#also you KNOW im going to draw beast hapa covered in longer fuzz eventually
aerospray-n-pray · 2 years
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ok. ok i know this is technically the third redesign of hapa but hear me out. this is specifically hapa as new agent 3 post splat3 hero mode. i just really like the idea that they get permanently affected by being exposed to huge amounts of fuzzy ooze
once again putting random headcanons + random thoughts on this weirdo under the cut. warning for some vague mentions/spoilers of things that happen during/at the end of hero mode!!!
-is now permanently growing something that technically isnt fur; the "fur" is ink-based + carries the same color as their ink. can be dissolved via the intake of power eggs + submersion in ink. stays short and velvety if maintained this way. can and will grow out if they cant regularly get their hands on power eggs (or golden eggs, which tend to work more effectively)
-respirator worn during battles and agent work. previous inhalation of aerosolized fuzzy ooze + being launched into space made their lungs (gills???) more sensitive to things like foreign ink. also helps contain excreted neurotoxins. unfortunately makes them even harder to understand than usual since they always sound muffled with it on
-"claws" are made from keratinized ink. regularly filed to keep from getting too sharp/bothersome
-bowlegged; walks and stands almost exclusively on their toes
-tentacles are NOT covered in the fuzz, but are still fuzzy looking; octopuses can change their texture, they just can't smooth out all the way anymore
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