#also to clarify on the piss on poor website: THAT PETER TAKE IS NOT AN ACTUAL TAKE.
heartburstings · 2 months
bc no "jason was a bad boyfriend and a bad person" takes are so fucking interesting to me. not deeply and importantly interesting, no. amusingly and superficially interesting. like oh i'm so fucking sorry he didn't react perfectly to homophobia! wooww you're right he's so stupid he should have just stayed with peter no matter how real and dangerous homophobia is/was!! you're so smart do you want a cookie? do you want a warm freshly baked cookie for your cold little take? it must be so hard to demonize the characters you don't understand or like, and so much harder to just focus on how those BAD characters SHOULD behave for the happiness of the character you DO relate to. it must be soooo tough!
dw i got a present for you here i got a brand spankin' new cold take for you: peter is a bad boyfriend and a bad person because he didn't listen to his boyfriend's concerns and dismissed him and called him a coward for not coming out with/for him and went so far as to cut him off for being frightened of how bigotry might destroy his life. what a pressuring dickhead! how dare peter be so stupid and not understand that jason just wants to be safe and stay alive? if only he went along and stayed in the closet a little longer none of this would have happened!
DO YOU SEE HOW YOU SOUND? THAT'S HOW YOU SOUND. now go forth and do the hard work of sympathizing with characters you don't like because as much as there are people who relate to peter there are also people who relate to jason and i want you to know that i use jason as a litmus test of how you treat and/or think of actual "imperfect" gays and victims. yes, jason hater! you, TOO, can participate in the homophobia and pressure which killed jason mcconnell! now be beautiful and true and find it in you to take something else away from this play. you can do it i believe in you. you can be kind and give that boy some fucking grace. you don't have to love him you can still hate him just have some nuance. please.
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