#also yall act like oppression is always gonna align with your identity. its not thats the point.
craycraybluejay · 2 months
this is exactly what im talking about btw, baeddels harassing trans men but trans men are expected not only to shut up and take it but not do anything in turn. just like a specific brand of abuse on the tip of my tongue
like waow i guess im OpPrEsSiNg you for telling you its bad to call a whole group of people slurs as insults and being a misgendering and transphobic piece of garbage.
why cant we make 'theymab' a thing? oh yeah because its acceptable to abuse a trans person under the pretense of their agab if you see them as a woman but not if you're seen as a man. huh. i wonder what that reminds me of.
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rouge-the-bat · 3 years
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uh oh another person whos repeating allll the same bullshit thats totally havent been shouted out to me a million times before ! seriously yall, i havent changed my mind about bi lesbianism even after being attacked and told to die so many fucking times, wtf do yall think ur gonna achieve here lol.
lesbian isnt an exclusive term and never had been, learn some queer history idiot! i literally have sources on my bi-lesbian blog in my #history tag! and plenty of people use it as an umbrella term still bc ~gasp~ people use words different than you 😱
literally explained the nonbinary situation in my last ask but like whup dee doo that doesnt matter bc u clearly talk for all enbies ever huh? what do you think about very man aligned enbies also? are they all inherently excluded or included in your eyes? (rhetorical question, dont actually want an answer obv youre an idiot) again not all enbies are comfortable with lesbianism since people like you think its ~oooh so strict~ and others deem it ~exclusively women loving women~ and a lot of enbies dont want to be possibly perceived as just a woman, even if theyre woman aligned! (while some man aligned enbies are perfectly comfortable with fallin under lesbian attraction bc, identities are complex!) if yall fucks would finally let lesbian be defined fluidly and can sometimes hold exceptions depending on person, like every other gd fucking queer label, then i think this issue would be resolved since more enbies would feel less like theyre just being seen as a women due to exclusionistic lesbians.
yeah bi women or other mspec ppl love women just the same as lesbians, i literally never say otherwise, so idk why ppl always say that to me lol? like it feels YALL have some internal biases yall need to convince urself through, not me. lesbian has simply included bi women for forever before lesbian separatists (aka radfems) deemed them as lesser (and aiding in their own oppression) and tried forcing them out. / but oh yeah me calling myself a bi lesbian is tooootally saying i think bi women are lesser forms to lesbians /s 🙄
people who have exceptions to their sexuality or EXTREMELY extremely rare attraction to certain genders is not just "bi with a preference" unless they feel like that accurately describes them, but a lot dont. me as an example! if ud look at any of my posts i have a really complex/confusing attraction due to being arospec and cupioromantic, and dont see how defining gender-based orientations extremeley rigidly can work well since gender is extremely complex and fluid. along with a ton of other factors that makes me feel best described with bi lesbianism. bc ppl by nature are complex and dont need to and cant always fit into lil neatly defined terms, darling
you probably also deem the split attraction model as an aros and aces only thing too, huh? because sexuality being complex and different than yours is just soo so impossible right?
"invalidates both lesbians an bi women" ah yes becuase thats totally an objective, factual statement! and no lesbians and bi women who are not bi lesbians would ever support bi lesbianism huh? except, oh ive met plenty who do! surprise surprise a lot of queer people support other queer people who are different than them and have complex identities, bc thats what the whole fucking community is for, lol. stop acting like you speak for everyone of a label, queer people are not monoliths ♡
maybe branch out of ur lil exclusionist circle for once and try talking with more queers with complicated orientations and stop trying to fit all of us into rigid boxes 🤪 trying to assimilate the queer community in a neat and tidy and ~respectable~ way isnt gonna win you any brownie points with the homophobes, honey
stop drinking the radfem koolaid, also. all of this literally falls right into their rhetoric. a lot if not all of exclusionism does, actually
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