#also to answer your other question yeesss i had a good christmas thanks for asking :3
sunshine-and-ladybugs · 5 months
(i completely forgot to send this in until now 🥲 i'm so sorry for the wait!)
i really enjoy your portrayal of giorno! i think your writing really captures that sense of inner kindness he inherited from jonathan, and emphasizes his innate desire to help innocent people and do right by his loved ones. it’s always a fun (or angsty) contrast to his dad’s twisted mindset, lol. he’s like the conscious dio never wanted (although he still loves his son despite their….let’s say personality differences 😅)
i also agree with joxxy on how well you write gold experience. the threads you have featuring stand battles are so fun to read!
What is something about my portrayal[s] that sticks out?
Meanwhile me forgetting to reply to this until a month later
Aahhhh thank you so much!! That's exactly the way I intended to write Giorno, I'm so glad it came off that way!
I really need to write more Stand battles, I have so many fun ideas-
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