#also: Slayer is the AiME equivalent of a barbarian
dwarrowdams · 2 years
I realize I’ve not talked about my Adventures in Middle-earth ladies much, so here, have a bio of the first of the two, Eadgyd!
Eadgyd the Bearhearted
(Beorning slayer; she/her, cis woman, pansexual greyromantic; age 30 at start of gameplay)
Eadgyd the Bearhearted (formerly Eadgyd the Bold, Eadgyd the Sad) is a fierce Beorning Slayer who was rarely seen without her twin brother, Eadgar the Sharp.  The twins were inseparable, known in their community for their adventurous spirits, prowess in battle, and respect for nature.  The twins were always eager to travel, but loved returning home most of all to spend time with their parents and sisters.
The two would have likely lived out their lives together, but tragedy struck.  A grueling battle led to the death of Eadgar as well as the loss of Eadgyd’s left forearm.  Eadgyd was heartbroken at her brother’s death and took up the moniker Eadgyd the Sad to reflect how profoundly Eadgar’s death affected her.  Although her family commissioned dwarven artisans to craft a prosthetic arm for her, Eadgyd spent the two years after her brother’s death in a deep depression, picking up her axe only when necessary.
However, something eventually drew Eadgyd out of her homeland: a promise that she and Eadgar had made to their youngest sister, Frida.  They had vowed that when she was of an age, they would take her adventuring; although Eadgar was no longer with them, Eadgyd honored the promise.  She took Frida to the city of Dale for festivities, planning to return home shortly after.
But fate had different things in store for Eadgyd the Sad.  While in Dale, she happened upon a group of adventurers and joined them in their efforts to help the peoples in the area.  Over the coming years, Eadgyd grew close to her companions: Dyri, son of Galti; Friggir, son of Fugga; Hanar of Erebor; Holma of Dale; and Lottie Lavina Littlefoot.  With them, she began to return to her old self, and although she continued to miss her brother, she found the pain lessened as she aided the peoples of Mirkwood and the Dale-lands.
It was not long before Eadgyd was the one who would need aid.  The Viglundings, a cruel tribe that had been raiding her homelands and capturing her people as slaves, had taken her middle sister, Avina the Eloquent.  With the aid of her youngest sister, Frida, as well as her kinsman Oderic and his beloved Aestid, the Beorning women infiltrated the Viglunding camp and freed Avina, as well as many other enslaved Beornings.  Eadgyd nearly lost her life during the mission, and for her bravery was given the name Eadgyd the Bearhearted by her chieftain, Beorn.
Eadgyd went on to have more adventures since then, but her greatest victory often goes unsung.  She and her companions faced on Raenar, a dragon dwelling north of Erebor, to whom Eadgyd dealt the killing blow.  The dragon cursed Eadgyd with his dying breath that picking up her axe would only bring misery to her.  This troubled Eadgyd a bit, but not as much as it would normally, for she knew it was time for her to hang up her axe and her mail.
After her adventuring days were over, Eadgyd retired to her homeland and married her beloved Astrith of Lake-Town.  The two settled in Beorning-land with their angora rabbits, whose fur they spun into wool for Astrith’s family’s cloth business.
Eadgyd did venture forth once more to aid her sister in Erebor, and was stabbed by a Morgul blade while fighting a Ringwraith.  Thanks to the healing skill of her friend Lottie Lavina Littlefoot, she lived, but the wound troubled her, and Eadgyd has not strayed far from her homeland since.  In her retirement, she continued to farm and garden, while training young Beornings in combat and watching her niblings in her spare time.
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