Henry and Charlotte now holding hands and heading towards the elevator. "They're coming back downstairs. Not a word, okay? Neither of them need to know about this." Ray and Schwoz both nod and Jasper sighs in relief just as the elevator dings and the doors begin to open.
Luckily, Ray and Schwoz's excitement about the kiss did not fade after their conversation, and as soon as Henry and Charlotte walk out of the elevator saying that they have an announcement, they start jumping happily and yelling about how they saw the whole thing on the monitor. Jasper approaches them too, giving them the most genuine smile he can muster, hoping that it’s more convincing than the one he gave Ray and Schwoz earlier.
Once everyone calms down slightly, Jasper finally speaks up. "So, should we call you guys Chenry from now on?" he asks, a teasing tone in his voice. Henry and Charlotte both roll their eyes but grin all the same, and Henry claps a hand on his shoulder as he slips the other hand around Charlotte's waist.
Ray and Schwoz continue to prod the new couple with overly personal questions while Henry and Charlotte gag and refuse to answer. Jasper can't help but smile genuinely as he watches his friends joke around casually. He still isn't exactly happy about what unfolded today, but if even Ray can support him no matter what, then maybe he can be happy about it someday.
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theomnilegent · 5 years
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2019 Upcoming LGBTQA Fiction I’m Excited For!
A new year, a new top nine for women-lead LGBT fiction I’m looking forward to reading! There are, of course, a great many more books than the nine I’ve chosen this time ‘round - I think I will eventually make a part two to this post. I am so, so happy to see that this year we have even more diversity, even more stories about characters from all walks of life, from different parts of the LGBTQA umbrella, and even more LGBT novels. I remember a time where it’d be hard to find more than two YA novels with LGBT themes published in a single year - and now we have so many amazing works coming out!
The themes for 2019 seem to be gay witches, space gays, and explorations of mental illness in the LGBT community. I am so excited to read stories about girls and magic! I am more excited to read stories about girls and love! And I am definitely excited to see multiple books seriously addressing the issues of mental illness in young lesbian and bisexual women - it is a serious topic that has often been glossed over in the past, and to see multiple works that want to tackle these issues, and the issues of toxic relationships, in a healthy way is refreshing. 
Below you’ll find titles, summaries, and goodreads links.
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki Laura Dean, the most popular girl in high school, was Frederica Riley's dream girl: charming, confident, and SO cute. There's just one problem: Laura Dean is maybe not the greatest girlfriend. Reeling from her latest break up, Freddy's best friend, Doodle, introduces her to the Seek-Her, a mysterious medium, who leaves Freddy some cryptic parting words: break up with her. But Laura Dean keeps coming back, and as their relationship spirals further out of her control, Freddy has to wonder if it's really Laura Dean that's the problem. Maybe it's Freddy, who is rapidly losing her friends, including Doodle, who needs her now more than ever. Fortunately for Freddy, there are new friends, and the insight of advice columnists like Anna Vice to help her through being a teenager in love.
Starworld by Audrey Coulthurst & Paula Garner Sam Jones and Zoe Miller have one thing in common: they both want an escape from reality. Loner Sam flies under the radar at school and walks on eggshells at home to manage her mom’s obsessive-compulsive disorder, wondering how she can ever leave to pursue her dream of studying aerospace engineering. Popular, people-pleasing Zoe puts up walls so no one can see her true self: the girl who was abandoned as an infant, whose adoptive mother has cancer, and whose disabled brother is being sent away to live in a facility. When an unexpected encounter results in the girls’ exchanging phone numbers, they forge a connection through text messages that expands into a private universe they call Starworld. In Starworld, they find hilarious adventures, kindness and understanding, and the magic of being seen for who they really are. But when Sam’s feelings for Zoe turn into something more, will the universe they’ve built survive the inevitable explosion?
The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta Danny didn't know what she was looking for when she and her mother spread out a map of the United States and Danny put her finger down on Tempest, California. What she finds are the Grays: a group of friends who throw around terms like queer and witch like they're ordinary and everyday, though they feel like an earthquake to Danny. But Danny didn't just find the Grays. They cast a spell that calls her halfway across the country, because she has something they need: she can bring back Imogen, the most powerful of the Grays, missing since the summer night she wandered into the woods alone. But before Danny can find Imogen, she finds a dead boy with a redwood branch through his heart. Something is very wrong amid the trees and fog of the Lost Coast, and whatever it is, it can kill. Lush, eerie, and imaginative, Amy Rose Capetta's tale overflows with the perils and power of discovery — and what it means to find your home, yourself, and your way forward.
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi Sana Khan is a cheerleader and a straight A student. She's the classic (somewhat obnoxious) overachiever determined to win. Rachel Recht is a wannabe director who's obsesssed with movies and ready to make her own masterpiece. As she's casting her senior film project, she knows she's found the perfect lead - Sana. There's only one problem. Rachel hates Sana. Rachel was the first girl Sana ever asked out, but Rachel thought it was a cruel prank and has detested Sana ever since. Told in alternative viewpoints and inspired by classic romantic comedies, this engaging and edgy YA novel follows two strongwilled young women falling for each other despite themselves.
The Meaning of Birds by Jaye Robin Brown Before, Jessica has always struggled with anger issues, but come sophomore year that all changes when Vivi crashes into her life. As their relationship blossoms, Vivi not only helps Jess deal with her pain, she also encourages her to embrace her talent as an artist. And for the first time, it feels like the future is filled with possibilities. After In the midst of senior year, Jess’s perfect world is erased when Vivi suddenly passes away. Reeling from the devastating loss, Jess pushes everyone away, and throws out her plans to go to art school. Because art is Vivi and Vivi is gone forever. Desperate for an escape, Jess gets consumed in her work-study program, letting all of her dreams die. Until she makes an unexpected new friend who shows her a new way to channel her anger, passion, and creativity. Although Jess may never draw again, if she can find a way to heal and room in her heart, she just might be able to forge a new path for herself without Vivi.
The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum Ryann Bird dreams of traveling across the stars. But a career in space isn’t an option for a girl who lives in a trailer park on the wrong side of town. So Ryann becomes her circumstances and settles for acting out and skipping school to hang out with her delinquent friends. One day she meets Alexandria: a furious loner who spurns Ryann’s offer of friendship. After a horrific accident leaves Alexandria with a broken arm, the two misfits are brought together despite themselves—and Ryann learns her secret: Alexandria’s mother is an astronaut who volunteered for a one-way trip to the edge of the solar system. Every night without fail, Alexandria waits to catch radio signals from her mother. And its up to Ryann to lift her onto the roof day after day until the silence between them grows into friendship, and eventually something more...   
How It Feels To Float by Helena Fox Biz knows how to float. She has her people, her posse, her mom and the twins. She has Grace. And she has her dad, who tells her about the little kid she was, who loves her so hard, and who shouldn't be here but is. So Biz doesn't tell anyone anything. Not about her dark, runaway thoughts, not about kissing Grace or noticing Jasper, the new boy. And she doesn't tell anyone about her dad. Because her dad died when she was six. And Biz knows how to float, right there on the surface--normal okay regular fine. But after what happens on the beach--first in the ocean, and then in the sand--the tethers that hold Biz steady come undone. Dad disappears, and with him, all comfort. It might be easier, better, sweeter to float all the way away? Or maybe stay a little longer, find her father, bring him back to her. Or maybe--maybe maybe maybe--there's a third way Biz just can't see yet.
Going Off Script by Jen Wilde Seventeen-year-old Bex is thrilled when she gets an internship on her favorite tv show, Silver Falls. Unfortunately, the internship isn't quite what she expected... instead of sitting in a crowded writer's room volleying ideas back and forth, Production Interns are stuck picking up the coffee. Determined to prove her worth as a writer, Bex drafts her own script and shares it with the head writer―who promptly reworks it and passes it off as his own! Bex is understandably furious, yet...maybe this is just how the industry works? But when they rewrite her proudly lesbian character as straight, that's the last straw! It's time for Bex and her crush to fight back.
These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling Hannah's a witch, but not the kind you're thinking of. She's the real deal, an Elemental with the power to control fire, earth, water, and air. But even though she lives in Salem, Massachusetts, her magic is a secret she has to keep to herself. If she's ever caught using it in front of a Reg (read: non-witch), she could lose it. For good. So, Hannah spends most of her time avoiding her ex-girlfriend (and fellow Elemental Witch) Veronica, hanging out with her best friend, and working at the Fly by Night Cauldron selling candles and crystals to tourists, goths, and local Wiccans. But dealing with her ex is the least of Hannah's concerns when a terrifying blood ritual interrupts the end-of-school-year bonfire. Evidence of dark magic begins to appear all over Salem, and Hannah's sure it's the work of a deadly Blood Witch. The issue is, her coven is less than convinced, forcing Hannah to team up with the last person she wants to see: Veronica. While the pair attempt to smoke out the Blood Witch at a house party, Hannah meets Morgan, a cute new ballerina in town. But trying to date amid a supernatural crisis is easier said than done, and Hannah will have to test the limits of her power if she's going to save her coven and get the girl, especially when the attacks on Salem's witches become deadlier by the day.
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