#also. maybe its because im listening to the frozen soundtrack. maybe thats why.
reki-of-the-valley · 2 years
I'm not saying my girlfriend is my voice of reason but like. I'm not seeing her this weekend and the urge to bleach my hair and dye is some odd color is very strong rn
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. clean overpacker old head lefty eyebag 😅
Yes maam, you are older. You so old, you a mtlf. Hahahaha oh sheesh I'm sorry if I crossed the line there. And you'll just be old meanie head. I haven't seen your nice side yet 🤔 just kidding just kidding.
But you really mean for doing that! Now I gotta just come up with the ending while you having fun and not writing 🤣
You got everything packed though and ready to go?
See, this is why I can't write. If I make a story, it'll start mysterious. Then I will end it with a joke or something else. My readers will go wtf hahahaha
I had a Miley phase when I was younger. But not like crazy or anything. I just love her voice. But no, I would not have played her over and over again if I work. Whenever I work in the kitchen while opening, I usually play rock alternative songs. So I can be more awake 🤣
Oh you be flirting with people on your asks?? You sly fox. Hm, she pointed it out, was she jealous? 🤔
Which do you like more though, NSync or Backstreet Boys?
My teenage years, I'm probably the same.. and Maroon 5. I love Maroon 5. I think I also listen to Maroon 5, the songs about Jane album when I am sad.
There are songs that give out sexy vibe. I have a few actually that I know on top of my head that I would play if I wanna set the mood 😅 how about you?
Okay, since we're on a song list questions. Name 3 songs that reminds you of your favorite person.
Hahaha wow, u just like to rub it in my face that i'm old huh? 😅🤣
Oh wow, i thought u r older than i am.. because the way u talk about backpain like u r almost 40 😅🤣
Mtlf? What is mtlf? Is it a typo from what u meant milf? Because if it is what u meant, then i will say no i'm not..😅🤣 yes i am a mom. But no, im not a milf. Because milf r hot n im not. Im far from that. 😊 but thank u.
Its okay, u didnt cross the line. I got that quite a few times in here just because of i'm a mom n my age. 😅
Haha well, u havent seen my nice side yet? Thats because i take it slow on showing how nice i am.😅 did u forget that i'm a shy person?
Yeah im already kinda packed. 1 suitcase was ready but i gotta re-arrange it.😩
I never heard of her songs, only the wrecking ball one.
Haha u can still be a writer, u can write however u wanna write even though ur follower will be "wtf" because it's ur story.
Well, i thought i wasnt flirting with people on my asks (including u) but she told me that i was.. 😅🤣 yes, she got jealous but then she understand n know i didnt mean it so she let it pass. Lol. But yeah she said that i was flirting in the ask all the time. Then i got really confused.🤣🤣
I love both of them. All their songs r good. But if i hv to pick britney or christina aguilera, i would pick britney..
Ah yeah! Maroon 5! Oh my gosh, how come i forgot about them. Yeah their songs about jane album was really good. Have u heard the accoustic album for that album yet? It's really good. Whats ur favorite of their songs? Mine is Sweetest Goodbye.. dang now i wanna listen to them.
Yes i think there are songs that's sexy. I usually listen to them when i write smut. Some of them sometimes dont have sexy lyrics but the vibe n beat give a sexy vibes. Oh okay, gimmie the songs please?maybe i will.listen to it when i write my next smut.😁
1. Annie's song
2. Let it go frozen soundtrack (my daughter)
3. Goodbye the saddest world (my mom)
4. Any jazz songs (my dad)
What about urs?
Next question?
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brelione · 4 years
Wish I Was Sarah PT.1(Kiara Carrera X Reader)
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Kiara had first met you 3rd of December.You had been at a party,a christmas party to be specific.You were a kook which meant your parents forced you to go to all the big mansion parties all the time.All of the big ones were there,Sarah Cameron,Topper Thornton,Rafe Cameron,Kiara Carrera.All of them.
You had worn a sweater over a simple t shirt,too lazy to put on a dress like all the others.Your parents were just glad that you had agreed to make an appearance even if you looked like shit.You had sat in the corner of the couch,earbuds in.You were listening to Sweater Weather,thinking it was funny because you were,in fact,wearing a sweater.
Kiara had stood at the snack table for a while,holding a disgusting monstrosity of a cookie,debating on picking off the sprinkles and throwing them away.She had never really been a fan of sprinkles.She had glanced around the crowds,the moms talking as they ate cheese cubes,the dads talking as they drank beers and wine,the other teens probably getting high up in the bathroom.Then her eyes fell on you.
She felt her face heat up immediately,staring at you for a while.You were underdressed for the occasion,your earbuds in as you sat curled up on the couch,seeming tired of being there.She debated herself in her head,trying to decide whether to approach you or not.Eventually she gave in,walking across the room with fake confidence,sitting down next to you.She watched as you tensed up,your eyes going wide,your bottom lip between your teeth,wondering what she wanted.
You pulled out an earbud,looking up at the beautiful girl that had decided to sit next to you of all places. “Hey.”She smiled,holding out her hand to you. “Im Kiara.”She introduced herself.You pulled out your other earbud,a small grin on your face. “Hi.Im (Y/N).”You shook her hand,feeling your face heat up a bit. “So um….yeah.What song were you listening to?”She asked,trying not to laugh at how dumb she sounded.You showed her your phone,finding yourself moving closer to her on the couch. “You like Frozen ll a lot.”She laughed,watching you scroll through the playlist.
You nodded,handing her an earbud to make her listen to Lost In The Woods. “Ive never seen Frozen ll.”She admitted,watching as your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. “Kiara!Oh my god-whats wrong with you?”Your voice became higher as you talked,your hand covering your mouth.She laughed at you,shrugging. “Wait,have you seen the first one?”You asked.She nodded,watching as a look of relief came across your face. “Okay,did you like it?”You asked.She shrugged once again,smiling at your enthusiasm. 
“The second one is better I promise.”You answered.She rolled her eyes,leaning back against the couch. “Im serious!The soundtrack,the animation everything is so much better!”You exclaimed,shaking your phone as you spoke.She nodded. “Yeah,whatever you say.”She replied,watching as you tried to convince her. “You have to watch it!Please?”You pouted.She nodded,making you clap your hands in excitement as you went into your disney plus app.She watched as you scrolled through the movies,a big grin on your face because you had easily defeated her.
 “Its so cold in here.Who puts air conditioning on in december?”She complained out loud.You handed her your phone for a moment,not hesitating to pull off your sweater and hand it to her. “That’s pretty warm.”You told her,not really thinking about it.Her face turned red,biting her bottom lip as she held back a smile.
She had originally regretted her wardrobe choice of a green dress,the fabric light and flowy,her arms exposed which caused goosebumps to rise across her caramel skin.She didnt regret it now though as she pulled on your sweater,the warm fabric making the goosebumps go away.Her heart was thumping as you moved incredibly close to her,handing her an earbud and holding your phone in front of the two of you.
As you reached the point of Into The Unknown it was announced that dinner was ready,ham,turkey,potatoes,corn,rolls,pretty much everything imaginable.It disgusted you that you all had a feast of expensive,high quality food while people in The Cut were lucky to have a meal a day.The adults called the other teens downstairs for the meal and you promised Kiara that you’d finish watching it after.You two decided to sit next to eachother at the table,your sweater still on her.
She offered it back to you,saying that she didnt want to get food on it but you told her that it was fine and that it looked better on her anyways. “So the movie...what do you think about it so far?”You had asked softly as Kelce and Topper came down the stairs. “Its good.Its good,like you said,better than the first for sure.”She nodded,eyebrows furrowing when she noticed your eyes falling away from her and towards someone walking down the stairs.Sarah fucking Cameron.The blonde was wearing a nice,light grey dress that looked amazing on her figure,her hair in pretty braids.
Kiara saw the look in your eyes,the way they were full of wonder,mesmorized by Sarah Cameron.She felt like dying,like being eaten up by a black hole as she wondered how she could be so stupid.She had thought that maybe you were interested in her but it was probably because she had been the only girl there.Now that Sarah was here she would be lucky if she could get your attention back again. 
“So what do you think of the theory about Elsa?”She asked,glaring at Sarah.Your face heated up,taking your eyes off of the pretty blonde and back to Kiara. “What theory?”You asked,glancing over at Sarah every couple of moments.Kiara tried to hide her anger,covering it with a small grin. “The one about her being a lesbian.What do you think of it?”She asked,trying to learn more about you and if she even had a chance.You bit your lip,looking over at the plate of biscuits. 
“I mean,I think at this point we all just want representation in disney and in like,media in general but I dont think Elsa is a lesbian.I feel like she might be aromantic or maybe...well,I dont really know.There’s nothing-well,you know she actual might be a lesbian,”You paused,leaning forward to grab a biscuit and put it on your plate. 
“There’s this one scene in Frozen ll,ill point it out to you that has like vibes to it.But then again just because she doesnt have a male love interest doesnt exactly mean she’s a lesbian.Moana and Merida didnt have guys that they were in love with but that doesnt mean they’re lesbians.Merida might be a lesbian,have you seen how good she is in nature and cooking fish in the wild?And how she knew those berries were poison?Thats some cottage core lesbian shit.What was I talking about?”you asked,realising you had gotten caught up in the topic and had forgotten the original question.
Kiara smiled,glad to hear you speak so passionately about something. “If Elsa is a lesbian.”She held back a laugh,watching as the realisation came across your face. “Right,so the answer is yes but also no but also yes.Like at least fifty percent yes but also no but im 1000% confident in Merida being a lesbian.”You confirmed,cutting open your biscuit.She nodded,trying to think of a new topic before she lost your attention again. “So the whole thing of people shipping Else with Jack Frost.What do you think of that?”She asked,laughing when your fists slapped down in your lap,gaining the attention of Rafe and Sarah. 
“Dude literally it makes no sense!Jack Frost isnt even disney!Like the only reason anyone ever shipped them was because they have the same powers but Jack is like 300 years old and hes like...energetic and giggly and child-like and immature and she would get so annoyed so quick!She’s introverted and serious and of course theres nothing wrong with that but she gets like too embarrassed too fast and I cant see them ever getting together or even being friends.Like,Merida is most definitely a lesbian but if they’re gonna ship Jack with anyone it should be her!Their personalities are so similar.”You huffed,biting into a half of your biscuit.
She nodded,grabbing a scoop of mashed potatoes and putting it onto her plate. “Yeah,definitely.So who is your favorite disney princess?”She asked,sending a bitter glare towards Sarah.Sarah had been staring at you during your passionate speech,filtering out the other voices to listen to you.She found you fascinating,intriguing.She was trying to figure out why she didnt know you or if you were new to the island.You glanced her way,smirking to yourself when you saw her blush. “Um...I dont think I have a favorite.They’re all powerful and wonderful in their own ways and they all have pretty cool stories.Except Pocahontas,I hate that they romanticize colonization and in reality she was like ten and he was in his late twenties.The soundtrack was great though.”You shrugged,taking a sip of root beer.
She nodded,listening in to what the old folks were talking about.There were more people outside who had opted to take plates of food out there.Kiara wouldve preferred to go outside but it was colder out there and she hadnt been prepared.Her mother was looking at her from across the table but Kiara couldnt care less,too busy searching for your parents. “Hey,(Y/N)?”She asked quietly,getting your attention off of your biscuit. “Where are your parents?”She asked.You shrugged,getting your own scoop of mashed potatoes. “I think they’re outside.I dunno.”You answered.She nodded,continuing to eat,sending a glare towards Sarah every couple of moments. 
“Eat faster so we can finish the movie.”You told her,not thinking about it as you spoke.She smiled,hurrying to eat. “Wait,why dont we just go outside and watch it?”She suggested.You bit your cheek,trying to figure out why you hadnt thought of that.You nodded,standing up and picking up your root beer,balancing it on your plate and walking out of the house,Kiara close behind you. “Where are we going?”She asked.You grinned,careful as you walked down the hill. “I know a spot.”You answered,walking across the sand of the beach.
You had explored pretty much all spots of the beach and had found your favorite one,a cave behind a wall of rocks that you had personalized.You walked towards the rock wall,slipping through the crack. “What is this place?”She asked,still following you.You smiled,turning on your phone flash light so you could see the lantern that you had put in there,turning it on.Her face lit up,looking around the cave.Pillows,sheets,blankets,pretty curtains hanging from the walls,a bin of paints so you could paint the rocks. “Thats such a good question.I really dont know how it got here,I just went through the crack one day and kind of just found it.”You shrugged,sitting down in the pile of pillows and patting the spot next to you.She sat down,shifting so she was as close to you as possible,leaning her head against your shoulder to test the waters.You pulled the earbuds from you phone,turning up the volume of the movie.
@poguestyleskye​ @jjtheangel​ @balanceofgray​​ @outerbongs​  @copper-boom​  @httpstarkey​ @teenwaywardasgardian 
If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.If you’d like to be tagged in all Kelce content coment with a “>” and if youd like to be tagged in all Topper content comment with a “%”.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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question thing o:
tagged by @pyroinquisitor !!! c: Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.  1. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi i guess, i used to like vanilla pepsi a billion years ago 2. Disney or Dreamworks: disney cause i love the lion king and 101 dalmatians 3. Coffee or Tea:  coffee but only if its frozen, i think tea is super gross o: 4. Books or Movies: definitely books, i only watch movies when im with someone else 5. Windows or Mac:  windows, id never use mac thats terrible 6. DC or Marvel: ive never really been into superhero movies, but i liked deadpool and the first thor, so whatever universe those are in i guess xo 7. Xbox or PlayStation: playstation, the only reason i have any xbox games is because theyre console exclusive :p 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: dragon age, ive platinumed all three lol 9. Night Owl or Early Rise: night owl, i dont even go to bed until like seven in the morning because i feel so sick when i wake up in the morning o: 10. Cards or Chess: cards i guess, im pretty good at uno and speed and also i have literally no idea how to play chess xD 11. Chocolate or Vanilla: usually i like vanilla more 12. Vans or Converse: converse i guess. i prefer toms cause im super picky about shoes like 99% of them are super ugly 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: so my first play through was with a rouge Trevelyan which i really like but my second with a mage Lavellan was probably my favorite. i really liked my nightmare run with a rouge Lavellan too. i think my least favorite was my warrior Cadash run cause ive never been super into playing as dwarves and ive never played as an Adaar o: 14. Fluff or Angst: i cant deal with anything angst right now literally anything sad will make me cry lol 15. Beach or Forest: i like the way forests look way more but i prefer actually being on a beach 16. Dogs or Cats: dogs thats why i have seven xD 17. Clear Skies or Rain: i love rain so much it never rains in arizona and that sucks so much 18. Cooking or Eating Out: eating out cause i love taco bell xD 19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: spicy i want everything spicy 20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: christmas i guess cause ive never really done anything on halloween 21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold cause i can just cover myself with a billion blankets 22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: superhealing but not for me like for the people i love and animals 23. Animation or live action: like live action anime movies? definitely not. 24. Paragon or Renegade: i dont know what that means :o 25. Baths or Showers: usually showers but i love really hot baths when i shave or if i dont feel good 26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: is team cap captain america? i watched one of those movies and fell asleep cause i was bored and ive seen like part of an iron man movie i think so i dunno?? 27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: fantasy ive never been into scifi very much o: 28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they: maybe some song lyrics but not like movie or book quotes :o 29. YouTube or Netflix: youtube cause i can find like everything from netflix on there anyways 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: okay so i had to read percy jackson in elementary school for battle of the books cause i was a nerd and i absolutely hated that book. harry potter though was one of my favorites, i have all the books and movies and even the terrible wii/ps3 games. i really loved lego harry potter though 31. When You Feel Accomplished: i got the most reading awards in the history of my elementary school and when i finished my government class with 115% and i guess when i graduated o: 32. Star Wars or Star Trek: star wars is so stupid ;-; also i dont like star trek i dont really like anything set in space for some reason o: 33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: hardback i wish all my books were hardback instead of like half of them 34. Handwriting or Typing: handwriting cause i kinda like my handwriting o: 35. Velvet or Satin: satin feels so much nicer 36. Video Games or Movies: video games i cant even remember when i last watched a movie 37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon?  i want to be the mother of dragons 38. Sunrise or sunset: sunset cause then itll be night :p 39. What’s your favourite song? tangled in the great escape by pierce the veil ft jason butler 40. Horror Movies yes or no: horror movies are my favorite kind of movies even if a lot of them are awful 41. Long hair or short hair: long ive never had my hair shorter than my shoulders 42. Opera or Theatre: i really like russian opera tbh i like how it sounds 43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first?  maybe dragon age or skyrim xD 44: If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?  taco bell no doubt about it 45: Older guys or young guys? older i guess cause my boyfriend is a few months older than me xD 46: If you could erase any show from TV history, what would it be?  the big bang theory that show is an obnoxious mistake 47: Singing or dancing?  i cant sing or dance tbh 48: Instagram or Twitter?  im on twitter so much more. 49: Flowers or chocolate? id be happy to get either :p 50: Thomas Jefferson or Lafayette: i know this is a reference to something but i have no idea what 51. Be able to fly like a bird or swim like a fish (and breath under water)?: flying because thatd make it so much easier to get around 52. You listen to videogame or movie soundtracks?  If so which ones?:  i dont really listen to video game music outside of the game itself, same with movies but i guess i could listen to certain disney movie soundtracks 53. What is something that under no circumstance you could never forgive? And why?  cheating or lying. because i try to always tell the truth to people and i expect the same. and cheating, well thats pretty self explanatory 54. What’s your happiest memory? every single day ive spent with my love 55: Would you rather do something you liked but was horrible at it, or do something you disliked and be phenomenal at it? id rather do something i didnt like and be phenomenal at it because at least that would give me an opportunity to make money off it o: and if i gotta add a question i guess it would be: whats the thing you most regret? i dont know anyone to tag but i guess if any mutals wanna do this go ahead xD
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