#also yes that is the mayhem logo yes it was a bitch to draw please give me praise now ok
monsterslament · 1 year
tell me abt your fake indie film guys ok?
ok soi don't have like. full plot for them yet it's mainly vibes but I do have some background info for the characters and things but I'll start with vibes to keep it simple 👍 read more bc I want to ramble <33
a lot of the story relates back to relationships (both platonic and romantic) and themes of loneliness. it's about three kids who are on summer break after their junior year in high school. the trio travel away from home for a few weeks together. it turns into learning more about themselves and the people around them than just a vacation. they end up staying in the area around wallowa lake, oregon.
there's three main characters, starting with trent. a lot of the focus is on him for the exposition. his mom died when he was nine and his dad left him with babysitters and weekly deposits until he was 13 and deemed well enough to be on his own with his dad vacationing full time. he doesn't come back for the summer anymore, so Trent decides to use some of the money he's saved from his dad to go to wallowa with cassidy and ricky. he's always been interested in the arts and videography. he was given a video camera when he was little and has never let go of it since.
cassidy, or cass/cassy, is the first person asked to go on the trip with trent. at first they wanted to go alone but felt it would be wrong not to include ricky. cassy is on her school's cheer team and is raised by a mother who wants to live a better life through her only daughter. her father is also out of the picture. cassy is the most outgoing of the group, but still needs time to slow down and see the world around her. the pressure her mother put on her catches up to her as she goes low contact over the break. she wants to go into prop design or anything behind the scenes for theater.
ricky is our last little guy. him and trent were friends since middle school and trent was ricky's only friend for a while. he met cassidy through trent, though trent was introduced to cassidy through a mutual friend named teresa (who sadly isn't that important to the story because i really like her. she's chill.) ricky was isolated since he was little, only interacting with other people in the house and occasionally other kids on the block. he was homeschooled until 7th grade where he had to completely relearn how he makes friends. trent introduced him to some bands he likes during one of their art classes together and bonded over that. he's thinking of dropping out of high school before his senior year.
the story starts in winnemucca, nevada, but most of it takes place either on the drive to or in wallowa city and its lake. trent realizes how lonely he's become since his mom passed and him and ricky bond over it. cassy's issues with her self worth resurface and she tries to come to terms with not being what her mom wants. ricky struggles to connect with the world around him and tries to find ways to make the loneliness more bearable.
and finally after three days, here's the art to go with it. from left to right we have ricky, trent and cassy.
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