#also vaes tolorro is a really interesting location and I'd like to see dany return there
sunny12th · 1 year
when Dany's endgame is returning to Essos, to the people she Chose and the war she Chose. when she makes Vaes Tolorro flourish.
Dany settled down with her small band of survivors in the place they named Vaes Tolorro, the city of bones. Day followed night followed day. Women harvested fruit from the gardens of the dead. Men groomed their mounts and mended saddles, stirrups, and shoes. Children wandered the twisty alleys and found old bronze coins and bits of purple glass and stone flagons with handles carved like snakes. One woman was stung by a red scorpion, but hers was the only death. The horses began to put on some flesh. Dany tended Ser Jorah's wound herself, and it began to heal. - ACoK, Daenerys I
Part of her would have liked nothing more than to lead her people back to Vaes Tolorro, and make the dead city bloom. - ACoK, Daenerys III
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